
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 3 The Coming Storm Part One


I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games. Although there are certain OC characters like Princess Sachi that I do own

Last time on Raikage

As Kurenai and the others were being lead away by the Kiri shinobi Princess Sachi quickly turned to Commodore Kazen

"Commodore Kazen please is there anything you can do to stop them" pleaded the Princess to the Commodore

The Commodore just sighed and said sadly

"I'm sorry Princess but as Raijūta said this is a Shinobi matter and I have no power to stop him since he is well in his rights to do this since Kiri and Konoha are at war with one another. I'm truly I'm sorry Princess there is noting that I can do it is out of my hands now" said the Comodore sadly

After which he then put his hand out to the Princess and said

"Princess Sachi if you please come with me I will lead you to my quarters were you may stay for the journey to Mizu no Kuni" said the Commodore

In which he lead Princess Sachi aboard his ship and to his quarters

As he did so the Princess could not help but silently pray with all her might and hope with all her heart and soul that someone would come to rescue her and the Konoha-nins and save them from this nightmare.

Five days Later

-In The middle of the Mountain Ranges of Kaminari no Kuni (Lighning Country) -

Running through the mountain pass at high speed a Kunoichi from Kumogakure (The Village Hidden in the Clouds) was returning from the mission she had been on. She was a dark-skinned woman (like many in Kumo) with golden-coloured eyes and long purple hair, which she keeps up in a ponytail. Her attire consists of a backless, black sleeveless undershirt with an orange overshirt over the sleeveless undershirt with two white straps on each shoulder; she also wore a large beige sash around her waist like a belt with black stretch pants and long beige wrist warmers, secured by bands and long beige leg warmers with brown light shoes.

The name of the woman in questioned was Shihōin Yoruichi(1) head of the Shihōin Clan one of the founding Clans of Kumo. Before the beginning of the Civil War her Clan was among the only five known ninja Clans that had a Kekkei Genkai's in Kaminari no Kuni or Kumogakure (although that had changed after the Civil War ended). Her Clan ability was to each turn into an certain type of animal that match their personality for example she could turn into a cat this made her Clan excellent infiltrators and recon scouts.

During the Civil War she led her Clan against The Godaime Raikage and the corrupt Kaminari Daimyo (Lightning Daimyo) and was among the leaders of the Rebel Factions. During the Civil War she was called Kōsoku aijin (Speed Mistress)(2) due to her control over her chakra was so great that she could enhance her speed to an amazing degree much like how Tsuande The Slug Princess could enhance her strength with her chakra control. When the Civil War finally ended she was made the captain of Kumogakure BOLT unit by The Rokudaime Raikage.

BOLT was one of Kumogakure four ANBU divisions that were created by The Rokudaime Raikage each division had it own name and it own responsibilities the four divisions were SHOCK, BOLT, CIND and STORM.

SHOCK responsibilities mainly involved with security where they were in charge of protecting the village as well as helping guarding the boarders of both Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) from enemy Shinobi's and spies from entering the village or even the country. SHOCK also acted as Kumo's Oinin (Tracker-nin) division where they would track down and find any and all missing-nin's from Kumogakure although Kumo did not have many missing-nin even with the Civil War since nearly all the Ninja's that sided with The Godaime Raikage joined The Rokudaime Raikage after the Civil War ended and they were forgiven for siding with The Godaime Raikage. Hence SHOCK duties mainly involved the security of Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni.

BOLT (3) responsibilities were different from that of SHOCK. The BOLT division mainly dealt with Assassination where they would Assassinate corrupted high rank officials from other Countries, Warlords who were trying to start rebellions in Countries and enemy Ninja's. Not only that but they also dealt with high ranked infiltration missions and information gathering missions if it was needed as well.

CIND was Kumogakure Intelligence divisions or otherwise known as the Central Intelligence Network Division where they dealt with gathering Information and Intelligence on all non Alliance members or non Allied Countries to the Heavenly Alliance as well as other organisations that may threaten the Heavenly Alliance. They also dealt with Counter Intelligence where if any Shinobi village or Country tried to infiltrate Kumogakure or the Heavenly Alliance they would find them and deal with them, they would even create false leads or false information for them to follow which would eventually lead those Shinobi villages or Countries to dead ends or even misjudged the Heavenly Alliance strength and capability. CIND also dealt with Torture and Interrogation when gathering information from Rogue Ninja's and enemy spies.

STORM was Kumogakure Elite Strike Force they were the elite of the elite in Kumogakure, although STORM had the smallest numbers out of all the other ANBU divisions in Kumogakure the quality of Shinobi's in STORM more than made up for their lack of numbers. STORM training programme was the harshest training programme in the entire Elemental continent in which they went through a training programme that was called The Two Months of Hell which would test even a highly skilled veteran Shinobi to his very limits if not beyond them. After which any of the surviving applicants that got through The Two Months of Hell would then go through a hard year long training programme on teamwork, physical training and training in sealing as well as other types of training before they would be full STORM members. The STORM agents answered to no-one but The Raikage himself in which none of the other council's of Kumogakure had any control over them what so ever. STORM handled only the most dangerous and most important missions to Kumo that the other ANBU division in Kumogakure or other the Shinobi's in the village would be unable to handle themselves.

Yoruichi was currently on her way back to Kumo after successfully sneaking into Mizu no Kuni (Water Country) and meeting with the leader of one of the Rebel Factions in Mizu no Kuni. Her mission was to make contact with the Rebel Factions and meet one of their leaders Saitō Hajime the Kiri no Ookami (The Wolf of the Mist) former leader of Kirigakure (Hidden Mist) Assassination division. As well as a former member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (Seven Swordsmen of the Mist) who was famed for his mastery of the Sairento Kiringu (Silent Killing Technique) where he would pounce on his enemies much like a Wolf. His skill in Sairento Kiringu could only be matched by Momochi Zabuza the Kirigakure no Oni (The Demon of the Hidden Mist), Saitō was also a master in Mizoguchi-ha Itto Ryu style which was the perfect sword style for an Assassin type ninja like Saitō.

The Mizoguchi-ha Itto Ryu style was one of the most lethal Assassin sword styles to exist, it was mostly based on speed, and it uses brute force to eliminate any opponent, it is based on piercing the enemy with a horizontal hits.

Once Yoruichi met Saitō she was to offer him and the other Rebel Factions an Alliance between the Heavenly Alliance and the Rebel Factions in Mizu no Kuni against The Goadime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo. When she did meet him they talked for several hours in which Saitō and the Rebel Factions did not join in an Alliance with the Heavenly Alliance against The Goadime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo due to they didn't fully trust the Heavenly Alliance wiliness to help or intentions. But Saitō did agree to share information on the happenings in Mizu no Kuni as well as any relevant information on The Goadime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo in return the Heavenly Alliance would agree to sneak in food, medicine and other supplies to the Rebel Factions. Yoruichi knew this arrangement would be good enough for The Raikage since he had told her before she had left that it was unlikely that the Rebel Factions would immediately agree to the Alliance, her main objective was to build communication link between the Heavenly Alliance and the Rebel Faction in Mizu no Kuni. But with the arrangement that she got it would make for a strong stepping stone to build the Alliance between the Rebel Factions and the Heavenly Alliance.

As Yoruichi was running she suddenly heard a puffing sound and a sudden weight was felt of her right shoulder when she stopped and looked to see what was on her shoulder where she found her Ninja Cat Summon (4) Hina on her shoulder. The cat was actually a small cute little white kitten with gray stripes on it back and had big dark blue eye and wore a small little builder's helmet and a whistle around it (5). If Yoruichi wasn't so use to seeing Hina she would have gone KAWAII, and squeezed the little kitten to death at how cute it looked.

"Hina what are you doing here?" said a surprised Yoruichi.

"I thought I told you to stay with Saitō so that he can send us information or items through you" said Yoruichi with a slight frown thinking that the little summon was slacking off on it mission.

"But that what I'm doing mistress" said Hina in a cute little voice.

"You have a message from Saitō?" asked Yoruichi surprised again.

To which the just Kitten nodded

"Well what is it?"

"The scary looking man (which caused Yoruichi to smile a little since Saitō would look scary to most people) told me to tell you that he got some information that you might be interested in. He said that the Princess of Umi no Kuni (Sea Country) has been captured by ships sent by The Godaime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo five days ago when she was on her way to Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country) for her wedding" said Hina.

"What! Princess Sachi has been captured?" said Yoruichi in surprised

"Yea the scary man said that The Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo plan to use the Princess as a political hostage and force both Umi no Kuni and Tsuki no Kuni to give control of their Trade Alliance to Mizu no Kun as well as some other things. Where they would control all Trade in the southern Elemental seas not to mention that they gain control of both countries navel forces given Mizu no Kuni even more control over the seas" replied Hina

"Damn those bastards!" cursed Yoruichi "I knew we should have sent some of our own ships or men to guard the Princess if we had this wouldn't have happen".

Yoruichi then turned to the kitten again and asked "Does Saitō know where the Princess is being held?" to which the Kitten nodded and said.

"Yea he said that the Princess is being held in "The Hold" answered Hina.

"Dam it! It figures that they send the Princess there it the strongest Prison in Mizu no Kuni since they hold nearly all the Political Prisoners in Mizu no Kunai there as well as most of the Rebels Ninja's that they captured" cursed Yoruichi

"Scary man also said that Ninja's from Konoha are Prisoners there as well" said Hina

"Konoha Ninja's are there too?" asked Yoruichi in surprised

"Yea scary man said that they were suppose to protect her but got captured as well" said Hina

"Huh! So much for the mighty Shionbi's of Konoha" said Yoruichi with a tad bit of disgust in her voice since she didn't have a very high opinion of Konoha Shionbi's

She turned to her summon.

"Good work Hina I summon you later and give you a treat later on, also when you see Saitō tell him I owe him one" said Yoruichi.

"That what scary man said too" said Hina.

Which caused Yoruichi to raise her eyebrow in curiosity at what Hina meant.

"Scary man said that he wanted The Raikage and the Heavenly Alliance as well as Umi no Kuni and Tsuki no Kuni to owe him one since he knows that you will want to rescue her" replied Hina to her mistress unspoken question.

After hearing what Hina said Yoruichi could not help but chuckle a little as she spoke "That sly bastard Saitō, he a lot more cunning than I thought"

"Hina you go back Saitō ok" said Yoruichi.

The Kitten then nodded and left after which once Hina was gone Yoruichi quickly started to flow chakra into feet in which she start to move so fast that she was noting but a blur to the naked eye