
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 12 Hokage Battle Royale Part three

-With the Observing Groups-

"What is The Raikage doing? Surely he knows he cannot win by using clones" spoke Yamato.

"He isn't, the clones are only to delay Orochimaru and the Hokages and keep them busy until he's ready", answered Zhuge Liang

"So does that mean he's preparing to do the Gama Sennin Mōdo?" asked Kankuro.

"No preparing to do something much greater than the Sennin Mōdo" replied Zhuge Liang, after which he turned to Mitsuhide. "Mitsuhide, I what you to contact all our Shinobi's in sectors twelve, twenty-two, seventeen, thirty-six and forty-four and order them to evacuate, also tell them to have all Konoha defending forces in those sectors to do the same as well. Also have all our Shinobi's who are nearby watching this battle to fall back to a safer distance and pass the word to the Konoha, Suna and Tsuchigumo Clan Shinobi's there watching with them" spoke Zhuge Liang will clear seriousness and authority.

"Zhuge Liang-sama, you can't mean he actually going to use that justu" spoke Saiyuri with clear worry in her voice, which gain all the non-New Kumo Shinobi's attention.

"I'm afraid so" said Zhuge Liang, "Naruto must truly be desperate if he risk actually using that technique in this village during a battle like this".

Upon hearing Zhuge Liang response Mitsuhide immediately began speaking to the captains and commanders of the New Kumo forces in the sectors that Zhuge Liang told him and ordered them to pull out and have all Suna and Konoha forces there do the same.

At this the Konoha and Suna groups started to get worried at the way that the New Kumo group were acting about this jutsu that Naruto planned of using.

"Man! This serious no doubt" spoke Killer Bee.

"Wait what are you guys all talking about? What is Nii-san doing?" asked Konohama, as like the other non-New Kumo members he didn't understand what Zhuge Liang and the others were so worried about.

Ignoring Konohamaru's question Fu turned and spoke to Zhuge Liang, "I suggest, we relocate to the ground and place a protection barrier around ourselves, as the shockwave from the attack will most likely destroy many of the nearby buildings".

"Agreed" spoke Zhuge Liang.

"Wait Zhuge Liang! What are you all talking about? What is this jutsu that Naruto is going to use? And what do you mean a shockwave will most likely destroy the nearby buildings? Also why are you having all yours and our Shinobi's clear out of the areas that are directly behind Orochimaru and the Hokages?" asked Tsunade, as none of this sounded good to her.

"I'm afraid that I cannot explain here as we have very little time to get ready", replied Zhuge Liang.

"Then I suggest that you do not waste any more time, than is needed to explain it to us Zhuge Liang-san, as none of us here will leave this roof-top nor will we let any of you leave, till you explain to us what is happening" spoke Gaara, as like everyone else, he wanted answers.

At this Zhuge Liang sighed, as he knew that this was not the time for arguing or fighting, as they needed to get ready for what was to happen next. "Very well then, but I will have to be brief as possible as we have little time", the others nodded in agreement and signalled for him to go on and explain.

"The jutsu that we're referring to, is called Inazuma (Lightning Flash) (U)"

"Inazuma? What is that?" asked Temari

"It is a special Lightning Technique that Naruto developed and created, and is probable the fastest and most devastating Lightning jutsu ever created, more powerful than even Raimu Raito (Limelight). The Technique is so powerful that it is ranked as a double S ranked forbidden jutsu" said Zhuge Liang.

When Zhuge Liang said this to say the group was shocked would be like saying that that the ocean was only slightly blue, as they were completely blown away by this. Since Raimu Raito was the strongest know Lightning Techniques in the Shinobi World, as it had the power to destroy and entire Shinobi village. Not to mention the fact that Zhuge Liang said the Inazuma was a double S ranked jutsu, as jutsu of that calibre were thought to only exist in legends, as no-one had ever see or created a Technique of that level in over a hundred years or more.

"You understand Zhuge Liang-sama if we find this information hard to accept, as at jutsu of that calibre is virtually unheard of", spoke Shino.

"Believe me Shino-san what I say is the truth as I have seen Naruto use it with my own eyes… twice in fact, the first was at the battle of Mikatagahara or as most people today call it today the battle of the Storm during the Civil War. During that battle Naruto used it when he was facing against both Killer Bee and Yugito alone in battle, while the Rebel Forces fought the combine forces of the former Godaime Raikage and the former Daimyo Yoshiaki. During that battle Naruto used the Inazuma to defeat Killer Bee and Yugito, when they were in their full Jinchūriki forms, as well as at the same time wiping out over three thousand warriors belonging to the enemy forces", spoke Zhuge Liang. Upon hearing this both the Konoha and Suna groups were shocked beyond words, where Zhuge Liang then continued on.

"The Second time was at the final battle of the Civil War at Kumo village itself, where you Jiraiya-san can attest to the destructive power of the Inazuma,as you saw the damage done to the village", said Zhuge Liang.

At this a stun look of disbelief appeared on Jiraiya's face, "You're saying that Naruto's Inazuma destroyed the original Kumo village?"

"Yes and No" replied Zhuge Liang, where he got several confused looks from the Konoha and Suna groups and continued. "Most of the damage that was done to Kumo was done by the shockwave of the Inazuma, as if the village had been the target of the attack, there would be no trace of it left other than a large crater. The original target of the Inazuma was the Raikage's tower, which as you know was built into the mountain that the village was next to it".

Once Zhuge Liang had finished Yugito then spoke up, "Naruto also used this jutsu in his battle against Hidan and Kakuzu, when he was rescuing me from them. He used the jutsu to completely vaporise Hidan as well as destroy the entire valley that he was battling them in".

At hearing this, virtually everyone went pale white and wide eyed with disbelief and some fear, as they could hardly believe that there was actually a jutsu that was strong enough to vaporise a man, who was virtually immortal and was un-killable. As well as powerful enough to destroy a whole village and vaporise an entire mountain in one go. Many even became more fearful at the fact that Naruto was going to use said jutsu in the village.

"Impossible!..." spoke Kakashi "How could such a jutsu even exist, it's unfeasible"

"If it really wasn't possible would we be acting the way we're now and ordering both our force and your forces to get out of the way? Beside why would we lie? There would be no point in lying, as he's doing it right now in front of us" spoke Yugito with annoyance, at which Kakashi could not answer as what she said was true.

"Then we've to stop him, if he uses it he could destroy the village" spoke Tsunade.

"It's too late, once Naruto began the jutsu it cannot be stopped, unless you want all the energy that he's gathering to be unleashed down on all of us, as at least with Naruto using it and releasing it. He'll be in control of it and it'll be focused, but without him then everyone and everything within this village will be destroyed".

After hearing all this the Konoha and Suna groups, were ready to do whatever Zhuge Liang and the other New Kumo Shinobi's wanted them to do, where they quickly jumped down from the rooftop they're on and onto the ground. After which Zhuge Liang, quickly formed a large protective barrier around them that would protect them from the shockwave of Naruto's attack.

Once the barrier was up, the large group of observers watched Naruto in silence, as he prepared to do his Inazuma, as they watched they noticed that Naruto was now moving both his arms around in circular motions. Where Lightning was emanating from his two forward fingertips, (that were pointed out) and the movement that Naruto was doing was similar to the way he would move when he was about to use his Byakurai (White Lightning). Although he did it at much slower pace, with more motions where he leaned from one side to the other, as he did the circular motions, as if he was swaying.

"What is Naruto-kun doing?" Hinata asked Zhuge Liang.

"He's gathering his reaming Chakra and having it flow throughout his body and preparing it for the jutsu, as well as at the same time controlling the storm above and gather all the remaining energy that is in it" answered Zhuge Liang.

"Gathering it for what? How exactly does Naruto's jutsu work?" asked Tenten

"Inazuma is an extremely powerful, one-shot Lightning technique that Naruto created; he developed from his knowledge of the workings of his Byakurai. Where I'm certain many of you have surely notice how similar the movements are to it, in certain ways" spoke Zhuge Liang and getting nods from the others, where he then continued.

"Naruto uses his Ranbure-ka to gather and draw in the Lightning directly from thunder clouds, not just some of it …all of it, so to supple the power of his attack. When Naruto has gathered all of the Lightning into one spot above him he then draws all the Lightning energy of the storm into his body. Normally this would be impossible, as having so much power running through your body would destroy it, but thanks to Naruto's other bloodlimit the Shinjou Koukai (Body Renewal). His body is able to withstand that much power running through his body, but only for a short time, before it becomes too much for his bloodline to heal. Once Naruto has finished drawing in all the Lightning, he would then focus it all into his fingertips and release it in one massive concentrated blast that he controls with chakra. Also like Naruto's Raiton: Tenbatsu due to the technique using natural Lightning, it is much faster than any normal Lightning jutsu, as it travels at one, one thousandth of a second. Hence if you combined that with the width and extent of the blast, which is quite wide, it is virtually impossible to avoid it and even more impossible to block it, as it will incinerate anything that it hits or is in its way" said Zhuge Liang.

Upon hearing this, none of the others knew what to think, as what Zhuge Liang was describing was something unbelievable yet terrifying at the same time.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the Hokages-

After he had gathered all the Lightning in the clouds above him Naruto then raised his right hand with his two forwards fingers up into the air and drew in the natural Lightning, which descended down from the thunderclouds in a massive Lightning bolt.

For several seconds, those watching the battle, watched with complete awe as they saw Naruto take in the massive Lightning bolt into his body. Once the Lightning had been absorbed into his body Naruto then started to move his arms in the same circular motions he had been doing earlier, so to keep that natural Lightning in his body circulating, and to give his body time to control the natural Lightning.

As Naruto was doing this, Orochimaru and the Hokages were still fighting with Naruto's clones, the battle of course had not been as easy as Orochimaru had thought. Since Naruto's Clones fought in teams and not as individuals making the battle that much harder, where if one group attacked, another group would defend and if one group gave long range support by firing jutsu's or throwing weapons. Another group would go in close range with the Raijin's, Tengu's copies and other weapons. Another reason for their hard time was also because the Clones were mixed up well, where Orochimaru and the Hokages couldn't tell what type of clone they would hit. Where it could be a Shadow or an Exploding Clone or a Lightning or Wind Clone, where when they destroyed them, they didn't know if they would explode, turn into Lightning, Wind or simply shatter into ice or puff away. Hence they received many injuries and by the time Naruto was about to absorb the natural Lightning, about half the clones were destroyed, and Orochimaru had several injuries around his body and was still fighting with the rest of the Clones with the Hokages.

When Orochimaru saw Naruto being hit by the massive Lightning bolt and taking in the natural Lightning into his body, he knew that Naruto was preparing a powerful jutsu, where he also knew as well, that he needed to stop Naruto before he used it. Unfortunately though for Orochimaru, the Naruto Clones would not let him, where one exploding clone suddenly appeared in front of Orochimaru and exploded. Giving the Snake Sannin several serious burns on his body as he narrowly avoided it, but was still blasted back several feet away.

Soon after Naruto was ready to perform the Inazuma, he allowed some of the natural Lightning to emanate from his body, where he then stretched his arm out with his two front fingers forward and prepared to fire it. While at the same time, channelled large amount of his Chakra that he had spare, to his feet to keep him from being blasted back by the backlash of his attack.

When Orochimaru saw that Naruto was almost ready to unleash his attack, he quickly bit his finger and spread some of his blood on two seals on his arms and then cried out "Kuchiyose: Sanjū Rashōmon (Summoning: Triple Rashōmon)!" and summoned his strongest defence the Triple Rashōmon.

But even still Orochimaru had a feeling that this still wouldn't be enough, where a few seconds later he heard Naruto roar out "Inazuma!"

As soon as Naruto roared this, a gigantic beam blast of electric energy exploded from Naruto's fingertips, pushing him back several feet and tearing up the earth a bit. The light from the blast was so intense that those watching Naruto along with everyone else watching or nearby had to cover their eyes to keep from going blind. Along with that, the shockwave from the Inazuma being fired was so great that all the buildings that were directly behind Naruto were blown apart. Debris began to fly everywhere, where many large pieces of rubble and Earth were sent flying right into the barrier that Zhuge Liang created, it go so bad that the force of the shockwave was putting a strain for even Zhuge Liang to maintain the barrier, where he had to get Mitsuhide and Saiyuri to help him. (4)

As the beam blast headed for the Triple Rashōmon it quickly enveloped the three gates, and as the Sandaime, who was being held by several Naruto clones saw the attack coming at him, he knew he could not avoid it, as the beam blast was coming in too fast and was too wide to even try and avoid, hence he was finished. But before he and the clones were enveloped in the bright light of the Inazuma just like the Triple Rashōmon, the Sandaime could not help be smile "Well done my boy".

Almost immediately after the attack, there was a massive explosion outside the village and although no-one could see the explosion due to the brightness of Naruto's Inazuma, they could still feel and hear it.

-With the Observing Groups-

Soon enough after the Inazuma ended, the shockwave ended as well, after which the bright light faded, and everyone's visions became clear again, where Zhuge Liang then let down his barrier. But when he did and everyone's vision became clear again no-one could believe what they saw in the aftermath of Naruto's Inazuma…or to be more precise, no-one wanted to believe what they were seeing. For what they saw filled everyone with a terrifying awe, as everything directly in front of Naruto had be wiped out…everything…Orochimaru…the Triple Rashōmon…the Yondaime…the Sandaime…Naruto's clones, along with everything that was directly behind them…was gone. All that was left was a clear hundred foot wide path of destruction, with not so much as a ruined building left, a large section of the village outer wall had also been vaporised. Along with all the trees outside the village creating a straight mile long cleared path, which ended at a massive crater in the middle of the forest and was the size of a mountain range and currently had a giant mushroom shape cloud over it, indicating where the blast ended (5).

"M…m…my…God!" said a stunned Jiraiya, as he started at the aftermath of Naruto Inazuma.

"U…Un…Unbelievable!" spoke Neji with disbelief, as he tried to rationalise and understand what he was seeing.

"And to think, that is only about half its true power" said Yugito

"T-That was only half!" cried Ino with disbelief, while the others looked at Yugito as if she was insane.

"Yes" spoke Fu, "The power that Naruto used came from the storm itself and since the storm has been going on since we arrived here, and since The Raikage had used some of its power earlier on, the attack was only at half strength. If The Raikage had used the Inazuma when he first created the storm, and when the storm itself was a full power, he could destroy this entire village along with your Hokage monument in one single blast".

"H-H-Ho-How can anyone b-b-be t-t-that powerful!" said a shocked Hanabi, as she and nearly everyone else where on the verge of having panic attacks, at hearing how powerful Naruto Inazuma really was.

"It's Impossible…" said Kakashi with wide eyes as he looked at the destruction caused by the Inazuma, while his mind was telling him what he was seeing it wasn't possible, yet he was seeing it with his own eye (his visible one).

"U…U...Unreal!" said Kiba.

"N…No Way!" said a disbelieving Tsunade, as she had never see anything like this in her entire life.

"Naruto…c-can this, be really you?" thought Shizune.

"Nii-san!" thought Konohamaru in awe.

"Boss!" thought Moegi and Udon together with utter shock.

"Incredible!..." spoke Hiashi, as he had never seen anything close to this, in all his years.

"Naruto-kun" thought Hinata with disbelief, at what Naruto had just done.

"W-What a Jutsu!" spoke Sai suddenly, as even he couldn't mask his surprise at the sight.

"So this is your true power Uzumaki-san" thought a stunned and wide-eyed Gaara, while his siblings just gapped at the sight.

"Naruto!..." spoke Sakura, with a combination of awe and some fear.

"No matter how many times I see that jutsu, it never ceases to fill me with awe and terror" spoke Zhuge Liang, as in a way it made him think that he was seeing the world ending.

"No joke, its outta sight, no maybe about it, just thinking about it give me the chills" spoke Killer Bee, as he remembered how he was nearly killed, when Naruto used that Technique when he and Yugito battled him.

"For once I agree" spoke Yugito, since she didn't blame for Killer Bee feeling this way, as she remembered that day as well, as it was the first time he came close to dying.

"Naruto!" spoke Sasuke, with a combination of awe, anger and even fear, at seeing Naruto's Inazuma, as he could not believe the power of Naruto's Inazuma, as it made his strongest attack Kirin look like a joke in comparison. As Naruto's Inazuma was almost divine like, as if the heavens themselves gave him their power to destroy Orochimaru.

"Its not fair!" thought Sasuke, "Why you, why you…why were you…a no nothing talentless bastard off-spring of the Yondaime, given such power, while I…the last of the Uchiha Clan, the strongest Shinobi Clan in the world, the founders of Konoha have nothing. What is it that allows you to gain such power? What do you have that I don't? I'm an avenger, I need power to kill "him" and avenge my Clan… yet you've it all, everything I need to do it and you don't even deserve it. You don't know what it like to have a family, a mother, a father, a home, a Clan and then have it all taken away from you…by your own brother, the person you'd admire most in the world. The person you wanted to be like more than anything else in the world, and to one day surpass. You don't know what it's like to hate, truly hate someone with every fibre of you being and soul like I do, SO WHY THE HELL DO YOU'VE ALL THIS POWER!…WHY IS IT YOU?"

-With Naruto-

After using the Inazuma, Naruto's body collapsed, where he feel to his knees, and then started panting more heavily than he ever had before, and sweat fell from his forehead.

Naruto of course knew this would happen, as the Inazuma was a one shot jutsu, where he could only use it once a battle, this was not only because he used all the electrical energy of the storm, but also because, of the after effects of using it. Since after having that much electrical power running through your body even for short period, can due untold about of damage to ones body, where without his healing bloodline, Naruto was certain he would be dead. But even with his bloodline there was only so much it could do, hence he needed to give his body time to heal, for after using Inazuma, Naruto's becomes helpless. Where his body needs time to heal the damage done from having all that natural Lightning in it and rest for a few moments, hence if he were attack right now there wouldn't be a thing he could do to stop or avoid it. There was also the fact that he was nearly out of Chakra as well, as it took an enormous about of Chakra to control all that power and keep it from going out of control, not to mention as well, that he used a lot of Chakra to keep himself from being blown away by his own attack.

Soon enough though, Naruto was able to move again and lifted himself up and start to walk, but he was far from perfect, as he was on his last legs, after letting a tired sigh Naruto was about to walk over to his subordinates and talk to them, but before he could, he suddenly sensed something not far away from him. Naruto then stretched out his senses, to find out what it was, where as soon as he did realised what it was he narrowed his eyes with annoyance. He then quickly charged up his Raipō, which thankfully used next to no Chakra at all, and used it to go to where he sensed his target.

-With the Observing group-

"Well it looks like it's finally over" spoke Yugito with a smile, "As nothing could've survived that attack"

"Agreed Orochimaru and the Hokages are gone, hopeful the Hokages can finally find piece", said Okatsu.

"Yea, although I don't think Naruto would wish the Yondaime to find any piece, considering how he feels towards him", replied Yugito, where Okatsu just nodded.

"Way ago Naruto-nii-san!" cried Konohamaru, as he was utterly blown away by Naruto's power.

"I didn't think the brat could actually do it… but he did!" spoke Jiraiya with a smile of pride for his godson.

"Yea well Naruto always did have a knack for beating the odds and doing the impossible" replied Tsunade with her own smile.

"You certainly have become strong Naruto, stronger than anyone that I have ever seen or heard of" thought Kakashi amazement.

"Your amazing Naruto-kun" said Hinata quietly, as she looked over to Naruto and smiled before she gasped with worry when she saw Naruto fall to his knees.

"What's wrong with Naruto-kun?" spoke Hinata with clear concern for him.

At this everyone stopped talking and looked at Naruto, who was on his knees panting.

"I was afraid of this" spoke Zhuge Liang suddenly.

"What do you mean?" asked Tsunade as she turned to Zhuge Liang.

"I'm afraid that Naruto is completely exhausted, as you can image the stress that a jutsu of that calibre does to its wielders body, even one like Naruto's, not to mention the amount of Chakra it takes to control that much power.

At hearing this, most of the others nodded their heads in understanding, as jutsu of that kind of destructive calibre always came at some kind of price, so it wasn't surprising that Naruto was wore out.

Soon enough though, Naruto got back to his feet, although was a bit wobbly, where he was then about to come over to them, but after only taking a few steps towards them he suddenly stopped and stared of a bit away from where he fired his Inazuma, after which he then disappeared in a black flash (6).

"Wait where is Naruto-kun going?" asked Lee, with confusion

At seeing this Zhuge Liang narrowed his eyes, "He sensed something", after which he turned to Saiyuri. "Saiyuri-san do you sense what Naruto sense?"

Immediately Saiyuri, used her sensory skills to locate, what Naruto sensed, quickly enough though she found what Naruto sensed, although it was faint, which was why she hadn't sensed it sooner, when she realised who she was sensing, she narrowed her eyes.

"I don't believe it he's still alive" spoke the former Kiri Kunoichi.

"Who is it? Is it one of the Hokages?" asked Tenten.

Before Saiyuri could answer Tenten's question, Naruto reappeared a bit away from the cleared path created by the Inazuma, and over the person he and Saiyuri sensed.

When the groups looked, they saw Naruto standing over a person lying on the ground, unable to move, when the group looked closer they realised who it was.

"Orochimaru…" spoke Mitsuhide, as he narrowed his eyes with annoyance.

"Impossible…there's no possible way he could have survived the Inazuma, let alone avoid it" spoke Fu with clear surprise.

"Well seemly he did" spoke Zhuge Liang, simply as he narrowed his eyes further towards the Snake Sannin.

"But how?" spoke Okatsu.

"Trust me if you've know Orochimaru as long as we have, you'd know that Orochimaru is as slippery as they come, and as a real knack at finding ways to surviving even the most hazardous of situations. Hence if there is a way to survive something, he'll find it" spoke Jiraiya as he stared at his former comrade with a deep frown.

"Damn bastard is harder to kill, than that Akatsuki bastard Hidan, as he simply won't just die" growled out Yugito with annoyance.

-With Naruto and Orochimaru-

Currently lying flat on his stomach on the ground was the former White Snake of Konoha, who right now was as weak as a new born baby. Next to him, was a former body of himself that was nearly unrecognisable, where most of its body had been vaporised by Naruto's Inazuma. All that was left of his pervious body was half a face, two-thirds of his chest and his left arm and even then those remaining parts were covered in severe burns. Orochimaru had used up the last of his remaining Chakra to shed his pervious body and regurgitate a new body from his mouth.

Orochimaru had only survived Naruto's attack, by listening to his instincts, where he somehow knew that his Triple Rashōmon would not defend him from Naruto's attack. Just before Naruto unleashed his attack, Orochimaru had the Sandaime propel him up into the air in the hopes of avoiding the attack. But some of the Naruto's clones had propelled some of the other clones into the sky after Orochimaru, where they then grabbed hold of him and slow him down and kept him from avoiding the attack.

When Orochimaru saw this, he knew that he would not escape this way, so he quickly extended his neck upwards and regurgitated a new body of himself and used his pervious self as a spring boards to shot further up. Sadly though for him that was not enough to avoid the attack completely, as he was still partially caught in the beam blast, which was how he lost most of his body and the remaining part was so badly burned. After which he was the blasted away to his current location by the shockwave.

As Orochimaru lay on the ground, he was going over in his head what had just happened moments ago, "What the hell the hell was that Jutsu? I've never seen anything like it before, Where on earth did that brat learn such a Technique, was it from the Library of Benzaiten!" thought Orochimaru. As Naruto Inazuma, was beyond any jutsu he ever seen in his entire life, anything that came close to what he had seen was the Chakra blast that a fully formed jinchūriki could do, but he knew that was not the case with Naruto. Since Naruto had somehow gathered all the natural Lightning energy of the storm, and used the Lightning to create that beam blast, plus he didn't sense any of the Kyubi Chakra in it or when Naruto was preparing it.

As Orochimaru tried to figure out how Naruto did it, Naruo himself appeared standing over him, surprising the Snake Sannin at his sudden appearance, where before he could fully get over it Naruto kicked him in the side and sending him back several feet and onto his back.

Naruto then slowly walked towards the former Sannin and then drew out Tengu from behind his back, intending to finish Orochimaru once and for all.

As Naruto raised Tengu, Orochimaru stared into Naruto's cold emotionless blue eyes and for the first time in many years he felt fear, fear that he had not felt, since he fought the Sandaime and he saw the Shinigami, as it was pulling out his soul. This type of fear was the fear of death, and was one of the main things that drove him to develop his Fushi Tensei (Living Corpse Reincarnation). As he continued to stare at them, a part of him still could not believe this was the same talentless brat that he met at the Forbidden forest all those years go and couldn't believe he became this powerful.

"You're no boy…you're a demon!" cried Orochimaru with fear.

"Tsk, Tell me something I haven't heard before", replied Naruto coldly.

Orochimaru then tried to crawl away, but before he could, Nartuo stood on his leg stopping him, after which Naruto turned around to look back at Naruto and cried "No, No, No! I cannot die I will not die I' am Orochimaru, I will not die to the likes of you, I' am immortally, I' am destined to learn and master all of the world's jutsu I refuse to die!"

"Cry out all you want Orochimaru, this is where you end, and it has been a long time coming…good-bye Orochimaru send my regards to the Godaime Raikage and everyone else in hell" spoke Naruto, as he swung his sword down on Orochimaru aiming to severe his head from his body.

But before he could, he was suddenly stopped by a hand that grabbed his wrist and stopped him in mid swing, before Naruto could turn around and see who had stopped him. He was hit in the side of his head and sent flying sides for a few feet, until he did a mid-air flip and landed back on his feet and looked up to who had interfered with his killing of Orochimaru.

When Naruto looked up he saw that it was his father the Yondaime Hokage and who was now standing between him (Naruto) and Orochimaru.

When Naruto saw that his father was still alive (in a way), he narrowed his eyes in anger, and spoke angrily "Damn you, can't you just die already and be done of it". After which Naruto then put away Tengu as, it didn't have much power left and wouldn't be able to help him, where he then fell into a fighting stance and prepared to fight the Yondaime in Taijutsu.

-With the Observing groups-

"The Yondaime! But how?" spoke Okatsu with clear surprise, "He should've been vaporised by the Inazuma, there's no way he could have avoided it"

"You shouldn't be surprised, as the Yondaime Hokage is the only man I know, who could avoid Naruto's Inazuma, without receiving any injury".

At this Okatsu got a slight confuse look on her face, until she suddenly realised what Zhuge Liang meant.

"The Hiraishin no Jutsu!" spoke Okatsu with surprise.

"Indeed, it is the only technique that I know of, that can allow anyone to completely avoid Naruto's Inazuma unscathed, truly the Yondaime Hokage is the worst possible opponent for Naruto face when he isn't at hundred percent" spoke Zhuge Liang. "We're just luckily that Naruto clones kept the Yondaime from using his time-space barrier and redirecting his Inazuma away. Where Naruto would've been completely helpless, after using it and would've been easy pray for Orochimaru".

"Then we've no other choice we've to help him" spoke Yugito as she, Killer Bee, Fu and Okatsu prepared to go help Naruro.

But before they could Zhuge Liang suddenly cried out "Wait!" stopping Naruto's bodyguards from going to help him.

"All of you are to stay here and not interfere" spoke Zhyge Liang.

"What!" cried all three female members of Naruro's bodyguards.

"You heard me" replied Zhuge Liang.

"Zhuge Liang you can't be serious?" cried Fu.

"I' am and you're all to stay here…and that is a direct order, as with Naruto giving battle with the Yondaime and with Anisu elsewhere, as Prime Minister of Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country) and head of the Council of New Kumo. As well as adviser to both the Daimyo and Naruto I have seniority over all of you and have overall command", spoke Zhuge Liang sternly.

"To hell with orders and to hell with you!" cried Yugito, as she was about go over, along Fu and Okatsu who were about to join her, but before she and the others could go spoke Zhuge suddenly spoke out in a dangerous and dark authoritative voice that would make even the most senior and veteran Shinobi obey.

"You will do what I say!"

When Zhuge Liang spoke like this the three women froze, where everyone then saw a dark authoritative aura surround Zhuge Liang and stare at the three women with a dangerous and piercing look in his eyes.

"Holy cow, I beginning to see what Ero-sennin and Grama, where talking about!" thought Konohamaru, as he looked a Zhuge Liang and was seriously unnerved by him. Most of the other non-New Kumo groups were also of equal mind, where the younger members were beginning to see why people called Zhuge Liang the Nemuriryu (Sleeping Dragon) and why he was so feared and revered.

After Zhuge Liang ordered Yugito, Okatsu and Fu to not interfere, the three young women went into a staring match between the legendary Ronin Ninja, where after a minute or so the girls relented, and obeyed.

At this the aura around Zhuge Liang died down and the look in his eyes soften, "Thank you I know it's hard, but please trust me and in Naruto" said Zhuge Liang, before he then turned to Mitsuhide.

"Mitsuhide contact, Soifon-san, Ryu-san, Masato-san, Yoruichi-san and Cai Wengi and have them come to this location", upon hearing this Mitsuhide nodded and began to contact the people in question on his radio around his neck.

As Mitsuhide did this, Zhuge Liang looked back at Naruto, "Now that you've been backed into a corner, will you use it or not?"

-With Orochimaru-

After the Yondaime had saved him from being killed by Naruto, Orochimaru was able to somehow crawl away to one of the ruined walls of a destroyed building, as he was too weak to even stand up let alone walk. Fortunately though for him, everyone was too focused on Naruto preparing to fight his father to pay any attention to him; hence he was able to hide without anyone noticing him.

Soon after hiding behind the wall, Kabuto had suddenly appeared next to him with several cuts and bruises that were only now healing, as he had been not too far the beam blast of the Naruto's Inazuma and had been caught in the shockwave of the attack, where he was blown away by it.

And although he was greatly injured from being blow away by the powerful shockwave, some good had come out of it, where the paralyzing seal that Naruto placed on him was blown off him and allowed him to move again.

"Are you alright Orochimaru-sama?" asked Kabuto.

"Do I look alright Kabuto!" hissed Orochimaru angrily at his subordinate.

"We need to leave here now, while we still can" hissed the Snake Sannin angrily, as his whole body was aching in paining from battling with Naruto.

"But what about Naruto?" asked Kabuto, "Surely in his weaken stated we can kill him, with the Yondaime's help".

"No!" cried Orochimaru, "I will not underestimate that boy any more than I already have, as it is still very likely that he could defeat the Yondaime, even if he has been greatly weakened by that jutsu he used".

"But how?" asked Kabuto.

"I do not know, but I' am not willing to take the chance, besides even if we do defeat him, his Jinchūriki bodyguards, along with Zhuge Liang, Mitsuhide, Tsuande, Jiraiya, the Kazekage and all the others watching over there, will intervene and stop us. Before we could kill him and we would've no chance of escaping, let alone defeating all of them by ourselves", spoke the former Sannin.

At this Kabuto could only nod his head in agreement, as he wasn't eager at going another round against Mitsuhide, nor was he eager to go against the famed Nemuriryu, hence retreat was the best and only option left, as those who fight and runaway live to fight another day.

Quickly Kabuto then lifted his master up onto his back, and then carried him off.

As Orochimaru was being carried off by Kabuto, Orochimaru turned his head back slightly to look back at Naruto, who was still facing off against his father and had yet to start fighting with him. As he looked back Orochimaru silently swore he would make Naruto pay for interfering and ruining his plans yet again.

-With Naruto-

As Naruto stared against his resurrected father he was trying to think of different ways that he could defeat him, as he knew that he was on his last legs and didn't have much energy to fight for much long. He knew if he wanted to win, he had to fight smart as he didn't have the energy to use one of his high level Techniques to destroy the Yondaime like he did with the others.

"Damn, not good…what the hell I'm I going to do? I used Inazuma for the sole purpose of taking out all three of them in one go, but all I got was Sarutobi, after all the energy I used to do Inazuma, it wasn't close to being worth it…" thought Naruto angrily. But before he could think more on the situation that was in, the Yondaime suddenly disappeared and reappeared directly behind him with his space-time Kunai at his neck.

Naruto expected his, but due to the Lightning disrupting his reflexes along with slowing them down he could not react fast enough to replace himself or use his Raipō to move out of the way.

"I'm sorry Naruto" spoke the Yondaime sorrowfully, as he then slit his son's throat with his Kunai.

Upon seeing them Hinata, Sakura, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Konohamaru along with most of the Konoha and Suna groups cried out in horror and cried Naruto's name out.

But just as the Yondaime had done the deed and had let Naruto fall to the ground and bleed out on the ground, he was suddenly hit in the stomach and before he could even figure out what had just happened he was suddenly kicked in the side of the head, sending him crashing into a ruined wall a couple of feet away.

When the Yondaime picked himself up, he saw Naruto standing panting slightly with some sweat, but alive with his would healed.

"Your alive, but how?" asked the Yondaime with clear surprise.

"My second bloodline" replied Naruto simply.

"You have another bloodline?" spoke the Yondaime with wonderment at hearing that his son had a second bloodline.

"Yes, my Shinjou Koukai, it allows me to survive any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage, for example my throat being slit. It also allows me to be extraordinarily resistant to diseases, drugs, and toxins, where they're virtually useless against me, as I would recover from them quickly enough.

"I see…I highly useful ability, I' am glad", spoke the Yondaime, as he was indeed happy that he had not killed his son and that he was still alive, regardless of how Naruto felt towards him.

After saying this, the Yondaime the quickly took out several space-time Kunai's and threw the in different directions and the used Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to multiple the Kunai's.

"Crap!" thought Naruto, as he knew that this wouldn't be easy, after which the Yondaime disappeared in a flash, where Naruto quickly did the same.

For the next few minutes, all those that were watching the battle between father and son, although the most any could see were yellow and black flashes going from one direction to the next all along the battlefield, not staying long enough for anyone to get a good look at what has happening. Even Kakashi's and Sasuke's Sharingans couldn't keep up with what was happening as like the other they could only see flashes.

As Naruto ducked under and left jab from the Yondaime, he quickly kicked him away and too out several Kunai's and threw them at the Yondaime, who quickly took out some of his own Kunai's and threw them at Naruto's Kunai's hitting them dead on with pin-point precision. But as soon as he had deflected Naruto's Kunai's a dozen or so Shurikens flew past the Kunai's and slashed up the Yondaime.

When this happened Minato quickly realised that Naruto had used Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique), where he used the Kunai's as a distraction and had the Shurikens hid behind the Kunai's, so that when the Kunai's were deflected, the shurikens fly past uninterrupted.

"Clever move Naruto, you are indeed quite good at thinking on your feet" thought the Yondaime before he was kicked from behind, by Naruto who suddenly appeared in a flash, by using Raipō.

The Yondaime although quickly recovered and used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleport himself to Naruto's side and hit him, after which he then took out another space-time Kunai and charged and Naruto, who quickly recovered from his hit and took out another Kunai himself and charged at Minato.

The two then engaged in a fierce battle with their Kunai's, where they blocked or dodged each other's attack, with expert skill and few cuts.

Eventually though, the Yondaime got the upper hand, where he was able to knock Naruto's Kunai out of his hand, although at the same time Naruto was able to kick the Yondaime's Kunai out of his. Upon which, Naruto then engaged his father in s fierce Taijutsu for the next few minutes.

But unfortunately the effects of fighting for so long and hard and for using so many high level jutsu's especially the Inazuma had taken its toll on Naruto, where Naruto's body was too exhausted to move the way he wanted to, giving the Yondaime the upper hand. Where the Yondaime then saw and opening in Naruto's defence and punched him in the stomach, making Naruto spit out some blood. After which the Yondaime spin kicked Naruto to the side of the head, sending his only son skipping across the ground several metres away, and making him eat the dirt as he lay on the ground.

-With the Observing groups-

"That does it!" cried Yugito, as she Okatsu and Fu prepared to move out, along with Soifon who appeared with her former Sensei and the others a few minutes ago. But before they could take five steps forward, they were stopped by a barrier that appeared in front of them.

"Zhuge Liang!" cried Yugito angry as she was now about ready to kill her husband's former sensei.

"Wait!" said Zhuge Liang, where he then pointed to Naruto, who was now getting up.

-With Naruto and the Yondaime-

As Naruto slowly picked himself up, the Yondaime spoke up as he slowly walked closer to his son, "It over Naruto, you've no strength left, you used up all of your remaining Chakra when you used that last attack. But know I' am proud of you, as you've become stronger than I ever thought possible and have surpassed me in every way possible and you did it your way".

At this Naruto just spat out some blood that was in his mouth and stared back at his father, "Tsk, you talking as if you've already won this battle…well I'm sorry to say that this fight isn't done yet".

"You can stop acting tough Naruto there's no point you've no power left, you can barely stand let alone continue fighting me", said the Yondaime.

At this a cocky looking smirk appeared on Naruto's face, "Huh, I really didn't want to resort to using this, as I hate using its power, but I guess I've no other choice" said Naruto, before he stared directly at his father in the eyes, causing him to stop dead as Naruto eyes had changed.

"You said that I've no more power, but you forget I've a hidden ace in the hole and it's one you gave me", spoke Naruto, whose pupils had become silted, and his irises changed from blue clear blue to red blood red.

-Enter Naruto Shippuuden OST Anger-

After which a explosion of red Chakra erupted from Naruto and blasted the Yondaime away from him, where three red tails made out of Chakra appeared behind Naruto.

-With the Observing groups-

"He's using the Kyubi Chakra" stated Fu.

"You knew he would use it didn't you, that's why you had us stay back", spoke Yugito as she turned to Zhuge Liang, who just nodded and then turned to the others.

"Ryu, Soifon, Okatsu, Mitsuhide, Cai Wengi, Saiyuri, Masato, Yoruichi you all know what to do, position yourselves in a square barrier formation around the battlefield", spoke Zhuge Liang as he took charge of the situation.

"Hai!" replied the eight Shinobi before they disappeared to their designated positions just outside the cleared battlefield area.

"Is Naruto going out of control?" asked Tsuande.

"No! Naruto has complete control of the Kyubi's power this is just a precaution and prevent any further damage to your village and to prevent unnecessary lives being lost in the battle".

"He has full control of the Kyubi's power?" asked Jiraiya in surprise.

"Correct, as thanks to Killer Bee-san training, Naruto was able to separate the Kyubi's Chakra from the Kyubi itself" answered Zhuge Liang, surprising everyone.

"If that's true then why did Naruto not use its power sooner?" asked Kakashi.

"Because Naruto doesn't like using the Kyubi's power and prefers to relay on his own strength and power, as one of the greatest weakness that we Jinchūriki's have is that we can become too reliant on our Biju's Chakra, especially when we're cornered. That's why Naruto-kun tries to avoid using it as much as possible, as he prefers to use his own strength, pulse he doesn't like using the power of the Biju that caused his harsh life here" replied Yugito, as she knew how stubborn Naruto could be to certain things.

"Wait! If Naruto separated the Kyubi Chakra from the Kyubi itself, then why can we feel its menacing power? Also why is the Chakra taking on the form of a fox?" asked Sakura, as like everyone else she could feel the foul, evil bloodlust of the Kyubi's Chakra coming from Naruto. Where it reminded her of when she first felt it, back on their mission in Wave on the bridge, where they battled Zabuza and Haku and again when they first met Orochimaru in the Forbidden forest. But this time it was much stronger than it was then and it was much more frightening, as she had stories from Shinobi's that were at the battle against the Kyubi, yet their words did not do the feeling justice. Since her skin was practically covered in Goosebumps, from the power where she could not help but shiver at the feeling as well.

"That is because the Kyubi's Chakra is very receptive to negative emotions, where if Naruto is feeling negative emotions like anger. Then the Chakra will manifest theses negative emotions and take on the shape of a fox and intensifies the negative emotions. Since the Kyubi itself is a being of destruction, hatred, chaos and malice", explained Zhuge Liang.

"If Naruto is feeling these negative emotions, is there still any chance that the Kyubi will use it to try and take over Naruto?" asked Jiraiya.

"No, since as I said Naruto separated the Chakra from the Kyubi and seal the Kyubi away permanently, so it can never take control of Naruto. The Chakra is only taking this form due to Naruto's lingering hatred of his father, as normally when Naruto uses the Kyubi's Chakra, he would take a different form, which is much more controlled and refined. That is why I'm having the others help me place a barrier around the battlefield, as even though Naruto still have control of the Kyubi's power. He still might not have hundred percent control, where he might add too much power in an attack and do unnecessary damage", explained Zhuge Liang.

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished explaining this, Mistuhide and the others radioed in to Zhuge Liang telling him that they were in position.

Quickly Zhuge created a large seal on the ground and then turned to Gaara, "Kazekage-denka, are you able to access your Biju's power?"

"Yes…why?" asked Gaara.

"Because to create a barrier that is strong enough to withstand the Kyubi's Chakra along with Naruto's attacks when using it, I will need the power of other Biju's Chakra to create it".

Upon hearing this Gaara nodded in understanding and agreed to help, where he, Killer Bee, Fu and Yugito stepped into the large seal and kneel down in mediation stance, with Zhuge Liang sitting in the centre.

As Garaa and the other Jinchūriki's summoned their Biju's Chakra's, they then sent it to Zhuge Liang, who in turn sent it to the seals that Mitsuhide and the others drew in their separate location around the cleared battlefield, with four seals at each corner of the square barrier and four seals at each side of it.

Once the Chakra reached or four corners and sides of the barrier, a giant yellow squared barrier formed around the cleared battlefield, where it could be seen from all around the village.

When the barrier went up, it was none too soon, since as soon as it did a massive explosion of Chakra erupted from Naruto as he summoned of the Kyubi's Chakra, where its menacing power could be felt by everyone in it.

Those that had fought against the Kyubi twenty-two years ago were having flashback of that dreadful night, when they felt it. While those who were feeling it for the first time, began to understand why the creature was so feared by all.

-With Naruto-

As Naruto unleashed his power a massive shockwave eruptive, where it turned up the earth around the entire battlefield, fortunately though the barrier that was now around the clear battlefield, protected the village and those outside the barrier from the shockwave.

After which Naruto's body was surrounded by a black sphere of Chakra, where his body then began to be enveloped by the Kyubi's Chakra, where he then started to sprout out more tails and began to change ever further.

For the next few minutes those outside watching the battle outside the barrier could only watch as Naruto powered up, where they couldn't believe the power Naruto was unleashing. As the power he was unleashing was just as great as Naruto's own power, when he unleashed it when he faced Orochimaru and his allies.

Soon enough though, there was another fierce explosion, where the black sphere around Naruto exploded, where Zhuge Liang and the other struggled to keep the barrier up due to the sheer force of the explosion, where a massive dust cloud covered the entire battlefield.

Eventually though the dust cloud dissipated, where the Yondaime could then be seen standing at the other end of the battlefield against the barrier, where he was regenerating from the injuries he suffered when Naruto was powering up.

As the dust began to settle and terrifying howling roar could be heard coming from inside the barrier, all the Shinobi's that witness or fought in the battle of the Kyubi recognised the howling roar instantly, as it filled them with fear and dread. For the howling roar was the same sound that the Kyubi made when it attack their village, where it's roar still haunted many of the Shinobi's from that battle to this very day and often woke them up at night.

The roar itself was so powerful that it blew away the remainder of the dust cloud, allowing everyone to see Naruto again, although when they did many could not believe what they were seeing. Where Naruto's new form filled many of them with fear and dread, as if they were seeing a nightmare from along ago, come to life before their eyes, where for many it was.

Even the New Kumo Shinobi's were surprise and even fearful at Naruto new form, for what they saw was like something out of hell.

Naruto was now covered in dark crimson red Chakra, where he was now about seven feet tall and took on the shape of a cross between a man and a fox, as he stood up on his hinge legs like a man, but his body shape was shaped like a fox with seven long tails. Also bones could be seen all around his body forming a sort of exoskeleton, they could see even the tail bones going all the way up each of the seven tails, and were as sharp spear-tips. A skull head in the shape of a fox skull could also be seen covering Naruto's head like a sort of helmet, making his appearance all the more terrifying and helping to highlight his blood red demon like eyes.

Slowing Naruto walked forward towards his father the Yondaime, who was staring at Naruto with a stun like look on his face, when Naruto was about fifty feet away from the Yondaime he suddenly spoke up in a dark voice, that sound like as if two people were talking at once.

"What's wrong father don't like your handy work!"

"Naruto, what've you become?" spoke the Yondaime in surprise.

"Only what you helped me become, when you placed his curse on me and left me to the mercy of your beloved village, as this is the manifestation of my anger for you! " replied Naruto angrily as she stared at the Yondaime.

"I see" replied the Yondaime, as he now understood that he would have to take on all the rage and anger that his son had for him.

Naruto the started things of with speeding forward a tremendous speed, where he then swiped at the Yondaime with his sharpen bone claws.

The Yondaime was able to avoid the attack, but was unable to avoid it completely and was still slashed at the side, although the injury quickly healed. After which Mianto then stuck Naruto at the side with his fist, but as soon as Minato fist came into contact with Naruto his entire arm burned, where it spread like poison.

"Too bad Father, whenever someone touches my skin when I'm in this form, it will burn the person skin off and spread like poison" spoke Naruto, before he delivered a powerful punch right to the Yondaime's face and sent him flying across the clear are on the right hand side.

Naruto the extended his arm, where a hundred or so smaller Chakra arms erupted from it and flew towards the Yondaime. When he saw this, the Yondaime quickly used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to transport away before the Chakra arms could hit him.

"Not so fast!" cried Naruto as he then dissipated his Chakra arms and then slammed his hands to the ground, where hundreds more Chakra arms exploded out of the ground all over the battle field, attacking the Yondaime from different directions.

Minato had to keep use his Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleport to different directs just to avoid being hit, after avoiding a near swipe from a Chakra arm. Minato quickly threw one of his Kunai's into the air and teleported himself up to it, where he then did a few quick hand-seals and raised his arm up and cried out "Raiton: Hiraishin (Lightning Style: Flying Thunder God)"(7) and shot out a bolt of Lightning at Naruto.

Seeing this Naruto then did a powerful swipe with his claws and created a powerful Tornado that nullified the Yondaime Lightning. Although as soon as he did, the Yondaime appeared behind Naruto by using his Hiraishin no Jutsu and had Rasengan in his hand and slammed it right into Naruto's back. Unfortunately for Minato, all the attack did, was push Naruto forwards a bit and any damage done was quickly healed.

Before the Yondaime could do anything he was suddenly impaled by all seven of Naruto tails, where he then lifted the Yondaime up and brought him in front of Naruto, who then had a large red Rasengan in his hand and roared out "Nanabi Rasengan (Seven-tailed Spiralling Sphere)!(V)".

Seeing the large red Rasengan, Minato was able to use his Hiraishin no Jutsu at the last second to avoid being hit by Naruto's attack, where Naruto's Nanabi Rasengan hit the ground and exploded causing a massive explosion and creating a large hole in the ground.

-End Naruto Shippuuden OST Anger-

Not to be deterred, Naruto then shot out a stream of red hot Fire from his mouth and sent it right at the Yondaime, who appeared at the other end of the battlefield.

Minato of course avoided being hit by the Fire stream by teleporting away again, although the Fire stream did collide with the barrier, where the heat of the red hot burning flames could be felt even from behind the barrier.

"Shit!" thought Soifon, as she struggled to hold her position so to keep the barrier up, as she felt the heat of the roaring flames from the barrier.

Soon after Naruto halted the Fire stream, although as soon as he did, a dozen or so Minato's appeared all around him, with their Kunai's out and ready to attack. Seeing this, Naruto then used the massive Chakra reserves of the Kyubi's Chakra and roared out, where combined with the Kyubi's Chakra. He turned a simple roar into a powerful force of pressure and destruction that blasted away the Yodaime's shadow Clones, causing them to puff away and blasting away the Yondaime himself. The blast even lifted the ground from underneath Naruto and caused a great deal of destruction in the surrounding area.

When the Yondaime crashed back onto the ground after being blasted away by Naruto's sonic roar, he began to pick himself up, but just as he lifted himself up several Chakra arms appeared out of the ground and grabbed hold of him. After which a dozen or so more appeared out of the ground, although unlike the others they all held Nanabi Rasengans in them and flew towards him.

Seeing the Chakra arms and the Nanabi Rasengans coming at him, the Yodaime quickly replaced himself with a large piece of earth, just avoiding being blown to pieces by Naruto's attack, where a gigantic explosion erupted, putting more pressure on the barrier and on those holding it.

As soon as Minato avoided Naruto's last attack, by replacing him, Naruto appeared next to his father, and started to slash at him with his claws, where a dangerous game of cat and mouse began, with the Yondaime desperately trying to avoid Naruto's slashes.

After replacing himself again to avoid being hit, Minato quickly appeared a few meters away, where he quickly tied a exploding note to his Kunai and threw it, after which he the used Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to multiple the Kunai into thousands of Kunai's, all aimed at Naruto.

When Naruto saw the thousands of Kunai's, with exploding notes on them heading for him, Naruto quickly swung is clawed hand and created a powerful sweeping Wind from the air pressure of his swipe. Blowing the Kunai's and notes away and causing a powerful explosion in the sky, covering the battlefield again with smoke.

Unable to see due to the smoke of the explosion, the Yondaime looked around blindly for where he might see where Naruto may come, but as he looked around several more Chakra hands came out of the ground and rapped themselves around him.

As the smoke started to dissipate, Minato then saw Naruto gather a massive amouth of Chakra at the tip of its mouth, where he then roared out "Kyūbiko Imari (Nine-Tailed Fox Menacing Ball)!" and fired a massive destructive beam blast of Chakra and aimed it at the Yondaime.

Seeing the beam blast heading towards him, Minato immdeatily took out a Kunai and then used his Jikūkan Kekkai and created a space-time barrier and diverted the attack outside the village, where a massive explosion could be heard and felt from outside the village, as the shockwave blew across the village.

-With the Observing groups-

"Shit! This battle is getting out of hand!" spoke Jiraiya, as he brought his arm up to block the Wind blowing into his face.

"Can you handle the stress of the barrier?" Tsunade asked Zhuge Liang, as she knew that even with the strength of four Jinchūriki, holding a barrier of that size and containing the power of the of the nine strongest Biju's, wasn't easy.

"I will be fine" spoke Zhuge Liang as he kept his eyes closed and focus on maintaining the barrier and sending the Chakra that Killer Bee, Fu, Yugito and Gaara were sending him to send to Mitsuhide and the others.

"But even so, it is just as well that the Yondaime diverted Naruto's attack, for I' am unsure if I could've maintained the barrier had it hit it", spoke Zhuge Liang.

"How much longer can this battle keep going" spoke Ino out loud.

"I don't know, but hopefully it will end soon, as it would be really troublesome if kept going for much longer", said Shikamaru, as he stared inside the barrier as Naruto and the Yondaime continued their battle.

-With Naruto and the Yondaime-

After he diverted Naruto's attack, the Yondaime quickly channelled his Chakra into his Kunai and cut the Chakra arms off him. Although as soon as he did, several more Chakra blasts were fired at him by Naruto, but he quickly dodge them. But as he did a dozen more were fired at him at rapid speed, leaving him no choice but to use his Hiraishin no Jutsu to avoid the blasts. Where when they hit the ground, several medium size explosions happened, after which, when the dust settled the Yondaime reappeared opposite Naruto… unharmed.

For the next few minutes the battle raged between father and son, where the Yondaime fired a number of high level Lightning techniques and other jutsu's along with throwing an array of Kunai's, shurikens and exploding notes. He even tried to subdue Naruto by using several sealing Techniques, but all of them failed. As the Kyubi Cloak protected Naruto from harm and any injuries done were quickly healed, while the Yondaime sealing Techniques were not strong enough to subdue Naruto, as he quickly over powered them.

Naruto himself wasn't having any luck, when battling his father as any injury that he did to him, he quickly regenerated, also as well the Yondaime, kept dodging and avoiding all his attacks. As he used his Hiraishin no Jutsu to avoid his attacks or replaced himself with something, leaving the battle between them a deadlock, with no real winner in site.

As the two of them stared off at each other again, Naruto let lose a rapid succession of Chakra blasts, although instead of aiming them at his father he aimed them at the ground creating a large smokescreen.

When the Yondaime saw this he kept alert, as he knew that Naruto was planning some sort of sneak attack. A few seconds later several Chakra arms emerged out of the ground, trying to grab hold of the Yondaime, expecting this though, the Yondaime jumped up into the air to avoid the Chakra arms.

Unfortunately though for the Yondaime, this was what Naruto wanted him to do, as when he did Naruto appeared above him, where he then sent his seven tails forward and pierced the Yondaime with them, where he then sent them into the ground pinned him onto it. After which Naruto then pulled himself forwards so that he would be standing over his father, where he then prepared to do one final technique. The technique itself was risking, as he could very well be killed doing so, but it was the only way he knew that would make certain to kill the Yondaime.

Naruto then quickly stabbed the Yondaime in the gut in his stomach with his clawed had and started to pump in an enormous amount of the Kyubi's Chakra into his father.

"What are you doing Naruto?" spoke the Yondaime, as he saw Naruto pumping the Kyubi's Chakra into his body.

"Finishing this battle once and for all, with a little Technique I call Daimaō no Aiyō (Embrace of the Great Demon King) (W)" spoke Naruto as he pumped more and more of the Kyubi's Chakra, into his father's body.

After a minute or so Naruto pumped in nearly all of the Kyubi's Chakra that he had into the Yondaime, as he wasn't going to take any chance with the Yondaime surviving it, after which Naruto stopped pumping the Chakra and roared out "This is where it ends!" Before he and the Yondaime were enveloped by a massive bright light and explosion, that enveloped the entire cleared battlefield.

-With the Observing Groups-

When Naruto unleashed his Daimaō no Aiyō, Zhuge Liang cried out to Killer Bee and the others, "Quickly all of you, send me as much of your Biju's Chakra that you can!" after which the four Jinchuuriki's started sending as much of their Biju's Chakra as they could. Zhuge Liang then sent it to the others, to strengthen the barrier so that it could withstand the explosion.

When the explosion erupted a massive bright light enveloped the inside of the barrier, where Mitsuhide, Ryu, Soifon, Saiyuri and the others struggled to keep it up. While everyone else who was watching covered their eyes.

"Naruto-kun!" cried Hinata as she feared the worst as she saw the blast.

"Naruto" cried Sakura, and Tsunade together, as like Hinata they feared the worst.

"Kid!" thought a worried Jiraiya, as he saw the blast.

"Nii-san!" cried a fearful Konohamaru.

"Boss!" cried equally fearful Udon and Moegi.

"Uzumaki-san" thought Gaara he opened his one eye, while still focusing the Chakra of Shukaku to Zhuge Liang to maintain the barrier.

After being enveloped in the explosion Naruto found himself back in his normal self, wearing his tattered black shirt and pants along with his ruined boots and destroyed ANBU breast plate. As he looked around he found himself in a brightly lit place, where it was like a void with a vast horizon of nothingness.

"Where am I?" asked Naruto openly as he looked around more, hoping to find something that told him where he was.

"Hello Naruto" spoke a familiar voice behind Naruto, where he instantly turned around and found his father the Yondaime behind him.

"You!" said Naruto harshly, as he looked at his father (in blood only as far as he concerned), after which he went for his Wind sword, but found it gone along with his Raijin and Tengu. Deciding to leave the matter to where they were for later, he then quickly fell into a fighting stance, ready to continue the fight.

At hearing the harshness of his son voice towards him a sad smile appeared on Minato's face, where he then spoke, "I guess you still hate me over what I did to you".

"What do you think?" replied Naruto coldly, as he stayed in his fighting stance.

At hearing this Minato let out a sad sigh before he looked back at Naruto, where he saw that Naruto was still in his fighting stance, "You need not worry Naruto our fight is over, as I'm no longer in Orochimaru's control…since you've won".

At first Naruto did not believe him, but after seeing no hostile intentions, he went into a relax stance, although kept his guard up and stayed alert just in case. "So where am I? Am I dead?" asked Naruto, as he stared at his father.

Upon hearing this Minato just smiled and spoke again, "No your not, as for this place, I suppose you could call it a place between life and death, although I doubt either of us will remain here much longer. Where you return to the living world, while I return from where I came from, as my body was vaporised by your attack".

At hear this Naruto just stared at the Yondaime with an emotionless look, as he knew that what his father meant when he said he would return from whence he came, as he would return to the stomach of the shinigami, where to be perfectly honest Naruto didn't care.

Soon enough Minato spoke again, "Naruto, I know we don't have much time, but I just want to tell you how much I'm sorry for the life I had put you through, if I had know what exactly would've happened to you I would hav…"

But before Minato could finish what he was saying, Naruto held out his hand to stop him, "Save you apologise, Namikaze, as you and I both know that you knew that I would be most likely treated as an outcast by the village for having the Kyubi and you still did it. Even if you didn't know how exactly the village would treat, you still are responsible for what happened to me. We also both know that even if you had known what exactly the village would do to me, you still would've done it, as you said it in your letter to me and earlier on before we fought, that you could not turn your back on the village and choice them over me. So just save your apologies, as I don't want them, and let's just leave it at the fact, that I hate you and will never forgive you".

After hearing this a sad pained look came across Minato's face, where he closed his eyes knowing what Naruto said was true, as even if he could go back and do it all over again he would do exactly the same, as he could turn his back on his people.

After a minute or so, Minato then lifted his head and looked back at Naruto, "Very well Naruto, I understand how you can never forgive me, but please know that regardless of your feelings towards me, know that I still love you and always will. Also know that I' am proud of how strong you've become and what you're now, as you have become a far stronger Shinobi than I ever was and you've become a far greater leader as well, where you've surpassed even my widlest expections of you and I wish you a long and happy life" spoke Minato with a true smile.

Before Naruto could eve replied to what the Yondaime said, he faded away and found himself standing in the middle of a gigantic crater, (which use to be the cleared battlefield), that was formed from his and in his normal form in the same state that he found himself in when he was the void place. Although this time he had Tengu on his back, with his Wind sword handle and the Raijin on his utility belt. Other than the few burns on his body, that were quickly healing, Naruto was relatively unharmed, as the remainder of the Kyubi's Chakra that formed the Kyubi Cloak protected him from the majority of the blast. When Naruto looked down he saw the ashes of the reanimated Yondaime on the ground where it then blew away up into the air from a calm gentle breeze. When Naruto looked up into the sky, where the ashes blew up to, he saw the sun beginning to shine through the storm clouds, as the storm clouds faded away, (due to Naruto using all its energy when he did Inazuma). As the storm clouds parted the shine of the sun grew brighter and shone down at him, after which the clear blue sky began to make an appearance.

As Naruto continued to look up to the sky with an unreadable look and at the Yondaime ashes, as they blew away to the sky, he suddenly collapsed onto the ground and fell unconscious. As his body could no longer keep him up, as he was completely exhausted after battling for so long and hard and was almost completely drained of Chakra.

But before he fell unconscious and while he was still looking up in the sky at blowing ashes of his father, he muttered out two single words "Damn you" and then blanked out.