
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

JapaOuO · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 13 Payback Part One


Summon Speech/Snarling

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

After a minute or so, Minato then lifted his head and looked back at Naruto, "Very well Naruto, I understand how you can never forgive me, but please know that regardless of your feelings towards me, know that I still love you and always will. Also know that I' am proud of how strong you've become and what you're now, as you have become a far stronger Shinobi than I ever was and you've become a far greater leader as well, and I wish you a long and happy life" spoke Minato with a true smile.

Before Naruto could even reply to what the Yondaime said, he faded away and found himself standing in the middle of a gigantic crater, (which use to be the cleared battlefield), that was formed from his attack and in his normal form in the same state that he found himself in when he was the void place. Although this time he had Tengu on his back, with his Wind sword handle and the Raijin on his utility belt. Other than the few burns on his body, that were slowly healing, Naruto was relatively unharmed, as the remainder of the Kyubi's Chakra that formed the Kyubi Cloak protected him from the majority of the blast. When Naruto looked down he saw the ashes of the reanimated Yondaime on the ground where it then blew away up into the air from a calm gentle breeze. When Naruto looked up into the sky, where the ashes blew up to, he saw the sun beginning to shine through the storm clouds, as the storm clouds faded away, (due to Naruto using all its energy when he did Inazuma). As the storm clouds parted the shine of the sun grew brighter and shone down at him, after which the clear blue sky began to make an appearance.

As Naruto continued to look up to the sky with an unreadable look and at the Yondaime ashes, as they blew away to the sky, he suddenly collapsed onto the ground and fell unconscious. As his body could no longer keep him up, as he was completely exhausted after battling for so long and hard and was almost completely drained of Chakra.

But before he fell unconscious and while he was still looking up in the sky at the blowing ashes of his father, he muttered out two single words "Damn you" and then blanked out.

-With the Observing groups-

After the light of Naruto's attack died down, those nearby could see that the cleared battlefield that was inside the barrier had been turned into one giant crater. Many of course were stunned with the level of destruction that Naruto's final attack had done, also many like Naruto's friends and subordinates grew concern for Naruto's wellbeing. But those concerns quickly subsided when they saw a figure standing at the bottom of the crater, where when the dust from the explosion dissipated, they saw that Naruto was the figure standing in the crater.

But as soon as those concerns subsided they rose again, when they saw him collapsed onto the ground.

As soon as Soifon, Okatsu, Mitsuhide and the others that were holding up the barrier around the cleared battlefield saw this, they quickly deactivated the barrier and jumped down to Naruto and see how his was. They were then soon joined by Zhuge Liang, Killier Bee, Fu, Yugito and the Konoha and Suna groups.

When they got to Naruto, they found Soifon kneeling over him with Mitsuhide and Saiyuri standing over them, while the others surrounded them and kept guard and watch in case anyone decided to take advantage of Naruto's weaken state

"Is he alright?" asked a concerned Tsunade, as she and the other came up to them.

"He's fine, he's just unconscious from exhaustion" replied Soifon, as she lifted her hand from his forehead.

At hearing this, Tsunade then stepped forward and walked towards Naruto, but before she could get any closer, Ryu and Okatsu stepped in front of her and stopped her from coming any closer to Naruto.

"I'm sorry Hokage-san, but you can go no further" spoke Ryu politely.

"But I'm just going over to help heal him" said Tsunade.

"I'm sorry Hokage-san, but we cannot allow any medic that is not from our village, even you, to go near The Raikage" replied Ryu.

Before Tsunade could respond to this, two teams of STORM-nins appeared in front of the groups, upon seeing them; Zhuge Liang stepped forward and took charge, "Sitrep!"

"Zhuge Liang-sama, the majority of the enemy forces have all but retreated now, there are a few pockets of resistance. But they're being quickly put down and rounded up as we speak, along with the other enemy Shinobi's that we've captured or have surrendered to us" spoke the leader of the STORM group who wore a Wolf shape mask. Upon hearing this, revealed looks appeared on the faces of most of the Konoha members, as the battle for Konoha was finally over….and they'd won and survived.

"Very good then, once all resistance has been subdued and the village has been secured, have our Shinobi's help with the gathering up and care of all those wounded on both sides…is that clear" spoke Zhuge Liang with authority.

"Hai! Zhuge Liang-sama" spoke Wolf, as he and his team left to give out Zhuge Liang's orders, while the second team remained with them.

"So you're not only going to help your wounded along with ours, but also the enemies as well?" said Kakashi, with surprise as things such as this were rare, where the victors of any battle rarely showed any mercy to the wounded of the opposing side. Even then, it was mainly given to those who had some worth, such as those who were of some importance or wealthy families and Clans, who could be held for ransom or those who had valuable information.

"Even in wartime there are rules Hatake-san, and even if most do not follow those rules, we will, as little human compassion can go a long with and making today's enemy your friend tomorrow", answered Zhuge Liang.

Upon saying this Zhuge Liang then turned to Soifon, "Soifon-san I want you and Yoruichi-san to bring The Raikage to hospital so that he can be treated for whatever injuries that he still may have".

At this Soifon, nodded, where with Yoruichi help she picked Naruto up, as she was doing this, Zhuge Liang turned to the STORM team and spoke to the team leader who wore a Shark shaped mask.

"You Shark I want you and your team to escort Yoruichi-san and Soifon-san to the hospital and make sure that The Raikage arrives there safely".

At this, the four STORM-nins nodded their heads in understanding, after which Soifon and Yoruichi, both used their high speed Techniques and sped off towards the Hospital, with the STORM team following not too far behind.

After a few minutes, Soifon and Yoruichi arrived at the hospital, where hundreds of Shinobi's, from Suna, Konoha, Iwa, Oto, Kusa, New Kumo, the Tsuchigumo Clan and the Hannya Clanlay on the court yard, as the hospital, along with the emergency hospital in the Hokage monument were overflown with injured Shinobi's with more coming in.

As Soifon and Yoruichi carried Naruto into the hospital to find Unohana Retsu, the head of New Kumo's combat Medic-nin corp and Hospital, so that she could look over Naruto, as she was the only one they could trust to care for Naruto. They were suddenly blocked at the entrance by two Konoha Chunins and a Jonin along with two more Chunins appeared behind Soifon and Yoruichi.

When Soifon saw this, she narrowed her eyes angrily, as she wasn't surprised at this and knew why these Shinobi were blocking their path.

"You'll move aside, as we need to get into the hospital now" spoke Yoruichi.

"We don't take orders from foreign Shinobi's, especially those who serve under that thing!" spat the Jonin, as he indicated at the unconscious Naruto angrily.

"So is this how the noble village of Konoha treats the person who helped saved it again?" said Soifon with no small measure of disgust at how the Shinobi's were treating them.

"That thing doesn't belong here nor do you, almost a third of our village has been destroyed by thing alone, all it does is cause destruction and misery for us…so get it out of here!" cried the Jonin and as glared at two women and the unconscious Naruto that they who carrying.

"And if we don't?" asked Soifon, although she already knew the answer to the question.

"Then we'll force you out" sneered the Jonin, as he and the Chunins beside him and the two behind Soifon and Yoruichi took out their Kunai's indicating that they were serious.

At seeing this Soifon growled, as normally she and Yoruichi could easily take on and deal with these arrogant fools. But as of right now, neither she nor Yoruichi were in any great shape as they were both worn out from holding the barrier and containing Naruto's power when he was using the Kyubi's Chakra. Not to mention as well, they were holding Naruto, hence fighting these Shinobi's in their current condition, along with protecting Naruto was not an ideal situations

Fortunately though for them, they did not have to worry for very long, for as soon as the five Konoha Shinobi's took out their Kunai's, said Shinobi's found several blades pointed at their necks.

Said blades belonged to the four STORM Shinobi's that Zhuge Liang sent to watch Soifon and Yoruichi, as they carried the unconscious Naruto to the hospital in case something like this happened. The leader of the STORM team, along with two of his teammates where standing directly behind the Jonin and his two Chunin partners with the STORM leader Shark holding his Katana in a reverse grip at the front of the Jonin's neck, while Shark's teammates held the two Chunin in similar positions.

At the same time, the two Chunins behind Soifon and Yoruichi, were being held by the fourth STORM-nin, who stood between the two Chunins and held his Katana blade at the neck of the Chunin to his right, while he held a Kunai blade at the neck of the Chunin on his left.

"I suggest that you and your friends lower your weapons right now…and slowly, because if you don't, you will not live long enough to regret it" spoke Shark in a dangerous tone of voice.

"Who the hell are these guys?" thought the Jonin with confusion and disbelief, as he hadn't even sensed the STORM-nins behind him, nor did any of the others.

As this was happening several Konoha Shinobi's nearby saw the altercation that was happening and were about to help, although they did not know what was fully going on. But before they could go over to them, they were stopped by a large group of New Kumo Shinobi's who also saw what was happening and who surrounded the Konoha Ninja's and had their weapons pointed at them.

Seeing this standoff, many of the medics treating the wounded grew concerned that a fight would break out, where the wounded and them would get caught up in. Luckily though before things could get any more out of hand, Tsunade, Zhuge Liang, Jiraiya and the others arrived.

"What the hell is going on here?" cried Tsunade as she saw what was going on.

"These men here were refusing to let us in so to give The Raikage the care he needs" spoke Soifon, angrily, where she used the word men loosely, as she didn't think they were worth even being called men.

"Is this true?" asked Tsunade angrily as she glared at the five Shinobi's.

"Hokage-sama you cannot allow that thing into the hospital to be healed" spoke Jonin.

When Tsunade and the others heard this, many of them became angry at how the Shinobi's were treating Naruto, after he helped save the village.

"You will let them pass immediately and let Naruto get the care he needs, since if it wasn't for Naruto our village would have been destroyed", spoke Tsunade furiously.

"But Hokage-sama, look at what he did to the village, almost of third of it was destroyed because of him, we cannot let him recover, you felt his power earlier, he's a danger to the village!" cried one of the Chunins.

"I've heard enough you will do as I say and lower your weapons and let them pass, that is an ORDER!" shouted Tsunade in an authoritative tone, showing why she was the Hokage.

After hearing their Hokage's order the Shinobi's slowly but reluctantly lowered their weapons, where the STORM-nins did the same, when they were given a signal by Mitsuhide to lower their weapons.

Once the five Shinobi's lowered their weapons, Tsunade turned to the Konoha Ninja's that were surrounded by the New Kumo Shinobi's and ordered them to do the same, which they did, where the New Kumo Shinobi's quickly followed suit. Once the situation had calmed down a bit Tsunade spoke to the Konoha Ninja's that were surrounded by the New Kumo Shinobi's.

"You lot, I want you to arrest those five Shinobi's over there for threatening a Kage for a foreign village without cause" ordered Tsunade, as attacking the leader of a foreign village without provocation, especially if they weren't at war with said village, was a high crime in any Shinobi village and was extremely close to treason.

"B-B-B-Bu-But Hokage-sama if we-" spoke a Jonin, but before he could finish he was interrupted by Tsunade.

"That's an order!" cried Tsunade angrily as leaked Killing intent and glared at the man, who gulped, but nodded in understanding, where he and his men went to the five Shinobi's.

When the five Shinobi's heard this they'd though about resisting, but that thought quickly faded, for as if reading their minds, Zhuge Liang spoke up, "I wouldn't try resisting if I were you gentlemen, because if you try, you will be killed on the spot, as the STORM Shinobi's next to you will not hesitate to kill you. As they would be well in their rights to do so, as you did threaten our Shinobi's and our Raikage".

After hearing this, the five Shinobi's gave up without a fight and were taken away, as they knew this was a no win situation for them, given who they were up against.

As the Shinobi's were taken away Tsunade, planned to deal with them later on, where she would've them stripped of their ranks and have their Chakra sealed and spend the next eight mouths in Konoha's Strict Correctional Facility.

After the situation was dealt with, Soifon and Yoruichi along with the rest of the New Kumo group entered the hospital, to find Retsu and get Naruto the care he needed.

-Operation Clean Sweep-

At the same time as the battle of Konoha was raging, another battle was about to begin at a costal Fortress and port belonging to Kiri off the northern part of the Mizu no Kuni (Water Country). Currently stationed at the fort were about three hundred Kiri Shinobi's along with about twenty-five of their ships, which was the remaining part of their grand fleet that stayed behind to help protect their Country.

The fort itself was built atop a large Cliffside that over looked the sea and coast, it had strong walls and high towers and battlements, where the fortress's cannons, volley guns and ballista's could easily fire at any incoming ship or group of ships. Below the Fortress was a large dock that housed the remaining Kiri ships, that remained behind to help protect the country, the dock was built within the coastal causeway below the fortress.

Less than a mile away from the fortress was also a base camp, which belonged to the Mizu Daimyo, which held about fifteen hundred of his soldiers and about three hundred of his Samurai.

As a few Kiri guards were looking out towards the horizon looking out for any arriving ships, several of them were discussion about the battle was no doubt happing at this moment. Many of the Shinobi's were expressing wishes that they could've gone and joined the Mizukage and the main force in their attack on Konoha. As they were all certain that they would win this war, considering the force that Konoha and Suna was up against. The Shinobi's had wanted to go in the hopes of earning fame and glory at the battle, along with boasting to others that they took part in the battle that destroyed the once mighty Konoha.

As the Shinobi's talked amongst themselves, some of them heard a sounds of something large falling, after which there was a large crashing sound with something hitting the ground hard and shattering.

When the Shinobi's looked out to the fortress courtyard, they saw hundreds of large ice spikes falling to the ground and all around the fortress and the dock, sinking several ships, when the ice spikes hit them and causing many Kiri Shinobi's to scatter and run for cover

"Look out!" cried a Kunoichi, as she had the other Shinobi's duck underneath the window, so to avoid the thousands of ice shards that flew through the open window from a large ice spike, that fell from the sky and onto a nearby battlement and shattered into thousands of pieces.

For the next few minutes the bombardment of falling ice spikes fell down on the fortress and the port, when the bombardment began, the commander of the fortress immediately ordered the siren to sound, alerting everyone that they were under attack.

Soon after, the bombardment of ice spikes ended, after which the water at the dock began to recede, when Kiri Shinobi's in fortress saw the bombardment had ended. They looked up to the sky and then to the sea, where they saw the water at the dock receding into the sea, after which they saw a single man wearing a White coat and long White hair that fell down his back, floating in the sky.

"Who the hell is that guy?" asked one Shinobi.

"Could he be the one that attacked us?" asked another Shinobi.

As the Kiri Shinobi's looked towards the man, they saw the man do several hand-seals, where when he finished a giant Tsunami wave appeared and headed straight towards the dock and the fortress.

Seeing the giant Tsunami heading for them, the Shinobi's quickly headed into the main part of the fortress and bolted the doors and the windows shut, hopping to withstand the giant Tsunami Wave. Those that were below at the dock quickly ran up the narrow path, that lead up to the fortress in hope of escaping the Wave. Sadly though as the Wave got closer, those inside the fortress closed the gates shut, locking out any others that could not get into the fortress in time.

Soon after the Wave hit the Dock and the Fortress, completely destroying the fleet at the dock and the dock itself, where anyone that remained there drowned. When the wave hit the fortress, it completely enveloped it, where anyone that remained outside it, suffered the same fate as those below at the dock. The Fortress itself survived the wave along with most of those that were in it, but even still, many that were inside it were severely wounded when the wave was able burst through the windows of the fortress and flooding large parts of the fortress.

When the Tsunami Wave blast through, the water then began to freeze covering the fortress in ice, and freezing the Shinobi's inside the fortress in, with the doors and windows covered in a thick ice and unable to get out.

With the Fortress now frozen and covered in ice, the White cloaked man then used Kirigakure no Jutsu (Art of Hiding in the Mist) to cover the entire horizon in a thick Mist.

An hour or so after the attack, the Shinobi's trapped within the fortress were able to free themselves, where they were then joined by the Mizu Daimyo's forces, that were based a mile away from the fortress.

When the two forces joined together the Fortress came under attack by Cannon fire, the few remaining Shinobi's inside the fortress of course tried to use the weapons inside the Fortress but most of the Cannons, Volley Guns and Ballista's, were either destroyed by the Tsunami or where froze by the ice. Even with the few remaining weapons that still somehow worked the Shinobi's couldn't target their cannons or other weapons, as the mist hid the location and number of the enemy ships.

Soon after the remaining Shinobi's in the fortress abandoned their position, as after several minutes of constant firing from the unknown ships, the Fortress quickly became un-defendable. After which the Shinobi's, along with the Samurai and the soldiers belonging to the Mizu Daimyo, quickly fell back to the nearby treeline for cover, and to have a view of the flat beachhead on the left hand side of the fortress. Since given the attack on the fortress, it was obvious that this was the beginning of some kind of invasion by some unknown nation.

Soon after the bombardment on the fortress stopped and the mist began to clear, but when it did, the eyes of every Shinobi, Samurai and soldiers there widened to the size of plates, as instead of seeing a fleet of enemy ships, they saw an entire armada of over seven hundred ships of every size imaginable.

The most notable things about this armada was that it was being led by The Raikage's Fortress Ship and Flag ship of New Kumo's fleet the Zennyo Ryūō. Along with the Zennyo Ryūō were four other Fortress Ships and flanked it in a V formation. The other most notable thing about the armada, was that these ships did not all belong to New Kumo, as the armada was made up of several other nations that belonged to the Heavenly Alliance. Judging by the flags on the ships of the armada, the armada was made up of ships from New Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud), Yukigakure (Hidden Snow), Shimo no Kuni (Frost Country), Shimogakure (Hidden Frost), Yuki/Haru no Kuni (Snow/Spring Country), Yu no Kuni (Hot Spring Country) and Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country). Three of the four other fortress ships had the flags of Yuki no Kuni on them, while last remaining one had the flag of Yukigakure.

-On Board the Zennyo Ryūō-

Currently standing on the forward deck of the Zennyo Ryūō, the Commander of New Kumo's fleet and leader of the armada Gan Ning was waiting for the supreme Commander of this invasion Seiwa Anisu.

Gan Ning did not have to wait long, as Anisu soon floated down from the sky and deactivated his Wind flying Technique.

Anisu wore a Black sleeveless shirt, with black Shinobi pants and wore black boots, with steel tips at its toes and heels, as well as wore a white trench with the Kanji symbol for Frost on it back, with blue snowflake on the edges of the trench coat. He also had a green sash around his shoulders, held together by a round clip. The sash held his long sword sheath in place on his back and is tied to it at either end. His sword was called Hyōrinmaru it blade was about 1.4 meters long with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed bronze-coloured star.

"Hey Anisu! Great work on the Fortress and the port, as it make our job a lot easier" spoke Gan Ning.

"Not a problem…so are the landing forces ready?" asked Anisu.

"Yep! The first Wave is lock stock and ready to go, they're just waiting for the go-ahead from us", replied Gan Ning,

"Good, as today we are about to free our former homeland from tyranny of the Godaime Mizukage and the Mizu Daimyo" spoke Anisu.

"Yea, this day been a long time coming", replied Gan Ning, where he then placed his hand on his sword Leviathan.

Seeing this, Anisu smiled, knowing that Gan Ning was inching to part of the first wave, as Gan Ning hated to be out of a good fight.

"Then by all means my friend, do not let me delay you any longer", spoke Anisu, giving him the go-ahead to join the first wave.

Hearing this Gan Ning smiled and gave Ansiu a nod of thanks, before he quickly left and boarded one of the landing boats.

-Street Fighter (Score) OST - Coronel Guile Addresses the Troops (1:14 – 2:49) -

After a few minutes several dozen medium size versions of the fortress ships moved forward towards the beach. The ships soon landed on the beach and opened up their fronts revealing landing platforms, after which hundreds of Shinobi's from New Kumo, Shimo and Yuki, along with hundreds of Samurai and soldiers from Yuki/Haru no Kuni, Shimo no Kuni, Yu no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni charged out of the ships and onto the beach. (1)

Seeing the enemy forces landing, the Mizu no Kuni (Water Country) soldiers and Samurai, along with the Kiri Shinobi's charged out of the tree-line and towards the Heavenly Alliance forces. Hoping to head-off the invading forces, and prevent them from gaining a foothold on the beach and drive them back.

When Gan Ning saw the Kiri and Mizu no Kuni forces charging towards them from the tree-line, he immediately took charge of the forces that landed "Come you lot …Lets rock and roll!" cried Gan Ning, where he charge straight at the charging enemy with his men.

Within seconds the two forces clashed with each other in a fierce battle on the bleach, with both sides struggling to drive the other back. For a while the battle remained in a deadlock with both sides battling furiously with one another, eventually though the battle turned in favour of the Heavenly Alliance force. As the Kiri and Mizu no Kuni forces were unable to drive the Heavenly Alliance forces back, where more Alliance landing ships landed and more Alliance reinforcements arrived to join the fight. Eventually the Heavenly Alliance forces drove them back, where the remaining Kiri and Mizu no Kuni forces were force to retreat.

- End Street Fighter (Score) OST - Coronel Guile Addresses the Troops (1:14 – 2:49) -

After securing the beach-head and the fortress, the main body of the Heavenly Alliance invasion force began to land, and move on with their invasion.

At the same time that the northern part of Mizu no Kuni was being invaded, the second southern fleet of Mizu no Kuni was making its patrol of the southern region of their country.

As the fleet was sailing, a crewman in the crow's nest of the command ship suddenly spotted a large armada of ships heading towards them.

"Admiral Sir! Unknown ships on the port side" cried the crewman.

When the admiral of the fleet turned to where the crewman was pointing to, he could see the figures of a large number of ships heading into their direction, but couldn't tell who the ships belonged to.

"Can you tell who the ships belong to?" cried the admiral

At this, the crewman looked through his eyeglass, trying to get a better look at the flags of the ship; there he saw that the armada didn't belong to one nation but to several.

"Well?" cried the Admiral

"Sir! The armada is made up of ships from several nations, the ships are from Getsugakure (Hidden under the Moon), Kaminari no Kuni, Cha no Kuni (Tea Country), Tsuki no Kuni (Moon Country), New Kumo, Umi no Kuni (Sea Country)".

The Admiral was of course shock at hearing this, as he knew what this meant, "New Kumo, Kaminari no Kuni and Cha no Kuni! That means that the Heavenly Alliance is involved and is invading us. Also if that is case, then that means that Tsuki no Kuni, Umi no Kuni and Getsugakure have indeed joined the Heavenly Alliance", thought the Admiral. As he had heard rumours about those countries joining the Heavenly Alliance, but didn't know they were true or not.

"How many ships are there?" asked the Admiral, wanting to know what he was up against.

For a moment or two the crewman didn't answer, but before Admiral could ask again the crewman final spoke.

"Eh…about five hundred' ships sir" replied a worried crewman.

After hearing the crewman's answer the Mizu no Kuni Admiral immediately had his men signal the other ships to turn around and to get into battle formation. As he knew they were out number five to one and needed to fall into a defensive position, before the Heavenly Alliance fleet could hit them.

Quickly the Mizu no Kuni fleet fell into battle formation, where when the fleet fell into position, the four Fortress ships with Kaminari no Kuni flags, that were leading the armada, then moved forward in front of the Alliance fleet. The fortress ships then fell into a diamond formation and headed straight for the Mizu no Kuni fleet.

As the Fortress ships came into firing range for the Mizu no Kuni fleet, they opened fired and let lose barrage of projections at the Fortress ships. Unfortunately for them the projections did little damage to the Fortress ships, as they were much stronger and could take a great deal of damage.

The Fortress ships continued to move forward right towards the fleet, without slowly down in the slightest, where they then ploughed right through the Mizu no Kuni fleet, smashing through the smaller warships that got in their way and destroyed them like they were nothing. Once the Fortress ships had reached the centre of the fleet, the Fortress ships opened up all their gun ports on both sides and the ones in front and behind. After which they fired all their cannons and let lose a massive bombardment upon the enemy fleet. Within minutes the entire Mizu no Kuni second fleet was destroyed by the four Fortress ships.

With the Mizu no Kuni fleet dealt with, the rest of the Heavenly Alliance armada caught up with the Fortress ships, where all that was left, was to gather up the survivors of the fleet. Since with the Mizu no Kuni second fleet dealt with, there wasn't another force in the area. That could stop or interfere with their invasion of Mizu no Kuni from the south and join up with the force from the north later on.

Within the next few hours, several thousand New Kumo and Getsugakure Shinobi's, along with thousands of Samurai and soldiers from Umi no Kuni, Cha no Kuni, Tsuki no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni landed on the nearby beachhead and began to move out to begin their invasion of Mizu no Kuni and Kirigakure.

-Three Days Later at the Mizu Daimyo Palace-

Currently sitting in his Grand palace on his high throne, the Mizu Daimyo Fujiwara Ōshū was surrounded by several beautiful young girls, laughing drunkenly and having the girls serve him Sake.

Ōshū was a rather plump man, who enjoyed living a life of luxury, such as having extravagate food, as well as having extravagate clothes, jewellery and décor, along with having many beautiful young girls surround him and having his way with them. He cared little for his people or for anyone else, as he left most of his duties to others or did nothing about them what's so ever, as he preferred to ignore such matters.

As he was enjoying his private little "party", the two great doors that lead to the throne suddenly opened up, where several soldiers entered the room and were being led by the Samurai General of the Mizu no Kuni army, Uesugi Kenshin.

Uesugi Kenshin was the most famed and revered Samurai General in all of Mizu no Kuni, where he was known by many people throughout the Elemental Continent, as the Sensō no Kami (The God of War), due to his great tactical and fighting skills in battle. (2) Kenshin was also the Clan head of the strongest and most noble Samurai Clan in all of Mizu no Kuni, the Uesugi Clan. He was also famed for wielding a special Sword that allowed him to do Ice techniques similar to the Hyoton users of Kiri, although not on the same level as them.

When Ōshū saw Kenshin and his soldiers enter the throne room he stood up from his throne and the girls and walked towards the Samurai General, "Kenshin, what is the meaning of this? Why have you interrupted me when I occupied with important matters of state".

"My apologies my lord, but I've important news that you must hear" spoke Kenshin respectfully.

"Well…Whatever it is, I sure you can take care of it…as I'm a busy man Kenshin…and I do not have time to deal with trivial matters", spoke the Mizu Daimyo dismissively, as he didn't wish to be bothered.

"I'm afraid that the matter, to which I speak of, needs your attention my lord" spoke Kenshin calmly and politely.

"Then what is it?" cried Ōshū, as he was tempted to send Kenshin to the dungeons for disturbing him, regardless of how popular he was with the common people and the army.

"It seems that we're being invaded…my lord" said Kenshin calmly.

At hearing this, the Mizu Daimyo dropped the fan he was holding in shock, "We're being invaded?" spoke the shocked Daimyo, where Kenshin just nodded, "By who?"

"It seems by the Heavenly Alliance and its allies, where in the north an armada of over seven hundred ships has landed and destroyed Kiri's northern fortress and their remaining ships at dock there. In the South another armada belonging to the Heavenly Alliance landed at the same time, as in the north and has destroyed all one hundred ships of the southern second fleet. Both forces have landed armies which are moving with phenomenal speed", spoke Kenshin.

"Why am I only hearing this now?" cried the furious Daimyo.

"I'm afraid that the rebel factions have been cutting all our lines of communications and intercepting our messengers, which is why we have only heard this now" replied Kenshin.

"Then what are you doing here just talking, assemble our armies, and gather our forces to face them and drive them into the sea", roared the now worried Daimyo.

"I'm afraid that too is impossible, for as I said the rebel factions, have cut off most of our lines of communication and we cannot make contact with most of our forces throughout the country. The few messengers that have gotten through have informed us that most of our bases, fortresses, castle and other forces are currently all under attack by the rebel factions at this moment and need support. While others report say that many of the main roads and bridges have been blocked or been destroyed, where our few remaining free forces cannot help us or the others", answered Kenshin.

"Then send word to Kiri, and have the reaming Shinobi forces, that Shiro left there, help us!" said Ōshū.

"I'm regret to report to you my lord, that as of yesterday afternoon Kiri has fallen to the combine forces of the Shinobi villages of the Heavenly Alliance and the Shinobi rebel factions", spoke Kenshin calmly.

"What?...But How?" cried the worried Mizu Daimyo, as he had always depended greatly of Kiri and Shiro's support in keeping control of his country, and keeping the rebel forces in check.

"It's seems that at the same time as the two prong invasion began, there was an uprising of the majority of the civilian population in the village, as well as an attack by the Shinobi rebel factions. Despite the surprise attack the force, that the Mizukage left there were able to hold them back. But the rebels were then quickly joined by the Shinobi's of New Kumo, Yuki, Shimo and Getsu, where with their help they quickly defeated the Mizukage's forces, and took control of the village. Along with that, over half the country as already fallen to the Heavenly Alliance forces, where the two armies have joined with a large force of rebels, and they're marching here as we speak" said Kenshin.

"The Rebels have allied themselves with The Heavenly Alliance?" spoke the Mizu Daimyo with surprise, where Kenshin just nodded.

When Ōshū heard this, he was on the verge of having a panic attack, as his whole world was crumbling around him. "Th…Then man the defensive, have your forces and the city guard prepare for a siege, we can hold out until Shiro-kuns and his forces return from destroying Konoha".

"I'm afraid that too is impossible my lord, as the enemy army as already sent a vanguard ahead of itself, and is at out gates, while the main enemy army is less than a mile away from the city. Hence we do not have sufficient time to put up any kind of defiance, my lord", replied Kenshin.

"Then we must flee immediately!...Quickly Kenshin you and your men must help me gather as much of my treasures as you all can carry, and take the fastest ship out of here!" cried the panic stricken overweight Daimyo.

"But what about the people my lord?" asked Kenshin calmly, as if not worried about the current situation.

"The people?...who cares about those lowly commoners, they exist only to serve us, they do not matter…the only thing that matters is me, so hurry up and let us flee this place!" cried Ōshū.

"I'm afraid that it is already too late for that as well…my lord" spoke Kenshin, with a slight smile, where he snapped his finger to signal his men, where the soldier around him and the Mizu Daimyo, all pointed their swords and spears at the Mizu Daimyo.

"Kenshin! …What is the meaning of this?" cried Ōshū with confusion and fear, where upon seeing this, the young girls that were serving the Daimyo sake, quickly ran out of the throne room with fear.

"I believe that it would be quite oblivious, my lord. We're taking over my lord, as my Clansmen along with soldiers that are loyal to me, have already taken control of the Palace, as well as the capital itself, and are preparing to hand it to the Heavenly Alliance army, so no more blood need be shed", spoke Kenshin.

"T-T-Th-This is sedition!" cried Ōshū.

"Sedition usually happens, when the world needs to change…my Lord" spoke Kenshin, where he then drew his Katana out.

"W-W-Wh-What are you doing?" spoke the frighten man.

"I believe that too would be obvious, my Lord…with every revolution, the leader of the previous ruling government will always die in a gruesome death, such as being torn apart piece by piece by an angry mob, or by wild animals. But that will not happen, as our country has seen enough of such things, so I shall do the deed myself and make it quick and clean".

"W-W-Wait…Wait Lord Kenshin, I can give you money, women, gold anything you could want…just please do kill me, there is still so much I haven't done yet, so many foods I've not eaten, so many women I have not pleasured yet…so please don't kill me I'm not ready to die yet!" begged the whimpering Daimyo, but Kenshin ignored the man's pleas.

"All the wealth in the world cannot buy off the blood that has been split because of you Lord Ōshū…because of your greed, corruption, selfishness and lust. Our people have suffered endless amount of bloodshed and live in constant fear and poverty and our country has be torn apart by conflict and turmoil. While you feed your endless hunger for money, women and food and turn a blind eye to our people's suffering. You say that the common people exist to serve us, but that is where you're wrong; we exist to serve them, as without the common people, our country would not exist. It is our duty to lead and protect the people of our country and you've abused that duty and responsibility for too long, and have brought our country to near ruin" spoke Kenshin coldly.

After Kenshin said this, Ōshū was on his knees begging for his life saying he was sorry and that he would do anything to make up for it. But Kenshin knew that the man didn't mean a word he said, as all he ever cared about was himself, where he then raised his blade. Where with one quick clean swipe of his Katana, he cut the Daimyo's head off, where it fell onto the floor and rolled a few feet away from his body, which fell to ground right after the head.

After severing the Mizu Daimyo's head, Kenshin flicked the blood off his Katana, after which he then sheathed his Katana and his men lowered their weapons.

As soon as Kenshin sheathed his blade, a young Kunoichi appeared; she had long blonde hair, tied into two long pigtails, which fell down below her rear. She wore a skin-tight Kunoichi outfit that should her entire figure; it also had a spit down the middle her front and went down just above her waist, where it slightly revealed her C-cup breast and stomach. (3) The Kunoichi's name was Kasuga and loyal vassal to Kenshin and his Clan, Kasuga was a former Kunoichi from a small Shinobi village, who was sent to assassinate Kenshin. But instead of killing him, she fell in love with him, where she was banished from her village for failing in her mission. Later on, she was allowed to join Kenshin Clan as a loyal vassal and servant to him.

"Kenshin-sama, our forces have complete control of the capital and the main force of the Heavenly Alliance has been sighted from the distance and should be here within the next hour or so", spoke Kasuga and she bowed to her Lord.

"It's seems that The Raikage plan has indeed worked perfectly, as everything went exactly as he said it would" spoke Kenshin with a smile. As with the Mizu Daimyo now dead and the capital under their control, Mizu no Kuni was now there's and all remaining resistance would quickly crumble once it was announced.

"Kasuga, please go inform the Alliance vanguard at the gate, that the Mizu Daimyo is dead and we're in control of the capital", spoke Kenshin with a kind smile.

"Hai Kenshin-sama!" spoke Kasuga with a large blush, when Kenshin smiled at her, after which she then Shunshin (Bod-flicker) away.

Once Kasuga left, Kenshin ordered his men to follow him to the gate of the capital, so that he would meet the Commander of the of the Alliance invasion army. Who was also formally of Kirigakure and the right hand man of The Raikage, Seiwa Anisu or as the people of Kiri and his own people were now calling Koorisui no Kami (The God of Ice and Water), due to his enormous skill and power in Water and Ice Ninjutsu.

As Kenshin was walking out of the throne room, he thought about the events that happened in the past few days all because of one man, and how much his country and the rest of the Elemental Continent would change as well, in the next few days to come. All because of that man, "I look forward to day that we finally meet in person…Uzumaki Naruto, Rokudaime Raikage of New Kumo".

-With Operation Judgement-

At the same time as the battle of Konoha and the invasion of Mizu no Kuni and Kiri another invasion was about to begin, this time in Ta no Kuni (Rice-Field Country). Where two armies crossed the border between Yu no Kuni and Ta no Kuni, the first army was made up entirely of Shinobi's, while the second and much larger army was made up of Samurai and regular soldiers.

The Shinobi invasion force was led by Ishida Ryūken Clan head of the Ishida Clan, while Samurai and regular force was led by Naomasa Ii son of Naomasa Katsumoto, Lady Daimyo Kicho's Kenjutsu Sensei and Bodyguard.

The invasion was made up of the combine forces of New Kumo, Kaminari no Kuni, Yu no Kuni and Yugakure (Hidden Hot Spring).

The Shinobi army quickly took care of the lightly guarded outposts belonging to the Ta no Kuni and Otogakure (Hidden Sound), before any of them could send word about the Heavenly Alliance invasion.

Both armies, then separated from one another, so to follow their own separate objectives, at the same time as the invasion, several large revolts erupted in Ta no Kuni. Where several Shinobi Clans who had been used and persecuted by Orochimaru and his forces revolted, and were led by the Fuuma Clan and it's Clan head Hanzaki.

Also at the same time, several other large revolts erupted, this time led by the Ta Daimyo's nephew Prince Mochi, who had seen how Orochimaru took control of his homeland and used it and his people for his own means. He also saw how his Uncle had now become a puppet ruler of Ta no Kuni, which was why the Oto Shinobi's referred to it as Oto no Kuni (Sound Country). He then secretly gathered those who were like minded as him and wanted to free their homeland. After which, they then secretly gathered forces and waited for the right time to stage their revolt.

Thanks to being secretly allied with the Fuuma Clan, The Heavenly Alliance forces knew the locations of all of Orochimaru secret bases, inside Ta no Kuni. Where they were then able to make coordinated assaults on the bases, and easily overwhelmed and took over each of the bases before any of them could send a warning to any of the other bases. They did the same thing with the Oto no Kuni Fortresses, bases, castles, thanks to Prince Mochi secretly allying with them.

-Day after the battle of Konoha, Outside Orochimaru's Main Base-

"Ryūken-sama, our men are in position and are waiting for you signal", spoke a New Kumo Jonin.

"Very well, precede as planed" spoke Ryūken in a monotone voice.

"Hai!" replied the Jonin, before he disappeared into the trees.

A few minutes later, a hundred or so New Kumo Shinobi's charged into the unground entrance to Orochimaru main base.

A few minutes after entering Orochimaru's main base, the New Kumo's Shinobi's came into contact to with some of the Shinobi guards left in the base, where they then fought with them. Soon after, several explosions were felt throughout the base; these explosions were caused by the roofs of the underground base being blown up and large holes appearing in them. Where several hundred more New Kumo Shinobi's jumped into the holes made into the roofs and made their way throughout the base attacking any Oto Shinobi's they saw.

"Dammit, these New Kumo bastards are everywhere" spoke an Oto Jonin to himself, as he fought two New Kumo Chunins by himself, and dodge some Shurikens they threw at him.

After dodging the Shurikens, the Oto Jonin then saw a group of Oto Shinobi's coming towards him from a hallway from his left side. Seeing them coming towards him, the Jonin smiled at seeing reinforcements arriving.

"Over here you guys, now help me take care of these New Kumo trash" spoke the Jonin, after which the group of Oto Shinobi's stood next to the Jonin.

But before the Jonin could give out any orders to the Oto Shinobi's, one of them took out a Kunai and stabbed him the stomach, surprised at what happened, the Oto Jonin looked at the Oto Shinobi that stabbed him.

"W-W-Wh-What…the…" said the Jonin as he stared at the Oto-nin that stabbed him in shock, but as he stared at him he saw that the headbands of the group of Oto-nins were all slashed.

"Y…You…traitors" spoke the Jonin before he fell to the ground and died.

"Thanks for assistance" spoke one of the New Kumo Chunins.

"You're welcome…my Clansmen and I've waited for this day a long time…now at last the Fuuma Clan can finally avenge itself" spoke the now former Oto-nin.

"So is everything going as plan?" asked the other New Kumo Chunin.

"Hai, some of our other Clansmen are helping your people as we speak, and the rest of our Clan are doing their parts at the other bases", asked another now revealed Fuuma Ninja.

"Good, then let's finish this battle and finish off Orochimaru forces here, for good", said the first New Kumo Chunin, where the Fuuma, Ninja's nodded in agreement and then took off.

Later on in Orochimaru's throne room, the Commander of the base was trying to figure what was exactly happening, from the few reports he got, he knew they were being attacked by New Kumo Shinobi's, along with a few Yu Shinobi's as well.

As he was looking over a map of the base, with a few other senior Oto Ninja's an Oto Chunin quickly entered the room.

"What is it?" asked the Oto Commander.

"Sir, over two-thirds of the base has fallen to the enemy, where the North and West wings have fallen to the enemy, and over half the East wing has just fallen", spoke the Chunin.

"Impossible, how can they navigate through the base so quickly, and how can they be taking it so easily", spoke the Commander in surprise. As even with their few numbers, the Alliance force should be having a much harder time, especially with the bases traps.

"I believe it is because of the Fuuma Clan, as well as several of the other Shinobi Clans, who have betrayed us, are helping the enemy Shinobi's by telling them where to go. They're also most likely telling them how to avoid the base's traps and are attacking our own Shinobi's" spoke the Chunin.

"Damn those traitors!" said the Commander as he slammed his fist on the table with the map of the base. But before he could say anything else, there was a sudden large explosion, which blew up the wall in front of them.

When they looked up, they saw a tall man with short white hair, glasses, wearing a long white trench coat and holding a strange bow connected to a glove on his arm, with an arrow made out of Chakra strung on it and aimed at them, the man in question was none other than Ishida Ryūken.

"Who the hell are you?" cried the Oto Commander in shock.

"Your executor if you don't surrender now" spoke Ryūken coldly.

At this, the Oto Commander just narrowed his eyes and went to take up one of his Kunai from his pouch. But before he could, a Chakra arrow from Ryūken pierced the Commander's head, killing him instantly, before he could even touch his Kunai.

Seeing this, the other Oto-nins quickly looked backed at Ryūken, who had another Chakra arrow strung and ready to fire and aimed at the Oto-nins in the room. "If you do not wish to end up like your leader, I suggest that you surrender now and not try what he just did".

At hearing Ryūken's threat, some of the Oto-nins did not know what to do; a few of them were even tempted to rush him all at once. Believing that he couldn't get them all, but any thought of resisting was quickly set aside. When four squads of New Kumo and Yu Shinobi's arrived next to Ryūken, after which they quickly surrendered.

As the Oto-nins were being taken away as prisoner, a BOLT-nin with a Bear shape mask, appeared in front of Ryūken. "Report!" ordered Ryūken in a commanding tone.

"Sir I'm here to report that all of Orochimaru's bases in Ta no Kuni have been taken and his remaining forces have been subdued. Also Naomasa Ii and his force have taken the capital of Ta no Kuni, with the assistance of Prince Mochi and his forces. They also have captured the Ta Daimyo, and as of officially now, Ta no Kuni is under our control" reported Bear.

"Very good, now have our forces move towards, the border between Ta no Kuni, and Hi no Kuni (Fire Country), so that we can give Orochimaru and his forces a proper greeting, when they return from Konoha", spoke Ryūken.

"Hai!" replied the Bear, where he then Shunshin away, after which Ryūken and the remaining other New Kumo Shinobi's left the base to continue with the next phase of Naruto's plan.

-Operation Tidal Wave-

Like the other operation, at the same time as the battle of Konoha, Operation Tidal Wave was about to begin. But unlike the other operations this wasn't an invasion, this was a strike operation.

The Operation was lead Sun Li, the Commander of New Kumo's Submarine fleet and AQUA division. The operation was taking place in the northern sea, which lay between Tsuchi no Kuni and Kaminari no Kuni.

The Operation objective was simple, they were to attack all three of Iwa's and Tsuchi no Kuni military docks and destroy their fleets, along with the ship-building yards. This was in response of the Heavenly Alliance attack on the anti-Konoha coalition during the battle of Konoha. As with their fleet taken out, Iwa would be unable to make any kind invasion or attack on Kaminari no Kuni, when news of their intervention in the battle of Konoha reach Iwa from the retreating Iwa forces. As with Iwa and Tsuchi no Kuni naval power destroyed, the northern sea would be under the complete control of the Heavenly Alliance.

Inside her command sub the Swordfish, Sun Li, was going over last minute check-up, before the attack began.

As soon as she had finished her check-ups, a crewman came up to her to report, "Sun Li-taicho (Captain), all ships in our fleet report that they are ready, along with all AQUA squad members, also fleets two and three report that they are all ready as well".

"Very well then, inform all ships and AQUA squad members that operation Tidal Wave is a go" responded Sun Li, where the crewman nodded and went to inform the other ships and the AQUA squad members on the radio.

Within minutes of the order being given, ten New Kumo Submarines, emerged from the water, less than a hundred metres away from the enemy dock, where they revealed their hatches to open up their volley guns. After which they let lose a massive bombardment of exploding Kunai, down on the ship yards, destroying warships under construction or being repaired, along with many hangers the housed ships under construction.

At the same as that, AQUA Shinobi's from the submarines quickly swam towards the docked ships, and planted waterproof exploding notes underneath the hull of the ships, where once they were far enough away, They activated the notes caused them to explode and the ships to sink, as massive holes caused by the explosions appeared, filling the ships with water.

The bombardment continued for several minutes, causing massive destruction on the enemy docks, once the docks had been completely levelled and the ships all sunk. Sun Li ordered her fleet of submarines to cease fire and to return underwater, as well as order her AQUA squad members to return to the submarines.

Once the AQUA members returned to the ships, Sun Li then gave the order to the other submarines to return back to base.

After she gave out her order, a young female AQUA member came up to her and saluted to her "Sun Li-taicho, we accomplished and sank all enemy ships, as ordered".

"Good-work Isaribi", spoke Sun Li, where she smiled at the young woman, who was about the same age as her.

Isaribi was a friend of Naruto and Anisu, who they had helped save during their travels with their Sensei's, Mitsuhide and Saiyuri, from a former scientist belonging to Orochimaru named Amachi. Who had experimented on her and turned her into a humanoid fish, after defeating Amachi, Naruto and the others, then brought her to Retsu. Who they'd also met earlier on in their travels and asked her to help Isaribi, which she did, where after some time Retsu was able to cure Isaribi. Although was unable to fully remove everything that Amachi had done, where she could produce gills at her neck at will to breath underwater, as well as make her feet and hands web like at will. Along with being able to move quickly underwater and have scales at will, that helped protect her body. But even with these abilities she was still able to remain in more human like form, and no longer changed in her Kaima form.

After being cured, Isaribi stayed with Retsu and travelled with her and became her assistant, hoping to reply Retsu for helping her. When Naruto became Raikage, she joined New Kumo along with Retsu, where she was finally able to find acceptance, and even eventually married Anisu. Who like Naruto was required to marry multiple times, since he was the last holder of his Clan's bloodline. She was also asked by Naruto later on, if she would be willing to join AQUA, where her skills and abilities, would be of great value, which she agreed to and became Sun Li second in command in the AQUA division.

After Sun Li had congratulated Isaribi for her good work, another crewman appeared next to them, where he then spoke "Sun Li-taicho, I just received word for the other submarine fleets at the remaining other enemy dock. They report, that they have all succeed in destroying the other two remaining docks and the fleets stationed there, with the exception of a few ships that went out on patrol, when they attack, but adding with the results with our own attack, with the others. We can confirm, that we achieved ninety-seven percent of our target objectives".

"Very good, inform all other ships to return to base", ordered Sun Li, after which the crewman nodded and went to give out Sun Li orders to the rest of the crew, where the submarine fleet sailed back to their base.

-Three Days after the battle of Konoha, with Orochimaru-

Currently running through the forest of Hi no Kuni, the former White Snake of Konoha, was racing back to Oto, along with his right hand man Kabuto, along with his remaining followers.

Out of his entire force, that he sent to invade Konoha only about ten percent of his original force had managed to escape Konoha, and avoid being capture or killed.

As Orochimaru ran, he went over what had happened and what he had seen only a few days ago. As he thought about the events at the battle of Konoha, he still tried to figure how his plan failed so miserably? As it had been perfect, he had thought of everything…everything except for one miserable brat, who just wouldn't die.

When Orochimaru thought of Naruto, he could not help but growl in anger, where a part of him still could not believe, that Naruto of all people had become as powerful as he did, let alone that he would possess the power of the legendary Ranbure-ka (Stormbreaker) limit. He also could not believe how much of the Kyubi's power that he could control. Even though he had not seen it, he and Kabuto had felt Naruto using its power when they were escaping the village, which didn't make Orochimaru feel any better; in fact it made him feel worse, as he knew that Naruto had not used all of the Kyubi's power.

"Blast that cursed brat, I make him pay dearly for interfering with my plans again" thought Orochimaru, as he and his remaining forces crossed the border between Ta no Kuni and Hi no Kuni.

But soon after crossing the border, several Oto-nins in the front, where blown apart by a large explosion, at the same time as well, several more Oto-nins were killed when several arrows made out of Chakra pierced their chest. Also as well, several dozen Kunai's and jutsu's were being fired from all directions at the Oto force.

"What is going on?" thought Orochimaru, where he saw his already decimated force being attacked again by unknown force.

His question was soon answered, when two hundred New Kumo Shinobi's appeared and surrounded them, where he attack Orochimaru forces, within minutes Orochimaru forces were being picked apart by the New Kumo Shinobi's.