
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 12 Hokage Battle Royale Part Two

Inside the Spinning Water Dome-

Once the Nidaime was out of the Water he quickly took a kenjustu fighting stance with the Raijin, Naruto quickly followed suit, as he fell into a kenjustu fighting stance with Tengu, where after a minute or two of staring and analysing one another for any weaknesses to exploit, the two Kage level Shinobi's charged forward with their swords.

For the next few minutes the two Kages fought in a fierce kenjutsu battle, where they blocked countered or dodged each others moves and received some minor cuts from each other blades, that quickly healed, thanks their separate regenerating abilities. The two of them fought with amazing skills, where to the observers it was more like a dance than an actually battle. Tenten herself was not missing a move, as it was not everyday that one would get to watch to master swordsmen battle against one another.

Soon enough though, both Naruto and Tobirama broke apart from one another, so to assess each others condition, which was relatively good, as neither of them really had any damage or wounds thanks to their healing abilities.

"You're indeed a worthy opponent Naruto-san, as I've not had a battle like this in a very long time" spoke Tobirama, as he was impressed with Naruto's skill and power.

"As are you Tobirama-sama" spoke Naruto respectfully, as he respected the former Hokage and held no ill-will towards the man, as he had done him no wrong.

"It is a shame that Konoha could not see past their fears of you, as I'm certain that you would've led the village well had you became Hokage instead" said the Nidaime.

"Thanks" replied Naruto simply, as he then fell back into a fighting stance with Tengu, which Tobirama, followed as well with the Raijin, where after a few second they reengaged.

As the two battled, they soon reached a deadlock where, they both struggled for dominance and tried to push the other back. Normally Tengu would've easily overpowered Raijin, but unfortunately due to Tengu using up most of its power when it used Futsunushi, along with battling for so long, Tengu was barely able to hold it's own against Raijin. Hence both swords were about even with one another in strength.

As Naruto and the Nidaime tried to push the other back, Naruto suddenly kicked the Nidaime hard in the shin, making the former Hokage lose his balance slightly, allowing Naruto to push him back a bit. This then gave Naruto the opening he needed, where as the Nidaime fell backwards, Naruto then swung Tengu and cut the Nidaime's right arm off. Along with the Raijin, which was in the Nidaime's right hand, where it fell into the Water and down to the bottom.

Unfortunately though, Naruto's victory over the Nidaime was short lived, as the Nidaime arm quickly regenerated, where he then rushed Naruto and punched Naruto hard in the face, causing him to fall back. After which, Tobirama then flipped into the air and did a double leg drop right into Naruto's stomach, forcing him into the Water and to let go of Tengu again.

Soon enough though Naruto was able to push the Nidaime off him, and began to swim back to the surface, as he didn't have much air due to being kicked in the stomach when he was sent into the Water. Unfortunately though, the Nidaime was highly skilled in not only Water Ninjutsu, but also in underwater combat, where he quickly swam circles around Naruto, hitting from all direction, not giving the young blonde Raikage a chance to defend himself.

Knowing that the Nidaime wouldn't give him a chance to swim back to the surface, Naruto decided to use a Technique that his Clan created, back when they still possessed their Bloodline. The Technique involved separating Water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis, allowing him to breathe underwater.

After using the Technique, Naruto was able to breath and regain himself, where he then started to fight back, but even after this the Nidaime still had the advantage under Water, where Naruto was barely able to hold his own and keep the Nidaime at bay.

Soon enough though, Naruto realised that he wasn't going to win like this, as if he tried using Lightning, all he would do is electrocute himself along with the Nidaime, and even then he would just regenerate right away like himself. But he would recover a lot faster than Naruto would, as the Nidaime felt no pain, while Naruto did. Freezing was also not an option as like with using Lightning, Naruto would be frozen along with the Nidaime, not to mention the Nidaime would survive it. While Naruto wouldn't, as just because he was hard to kill, didn't mean he couldn't die, as he could still be killed, like being frozen to death.

Naruto knew that his only real chance of wining this fight was to get himself and the Nidaime above Water, where he at least stood a chance of winning.

After seeing that the Nidaime was heading towards him and preparing another strike, Naruto quickly began to rotating at a ferocious speed in a counter clockwise direction, creating an underwater Whirlpool, and crying out "Kami no Uzu (Divine Whirlpool)!(J)". But instead of dragging the Nidaime in and pulling him down to the bottom the Water, the whirlpool sucked him in and pulled him upward to the surface of the Water and into the air.

As soon as the Nidaime was pulled into the whirlpool and pulled up to the surface of the Water, Naruto quickly stopped spinning, where once he regained himself he quickly swam up to the surface of the Water.

When Naruto emerged out of the Water, he was attack by the Nidaime, where he was hit to the side of the head, but when the Nidaime hit "Naruto" he turned into Water, revealing that Naruto had replaced himself with a Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone). After seeing this, the Nidaime quickly looked around for where Naruto went.

The Nidaime quickly found Naruto, who was in the middle of doing several hand-seals, where he then cried out "Suiton: Suiko (Water Style: Water Tiger)! (K)" After which a large Tiger made out of Water sped across the Water at high speed, covering the distance between Naruto and the Nidaime in a short time.

Reacting quickly the Nidiame quickly formed a hand-seal and cried out "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!" where a large Water Dragon formed out of the Water and charged right at Naruto's Suiko.

The two Water Jutsu's quickly collided into one another with enormous effect, causing a massive explosion of Water to erupt and scattering a shower of Water everywhere, and blocking the observers view momentarily with a Watery mist.

-With other Observing Groups-

As the explosion of Water blocked people's view of the battle, many of the other watchers, could not helped but be in awe at the battle they were seeing. As despite the odds, Naruto was fighting on even terms with the Nidaime Hokage on a Water filled battlefield.

One Shinobi especially was watching the battle with unblinking eyes, as he did not wish to miss a moment of it. This Shinobi was none other the Commander of the ANBU division and had been watching Naruto's battle from the moment he appeared.

"Unbelievable I never dreamed, let alone believed I would live to witness this again…Hokage level combat" thought the ANBU Commander.

"Amazing, I never thought anyone could ever fight on even terms with the Nidaime in a Water field battle", spoke an ANBU member, as the Nidaime Hokage was hailed as the greatest Water manipulator that ever existed.

"Indeed" replied the ANBU Commander.

"Do you think he can win?" asked another ANBU.

"I do not honestly know" spoke the ANBU Commander truthfully, as he had no way of knowing which way this battle would turn.

As the Water and mist caused by the earlier Water attack began to clear they suddenly saw, Naruto appearing in midair, dodging several high pressure Water bullets. After which they suddenly heard the Nidaime voice cry out from then Watery mist "Suiton: Mizu Yari (Water Style: Water Javelin)!(L)". After which, several high pressured beams of Water, shot out of the mist at astounding speed.

-With Naruto-

As the high speed Water beams shot towards him, Naruto knew that he couldn't avoid them in time, so he quickly did a few quick one handed hand-seals, and brought his two front fingers to his lips and cried out "Hyoton: Reikiko (Ice Release: Icy Breath)!(1)" and then blew out a stream of cold air at the Water beams.

Within second the Water beams froze turning them into ice spears and were travelling at a slower speed, where after they're frozen Naruto quickly prepared to use his Raiken and charged up his fist with Lightning Chakra to enhance their strength. Where using his Lightning enhances strength, he smashed the ice spears to pieces.

"Damn that was close" thought Naruto, as he used his levitation trick to lower himself back onto the Water safely, where he then use a Wind Jutsu to blow away the remaindering of the Water mist so that he could see the Nidaime. But when he did he couldn't see him anywhere and started to look around, when he couldn't see him, Naruto quickly realised that the Nidaime was underwater.

Unfortunately, by the time Naruto realised this, the former Hokage busted out of the Water and punched him right in the chin. Making Naruto fall back and having to do a back flip, before landing back on the surface of the Water and using his Chakra to keep himself afloat.

Although as soon as Naruto had landed back on his feet, the Water underneath him exploded launching him into the air. The Nidaime then immediately jumped into the air above Naruto and cried out "Suiton: Kōka Suijin (Water Style: Water Hardened Drill)!", where he created a large Water drill around his arm, and sent it striking at Naruto.

Luckily Naruto was able to use his Raipō at the last second to dodge the attack, where the Nidaime just hit the surface of the Water instead, although the attack did create a large Water explosion when it hit the Water surface.

As soon as the explosion ended, Naruto and appeared to the Nidaime left and kicked him in the chest and sent him flying back several feet away, after which the Nidaime counterattack, by punching Naruto in the right hand side of his face.

For the next few minutes the two Kages fought in a fierce Taijutsu battle, where after a little while the two broke apart, where the Nidaime then did a single hand-seal and cried out "Suiton: Suishōha (Water Style: Water Shockwave)!" where a spiralling vortex of Water emerged from the Water and became a giant Wave that then fell towards Naruto.

Naruto tried to avoid the Technique, but the Nidaime was skilfully able to control the movement of the wave, and had it follow Naruto, seeing this, Naruto then did a combination of fifty one handed hand-seals and normal two handed hand-seals, in the space of only a few seconds. After which, he then cried out "Tenpū Midarete (Heavenly Wind Rage)! (2)" just when the Giant Wave was about to envelope Naruto from all sides.

After Naruto completed the Just a massive explosion of Wind erupted from Naurto and blasting the giant Water wave away with incredible force, where the Nidaime had to focus a lot of his Chakra to the Water surface to keep from being blow away by it.

When the Wave was dealt with Naruto sigh, "Damn… the Nidaime definitely lives up to his reputation, as the world Greatest Water manipulator, as I haven't had a Water jutsu battle this hard since I last fought Anisu…hell Anisu would probably have an equally hard time with him as well" thought Naruto. After which he then decided that enough was enough and that he was going to finish this battle with the next move, as he couldn't afford to fight with the Nidaime any longer, as he still had four more opponents to fight. Not to mention the Suiton: Kaiten Mizu Dōmu was eating up a lot of his Chakra to maintain, hence fighting a drawn out battle, with it still on, wasn't the wisest course of action.

At the same time that Naruto was thinking this, he saw the Nidaime preparing to use another Water Jutsu, seeing this Naruto prepared his owe jutsu.

"This is the end for you Nidaime-sama, I apologise for any pain I may have caused you, but I cannot afford to lose this battle" spoke Naruto, as he finish his hand-seals.

At the same moment the Nidaime also finished preparing his own Jutsu, where he then cried out "Suiton: Suikōdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Shark Missile Technique)!" while Naruto cried out "Hyoton: Gyōkojū (Ice Release: Freezing Beast)!(M)", where a large wolf like creatures head formed.

As the attacks raced towards one another, the Water all around the large ice beast began to freeze, once it made contact with the Water Shark missile it froze the attack solid turning it into a ice sculpture before if shattered and broke to pieces. After which the ice beast continued on towards the Nidaime Hokage, who was about to move away from the oncoming attack. But before he could, he found that his feet and legs were frozen, due to the ice beast being so close, where the cold air it was releasing was freezing everything around it, as the Water made a perfect conductor, where it increased the freezing. Hence with the Nidaime standing on Water his feet quickly became frozen.

"It seems I've lost this battle, Well done young Raikage" thought the Nidaime with a smile, as he knew what would happen next, but did not care. Within seconds the creature hit the Nidaime, and turned him into and a frozen statue and launched him into the air due to the force of the attack.

As the frozen former Hokage flew into the air Naruto was waiting for him from above, with his fist charged with Lightning and ready to use his Raiken, where as the Nidaime flew up into the air. Naruto descended from above and struck the Nidaime with his Lightning enhance fist, shattering the former Hokage into thousands upon thousands of tiny little ice pieces, completely destroying his body.

But even with this Naruto wasn't done yet, as he quickly brought his hand forward fired a powerful Storm jutsu that incinerated the ice shards of the Nidaime, ensuring that he was indeed dead for good.

Upon destroying the Nidaime, Naruto landed on the now ice covered Water in the crater panting slightly, after which he turned to look up at the sky to the blowing ashes of the Nidaime, knowing that the Nidaime was indeed dead now, and could only hope he was at peace now.

-With the observing groups-

"I don't believe it…the kid actually did it!" said a shocked Jiraiya.

"To quote Naruto-kun…Believe it!" said Yugito with a smile.

"He's dead this time, and I don't mean maybe" commented Kiler Bee.

"Unreal" said Kiba in disbelief.

"Truly impressive" remarked Sai, clearly impressed.

"How unearth did Naruto do it?" spoke Sakura with disbelief.

"It simply really" spoke Okatsu gaining peoples attention, "Even though the resurrected Hokages are impossible to kill by most normal means, there are certain ways to beat or kill them again. One such way was what Jiraiya-san said, which is to extract their souls, as the Sandaime did when he fought the Shodaime and the Nidaime during the Suna and Oto invasion of Konoha. Another way to beat them is to completely immobilise their bodies and the final way to kill them is to completely and utterly destroy their bodies, to an extant that they cannot regenerate and do it with a single move. Natural given their abilities that is easier said than done, but even still it's not impossible, as The Raikage has just proven".

"Way to go Nii-san!" cried Konohamaru, followed by Moegi and Udon, who cheered with joy at Naruto defeating the Nidaime.

"Your amazing Naruto-kun" said Hinata quietly, with a smile, as she looked down at Naruto.

"Naruto!" thought Sasuke with a frown, as he gripped his hand rightly in anger, as he looked down at his former team-mate and friend.

"Way ago brat" thought Tsunade, with a smile, where she also silently prayed that her Great Uncle could find peace now, after being defeated by Naruto.

"Impossible! …How could that brat defeat the Nidaime Hokage, the Edo Tensei (Impure World Resurrection) is perfect, and those that are summoned by it cannot be killed. So how did that accursed brat do it?" thought the Orochimaru with fury and disbelief, as he still could not believe that Naruto actually managed to kill the Nidaime Hokage.

Unknown to Orochimaru, both the Sandaime and the Yondaime, had small smiles of pride on their faces at seeing Naruto being able to defeat the Nidaime Hokage.

-With Naruto-

After defeating the Nidaime, Naruto knew he needed some added strength so he summoned both the Raijin and Tengu from the Water bellow, where both swords broke through the ice and returned to Naruto's hands. The Raijin was able to do this, thanks to a special seal that Naruto placed on it and allowed him summon it to him in the same way that he summoned Tengu. The reason he didn't do this when the Nidaime Hokage took it from him was because the Nidaime had a tight grip on the sword and wouldn't let it go.

Once the swords returned to him, Naruto then placed the Raijin on his utility belt and put Tengu back on the sheath on his back, after which Naruto then fell into a stance and closed his eyes and began to gather natural energy to use in his Gama Sennin Mōdo (Toad Sage mode).

-With the Observing group-

"What's Naruto doing?" asked Ino.

"I don't know, maybe he's gather Chakra for some special Technique that he's going to use against Orochimaru and the other Hokages", spoke Choji.

Seeing Naruto in his stance, Jiraiya began to frown and stare intently at Naruto, as if trying to figure out what Naruto was doing, "Could the brat have actually mastered it?"

Jiraiya wasn't the only one that was staring intently at Naruto, as Zhuge Liang was also focusing his attention on what the young blonde Raikage was doing. "So Naruto you've reach the point, where you need the Gama Sennin Mōdo, I cannot say I'm surprised, giving how hard and how long you've fought, you will need the power of the Sage Mode if you wish to defeat Orochimaru and the other Hokages. But still you need to be careful, as there is a limit to how long you can use it, until you run out of natural energy, where by that point you'll be even more vulnerable than you are now", thought Zhuge Liang.

"What's that brat doing this time?" thought Orochimaru with a large frown.

-With Naruto-

After a few minutes Naruto had gathered as much natural energy as he could, where he then stopped and opened his eye revealing yellow irises, horizontal bar-like pupils, and the reddish-orange pigment on each eye, which were the marks of a true Toad Sage.

Once Naruto was in his Gama Sennin Mōdo mode he deactivated the Suiton: Kaiten Mizu Dōmu, where the Water flowed back into the crater and covered the ice that Naruto's attack created.

-Enter Naruto Shippuuden OST Gekiha-

When the spinning Water dome was gone, Naruto quickly used his Raipō to speed across the ground and right up to the Shodaime in the blink on an eye.

As soon as Naruto appeared in front of the Shodaime, he punched the former Hokage right in the stomach and sent him flying to the other end of battlefield.

"What the?" thought Orochimaru in surprise, when he saw Naruto launching the Shodaime away with a single punch. After which Naruto then quickly turned to Orochimaru, and sped across to him with amazing speed and quickly close the distance between them and raised his fist to hit him in the face.

Reacting quickly, Orochimaru side stepped Naruto's punch, but when he did, he was still hit by something else and sent flying sideways.

As soon as Orochimaru had been sent flying, the Yondaime quickly appeared behind Naruto and stabbed Naruto in the back, but to his surprise the space-time Kunai did not pierce Naruto skin. Where Naruto quickly grabbed the Yondaime's arm and then flipped his father over him and onto the ground hard, causing a large dent on the ground. After which, Naruto then quickly spun around so to be standing directly over his father and to be facing him, all the while still holding onto the Yondaime arm, thereby dislocating it and snapping it into two at the same time. Upon which Naruto then held out his arm in the air and formed a Senpō: Ōdama Rasengan (Sage Art: Great Ball Spiraling Sphere), where he was about to hit the Yondaime with it… face first. But before Naruto could, he was kicked to the side of the head by the Sandaime who suddenly appeared to his left side and sent him skidding across the ground, where the Senpō: Ōdama Rasengan dissipateddue to Naruto losing concentration.

After hitting Naruto, the Sandaime then did six quick hand-seals and inhaled deeply and cried out "Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)!" before he spat out a long stream of Fire that divided into three and formed Dragon heads and assaulted Naruto in all three directions at once.

Naruto quickly the slammed his fist into the ground and then cried out "Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Style: Water Encampment Wall)!" after which a wall of Water burst out of the ground and around Naruto protecting him from the red hot flames.

When the hot flames of the Sandaime's Katon: Karyū Endan, hit the cool wall of Water of Naruto's Suiton: Suijinheki, a large cloud of hot steam appeared as the Fire attack was extinguish by Naruto's Water defence.

As soon as the attack ended, the Sandaime and the Yondiame suddenly sensed something form the air, where when they looked up they saw Naruto falling down towards them holding a Giant version of the Rasengan. When the two former Hokages saw this, they quickly realised that Naruto had used the steam created by the Sandaime's Fire hitting Naruto's Water defence as cover screen.

Just as Naruto was about to hit Sarutobi and Minato with his attack, he cried out the name of his attack "Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan (Sage Art: Super Great Ball Spiralling Sphere)!" After which a massive explosion erupted, that enveloped the two former Hokages and blasted Naruto back. Who in turn did a mid-air back flip, and landed on the ground a distance away from the explosion.

-End Naruto Shippuuden OST Gekiha-

When the explosion faded a large crater could be now seen, which was connected to the upper part of the larger crater in the centre of the battlefield, where Naruto had his battle with the Mizukage and the Nidaime Hokage. In the small crater people could seen the pieces of the Yondaime and the Sandaime remains, as they had been completely blown apart by Naruto's attack, where a large protection of their bodies had been completely vaporised by it as well.

-With the Observing Group-

"That's the way Nii-san!" cheered Konohamaru.

"Way a go Naruto! Show them whose boss!" cried Kiba pumping his fist into the air.

"He blew those suckasses down like a mother-fuckin squall" spoke Killer Bee.

"But how I thought Narut…I mean The Raikage, was tiring where did he get this sudden burst of power and energy?" spoke Neji. For when he saw Naruto use the Senpō: Ōdama Rasengan and the Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan, he could detect an unusual energy coming off them and Naruto with his Byakugan. Even though he couldn't see Naruto's Chakra inside his body, he could at least see the energy outside it that was released.

"I'm sure there is a reason to Naruto's new found strength and power" commented Kakashi, as he had already guessed what Naruto had done.

"Jiraiya, did Naruto do what I think he did?" asked Tsuande, as like Kakashi she had guessed what Naruto had done.

"He did" replied Jiraiya along with a nod, "The kid truly has surpassed even me".

"What do you mean by that Jiraiya-sama?" asked Hinata, as like most people she was curious to what Naruto had done and what kind of power was now using.

"The kid has mastered the Senjutsu (Sage Technique)", answered Jiraiya simply, as he stared down at Naruto with a serious look.

"Senjutsu? …What's that?" asked Ino as she had never heard of it before.

"Senjutsu refers to a specialized field of jutsu that allows the user to sense and then gather the natural energy around a person. Senjutsu practitioners can then learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them blending it with their own Chakra, created from spiritual and physical energy within the Shinobi, adding a new dimension of power. Which results, in the creation of Senjutsu Chakra", said Jiraiya, and continued with his explanation.

"This new Chakra enables the user to enter an empowered state called Sennin Mōdo, which can then drastically increase the strength of all Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. A person who is able to use Senjutsu is called a Sage. Only those who already possess extreme Chakra levels like Naruto and me can utilize natural energies to invoke Senjutsu. Also using Senjutsu can be very difficult and dangerous to use, since if the user draws in too much natural energy in the attempt to initiate Sennin Mōdo, they run the risk of transforming into a toad, then into stone, which can never be reversed", said Jiraiya, shocking many how powerful yet dangerous using the Sennin Mōdo was.

"Even I have trouble using it, since when a person uses the Gama Sennin Mōdo they take on the characteristics of a Toad, where the less control they have, the more Toad like they become, like myself where my eyes and nose become Toad like", spoke Jiraiya.

"But Naruto's eyes have just changed, his nose hasn't", spoke Choji.

"That's because Naruto has completely master it, as when a true master of the Gama Sennin Mōdo uses it, only his eyes will become Toad like, meaning that he has truly surpassed me" said Jiraiya, with a hint of pride for his former student and Godson. Although he narrowed his eyes slightly, as this erased all doubt he had at the Toads not knowing about Naruto being alive and proved that they'd lied to him.

Upon hearing this many were dumbstruck at hearing that Naruto had surpassed even Jiraiya, (Konoha's currently strongest Shinobi) in the art of the Toad Sage, which he was famed for.

At hearing all at certain Uchiha glare with such fury, that if looks could kill, Naruto would've have been nothing more than a pile of ash.

"Damn you dope!" growled Sasuke.

-With Naruto-

Soon after the explosion faded, the two Hokages' bodies immediately began to regenerate, and before Naruto could stop them and finish them off. The Shodaime and Orochimaru appeared in front of him, and blocked him from the regenerating Hokages.

As Orochimaru and the Shodaime faced off against Naruto, Orochimaru narrowed his eyes in anger and confusion.

"How did that brat do it? I'm certain I avoided his hit, but he was still able to hit me, and where did he get this sudden increase in power…it makes no sense!" thought Orochimaru furiously, after which his eyes suddenly widen when he stared right into Naruto's eyes.

"Those are the eyes of a Toad! Which means that the boy is using and has mastered the Gama Sennin Mōdo" thought Orochimaru with surprise. "Blast! Now it makes sense, how the boy gained such an increase of strength and power so suddenly", after which Orochimaru narrowed his eyes in anger, as Naruto was truly a student of his former team-mate.

After a minute or so the Sandaime and the Yondaime jumped out of the crater that they'd just been in and joined Orochimaru and the Shodaime, as they faced against Naruto.

When the Yondaime saw Naruto eyes, he too quickly recognised the Gama Sennin Mōdo, "It seems that you have master the Gama Sennin Mōdo, Naruto-kun, just like Jiraiya-sensei".

At this Naruto only scoffed, "Please don't insult me, I've completely mastered it, unlike that old perverted Hermit".

"Truly impressive Naruto-kun you've indeed come far in only a few years time", spoke the Sandaime with pride at seeing how much Naruto had grown.

Before Naruto could even comment to Sarutobi's praise, Orochimaru suddenly cried out "Enough of all this drabble… and kill him!"

After hearing Orochimaru's orders, the three Hokages immediately charged forward and attack Naruto.

The Yondaime quickly used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleport himself to Naruto, where he then knee kicked him in the stomach, after which he did a three-sixty spin kick and sent Naruto flying sideways. Where he then appeared again over Naruto, who was still flying in the air and then elbowed him in the gut and slammed him into the ground, where the Yodaime then flipped backwards and stood a few feet away from Naruto.

When the Yondaime landed back on his feet Naruto, immediately got back up on his feet and brushed the dirt off his pants and shirt and ANBU chest plate and cracked his neck, as if nothing happened.

"That all you got?" asked Naruto, where he then disappeared right before Minato's eyes, and right before Orochimaru, the Sandaime and the Shodaime could hit him, when they attacked him from three sides.

Naruto then reappeared and did a rear spinning low kick, kicking the Yondaime off his feet and flying in the air. Naruto then followed up with a series of kicking attacks, starting from a low kick and linking into a middle kick and high kick, then finishing off with a heel drop, which sent the Yondiame soaring down to the ground.

But before the Yondaime could hit the ground he used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleportnext to Naruto, fortunately though for Naruto, he predicted this and when the Yondaime appeared next to him in midair. Naruto then did a spinning back kick, with such speed that not a single person watching could follow his movement, smashing the Yondaime with overwhelming strength that he crashed right into the ground.

Even after being hit by that devastating blow, the Yondaime quickly got back with no sign of injury. But before he could even try and attack Naruto, Naruto reappeared right below the former Hokage by using Raipō. After which Naruto then delivered a powerful rising kick to the chin that once again launched the Yondaime high into the sky.

Naruto then quickly followed him up to the sky, where he then hit the Yondaime in a pressure point in his back to stop him from moving and then released a dozen or so lines of Ninja wire to rap around the Yondaime and restrain him. Upon which Naruto begin rotating at a ferocious speed while falling and piledrived the Yondaime into the ground headfirst, while Naruto landed and skidded on the ground just outside the large crater he created with his attack.

-With the Observing group-

"Those moves!" said Lee in surprise, immediately recognising them.

"Goken (Strong fist)…But where did Naruto-san learn them?" asked an equally surprised Gai, as like Lee, he recognised the fighting style that he used and specialised in.

"Zhuge Liang-sama! Where on earth did Naruto-san learn Goken? As only Lee and I know it?" asked Gai.

"From the Library of Benzaiten of course, as the Goken fighting style has existed for many years long before Konoha was built. The Raikage knew how powerful the fighting style was, after seeing you and your former student use it in battle many times. So when he found it in the Library right after he became Raikage three years ago, he decide to train in it, knowing how useful it would be in battle. Although he is no-where near the level that you and your student are in it, he is still quite proficient in it to be a challenge", answered Zhuge Liang.

"Yosh! Naruto-kun dedication to hard work and training, as well as his youthful determination is truly inspirational" cried Lee with enthusiasm.

"Indeed my youthful former student, the flames of youth truly burn as brightly as the sun in The Raikage-sama, he is truly an inspiration to us all" shouted Gai with just as much enthusiasm as Lee.

At the same time that Gai and Lee where praising Naruto for his skill, determination and dedication to hard-work and training, along is skill in using Goken, Tsunade and Jiraiya, where in deep thought. As upon hearing how Goken, a fighting style that was well know to be affiliated with Konoha, could be learned elsewhere was troubling to say the least, as who knew how many other Jutsu's they possessed in that library.

-With Naruto-

After dealing with the Yondaime for now, Naruto decided to deal with Orochimaru and the others, but just as he turned around he suddenly heard the Shodaime voice cry out "Mokuton: Mokusatsu Shibari no Jutsu (Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique)!" After which several wood tendrils shot out of the Shodaime Hokage's arm and rapped themselves around Naruto, after which Orochimaru and the Sandaime appeared on either side of him where then began to do hand-seal.

Where when they finished the Sandaime cried out "Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet)!" where a Dragon head formed out of the ground and fired concentrated balls of mud at Naruto. At the same time as well Orochimaru finished doing his hand-seal and cried out "Suiton: Ja no Kuchi (Water Style: Snake's Mouth)!"

Upon seeing the two attacks, Naruto quickly used his enhance Sage strength to break out of the Shodaime Wood binds and then jumped out of the way of the two attacks that collided with one another.

When Naruto landed back on the ground and saw his three opponents racing towards him, he then quickly inhaled a large amount of air and cried out "Senpō: Fūton Sunabokori (Sage Art: Wind Release Dust Cloud)!" and exhaled the Wind. After which a massive cloud of dust erupted from around Naruto, blocking everyone's view of the battlefield.

As the dust cloud covered the battlefield, Orochimaru, the Shodaime and the Sandaime looked around in all direction and extended their senses in the hope of finding Naruto. Unfortunately though they could not sense him, nor could they see him thanks to the dust cloud obstructing their view.

Naruto on the other hand didn't have this problem, as thanks to being in his Sennin Mōdo, he was able to sense Chakra around him, or to be more specific he could sense the different Chakra signatures of his opponents that were around him, which allowed him to know the locations of his opponents.

Taking advantage of this Naruto, quickly raced towards the Sandaime, who was still trying to find him. Before the Sandaime could even sense Naruto coming, Naruto pounced on him, and unleashed a series of powerful punches on the Sandaime, that were enhanced thanks to his Sennin Mōdo.

After delivering a severe beat down of the Sandaime Naruto decided to finish the Sandaime off, where he formed two Rasengans (Spiralling Spheres) in his hands and enhanced them with Senjutsu Chakra. After which he then thrust his hands forward into the Sandaime's stomach, and cried out "Senjutsu: Rasenrengan (Sage Art: Spiralling Sphere barrage)!" blasting the former Hokage away, and flying out of the dust cloud through several trees that the Shodaime hand created earlier.

As soon as Naruto had dealt with the Sandaime, Naruto then heard Orochimaru cry out "Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough)!" blowing away his dust cover.

Quickly though, Naruto used his enhance abilities from his Sennin Mōdo to jump high up into the air to avoid detection for the moment.

When the dust cloud blew away, Orochimaru, began looking to where Naruto was, although he only saw the Shodaime, who wasn't far from him, while his former Sensei, the Sandaime was gone, who Orochimaru guessed was the one that Naruto had attacked moments ago.

As Orochimaru kept looking around for Naruto he quickly heard Naruto voice shouting out from above him "Looking for me!" Where when Orochimaru looked up, he saw Naruto falling down towards him holding a gigantic version of the Rasengan, where he then cried out "Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan (Sage Art: Super Great Ball Spiralling Sphere)!"

"Shit!" thought Orochimaru, as he saw the Giant Rasengan heading for him, Orochimaru immediately tried to avoid the attack and although he was able to avoid a lethal hit. He was still caught in it, where half his body was destroyed and he was sent flying away to the other end of the cleared area.

With Orochimaru out of the way for the moment, Naruto turned to face the Shodaime, who was just about on top of him, when he turned around.

For the next few minutes the two Kage level warriors fought in a fierce Taijutsu battle, where although Naruto had the advantage of being stronger thanks to his Sennin Mōdo. The Shodaime was able to take a great deal of the hits with little trouble, thanks to him not feeling any pain and to his regenerating abilities.

As the fight continued Naruto quickly ducked under and left strike from the Shodaime, where he quickly planted an exploding note on the Shodaime's leg, where he then rolled out of the way and activated it causing the Shodaime leg to blow off.

Before Naruto could take advantage of this, Naruto was kicked from behind and sending him flying forward, thankfully though Naruto quickly regained himself and flipped himself back onto his feet and face his attacker.

When he looked up, he narrowed his eyes as he saw that his attacker was none other than his father, who used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to appear behind Naruto and hit him before he could sense him.

"You really starting to piss me off even more now" stated Naruto, as he narrowed his eyes at his father; as he did, he suddenly sense a familiar Chakra signature coming from behind him. Reacting quickly Naruto moved out of the way and narrowly avoided another kick from behind, but this time from the Sandaime.

Both Hokages then quickly moved in on Naruto to take advantage of their numbers, seeing this Naruto did a single hand-seal, where his hair quickly grew down his back, after which he bended down and cried out "Senpō: Kebari Senbon (Sage Art: Hair Needle Barrage)!" Where upon doing this, a massive screen of sharp needle hairs were fired at the two Hokages and turned them into human pincushions, stopping them dead in their tracks.

Naruto then quickly deactivated his jutsu, returning his hair to normal, after which he then formed a single hand seal and cried out "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" and created two Shadow Clone enhance with Senjutsu Chakra.

The two Clones quickly then formed two Giant Rasengans in their hands and then hit the two Hokage's with them, while crying out "Senpō: Ōdama Rasengan!" and blasting them away in different directions. After which the two Clones went after the two Hokages, making sure to keep them busy until Naruto was finish with the Shodaime.

As soon as the two Hokages were out of the way, Naruto had to quickly replace himself with a broken tree truck, to avoid being impaled by several wooden spikes that erupted from the ground around him.

When Naruto reappeared he came face to face with the founder of Konoha, the Shodaime Hokage, who quickly fired several thick tendrils of wood from the ground and at Naruto, who in turn quickly called for his Wind sword that he had dropped earlier. The sword handle immediately flew through the air and into his hands due to it having the same kind of summoning seal that Naruto had placed on the Raijin.

Naruto then quickly activated the Wind blade on his sword handle and used the blade of Wind to cut the wooden tendrils to pieces.

Once the wooden tendrils were dealt with Naruto then fired several Wind blades at the Shodaime, who upon being hit turned into a Moku Bunshin (Wood Clone), revealing that the Shodaime he had been fighting was a Moku Bunshin.

As soon as Naruto had dealt with the Shodaime's Moku Bunshin, the real Shodaime appeared behind Naruto and cried out "Mokuton: Mokudan (Wood Release: Wood Projectiles)!" and fired several sharp pieces of Wood at Naruto from behind.

Thankfully though, Naruto was able spin around and blocked these attacks, by skilfully cutting the wooden pieces with his Wind sword, just as they're about to hit him.

After dealing with the wooden projectiles Naruto quickly put away his Wind sword and placed it back on his utility belt. Where he then did a few quick hand-seals and channelled his Wind affinity and Lightning together and then cried out "Fūjin to Raijin no Jutsu (Wind God and Thunder God Technique)!(N)" After which a giant Tornado made out of Wind and Lightning emerged from his hands and went straight for the Shodaime, where it tore up the ground as it head for him.

As the Lightning and Wind Tornado headed for the Shodaime Hokage many were greatly surprised and impressed with Naruto mastery and skill in collaborating jutsu. Since it took tremendous skill and control over one's elemental affinities, to be able to combine two elements, especially when one weakens the other, and then make them into a powerful jutsu of this level.

Seeing the massive Tornado of Wind and Lightning tearing up the ground towards him Hashirama, quickly formed three hand-seal and cried out "Mokuton: Mokujōheki (Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall)!"

When Naruto's attack collided with Hashirama wooden wall there was a massive explosion, where the ground around it was blown apart and torn to pieces, but the wall stood strong and withstood the powerful jutsu, although their were many large cracks on it.

When the explosion ended Hashirama, immediately jumped over the wooden wall and did five quick hand-seals and then cried out "Mokuton: Jubaku Eisō (Wood Release: Curse-Binding Nest)!" Where a large tree suddenly formed around Naruto from the ground and the roots started to form and rap themselves around him, Naruto tried to break free but the roots were too strong and he could not break them, after which Naruto then began to sink into the ground.

"Please forgive me young one, but I must now end you life, but know you fought valiantly and earned by respect and admiration" spoke Hashirama, when he then had the roots enclose on Naruto and have Naruto's body implode.

But when the roots closed in on "Naruto", he exploded from the force of the roots revealing that he was a Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion), it was upon seeing this that the Shodaime Hokage quickly realised that at the last moment Naruto had replaced himself with a exploding clone.

Quickly the Shodaime began to look for where Naruto was, where he soon found Naruto, not far away from him on his left hand side doing a single hand-seal and then crying out "Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri (Water Style: Rising Water Slicer)!" Where Naruto then spat out a fast jet of Water, sliced through the ground, as it headed towards the former Hokage.

Immediately the Shodaime did three fast hand-seals and cried out "Mokuton: Jukai Heki (Wood Release: Dense Woodland Wall)!" upon which countless wooden branches emerged from the ground at high speed and interlaces with one another to form a wide, net-like wall.

The powerful Water Technique collided with the powerful wooden defence and like with the Mokuton: Mokujōheki it withstood Naruto's Water attack.

Hashirama then had the Mokuton: Jukai Heki sink back into the ground and then did four more quick hand-seals and cried out "Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Great Forest Technique)!" After which Hashirama stretched out his arm and it transformed into trees, where he then had them stretch out and great speed and forked into dozens of different branches with sharp stakes at the same time. Turning them into sharp, spear-like piercing weapons, where he tried to impale Naruto with them.

Seeing this Naruto the did a single hand seal and then cried out "Hyoton: Hyōkekkai (Ice Release: Ice Barrier)!(O)" After which a massive wall of Ice erupted from the ground in front of Naruto, blocking Hashirama attack, which penetrated the ice wall a bit but was stopped. Upon which the ice began to spread across the wooden tree and towards Hashirama, who quickly separated himself from the rest of the tree.

Although when he did, Hashirama, began to here a bell like screech coming from above, when he looked up he saw Naruto, who had seemly jumped up into the air, when Hashirama, was busy keeping himself from being frozen.

As the Shodaime looked up, he also saw Naruto holding a strange unknown jutsu to him, although one that the Sandaime and more specifically the Yondaime knew, when they looked up into the air. After they defeated Naruto's clones and saw what was in Naruto's hand and realised what it was.

Upon the three Hokages seeing him, Naruto roared out "Fūton: Rasenshuriken (Wind Style: Spiralling Shuriken)!" and then threw it, much to the surprise of the Yondaime and Sandaime, as well as at the same time confirming what they'd guessed.

The Rasenshuriken then flew through the air towards the Shodaime at astonishing speed, where the Shodaime tried to avoid it, but could not as the attack came in too fast, where he was then severed from his lower half.

"You're indeed strong, young Uzumaki, just what I would expect form one of my kindred cousins…you've defeated me!" thought the Shodaime with a smile, before the Rasenshuriken expanded, and he was enveloped by the Wind sphere caused by the Rasenshuriken and was completely vaporized".

After the Shodaime was dealt with, Naruto then landed on the ground, panting slightly, with a bit of sweat forming around his forehead.

-With the Observing Group-

"Looks like Naruto has defeated another of the Hokage's" commented Shikimaru, after seeing the Shodaime being vaporised by the Rasenshuriken.

"Yea but it seems that using Rasenshuriken again took it's toll on Naruto, as throwing a technique like Rasenshuriken is no simple task, let alone creating it, so there's no telling how much Chakra it takes just to create it", spoke Jiraiya with a frown.

"Not to mention that it seems that he is reaching his limits a last", said Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sensei should we go down and help Naruto?" asked Shizune

Before Tsuande could answer Fu suddenly spoke up, "None of you will interfere with the battle!"

"But look at him!" spoke Sakura, "He can't go on much longer, you said it yourselves that he has his limits and he was beginning to reach them earlier…why can't we help him?"

"Because Naruto isn't done yet" spoke Mitsudhide.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Kureani.

"As I said Naruto isn't done yet, for as tired as he looks he still has some fight in him left and will no give up until he is dead or is incapacitated" answered Mitsuhide.

"But h-" spoke Kurenai, but before she could finish, she was interrupted by Zhuge Liang.

"None of you need worry, as the moment that we are certain that The Raikage cannot continue fight and his life is in danger, we will intervene…but until then we'll simply watch and will stop any of you should you try and interfere with his battle" said Zhuge Liang as he continued to watch his former student with a frown. Although at the same time thinking "Now that you are reaching your limits Naruto will you use "it's" power or continue to stubbornly refuse it".

-With Naruto-

As Naruto regained himself, the Yondaime and the Sandaime quickly appeared in front of him, as the two former Hokages stood before Naruto, Minato suddenly spoke up "It seems you have accomplished what I could not and have surpassed me, Naruto".

"Tsk, save you your praises for some that actually cares" said Naruto as he didn't want his father's praise.

A sad look appeared on Minato's face when he heard Naruto's reply, where it was obvious that Naruto hated him. Even Sarutobi looked sadden by Naruto answer, as he had never thought that Naruto would be so cold and uncaring towards his own father, true it wasn't surprising considering Naruto's life, but still head had hoped that Naruto would come to understand his father situation and why he did what he did. Sadly though, even though Naruto knew why his father placed the Kyubi into him, Naruto could not forgive his father and held him as responsible for his cruel life as he did the villagers and those that persecuted him.

As the two Hokages stared off against Naruto, a Snake suddenly appeared from the ground behind Naruto and rapped itself around Naruto's neck and began to choke the life out of him.

After the Snake sprung out of the ground, Orochimaru also emerged from it, where it could be seen that the Snake that was choking Naruto came from his mouth. As the Snake was choking Naruto, a large smile appeared on his face, as he had watch Naruto defeat the Shodaime and was furious at the fact that Naruto had defeated another one of his "puppets" again; hence he'd planned on enjoying slowly squeezing the life out of Naruto.

Sadly though for Orochimaru, Naruto had no intention of letting Orochimaru kill him, as when the Snake rapped around his neck and began to squeeze it, he activated his Raiton no Yoroi (Lightning Release Armour). After which he then sent the Lightning through the Snake and to Orochimaru, shocking him and forcing Orochimaru to let him go.

Upon seeing this, the two Hokages immediately attacked Naruto, where the Yondaime appeared right in front of Naruto and punched him in the face, sending him backwards. After which the Sandaime appeared beside Naruto and kicked him in the side, sending Naruto flying back several feet away.

Fortunately though, no damage was done to Naruto thanks to his Raiton no Yoroi protecting him from the hits.

Once he had regained his footing Naruto used his Raipō to gain some distance from his opponents, where after he appeared a few metres away he then did seven quick hand-seals and stretched out his hand with his palm forward. Where he then began to gather a massive about of Lightning Chakra and concentrated it into his out stretched palm, where after a minute or so, when he had gathered enough power he released it and roared out "Raikōhō(Thunder Roar Cannon)!(P)" Releasing a massive blast of Lightning Chakra directly at Orochimaru and the two revived Hokages, the blast came in at such amazing speed that Orochimaru and the Hokages didn't have enough time to avoid it. But before the attack could hit Minato quickly came forwards and used his Jikūkan Kekkai (Space-Time Barrier) to block Naruto's attack and divert it to a location outside the village, where a large explosion could be seen from the distance outside the village.

When Naruto saw this he narrowed his eyes at his attack being diverted, as he had hoped to take at least Orochimaru or the Sandaime with that attack.

After diverting Naruto's attack, the Yondaime quickly then threw his space-time Kunai at Naruto, where he then did five hand-seals and cried out "Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Kunai Shadow Clone Technique)!" After which the single space-time Kunai turned into thousands of space-time Kunai's and were all directed at him.

"Shit" thought Naruto as he saw the thousands of Kunai flying towards him, reacting quickly Naruto did a single one handed hand seal and started to spin around and cried out "Senpū Kaiten (Whirlwind spin)!(Q)" creating a medium size whirlwind around himself and deflecting the Kunai and scattering them around him.

When the Kunai were all deflected, the Yondaime then suddenly appeared next to Naruto and hit him in the side sending him flying sideways. Before Naruto could regain himself the Yondaime appeared again, this time behind him, and hitting him in the back, after Naruto was sent flying forward, the Yondaime disappeared and reappeared to Naruto's left, sending him flying to the right.

This the continue for several minutes as the Yondaime continued to use his Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleport around Naruto hitting him from every direction, not giving him a chance to defend himself, and whenever he tried to counterattack, the Yondaime would teleport away before he could hit him.

As Naruto was being sent flying backwards from another hit from his father, he quickly realised how his father was able to teleport from so many different directions, when he saw the space-time Kunai's shattered along the ground around him. He realised that when his father used the Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, he intended to have Naruto block them and wanted him to deflect them and shattered them around him, allowing the Yondaime to teleport to any of them and attack Naruto from any direction.

"Fuck I walked right into this one", thought Naruto as he cursed himself for being such a baka and not realising this sooner.

As soon as Naruto had realised this, the Yondaime suddenly appeared in front of Naruto, holding a Rasengan and slammed it right into Naruto stomach blasting him into a nearby ruined tree created by the Shodaime earlier, and making a large dent in it.

Fortunately though thanks to still being in Gama Sennin Mōdo, as well as to his Shinjou Koukai(Body Renewal) Naruto took little damage to the attack and any damage he did take was quickly healed.

"Alright, I've had enough of being his punching bag" thought Naruto, after which he then charged both his hands with a large portion of Lightning Chakra and then clapped them together crying out "Kūden Shōha (Static Shockwave)!(R)" Causing a massive shockwave of Lightning that blasted the Yondaime, (who had just appeared in front of Naruto), and everything (including the space-time Kunai's), else in a hundred degree radius of Naruto away.

After Naruto blasted the Yondaime away, he started to pick himself up, but before he could fully getup he was suddenly hit again with a powerful palm strike to the chin and sent through the tree that he was against with incredible force. Where when he was hit, he heard the person who hit him cry out "Enkōōsō (Monkey King Claw)!(S)"

As Naruto with through the tree he was suddenly kicked from behind and sent flying up into the air, where he then saw Sarutobi appear in the air, doing a midair flip and then doing a falling drop kick crying out "Naguru no Saru (Monkey Pummel)!" and sending Naruto crashing to the ground.

When Naruto picked himself up he found himself surrounded by three Sarutobi's on all sides, after which the three Sarutobi's all charged at Naruto together.

Seeing this Naruto quickly jumped up high into the air and did midair flip and landed outside the tree covered area and about eighty feet away from his pervious position.

Sarutobi and his three Shadows were of course not far behind, where as soon as Naruto had jumped away from them, they followed him. Seeing them coming towards him, Naruto took out Tengu and Raijin and spun them in his hand and formed an X shape with them, and channelled as much Chakra as he could into them. After which he then swung the swords and cried out "Raiden no Nami (Thunder Lightning Wave)!(T)" where two large blades of Lightning energy were released from the blades and formed an X shaped slash and flew towards Saruotbi and his clones.

Naruto's attack quickly flew towards Sarutobi and his clones and cut right through the two clones with ease, where they puffed away. Sarutobi although, was able to avoid the attack by jumping up into the air. As he fell towards Naruto, Sarutobi quickly brought his right leg up in the hope of kicking Naruto.

Luckily though, Naruto blocked this kick by bring both his swords up to block Sarutobi's attack and pushed him back, making the former Hokage do another midair flip so to land back on his feet. Unfortunately for him though, this gave Naruto an opening he was looking for where he the swung the Raijin and cut the Sandaime's right leg off and then spin kicked the Sandaime sending flying several metres away.

After kicking the Sandaime away, Naruto then put Tengu and the Raijin back in their places, but as soon as he did his Shinobi sense's suddenly kicked in, telling him to move, where as soon as he did he narrowly avoided a blob of venom that was fired at him from behind and at the back of his neck.

When Naruto turned around he saw Orochimaru standing a bit away from him, with a snake that came from his mouth turned back into his tongue.

At seeing the Snake Sannin, Naruto narrowed his eyes, as he was getting pretty tired of him and decided he was going to finish off the annoying Snake once and for all.

Seeing that his sneak attack failed, Orochimaru quickly fired his Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands), where a dozen or so Snake sprung from his selves and flew towards Naruto. As the Snakes grew closer they broke apart so that they could converge on Naruto from all sides, also at the same time the Snakes opened their moves to extend blades out of their mouths.

Just before the Snakes hit him, Naruto used his Raipō to escape from being skewered; where he then reappeared behind Orochimaru and stabbed him in the back with a Kunai in the back. But as soon as he did, Orochimaru reverted into mud, where Naruto realised that Orochimaru had replaced himself with a mud clone before he was hit.

It was when he realised this, that Naruto quickly spun around and blocked an incoming attack from behind, where he blocked Kusanagi's blade, which Orochimaru had extended to hit Naruto in the back, while he stood a distance away. Naruto quickly coated his Kunai with his Chakra so that it could withstand the hit from Kusanagi.

When Naruto blocked the attack he was forced back a bit, but quickly regained himself and held his ground. Seeing that his sneak second attacked had failed also, Orchimaru recalled Kusanagi and had it return to its original form.

Once Orochimaru had relented his attack and recalled Kusanagi, Naruto stopped transferring Chakra to the Kunai in his hand, although as soon as he did the Kunai fell to pieces, showing Naruto that the Kusanagi blade was so strong. The only thing that held the Kunai together was the Chakra he was putting into the Kunai.

Soon after Naruto eyes returned to their normal state, revealing that his Gama Sennin Mōdo, had wore off, where he then fell down to one knee panting heavily with sweat falling down his forehead.

"KuKuKuKuKu….it seems that you finally reached your limit Naruto-kun" said Orochimaru with a sinister smile and he knew he had this fight won now. His confidence grew even more when the Yondaime and the Sandaime rejoined him and fully healed.

At seeing this Okastu, Killer Bee, Yugito, Mitsuhide, Saiyuri and Fu all prepared to move out and aid Naruto, as they knew they he had reached his limits, but before they could Zhuge Liang held out his hand and stopped them and told them to wait, all the while staring at Naruto.

"I' am sorry to say that it is indeed over Naruto" spoke Sandaime, "leave now Naruto, while you still have a chance, there will be no shame in doing so, for you've fought valiantly and proven yourself to be stronger than any other Shinobi I've ever seen. You've even surpassed myself by defeated both the Nidaime and the Shodaime singlehandedly, something I could not do".

At hearing this Naruto suddenly let out a tired chuckle as if the Sandaime had just said something funny, "HahHahHahHah…You must have really gone senile in the afterlife Sarutobi, if you think I would run away, because you should know that I never run away from fight", spoke Naruto as he stared up at Orochimaru and the two Hokages with a cold determination as he then stood up.

At seeing this Minato could only think "You're indeed your mother's son, Naruto", as Kushina was always too stubborn to simply give up on anything, although as he thought this he kept an impassive face.

As soon as Naruto got back on his feet Naruto then did a single hand seal and cried out "Kage Bushin no Jutsu" and created six Shadow Clones of himself. After which the Shadow Clones themselves formed different had seals. The First Naruto Clone cried out "Tajū Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)" and created fifty more Shadow Clones, the Second Clone then cried out "Futon: Kage Bunshin" and created fifty Wind Shadow Clones. The third Shadow used Raiton: Kage Bunshin to create Lightning Shadow Clones; the fourth used Bunshin Daibakuha to create fifty exploding Clones, while the fifth used Mizu Bunshin to created fifty Water Clones, where they were formed from the Water nearby. While the sixth and final Clone used Hyoton: Koori Bunshin (Ice Release: Ice Clone) to create fifty ice Clones.

Upon seeing the three hundred Clones of Naruto Orochimaru just smiled "KuKuKuKuKu…Still fighting with Clones I see, I guess no matter how much some things change, others will always stay the same and it seems that you will not die simply"

"What was you first clue" said Naruto coldly, after which the clone each took out of created different weapons, where some took out Kunai's, other took out copies of Tengu. Some others even took out copies of Raijin while others took out copies of Naruto's Wind sword. A few others even created Water swords and Ice swords, where once they all summoned their different weapons Naruto had his clones charge forward and attack Orochimaru and the Hokages, while he held back.

As the clones attacked Orochimaru and the Hokages, Naruto stood still, where he brought up his right hand and formed a one handed tiger seal (3) and closed his eyes and started to focus his energy in preparation for what he was about to do next.