
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 2 Looking Back Part Two

Soon after Naruto funeral Danzo played another one of his cards and got the Council to allow his Root division to be reactivated Tsunade tried to overrule them but Koharu played her own card by playing the card that Tsunade had used to stop the celebrations of Naruto Banishment. Where it stated in the War time emergency act that during a War time emergency all military resources are be reactivated in the defence of the village and since the Akatsuki were still a major threat to the village with the possibility of them having extracted the Kyuubi from Naruto all the resources of Konoha should be used to deal with them as well as the threat of Orochimaru. Hence Tsuande was overruled and Danzo's Root division had been reactivated and under his command.

Soon afterwards word reached Konoha that the Daimyo of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) Satake Dōsan and most of his family along with their personal guards had been all killed in an ambush by unknown Ninja's. Not long after Dōsan Brother Satake Yoshiaki took over as Daimyo of Kaminari no Kuni.

Two months afterwards the incident the Yondaime Raikage had been assassinated where the assassin or assassins had not been found. When Konoha heard this many feared that the Fourth Great Shinobi World War would began since the last time something like this happened (where the Sandaime Kazekage went missing) the Third Great Shinobi World War had been triggered. Other people were beginning to fear that some unknown village or Country was trying to make a power play and weaken and take over both Kumogakure no Sato (the village Hidden in the Clouds) and Kaminari no Kuni which could then trigger the Fourth Great Shinobi World War by drawing other Countries in. Fortunately Lord Daimyo Yoshiaki was able to quickly instate Amako Zankuro of the powerful Amako clan of Kumo as new the Godaime Raikage without incident.

For Six months nothing much happened until news came out about the deaths of the Yondaime Raikage and the pervious Daimyo of Kaminari no Kuni and his family. Where thanks to some ninja's loyal to the pervious Raikage were they discovered and released documents that proved that the current Godaime Raikage Amako Zankuro and his Clan made the treasonous plan with Yoshiaki where they had Yoshiaki brother Dōsan and his family killed off making him the only legitimate heir to ruling Kaminari no Kuni. After which the Amako Clan had the Yondaime Raikage assassinated and the new Lord Daimyo Yoshiaki would make Amako Zankuro the new Godaime Raikage making the Amako the ruling Clan and most powerful Clan in Kumo. After which both Yoshiaki and Zankuro would support one another and secure their positions in powers as the rulers of Kumogakure and Kaminari no Kuni.

When the truth came out, Kaminari no Kuni quickly sealed their boarders up before a Five year long Civil War broke out in the Country where several different Shinobi factions and Shinobi Clans who were either loyal to the pervious Raikage or simple enemies of the current Raikage went against the Shinobi factions and the Shinobi Clans that were loyal to the Godaime Raikage or simply sided with him. At the same time Samurai Lords and other wealthy and important families and Lords quickly raised their own armies to try and gain power from the current Daimyo Yoshiaki whether for themselves or for what Yoshiaki did which resulted in a long and bloody War for both Kumo and Kaminari no Kuni.

Kurenai then thought back to the event Three years after the news of Naruto death, where the Godaime Kazekage Sabaku no Gaara was kidnapped by the Akatsuki members Akasuna no Sasori (Sasori of the Red Sand) and Deidara of Iwagakure the explosive expert. Suna had sent word to Konoha for aid where Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and their new teammate Sai from the Root division were sent along with Gai, TenTen, Lee and Neji as backup as well with them was Legendary Puppet user of Suna, Chiyo who was Sasori Grandmother. As they tracked down the Akatsuki members and the missing Kazekage they were met up by Sasuke older brother Uchiha Itachi and his partner former member of Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū (The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist) Hoshigaki Kisame where they did battle. The Teams eventual defeated the two but soon realised that it was not the real Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi the Akatsuki had used Shōten no Jutsu; Viz (Impersonation Jutsu) which used human sacrifice to make exact copy of Itachi and Kisame with only a small percent of their true power. When the teams final got to the base the found the unconscious Gaara laid on the ground (alive with his Demon still inside him) in front of a destroyed Akatsuki base and when they looked inside they found about a hundred destroyed puppets which had burned marks on some of them as if hit by Lightning, others were frozen solid while most cut up into tiny pieces or blasted into pieces. When they searched the surrounding area of the base they also found a large portion of the forest behind the base covered in Ice with many of the trees either torn down, blown to pieces or cut down as if hit by a hurricane or a bomb also many trees where even frozen solid with Ice. They even found the second arm of Deidara severed frozen in Ice.

After investigating what happen Chiyo examined Garaa to see how he was, when she did she discovered that someone had altered his Seal and improved it were Shukaku no longer affected Garaa sleep and it allowed him to better use and control the Demon power without harm to him or chance of losing control. Chiyo had admitted herself that whoever had done it was a Seal Master far beyond her skill level.

When the team reported what had happen both Tsuande and the Council ordered a investigation at who could of done it Tsuande had even sent out Jiraiya (after he had returned at an earlier time) to try and find out who had saved the Kazekage and was strong enough to kill Akasuna no Sasori and possible Deidara of Iwagakure unfortunately both Jiraiya and all other leads turned up empty leaving the question who could have done it unanswered. The only thing they did know for certain was it had been two people who had defeated the Akatsuki members since there had been two separate battlefields one in the cave and one in the forest.

As Kurenai thought about this she could not help herself, but ponder over who had saved the Kazekage since even after seven years they still had no clue. It was soon after that mission that Kurenai found out that she was pregnant, she remembered telling Asuma after he returned from his mission with dealing with his former comrade Kazuma in the Shugonin Jūnishi (Twelve Guardian Ninja) who had tried to use his own son as a weapon to destroy Konoha since during the Kyuubi attack he had somehow stored a large amount of the Kyuubi chakra in his own son. When she had told Asuma he had been ecstatic about being a father but sadly that never happened.

Kurenai then felt a heavy pang in her heart when she remembered the day Shikamura told her about Asuma being killed by the immortal Akatsuki member Hidan on that day she felt as if her heart had been smashed to pieces knowing that she would never see him again or he would never see their child. Not long after Shikamura, Ino, Choji and Kakashi went after the two Akatsuki members they were later supported by Yamato, Sakura, Sai and Sasuke and together they had killed four of Kakuzu hearts and Shikamura was about to bury Hiden alive in a trap hole that he had tricked Hiden in falling into but before they could finish off both members another member of the Akatsuki arrived who called himself Zetsu and attacked them and distracted the two teams long enough for Kakuzu and Hiden to escape before retreating himself. Where the mission had become a totally failure and the Akatsuki were not seen or heard from for about four years afterwards.

Kurenai the rembered about Three years after the failed mission to kill the Akatsuki members Kakuzu and Hiden hearing the news that the Civil War in Kaminari no Kuni ended with the Rebel Factions winning the War. During the War at some point some unknown Shinobi who called himself Denkou had somehow united all the Rebel Kumo Shinobi Factions into a united force and combined them with some of the other Samurai Clans that were against Daimyo Yoshiaki and defeated the combined forces of Daimyo Yoshiaki and the Godaime Raikage. It was even rumoured that he killed the Godaime Raikage later Kurenai then learned that the former Daimyo Yoshiaki was sent into exile by the new Daimyo of Kaminari no Kuni his niece Satake Kicho. Who had been able to escape the ambush attack by the Amako Clan on her family caravan with the help of her Samurai Bodyguard the Legendary Samurai Naomasa Katsumoto of the Naomasa Samurai Clan and was hidden by him until the Rebel leader Denkou restored her into power. Denkou was then declared as the new Rokudaime Raikage and was also given another title to go by as well The Raiden no Kami (The God of Thunder and Lightning) due to his mastery over Lightning Jutsu.

About year after the Civil War in Kaminari no Kuni ended The Rokudaime Raikage with the help of Lady Daimyo Satake Kicho was able to stabilize the village and the Country by somehow getting all the remaining factions that had fought with Daimyo Yoshiaki and the Godaime Raikage to join him and Lady Daimyo Kicho willingly and united the village and Country again. Not long after The Rokudaime Raikage had somehow forged an Alliance with Hoshigakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Star) and Takigakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Waterfall) as well as their Countries Kuma no Kuni (Bear Country) and Taki no Kuni (Waterfall Country). Where all three Countries and villages formed an Alliance where they would support and protect each other in any and all aspects such as Economically and Militarily needs and would work together to reach the same goals. Not long after this new Alliance The Rokudaime Raikage was able to get Yuki no Kuni (Snow Country) and Yukigakure no sato (The Village Hidden in the Snow) to join Kumo new Alliance and were then followed shortly by the Hidden Villages of Takumi no Sato (The Hidden Craftsman village) and Yugakure no sato (The Hidden Hot Springs Village) who both wish to join the new Alliance and were allowed to. After which when Takumi no Sato and Yugakure no sato joined them in the new Alliance it was then decided by the New Member Nations to give their new Alliance a name in which it was called The Heavenly Alliance.

Kurenai remembered hearing from Shizune about how nervous the newly formed Heavenly Alliance was making Konoha Council since it had growing rapidly in a very short time that it had been founded in and it had taken a great deal of Konoha missions from them not to mention the suppose new Military strength it had.

Kurenai also then remembered one morning two months after the newly formed Heavenly Alliance was created that the head of the Akatsuki member Kakuzu was found at the front of Konoha main gate and was staked on the his partner Hiden triple-bladed scythe which in turn was stuck to the ground like a pole in font of the gate. On the head a note was stuck on it which said,

"May the Spirit of Sarutobi Asuma rest easy now knowing that his murders have been punished. May his wife, son, nephew and students also find peace knowing that he has been avenged."

The note had been signed with a Lightning Bolt, when the news got to the Hokage, Kurenai heared that Tsunade had quickly sent Jiraiya out to find out who had done it. Where after a few weeks he returned to village and told them that he found out that it had been a Kumo Ninja that had killed Kakuzu and Hiden. He then told them he did not know the real name of the Ninja, but he did know that he was called Sourai (Blue Lightning) who had fought in the Civil War and earned great fame in it and had earned the nickname Sourai due to the fact that he was said to move like Lightning. He then told them that from what little information his information-network could give him about Sourai, where all they knew about him was that he was a mysterious Shinobi even to the people of Kumo and few had ever seen his face since he did not go out in public and move too fast for people on the Battlefield to get a good look at him the only thing they knew for certain about him was that he wore a bright blue trench coat with Black Lightning Bolts on the bottom edges of the trench coat and had a kanji symbol for "Storm" on his back. Jiraiya also learned that both Kakuzu and Hiden had sneaked into Kaminari no Kuni and ambushed the Jinchūriki of the Nibi no Bakeneko (Two-Tailed Monster Cat) when she was returning from a mission and captured her and as they tried to leave the Country with her, they were confronted by Sourai who fought and killed them both. This of course made both Tsuande and the Council very nervous at the fact that Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance were becoming a serious major Military power, where they had the power of the Jinchūriki of the Nibi no Bakeneko and the Jinchūriki of the Hachibi no Kyogyū (Eight-Tailed Giant Ox) from Kumogakure as well as the power of the Jinchūriki of the Nanabi no Kabutomushi (Seven-Tailed Horned Beetle) from Takigakure. Not to mention the power of Sourai whom was strong enough to fight and kill two S Class missing Ninja's (who were also believed to be have been immortal) at the same time, not to mention The Rokudaime Raikage who was said to be extremely powerful since he had killed the Godaime Raikage (who was an extremely powerful Ninja that even a Sannin would have trouble fighting against), not to mention the rumour that was told, where nearing the end of the Civil War in Kaminari no Kuni the former Daimyo Yoshiaki sent for aid from Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure no sato promising them a large reward if they sent help to him. Where they sent a fleet of fifty Warships with a force of Eight Thousand of the Mizu Daimyo Warriors and Samurai as well as Two Thousand Ninja's from Kirigakure. But the fleet never returned, where a month later a single Kiri Ninja returned half drowned and was said to have told the Godaime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo that the fleet had been destroyed by a single man called Denkou (aka the Rokudaime Raikage) who created a massive Typhoon when the fleet was nearing Kaminari no Kuni shores and destroyed it. Although the story had never been fully confirmed (since the Godaime Mizukage had the Ninja executed soon after hearing what had happen to the fleet) it was still enough to make many people in Konoha be wary of whatever power The Rokudaime Raikage had, as well as earn the undying hatred of the Godaime Mizukage who hated him about as much as the Yondaime Tsuchikage hated the Yondaime Hokage.

Kurenai then just signed as she looked out more into the open sea in the past two years now. The Heavenly Alliance had grown in strength with several more Countries either become part of the Heaven Alliance or just Allying to the powerful Alliance of Nations. Countries like Numa no Kuni (Marsh Country), Tori no Kuni (Bird Country), Oni no Kuni (Demon Country), An no Kuni (Red Bean Jam Country), Cha no Kuni (Tea Country), Mitsu no Kuni (Honey Country) and Na no Kuni (Vegetable Country) joined the Heavenly Alliance while Countries like Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country), Kiba no Kuni (Fang Country), Tsume no Kuni (Claw Country), Shu no Kuni (Neck Country) simply became Allies to it but were not members of the Alliance. But out of all the Nations that had Allied themselves to the Heavenly Alliance none where more surprising to the other Shinobi Nations and other Countries than when the powerful Neutral Military Nation Tetsu no Kuni (Iron Country) broke it Neutrality and Allied itself to the Heavenly Alliance although the ruler of Tetsu no Kuni Lord Mifune made it clear in letters to all the other Countries and Shinobi Nations that Tetsu no Kuni was Allied to the Heavenly Alliance through mainly Trade treaties and it would not involve itself in any Wars that the Hevenaly Alliance was in unless it was to defend the Alliance member Nations when they are attack unprovokedly and it would not attack or invade any Country reguardless of the situation. But still the fact that Tetsu no Kuni would break in long standing Neutrality and Ally itself to Heavenly Alliance showed how powerful and influential it had become and how it had grown especially Kumo since it had been Kumo that had gathered all these Nations together to form a powerful Alliance and even with the losses they suffered from their Civil War it was the most powerful out of all the Nations in the Heavenly Alliance and had more than likely gotten stronger over the past few years and it was certain that Kumo was very influential in the decisions in the Heavenly Alliance.

As Kurenai thought about the Heavenly Alliance she remembered when the Council had sent several of Konoha top infiltrating experts into Kumo and gather information on the Heavenly Alliance and it strengths as well as Kumo's. But within a few days of the Ninja's crossing into the boarder of Kaminari no Kuni they were caught by Kumo Ninja's before they even reached Kumo itself and were then delivered back to Konoha gates with a warning not to try it again.

As she remembered that incident Kurenai then thought how things had lead up to Konoha's current situation and the beginning of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War. During the time when the Heavenly Alliance was forming together Orochimaru decided to form his own Alliance or to be more precise his own Coalition of Nations to help him destroy Konoha since after his failed attempt at getting Uchiha Sasuke and the power of his Sharingan he decided to secretly rise a new army of Ninja's to destroy Konoha with as well as find new Allies that hated Konoha as much as he did. Which he did after recruiting and training his forces and creating a larger army of Sound Ninja's than he had when he first invaded Konoha he then went and got Iwa to join him in his Coalition due to their long standing grudge against Konoha, after which he then got Kusa to join him which was not too surprising since Kusa and Konoha were never really friendly towards one another and it was fairly common knowledge that Kusa wanted to take Konoha place as a member of the Five strongest Shinobi Nations, the next member to join was The Hannya Clan from Hayashi no Kuni (Wood Country) who were thought to have been wiped out Danzo Root division before they were first disbanded after the end of the Second Great Shinobi World War, which was why The Hannya Clan joined Orochimaru so to get revenge on Konoha for trying to wipe-out their Clan, the finally member to join was Kiri, who had joined due to the Mizukage wanting to expand his power and territory into the mainland of the Elemental Continent. With having so few Allies and Suna being the only one with Ninja's to help Konoha they knew that Konoha could not stand against such odd's where they soon declared War against Konoha and sparked Fourth Great Shinobi World War.

The War had only started two months ago and there had yet to be any major Battles there were some large skirmishes over some key positions in Hi no Kuni (Fire Country) but fortunately Konoha came out on top of most of them. Also lucky Suna had agreed to join Konoha due to the fact that they wanted revenge against Orochimaru for killing Yondaime Kazekage and for tricking them into attacking Konoha.

But even with this help Kurenai knew that in the long run they had little chance of beating Orochimaru Coalition since they were being attack on multiple different fronts and were vastly out numbered not to mention Konoha was in great need of supplies and money if they wanted to survive this War hence why this mission to escort Princess Sachi to Tsuki no Kuni was so important since it could help get them a Trade alliance with Umi no Kunai and possibly Tsuki no Kunai which they desperately needed.

Having enough of looking out into the endless sea Kurenai turned to face the main deck of the ship were the rest of her team where two of them were sparing while the third was reading a medical book. Kurenai team consisted of Akimichi Choji, Rock Lee and Haruno Sakura all four of them were Jonin rank and level, but since Kurenai was the most senior Jonin on the team she was team leader. As Kurenai watch Lee and Choji spar with one another she could not help herself but think how much the remaining Konoha twelve had changed a lot and grown up a lot over the past ten years since Naruto banishment or to be more precise since Naruto death. She then started to look closely a Lee as he spared with Choji and then thought.

"No I'm wrong not all of them have changed a lot since some had stayed the same especially Gai team" thought Kurenai.

Lee had not changed all that much at all to be honest Lee almost looked like a carbon copy of Gai he still wore the same Green Jumpsuit like Gai and wore his flak jacket over his jumpsuit much like Gai as well. When Lee started to rise in the Ranks most did not expect him to get any higher than Tokubetsu Jonin (Specially High Jonin), but he had proven them wrong since much like Naruto, Lee did not give up and despite his inability to use Chakra Lee rose through the ranks to becoming one of the strongest Ninja's in the village where he could open all eight of the Inner Gates like Gai. Lee had also become so strong that only Gai could stand a chance against him in a pure Taijutsu battle but even then he would lose most of the time to Lee since Lee had become stronger than Gai which had shocked most Jonin when they learned this since Gai was one of Konoha top Jonin. Lee soon earned the nickname The Konoha Nidaime no Kedakai Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Second Prideful Green Beast). Another thing that happen to Lee which was properly the most surprising thing that happened with Lee was that he had gotten married to Kurenai old student Kurama Yakumo the new head of the Kurama Clan since with the help of Tsuande and Jiraiya they were able to permanently Seal away the Demon inside her and then heal her body to a certain degree where she could do physical activities at a certain level. After which she then went to Gai and Lee to help with her physical training where Lee had been more than happy to do, where eventually as they trained together they grew closer with one another since both had similarly dreams of being great Ninja's even with their disabilities and knew what it was like to struggle with them. Eventually both Lee and Yakumo started to date and after two years of dating they got married when they were both eighteen soon after Yakumo joined the Interrogation unit of the ANBU division due to the fact that she could easily use her powerful Genjutsu abilities to get Prisoners to talk which made her one of their top Interrogators. Also Three years after they had gotten married Yakumo gave birth to their Daughter Rock Kurama Fuku who thankfully looked more like her mother than her father although she did have his hair colour. Kurenai could not help put smile remembering when Lee fainted in the waiting room after the nurse came in and showed him the newly born Fuku soon after though Lee woke up and started to running around the village happily shouting out to everyone that he had a Daughter. Currently little Fuku was now two years old and was the cutest thing you could see and was the apple of her father's eye where he could go on for hours talking about his little girl. Also he and Yakumo and made her and Gai, Fuku's Godparents, Kurenai remembered how honoured she felt when they asked her to she also remembered how Gai had shouted to the top of his lungs about how honoured he was as well and how he and Lee would make little Fuku the next Konoha no Kedakai Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Prideful Green Beast). That statement of coursed resulted with both Yakumo and her threatening the Two men that they would put them both in permanent Genjutsu coma's where they would experience their manhood's being cut off slowly over and over again if the ever tried to corrupt little Fuku with their Flames of Youth this of course got the desired result and got the Two men to go deathly white pale with fear and cover the Manhood's and agree not to corrupt Fuku when she got older.

Neji had changed a good bit too in some ways but had still remained the same in others ways despite the things that happened, within three years after Naruto death Neji had risen to the Ranks fairly fast and was made a Jonin. Also he had become so skilled at the time that in his Jūken (Gentle fist) skill level was at the level of his uncle Hyuga Hiashi who was the strongest user of Jūken in the Hyuuga Clan at the time. Neji even created several of his own techniques using Jūken that had proven to be very powerful. Like Lee over the following years Neji grew stronger and was credited as one of Konoha's top Jonin he even earned the nickname Higyoushiroi (White Strike) due to the fact that Neji always wore White robes even in Battle and was well know to be able to killing many different enemy Ninja's with One Strike. Neji had also dated TenTen for a while but that eventually did not workout and both decided to stay friends eventually Neji started to date a young girl from his Clan and was now currently engaged to that girl.

TenTen had changed too a bit after Naruto death, she became a lot more focus on her training and not only trained in weapons but in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu a bit more although she was still better when fighting with weapons. After Naruto's death she went to Gai and asked him to help her improve her Taijutsu skill later on TenTen then had come to Kureani and asked her for someone to help her with her Ninjutsu in which Kureani had gotten her friend Uzuki Yugao to help her with TenTen's Ninjutsu. Yugao had also helped TenTen in her skill with a Sword since she was the top Kenjutsu user in the village and had been only second to her late lover Gekko Hayate. Eventually not long after the mission with the rescue of the Godaime Kazekage TenTen had went to Tsuande and begged her to train her to which Tsuande agreed to but only to a degree since she knew that TenTen was not a Medic-nin and there was not much she could train Tenten in. But she was still able to teach her a few Combat Justus's that revolved around Medical Jutsu as well as the Secret to her Super human strength although it took TenTen several more years before could use it correctly and even then she could not use it to the same level as Tsunade and Sakura could, she could still use it well enough to give her a big advantage in fight. Two years after the incident with the Godaime Kazekage TenTen was accepted into the ANBU division and was put into the Assassination unit of ANBU due to the fact that she was an Assassin type Ninja. After a year in joining ANBU she was made a Captain and earned a nickname in the Bingo as Okami ken no Konoha (Konoha's Blade Mistress) famed for her skill in Bladed weapons or specifically Sword fighting and was now credited as the best Sword user in Konoha. She also had quickly became known as Konoha top Assassin in the ANBU as well (which had caused Anko to whine for a couple of days since she use to have been Konoha top Assassin in the ANBU) and was now the Chief Commander of the Assassination unit in ANBU. TenTen herself did not try and date anyone else after the failed relationship with Neji, since she decided to concentrate on her carer more and worry about finding a relationship with someone later.

Kureani then started to focus on Choji as he spared with Lee and could not help but smile sadly at how much her former husband's team had grow and changed and thought about how proud he would have been if he saw how they had grown. Since after Azuma death the three of them grew stronger where eventually they became know as the Neo Ino-Shika-Cho but even then they each rose and grew stronger individually.

Choji had changed a great deal over the years he was no longer fat since he had now replaced it with muscles and wore Samurai like armour and would carry a large battle axe on his back. He had also mastered all his family Jutsu's and was now a member of Konoha Demolition unit and would soon become the leader, since his mastery of his family Jutsu's, where he could expand any part of his body and grow larger made him perfect for destroying enemy base's and fortress and had once destroyed an entire castle belonging to a corrupt Warlord by himself before a War started. He had even earned the nickname Konoha no Kyojin Keiude (Konoha Strong-Armed Giant). Choji later on even married a young Civilian girl who had worked in one of his family restaurants as one of their top Chiefs. This was of no big surprise, since Akimichi men were well known for marrying women that were excellent cooks since they were know to love their food about as much as the love their wives.

Shikamaru had not changed too much he was still lazy like all Nara's but he wasn't as bad as he use to be after Asuma death (which had effected him greatly) he took his reasonability's more serious and he trained a lot harder. He had even began to use Asuma Trench knives in battle, after Asuma death he swore that when Asuma and Kureani son Hiruzen (named after his Grandfather) became a Genin he would train him like Asuma had trained him. Over the years Shikamaru grew in Rank much like the others he eventually even took his father position as Konoha's Jonin Strategic Commander when his father retired from the position. It was a position that suited him well since he had an even keener mind than his father had when it came to Strategy and it had been because of Shikamaru that Konoha had won most of it skirmish's with Orochimaru and his allies. During the years Shikamaru had dated the Godaime Kazekage older Sister Sabaku no Temari for a while but much like with Neji and TenTen the relationship it did not work out well and they decided to break it off since from what she had heard from Ino the reason was because Temari wanted someone who was not only intelligent and strong but also more energetic. Soon after Shikamura then started to see a young girl called Shiho from the Code Breaker unit where they eventually married where when asked by some people why he married her he just replied "She was the lest troublesome women I knew". Although despite that comment everyone knew he cared for Shiho very much and they were even expecting their first child together to which Shikamura had told Kureani that if it was a boy they were going to call him Asuma which had made Kurenai smile since she knew how honoured Asuma would have been to be the name sake of Shikamaru first son.

Ino had changed the most out of the team even with her bad start out of the Academy with being a fan girl for Sasuke and her taking the side of the villagers for the first few months after Naruto Banishment she changed at great deal for the better especially with the death of Asuma (since it had been her first time seeing someone she cared about die in front of her eye's). After Asuma death she started to train even harder she even went to Anko for training something that she had regretted doing for two years as she went through Anko brutal training regimens. But it had all paid off in the end and she had even mastered all of her family mental Jutsu's, after which she then joined the Interrogation unit in ANBU with Yakumo. Ino was also in the running for the next Chief Commander of the Interrogation unit with Yakumo since like her Ino had become one of the Interrogation unit top Interrogators much like her father as well due to her mastery over her family Mental Jutsu's and because she was able to use her sexily appeal on male prisoners (and some women) much like Anko had when she Interrogated Prisoners. Ino had even develop a little sadistic side not to mention a blood fetish much like Anko as well which Kurenai blamed on the fact the Ino had spent too much time with with her friend during those two years of "Training" hence it only figured that a bit of Anko personality was rubbed off on Ino. Several years after Naruto death Ino even married herself, she had married the young Root member Sai who took her family name on since he did not know his own. Kurenai had often seen the two together and they both seemed to be very happy together despite the fact that Sai began as a emotionless young man who always wore a fake smile, but eventual after hanging around the Konoha twelve gang he started to regain his emotions, Ino had even helped him get over his repressed memorises from his horrific training in Root that had began to resurface as he regained his emotions. Over time Ino and Sai grew closer since Ino had seen what Sai had gone through in his training in Root through her using her family mental Jutsu's to explore his memories, and where she then helped him deal with his repressed memorises after which they then started to date and after a year of dating they got married.

As she thought about how Anko help changed Ino's life Kurenai could not help but remember how she also help Iruka out when dealing with the loss of Naruto. Where when Anko saw how Iruka was not himself when he came back to teaching she decided to help Iruka out. Since she had some knowledge of what it was like to be an outcast like Naruto due to her connection with Orochimaru which had caused her to be an outcast with the villagers. Eventually over time she was able to get Iruka to open up to her and help him deal with the pain he felt with Naruto death, and over time a strong bound was built between them. Where three years after Naruto death (two years since they started dating) Iruka proposed to Anko and they got married where Anko left the Interrogation unit (but still helped out part time) and became a full Jonin and after a year after they had gotten married Anko gave birth to their daughter Aiko who was five now and was like a miniature Anko and Naruto rolled up into one person due to her love of dango and her ability to scare people as well as her love of playing pranks and causing chaos she even had a bit of a fetish for causing explosions and destruction (which on more than one occasion she caused several minor explosions in the village) although she was a bit calmer that either Naruto and Anko she was even quite intelligent for her age and was quite skilled since she could already use her chakra and do both tree climbing and Water walking not to mention her control over her Chakra was flawless.

Kurenai then thought about her now young nephew Konohamaru and his friends had grown and changed over the years after Naruto Banishment and death.

Konohamaru had changed a great deal since Naruto death since soon after he heard about Naruto death he started to train even harder to become Hokage since he wanted to do it and honour Naruto memory. Where Konohamaru had went to Asuma and asked him to train him in his Grandfather fighting style the Crazy Monkey Fist he even later on signed the Monkey Summoning contract and got Enma to train him in Bōjutsu. After Asuma was killed Konohamaru trained even twice as hard since he now lost his Parents, his Grandfather and his Uncle leaving her and Hiruzen as the only family he had left in the World where he moved in with her. Over the next few years Konohamaru grew stronger where he learned how to do many of the Jutsu's that his Grandfather could use as well as combined them he even leaned and mastered the Yondaime famed Rasengan that he learned from Jiraiya who had taught him it due to his connection to Naruto and due to the fact that he was his Sensei Grandson. Konohamaru had even created his own fighting style that worked well with either with Bōjutsu or Taijutsu as a fighting style. He called the fighting style The Drunken Monkey Fist which was a combination of the Crazy Monkey Fighting style and the Drunken Boxer Fighting style that he learned from Lee. The Drunken Monkey Fighting style combined the unique agility and speed of the Crazy Monkey Fist and the power as well as the unpredictable fighting moves of the Drunken Boxer fighting style. The Fighting style was so unpredictable and the moves so random that not even Kakashi's and Sasuke Sharingan could predict what moves Konohamaru would make next whenever he spar with either of them. Over the next Six years Konahamura rose through the Ranks very quickly where he had just recently become a Jonin and was one of Konoha top Jonin already and earned the nickname Konoha no Enkōō (Konoha's Monkey King) which had irritate Enma for a while with people giving his title to Konohamaru as a nickname. Although despite that it caused Kurenai to smile knowing how proud his Grandfather and Uncle would be of him. Another thing about Konohamaru was that he was now head of the Sarutobi Clan and member of the Council not to mention he was also now engaged with Hinata's younger Sister Hanabi, the Two of them had started to date when Konohamaru and her both became Chunin when they were sixteen and both were now eighteen and were both Jonin (since Hanabi became one about a month after Konohamaru did).

Konohamaru team-mates Udon and Moegi also changed and improved a great deal over the years. Both were now Tokubetsu Jonin were Moegi was a one of Konoha top Genjutsu users due to after Naruto death Moegi had came to her to be a Genjutsu Specialist since Moegi had refused to learn from her Grandmother Koharu since she blamed her for Naruto death since she was one of the people that got Naruto Banish from the village. Udon had also improved a good bit too since he became a skilled fighter thanks to his training from Gai and Asuma (before he was killed) as well as a skilled Strategist in which he was second in command to Shikamaru as Strategist to Konoha. Both Udon and Moegi had even recently married to one another and were happy together.

Kurenai then turned and looked at Sakura who was reading a Medical book at the time as well as sometimes look up from her book to watch Choji and Lee spar with one another for a few minutes. Kurenai then started to think about how team Seven had changed since Naruto Banishment and death.

Sakura had changed a great deal since Naruto's Banishment and death and like Ino, Sakura had thought Naruto as a Demon and a danger to the village, but after verbal beating that Tsuande gave her it had woken her up to how much of a fool she had been as well as how wrong she had been as well. After Naruto's death she became depressed for a while due to the fact that she would never be able to apologise to Naruto for what she did to him and to try and make it up to him. Eventually she got pass her depression and became more force on her training as a Medic-nin where by the time she was Sixteen she was a Chunin and a highly Skilled Medic which she had proven when she helped heal the Kazekage brother Kankuro when he was poisoned by Akasuna no Sasoriwhen the Kazekage was kidnapped. Her skill as a Medic-nin grew more over the years and she had also grew in Rank and became a Jonin and was one of Konoha's top Medic's and was the Assistant Deputy Head of the hospital (with Shizune being the Deputy head and Tsunade being the Head of the Hospital) she was also given the nickname Konoha no Chiyu Sakura (The Healing Sakura of Konoha). Also many people believed that her skill as a healer rivalled that of Tsuande where given a few more years she would be as good if not even better that Tsuande. Sakura wore (go to profile to find link to a picture of what Sakura wearing and looks like but without the tattoo in the picture). Also like TenTen Sakura did not bother trying to get into a relationship with anyone after she realized how dark Sasuke was becoming and saw what he was becoming with her own eyes and had decided to focus her time on improving her Medical skills.

Next there was Sai and although Sai was not an original member of the Konoha twelve where he did not join until after Naruto was Banish he did become apart of it once the others began to get him to open up and began to trust him, but that had took a while since Sai was a perfect by-product of Danzo Root programme where he had no name unless Danzo gave him one and was trained to have no emotions or suppress them but eventually the bond he witness most of the Konoha twelve have with one another interested him where they used that to bypass Danzo training and get Sai to show emotions. Soon enough he did start to open up and he too began to change and started to show his emotions more to them. Although he suffered from traumatic memories from time to time after he started to open up his emotions which was due to the horrific training that took part in but that it was later on fixed by Ino (with use of her family mental Jutsu's) whom he later on married. Over time Sai learned about Naruto and what he was like and became interested in hearing more about Naruto saying that he sounded like his friend Shin who he had considered like his brother at one point until he died of an illness in which Sai had stated that he was sure he would have liked Naruto had he met him.

Then there was Sasuke which caused Kurenai to frown as she thought about the boy over the years he had grow darker and darker and became more fixated on gaining power to kill his Brother. He got Kakashi to train him privately and teach him as many Jutsu's and other things as he could so that could get stronger. Also with Danzo, Koharu and the Civilians help he was able to get a seat on the Council which had not happen before since even though the Uchiha Clan was a Clan of Konoha they had no seat on the Council like the rest of the Clans since they ran the Military Police hence they could not have say in political matters of the village which now changed when he became part of the Council. After the mission with retrieving the Kazekage Sasuke seemed to get even darker than he already had been due to the fact that during the Battle with the fake Itachi where Sasuke had killed him Sasuke had believed that for a brief few moments he had finally killed his Brother but when it was revealed that it wasn't the real Itachi he had felt cheated and angered plus during the battle Itachi had said something to Sasuke to anger him further. Sasuke was also angered that when they found that the Akatsuki base had been destroyed and Sasori dead and his partner Deidara was missing which resulted in a miss opportunity to find his brother and kill him. Soon after the failed mission to kill Hiden and Kakuzu Danzo recruited Sasuke to his Root programme where with Danzo help through his special and advance training programme Sasuke quickly grew stronger over the years and rose in Ranks where he was now the head Captain of Danzo Root division and was answerable to Danzo and sometimes Tsuande but only if Sasuke had done something against the village laws. But what sicken Kurenai most as well as many other Shinobi's was that the Civilian part of the Council not to mention the villagers and many Shinobi's in Konoha were trying to get Tsuande to make Sasuke her successor as the Hokage it was even supported by Danzo and Koharu although all the Clan heads and most of the shinobi population as well as Homura were against it. This of course caused Kurenai to pray daily that it would not happen since if Sasuke did become Hokage she feared for Konoha sake. Sasuke had also yet too marry not that there were a lack of women willing to marry him since many Civilian women had offered themselves to him as well as high Ranking and wealthy Civilian families offered there Daughters to him in arrange marriages to Sasuke the Council had even gave him the Clan restoration act to marry multiple women to rebuild the Uchiha Clan quickly but Sasuke had turn them all down since he seemed too fixated on killing his Brother than to worrying about restoring his Clan in Konoha.

Kurenai then decided to move her thoughts from Sasuke and think about how much her old Genin team had changed and grown over the years.

Out of all of Konoha twelve Shino had changed the lest amount as he remained like all Aburame, stoic and logically thinking all the time and only spoke when needed. Although despite his lack of changing personality wise he had moved up the Ranks in Konoha quite high where he was the Chief Commander of the ANBU Hunter Ninja division due to his high skill in finding missing Ninja's and cool logically thinking. He had also grow very strong during the last Ten years since he mastered all his Clan Jutsu's and created several of his own he was also the strongest in his Clan and was due to take the title as Clan head from his father next year. Shino had also gotten married to a young Civilian girl (who had not been frighten or disgusted away by Shino harbouring bugs in him) which surprised Kurenai and many others since many didn't think Shino could be talkative enough to talk to a girl on a date and keep her interested but he had proven them wrong.

Kiba had not changed too much either since he was still hot headed and brash as he was when he was younger like most Inuzuka, but he had changed enough in some ways where he was not as loud as he use to be and did not rush into a fight he actually would think and plan before he enter a fight (which had greatly surprise Kurenai when she saw him think out a plan of attack during a mission). Over the years Kiba had learned and master all his Clan Jutsu's and even improved on some of them as well as create his own ones with his partner Akamaru who was now the size of a large bear who Kiba could now ride on in battle or travel on. Kiba had even grow quite high in Ranks of Konoha like the other members of Konoha twelve where he was now the second in command of the ANBU Hunter Ninja division under Shino. Also unlike most of the other male members of the Konoha twelve Kiba was still single although it was not from a lack of trying since he had dated several different girls both Civilian and Shinobi's alike but all of his dates with them turned out with him saying or doing something perverted which resulted in him being beating by each of the girls.

But out of all the members of the Konoha twelve that had changed over the years Hinata had been the one that had changed the most. After Naruto Banishment she was depressed for months where she barely said a word and did very poorly during her training with Kurenai and her father as well as during missions but just when she seem to get out of her depression news of Naruto death came out after which she had locked herself in her room and had tried to kill herself. After Hinata failed suicide attempt she had started to get better when Neji and her Sister as well as Kurenai herself had talked to her and get her to live on for Naruto sake but that had then changed during a spar with her father that she had done poorly in.