
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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44 Chs

Chapter 11 Battle of the Kages Part Two

With Soifon and Guren-

"Shōton: Omiwatari no Jutsu (Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique)!" cried Guren as she created a long stream of sharp crystals towards Soifon.

Soifon of course countered with her own Jutsu and channelled her Lightning Chakra into the blade point of her Gantlet and trust it forward crying out "Sutoraikisasu (Sting Strike)!" (E) After which a massive blast of Lighting erupted from her Gantlet and towards Guren attack.

The two attacks clashed head on, where Soifon's Sutoraikisasu easily destroyed Guren Chrystal attack and continued on towards Guren who was narrowly avoided being hit by the attack.

Guren then called her Chakra and surrounded herself with Crystal particles and condensed them into small Crystal shuriken and cried out "Shōton: Shuriken Ranbu (Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance)!" where she fired hundreds of small Crystal shurikens at Soifon.

Seeing the hundreds of Crystal shurikens heading towards her Soifon quickly used her high speed Technique that she learned from Yoruichi and combined it with the Zanzō Technique to create a dozen of after-image clones of her.

Unable to tell the difference between the clones and the real Soifon, Guren sent her Crystal shurikens at all the Soifon's clones, hoping to hit the real one. Unfortunately though all the shurikens went through all the Soifon's, showing that the real Soifon was not among them.

As Guren looked around looking to where Soifon went, she quickly sensed something coming from above and looked up, to see Soifon coming down towards her with the blade point of her Gantlet once again encased in Lightning. After which she then cried out "Raisasu (Lightning Sting)!"(F) Guren although was once again able to avoid being hit by Soifon's attack by flipping backwards.

When Guren flipped away, Soifon hit the ground and stabbed her hand into it were she created a small crater with dozens of large cracks around her.

Seeing that Soifon's hand was stuck in ground from stabbing it with her Raisasu, Guren decided to take advantage of her immobility and attack, where she then used her Kesshō: Rokkaku Shuriken (Crystal: Hexagonal Shuriken) to create a few dozen Crystal shurikens in the shape of snowflakes. Seeing the Shurikens, Soifon used a quick Kawarimi no Jutsu and replace herself with a broken piece of wall that was nearby, just as the shurikens were about to hit her.

Not to be deterred Guren then quickly used her Kesshō: Kyodai Rokkaku Shuriken (Chrystal: Giant Hexagonal Shuriken) and created a giant Crystal shuriken, that resembled a snowflake and threw it at Soifon when she reappeared.

Quickly flipping over the giant Crystal shuriken, Soifon soon realised that Guren giant Crystal shuriken was just a distraction as she quickly looked up. When she sensed Guren above her and falling towards her holding a massive Crystal Lance in her right arm and crying out "Shōton: Kesshō no Ransu (Crystal Release: Crystal Lance)!"

Soifon quickly flipped away to avoid being hit, which she narrowly did, where Guren created a large crater in the ground from her attack, although when she did, Guren then used her Shōton: Kesshō no Hoīru (Crystal Release: Crystal Wheel) and created a crystal wheel around herself and charged forward at Soifon.

As Guren charged at her with her Kesshō no Hoīru, Soifon power up her Shunkō (Flash Cry), where she then charged head on at Guren, where when the two attacks collided, a massive explosion erupted. This explosion destroyed several of the surrounding buildings around them and sent both Kunoichi's flying backwards, fortunately though for both of them. They were able to regain themselves, as they still flew backwards and were able to land on their feet as they skidded on the ground.

"That attack!" thought Guren, "It must be the Shunkō Technique that she used while battling Jiraiya the Toad sage, when she and her forces ambushed him at the old Kumo ruins. It's definitely an impressive Technique and I can see how she was able to beat Jiraiya with something like that in her arsenal" thought Guren. As she remembered the reports that Orochimaru's spy informed them, when Jiraiya returned from his intelligence mission in Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country).

"I must say you impressive fighter, It a shame that you are not with us, for Orochimaru-sama would greatly welcome someone of your skill into Otogakure" spoke Guren.

"Funny, I was thinking of the same kind of thing, with you joining us, as New Kumo could always use another powerful Kunoichi, but regardless I suggest we finish this" spoke Soifon, where Guren nodded in agreement, and charge straight at Soifon.

For the next few minutes the two women engaged in a fierce Taijutsu battle, but it soon became clear that Soifon was winning as she was much stronger and faster than Guren, not to mention she was more skilled in Taijustu than Guren was.

As Soifon fought with Guren she quickly used her Zanzō and created an after-image of herself, where as soon as Guren hit it and realised what it was. Soifon reappeared behind her and mutter out "Dokuhari (Poison Stinger)" (G) and stabbed Gurn in the back of her poison tipped Gantlet blade.

But instead of piercing Guren's flesh, Soifon felt her Gantlet blade hit something hard, upon noticing this Soifon was then punched hard in the gut by Guren, and was sent flying back several feet away.

When Soifon looked up she saw that Guren skin was cover utterly in Crystal, as she could see it from the way her Skin was reflecting off the light of the sun like Crystal. Upon seeing this Soifon quickly realised that Guren had used her "Kesshō no Yoroi (Crystal Armour) to protect herself from her attack. She also quickly realised that not only did the Technique protected her from attacks like her Dokuhari, but it also improved Guren's strength, judging how hard she had hit her.

Quickly Guren charged at Soifon, using her Kesshō no Yoroi to improve her physical strength, but just as she was about to hit her, Soifon side-stepped Guren's attack and avoided it and then used her enhance speed to reappear at to other end of the area. After which she then used her enhance speed again to charge straight at Guren and thrusting her Gantlet forward and crying out "Chimetekina no Hari (Deadly Sting)!" (H). With Soifon travelling at such incredible speed, Guren had no time to avoid Soifon's attack, were she easily pierced through Guren's Crystal Armour. But as soon as she did, Guren turned into Crystal pieces, showing that Guren had somehow avoided being hit and replaced herself with a Chrystal Clone.

After realising that the Guren she hit was a Clone, Soifon quickly looked around her, where she quickly found Guren not far away standing on the top of a ruined wall doing several Hand seals were when she finished she then cried out "Shōton: Hashō Kōryū (Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon)".

After which, five massive pink coloured Chrystal Dragon were created from the material that Guren had Crystallised, Guren then jumped onto the middle Dragon's head and had the other four Crystal Dragons attack Soifon.

Seeing the Crystal Dragon coming towards her Soifon quickly powered up her Shunkō again, after which she then charged forward at one of the Crystal Dragon, where she then gave a powerful punch on the first Crystal Dragon's head shattering it completely.

After destroying the first Dragon one of the other Crystal Dragons tried to eat her by opening its jaws, but before it could, Soifon disappeared and reappeared over it, where she then delivered a powerful falling axe kick down on the Crystal Dragon and destroying it. With the second Crystal Dragon destroyed Soifon quickly turned around to the third Chyrstal Dragon that was coming at her head on.

Seeing this, Soifon started to channel more of her Chakra into her Gantlet and then thrust her hand forward shouting out "Sutoraikisasu!" and firing a massive blast of Lightning at the Crystal Dragon, blowing it into pieces with a single hit. After the third Crystal Dragon was destroyed the fourth one tried to come up at Soifon from behind, knowing this Soifon disappeared right before the Crystal Dragon could hit her. After which she reappeared at its side and delivered a powerful spinning kick, shattering its head and causing the rest of its body to do the same.

After the four Crystal Dragons were destroyed, Soifon turned to the fifth and final Dragon that Guren was on and disappeared again.

Knowing what was about to come, Guren quickly jumped off the Crystal Dragon she was on, where as soon as she did, Soifon reappeared over the Crystal Dragon with her Gantlet thrust forward and crying out "Chimetekina no Hari!" Where she then delivered a powerful stab into the Crystal Dragon's head, causing it to crack, where the cracks then spread and all over its body, where it then broke apart and fell to pieces like all the rest.

With all the Crystal Dragons destroyed, Soifon was about to deactivate her Shunkō, as it ate up a lot of her Chakra, and she had already used it three times today's, but before she could, she suddenly felt an enormous build-up of Chakra coming from above her.

"I never thought I would have to go this far and use this Technique here, but it seems that I have no other choice…so prepare for my strongest attack" spoke Guren. As she hovered in the air inside a prism of crystal, she then focused her chakra into light through the prism and launches a powerful heat blast at Soifon, while crying out Shōton: Hishin no Yaro (Crystal Release: Arrow of Light)!"

Knowing she had only one other option Soifon quickly powered up her Shunkō to full strength, and then gather most of her remaining Chakra into her one hand and fired it in one concentrated blast of Lightning energy and cried out "Shunkō!"

For a moment or two the two powerful energy blasts clashed with one another and fought for dominance, slowly Guren Heat blast was pushing Soifon's Shunkō back. Seeing this Soifon decided to go for broke and give it everything she got where she channelled all her remaining Chakra into her attack. With the added boost, Soifon's Shunkō was able to push back Guren attack right back at her, unable to do anything, all Guren could do was watch with horror and scream, as her attack was force back at her by Soifon attack and hit her.

After a massive explosion Guren body the fell to the ground not far from where Soifon was now, luckily though Guren's prism had protected her from the majority of the blast. But she was still badly hurt from the attack, with many burns and injuries and was knocked unconscious from the blast.

After the attack Soifon fell to her knees panting and sweating heavily, as she used virtually all her Chakra in that last attack, with hardly any left, and was completely drained physical, where she could barely stand let alone fight.

Right after the battle ended several of her SHOCK-nins appeared.

"Soifon- taichou, are you alright?" asked a SHOCK-nin with a Yellow and Black Snake shape mask.

"I'm fine!" grunted Soifon, not liking to show any weakness to her subordinates.

"Taichou! Do you need medical treatment?" asked a SHOCK-nin medic wearing a Crane shaped mask.

Soifon of course grunted again in acknowledgement, whereas the SHOCK-nin Medic was healing her wounds and helping her recover her Chakra from battle. Soifon turned to the Snake masked SHOCK-nin.

"You Snake! …I want you and your team to go over there, and secure the Oto-nin over their".

"But Taichou how can she be possible be alive after being receiving a directly hit from your Shunkō", spoke Snake.

"Trust me she alive, as someone like her isn't easily killed" commented Soifon, "Besides, my orders from The Raikage, were to capture her alive if possible, as she is one of Orochimaru's chief lieutenants and will have valuable information about his organisation", spoke Soifon.

"Hai!" replied Snake and some of the other SHOCK-nins, now understanding, where they then Shunshin over to where Guren lay, and quickly secured her and stabilised her so that she be well enough to be moved to a more secure location until the battle ended.

After some of the SHOCK-nins left, to secure and capture Guren, the remaining others secured the area in case of enemy Shinobi's would come upon them and attacked them, when Soifon was in her weakened condition from her battle with Guren.

As the SHOCK-nin Medic healed her wounds and replenished her Chakra reserves, Soifon allowed herself to let her guard down slightly, and rest for a few minutes by closing her eyes. But soon after she quickly opened them, after she heard and felt a powerful blast happening not too far away from where she and her subordinates were.

When she opened her eyes she saw a large mushroom shape cloud of smoke coming from the area, where she knew her husband Naruto was fighting Orochimaru and the other leaders of the enemy coalition. After seeing it, Soifon soon felt the massive source of Chakra, upon sensing it Soifon immediately recognised it as Naruto's Chakra, and could not help but have a small smirk on her face.

"The Raikage?" asked Crane, who already knew that answer to it though, as it was obvious.

Soifon, of course just nodded in acknowledgment, and signalled Crane to continue healing her.

As Crane was doing so Soifon closed her eyes again, with the small smirk still on her face and thought, "Naruto-kun certainly isn't holding anything back on them".

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

After a massive explosion Orochimaru and his allies were blown back, as their latest attack on Naruto had failed, as Naruto had sent them all flying back, after using a powerful Wind ninjutsu attack.

As Orochimaru skidded back and regained his footing he frowned, as things were not going the way he thought they would. As the Naruto he was fighting now, was not the same Naruto he knew from ten years ago. This Naruto was not only stronger and faster, but was also much cleverer and more level-headed than before, not to mention far more deadly than he ever was before. Not like the hot head young blond, who would you rush head first into a fight without a thought or plan.

"Damn this brat, how could he have changed so much? He a completely different person from what he use to be like! He almost like a mountain, impassable, unmoveable, unconquerable…No! I can't think like that despite how powerful has become, he's not unbeatable, I'll not let this impudent child beat me again!" thought Orochimaru with angry as he glared coldly at Naruto.

As the other leaders of the anti-Konoha coalition regrouped around one another they prepared to attack him together one again, hoping to a overwhelm if not find an opening to hit Naruto and kill him.

Ryoku was the first of them to reengage Naruto he then cried out, "Try and dodge this, bastard! Doton: Doryō Dango (Earth Style: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling)!" where he then lifted up the very surface of the Earth and lifted a gigantic lump of Earth out of the ground and threw it at Naruto.

As the gigantic lump of Earth flew towards him, Naruto just smirked, not the least bit worried by it, where just as it was about to crush him. Naruto quickly took out his Wind sword handle that was on utility belt, and activated it and then swung it in a vertical slash, cutting the lump of earth in two, where they split apart on either side of him.

Not to be deterred Shiro and Shinrin quickly did a series of hand-seal together where Shiro cried out "Suiton: Bakusui Shōha (Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave)!" spitting out a giant wave of Water. While at the same time Shinrin cried out "Raidenryū (Lightning Current)!". The Lightning quickly combined with the giant Water wave, enhancing it power greatly.

As the Giant Lightning enhance wave came towards him, Naruto quickly did a quick set of hand-seals and cried out "Tenpū Midarete (Heavenly Wind Rage)!" (3), after which a massive explosion of Wind erupted in front of Naruto, where it blasted the powerful Lightning enhanced wave back at Shiro and the others with incredible force.

Seeing the Giant Lightning enhance wave being force back at them, where it was enhanced further by Naruto's Wind attack, allowing the giant wave to move at a much greater speed and force than before. Shiro, Shinrin, Orochimaru and the others quickly Shunshin (Body flicker) away, to avoid the attack, which destroyed many buildings and houses that were behind them and flooded several streets.

After the attack, Doku appeared on Naruto's left side, several feet away from him, while Orochimaru appeared on Naruto's right side, at the same distance as Doku, where they then both fired their own independent attacks at Naruto on either side of him.

"Doku shotto (Venom Shot)!" cried Orichimaru, as several snakes ejected out of his sleeve and fired several small shots of venom at Naruto.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Phoenix, Immortal Fire Technique)!" cried Doku, as he spat out several small balls of fire at Naruto.

As the attacks came at him, Naruto calmly did a single on handed hand-seal and spoke out "Kujaku Senpūjin (Peacock Whirlwind Formation)" causing a vortex of Wind to surround him and pushed the two attacks back at Orochimaru and Doku, who quickly dodge them.

After their failed attack, Orochimaru and Doku re-joined Ryoku, Shiro and Shinrin, where they all glared at Naruto, who just smirked back at them, as he put his Wind sword handle back on his utility belt.

"Is that all you got? Because if it is, then I afraid that this fight won't last much longer, and I won't really get much of a workout from you".

At hearing this the five men all growled angrily at the insult, where Orochimaru then spoke up, "Don't act so cocky boy this fight is far from over!" after which he then opened his mouth where a extending a snake appeared out, which then opened its mouth as well. Producing a Katana handle, which Orochimaru then took and pulled out his Kusanagi no Tsurugi (Sword of Kusangi), after which the Snake then retracted back into Orochimaru mouth.

"Ah The Kusanagi no Tsurugi…so your finally getting serious…well then one legendary sword should be only matched by another legendary sword", spoke Naruto.

At hearing this everyone thought he was going to bring out the Nidaime Hokage's Raijin no Ken (Sword of the Thunder God), but to their surprise Naruto then took off the cloth covered sword on his back. After which he then pulled the cord that kept the wrapped cloth around the sword off, and threw it away, where he then uncovered the top of the cloth off that was over the sword handle, revealing a small gold coloured face on the tip of the Katana Tsuka (Handle). The Tsuka itself was white with gold coloured lines spiralling up to the Tsuba (Sword Guard), which was also gold colour and shaped by three fang shape points, giving the appears of a birds claw.

When Naruto grabbed the sword handle a massive powerful pulse of Chakra was felt throughout the village causing both sides to once again stop their fighting after feeling it, but as quickly as it came it left, leaving many others wondering where it came from and what was it.

Naruto then took off the rest of the cloth over the Katana, revealing its white sheath, where he then threw the cloth into the blowing Wind. After which Naruto then grabbed hold of the sword handle and spoke out "Cry out into the Soaring Heavenly Skies, TENGU!" and unsheathed the Katana.

Upon unsheathing the Katana a massive ear splitting screech was heard all over the village, as if some gigantic bird was actually crying out to the heavens. As the screeching cry was heard, everyone that heard it either cringed in pain at the loud screech or had to cover his or her ears, since it became too much for them to hear, especially for those hearing it for the first time.

-With the Observing group—

"Damn, Yoh! I hate it when he does this, it aint cool, it's a pain!" cried Killer Bee as he held his ears in pain at sound coming from the sword.

"Stop your complaining Bee, at least you don't have sensitive hearing, besides it's almost over", said Yugito as she was cringing in pain at the loud sound and was covering her ears as well.

As thanks to hosting the Nibi she had sharp catlike hearing, which became sensitive when hearing loud noises.

"Where the fuck is this noise coming from?" cried Kiba in pain, where like with Yugito, he had sensitive hearing thanks to his Clan connections to their ninken.

"It's coming from the Katana!" cried Kakashi over the noise as he was cringing at the loud sound as well, while at the same time wondering what was with the Katana that Naruto had.

Soon after the screeching noise died down, where they then got a better look at the Katana, and saw that its blade was now glowing bright electric blue and was emanating Lightning all around itself. (4)

"That Katana!... It's not possible!" spoke Tsunade in surprise, as she instantly recognised the Katana in Naruto's hand.

"It is, but where did he find it? It's been lost for decades" asked Jiraiya with just as much surprise as Tsunade.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

"Impossible where did you find that blade and how can you even wield it?" cried Orochimaru in disbelief, knowing the Katana, the moment he got a better look at it.

At this Naruto let out a chuckle at Orochimaru's confusion and anger, as he enjoyed infuriating the Snake Sannin, after all the grief he caused him in the past.

"You forget my reputation Orochimaru back when I was still with Konoha, as back then I was known as the most surprising Ninja ever in Konoha, as I had a knack of making the impossible possible" sneered Naruto as he hung the sheath of the Katana back around his back. "So it shouldn't be surprising that I now wield The Sword of Tengu".

-With the Observing group-

"The Sword of what?" asked Konohamaru in confusion as he had never heard of it before.

"The Sword of Tengu", spoke Tsunade grimily, as she looked at it.

"What is this Katana Hokage-sama, as I have never seen or heard of such a weapon" spoke Neji, as he could see that Katana was actually emanating Chakra by itself, which was something he didn't think was possible until now.

"It is an ancient and powerful blade that was once wielded by the Nidaime Raikag. During the First Great Shinobi World War, he used The Sword of Tengu to devastating effects defeating countless opponents and destroying many fortress and bases. He even used it to kill my Great Uncle the Nidaime Hokage during the War, when he lead Kinkaku Butai (Kinkaku Force) against him. Upon his death, the sword immediately became a sacred treasure of Kumo due to its incredible power, where many Kumo Shinobi's tried to wield it, but all failed. Soon after, it disappeared and was lost, or at least until now" spoke Tsunade as she stared at the weapon that killed her Great Uncle.

"But what exactly makes it so special? And why is it that no-one could wield it?" asked Sakura.

Before Tsunade could answer Sakura's question, TenTen spoke up, "The Sword of Tengu is one of the Three Celestial Swords, said to be the three strongest swords in existence", spoke TenTen, surprising everyone that had not known this.

"The Three Celestial Swords?" asked Udon in confusion, but before he could asked what they were exactly TenTen continued.

"The Three Celestial Swords were ancient powerful swords that were said to be created before the founding of Ninjutsu and were created by a skilled Sword smith, whose name has long since been lost. According to legend, before the foundation of Ninjutsu and before the age of endless war and the Rikudō Sennin (Sage of the Six Paths), humans were often easy Prey for powerful demons. That attacked and harassed humans, who could not harm them with their ordinary weapons. Taking pity on them the King of the Tengu spirits Sōjōbō and other Good Tengu spirits taught humans how to fight and defend themselves against the demons by using their mystical arts, which were later explained by the Rikudō Sennin and became known as Ninjutsu. This is why they're worshiped and revered by Shinobi-monks today as they're the first original Ninjutsu users, and the original Teachers of Ninjutsu. But not only did they teach Humans the ancient forms of Ninjutsu, but they also taught them art of swordsmanship otherwise known as Kenjutsu, where they then, also helped humans make powerful weapons to help fight off demons. The most powerful of these weapons were The Three Celestial Swords, where the King of the Tengu spirits himself was said to have blessed the three sacred swords with incredible power. One of these Swords was the Sword of Tengu named after the Tengu spirits themselves, in honour of all the help they gave humans. It is said that when blessed by the Tengu King, he gave the sword the power of the Heavens themselves, where it can cause Thunder storms and possesses the power of Lightning itself. This gave rise to its other name, The Sword of Heavens. The Sword was said to be so powerful that it could destroy entire Fortresses with a single swing of its blade, and that it could cut a mountain in two. Although the stories about the sword being able to do those things, are said to be just stories, but even still it is agreed that its power far exceeds that of the Rajin no ken. Also according to legend to prevent the swords from being misused by others, the swords were also made into sentient swords, much like Hoshigaki Kisame Samehada sword; where they're able to choose who they wish to wield them, and who they don't want to wield them. This is why no-one other that the Nidaime Raikage was able to wield it, as none that tried were deemed worthy to use the sword by the sword itself", said TenTen, as she was well versed in the history of powerful known and legendary weapons.

Upon hearing TenTen say all this, the elder Konoha Shinobi's nodded in agreement with TenTen's explanation as they had heard all the same things. Although the younger members were utterly stunned at the sword's history, while Zhuge Liang and the others were impressed with TenTen's knowledge of the sword, as she knew more than most people in New Kumo.

"Impressive you're well versed in the Sword's history and abilities, although you're mistaken about one thing about the sword abilities, the stories about them are true", spoke Okatsu.

"Which ones?" asked TenTen.

"All of them" replied Okatsu simply, where upon hearing this; the Konoha and Suna group had dumbstruck looks on their faces.

"Impossible!" said Kurenai.

"There's no way that Katana could do all the things it said to do, no Katana is that powerful" stated Tsunade in disbelief.

"What Okatsu says is true, as the legends behind the Katana's power are indeed all true, as I've seen its power myself" spoke Zhuge Liang calmly.

"But how? The Nidaime Raikage nev-" spoke Tsunade, but was interrupted by Zhuge Liang before she could finish.

"As great as the Nidaime Raikage's power was combined with the Sword of Tengu he was never able to fully master or use the Katana to its full extent, as it was too powerful for him to control. Naruto on the other hand, is able to use Tengu's power to its fullest level.

"Oh Yea! When this battle gets goin' they all gonna get humiliated. Before they get poppin" said Killer Bee in one of his bad rhymes.

"I agree, these guys won't stand and chance now that Naruto-kun is taking out Tengu", stated Yugito.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Choji not getting it.

"You see when The Raikage takes out Tengu, he ten times more deadly than he ever was before, not just because of the power that Tengu possesses, but when he uses Tengu he doesn't play around with it at all, he becomes deadly serious in a fight, and he works with Tengu", stated Fu.

"What do mean work with it?" asked Ino.

"You forget, Tengu is alive as you or I, and it doesn't just pick a wielder and lets him use it for whatever he wants, the user has to be linked with Tengu and work with it in order to use it full power. That's why the Nidaime Raikage could never use Tengu's full strength; he was unable to fully link and bond with Tengu, unlike Naruto who has. Hence he doesn't mess around with his opponent or goes easy on them when he uses it, as Tengu doesn't going easy on it opponents as it likes to take out its opponents hard and fast" spoke Yugito.

This of course surprised the others especially the older members as they did not know that the user must be linked with Tengu in order to use its full strength.

"Man…nii-san…your just too cool" thought Konohamaru with a smile.

Sasuke on the other hand growled a little and narrowed his eyes, as he wasn't exactly sure whether to believe what he had heard. But it still angered to knowing that Naruto had a powerful Katana like that, as he had felt the powerful Chakra surge coming from the Katana earlier like everyone else and the power was indeed incredible, and knowing that Naruto had a sword with that kind of power did not sit well with him in the least.

"Curse you Naruto…Curse you".

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

As Orochimaru and the others gazed at the Sword of Tengu with concern looks on their faces, Shiro suddenly spoke up.

"There's no way that can be the real Sword of Tengu, it has to be some kind of fake he had made to intimidate us and others. Even if it was the real thing, there no way it could be as powerful as people say, as it just a sword and like any other, and swords can't have the kind of power people say that one has".

Upon The Mizukage, saying this Tengu started to shake in Naruto's hand and to give out even more Lightning than it had been before, where small crippling noises like Kakashi's and Sasuke's Chidori, were heard coming from Tengu, where by the sound of it, it didn't seem happy to what Shiro had said.

"You just made a big mistake Shiro" said Naruto, which caused The Mizukage to raise his eyebrow, wondering what Naruto meant by that, "You just made Tengu angry and that's something not even I would dare do".

"Tsk! Like I care what some sword things of me" scoffed Mizukage.

"Well then, allow me to show you why you should never get of Tengu's bad side and prove to you that the stories of Tengu's power are indeed true" said Naruto, where he then raised Tengu to up to arms height and cried out "Hemeiraiko (Lightning scream)!(K)" trusting his Katana forward, as if he were stabbing something.

Whereas he did a massive blast of Lightning erupted from Tengu and surged forward towards several large empty building, all the while letting off the same loud screaming noise it had been letting out before.

As soon as it hit a massive blast and a bright flash of light erupted and forced everyone nearby to cover their eyes. As the light died down a large cloud of smoke erupted from the area that Naruto's attack hit, when everyone looked they're shocked to see that the entire area was flatten completely. All that was left was dust and dirt, there weren't even any ruins left, as the attack had levelled an entire village block.

-With the Observing group-

"And to think that was only with a mere fraction of its power", commented Zhuge Liang with a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, the Konoha and Suna group looked at Zhuge Liang was insane.

"T-T-That was only a fraction", asked a shock Gai, where Zhuge Liang just nodded.

"Yes if Naruto had wanted to he could have destroyed much more that that vacant block, for as we said the sword of Tengu has to power to destroy an entire fortress with a single swipe, he could well bring down the entire Hokage monument down on the village with little trouble".

Hearing this of course made many of the Konoha group gap at the amount of power that Naruto had, although one certain person glared angrily and with a twig of jealousy at the blond haired hero.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

"So Gentlemen tell me which of you will go first?" asked Naruto with a smirk.

Orochimaru and the others of course did not known what to do, as they were still a bit unnerved at the level of power that Naruto had shown his Katana had, and they also knew that was only the tip of the kind of power the Kanata had, if they went by what the legends said about it.

Seeing that none of his opponents were going to make the first move Naruto decided to make the first move, where within a flash Naruto appeared right in front on Ryoku and before he could react or even fully realise where Naruto was. Naruto punched him hard in the gut making the large make keeled over before Naruto did a full three sixty spin, where he swept Ryoku's feet from under him and then kicked him in the ribcage as he spun back around. Sending Ryoku skidding away on the ground several feet away from the others, after which Naruto quickly turned to face the rest of the group, who had just realised where he was.

Before Orochimaru could react let alone avoid, Naruto swung Tengu and cut Orochimaru in two, but just as Orochimaru upper half was falling away from it lower half, dozens of snakes came from the halves and brought him back together. Whereas he was being brought back together Orochimaru then stabbed at Naruto with Kusanagi, but when he did "Naruto" turned into Lightning, revealing it to be a Raiton: Kage Bunshin (Lightning Release: Shadow Clone). When Orochimaru hit the Raiton Kage Bunshin, the Lightning from the bushin reverted into its natural state, where it then travelled up Kusanagi and into Orochimaru's body electrocuting him.

It was after this that the real Naruto appeared in front of Orchimaru, and hit him with a rising kick sending him flying into the air, after which Naruto then disappeared in a blue flash and then reappeared behind Shinrin. Before Shinrin could even respond to this, Naruto then hit him with his Fūton: Senpūken (Wind Style: Whirlwind Fist), where he punched him in the back, while at the same time releasing a giant, adaptable whirlwind that sent Shirin spiralling away into the open area.

As soon as Naruto had dealt with Shinrin, he quickly found himself wrapped in Suiton: Suiben (Water Style: Water Whip), with his arms pinned against him and The Mizukage holding the other end grinning sadistically, at believing he had Naruto and Doku preparing to fire a jutsu, at him.

After finishing his seals and gather a large amount of his Chakra and compressing it in his body, where he then cried out "Katon: Katora Daibakuha (Fire Style: Fire Tiger Explosion)" and then shot a massive ball of Fire in the shape of a Tiger's head at Naruto.

Seeing the Fire Tiger attack heading towards him, Naruto just smirked where he then quickly used Raiton no Yoroi, and wrapped himself in Lightning and channelled a large amount of it into the Water whip and sent it at Shiro. Who was electrocuted by the Lightning and forced to let go of the Water whip, releasing Naruto.

Using the Raiton no Yoroi in enhancing his speed, Narurto then quickly avoided Doku's Katora Daibakuha and reappeared in front of Shiro and delivered a power spinning kick. That was greatly enhanced thanks to Raiton no Yoroi, where he smashed Shiro armour and sent him flying into a small house about a hundred meters away.

Naruto then quickly sped toward Doku, who tried to use a Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique) to avoid being hit but was too slow to avoid it, and was hit by Naruto. Who delivered a powerful punch to his stomach, which was empowered by his Raiton no Yoroi, much like the kick that he had hit Shiro with moments ago. Thanks to the punch, Doku flew through the air and was embedded into the wall of a large building. He tried to move but found he could not as he was imbedded too deep into the tick wall and was in a lot of pain from Naruto's attack, and was certain he had several broken ribs and kami knew what else.

It was at this point that Doku then heard a large chirping noise, like the chirping of hundreds of little birds all together, when he looked up, he saw much to his horror Naruto heading toward him and incredible speed, with his hand covered in Lightning.

Much to the utter shock of a certain Uchiha and silver haired Jonin, who were watching the battle with the other observing members, who were just as surprised as they were.

Doku tried to pull himself out of the wall, but his body was in too much pain from Naruto's Lightning enhanced punched from earlier, and he was imbedded too deep into the wall to pull himself out in time. All he could do was watch in horror as Naruto charged at him and cried out "Raikiri (Lightning Cutter)!" where he then plunged his hand into Doku's chest killing him instantly.

-With the Observing group-

"That was…" stated Sasuke in surprise at seeing Naruto use Raikiri and killing Doku with it.

"Raikiri…" finished Kakashi who was equally surprised as Sasuke, at seeing Naruto using the Jutsu he created, "…But where did Naruto learn to use it?" he muttered out load. As other than himself Sasuke was the only other person he ever taught it to.

Everyone else in the group that wasn't from New Kumo was just as shocked at seeing Naruto using Kakashi signature move, and were all wondering the same thing as Kakashi.

Hearing Kakashi muttered question Zhuge Liang decided to answer Kakashi question.

"He learned it through memory", he said simply.

"What?" asked Kakashi as he turned around to face Zhuge Liang with a confuse expression, or at least what could be made out as one due to his mask cover most of his face.

"As I said he learned it through memory, your technique is rather simple to learn for someone with the Ranbure-ka limit (Stormbreaker limit), as your Chidori (One Thousand Birds) is basically based on a person focusing a large amount of Lightning Chakra into one's hand. Your Raikiri is also basically the same only more concentrated, so it easy enough for someone like Naruto recreate the Jutsu without having to do the hand seals for it. Although I will admit it did take him awhile to be able to generate and control the right amount of Lightning Chakra in his hand without doing himself harm", stated Zhuge Liang.

Shocked at hearing, Kakashi one visible eye widened greatly, "B-B-But even still, H-H-How?"

At this Zhuge Liang eyes narrowed slightly, "One can always clearly remember an attack that was rammed into one's chest twice, by a person they had believed was their friend Kakashi-san" stated Zhuge Liang, where he turned slightly to look a Sasuke, who of course just stared back. Not the least bit intimidated by Zhuge Liang, where after a minute or he just scoffed, not caring what they thought of him and continued to watch Naruto in his battle against Orochimaru and his allies.

After hearing Zhuge Liang answer, Kakashi could not help but filch slightly, as he had always felt guilty over that incident, as he had been the one who taught Sasuke the Chidori, thereby in a way he was responsible for Sasuke nearly killing Naruto twice.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

After killing Doku, Naruto then pulled out his hand out of Doku's body, which then fell to the ground bleeding.

When Naruto turned around, he saw Orochimaru and the others had once again regrouped and where staring at Naruto with angry. As despite the hits they took from Naruto, they were still able to fight, the back plate of Shinrin's ANBU like armour had protected him from much of the damage of Naruto's Senpūken. Although the armour was now destroyed thanks to the attack, as was Shiro's samurai like armour, when Naruto hit it with his Raiton no Yoroi enhanced kick, although the armour had still protected him from any major harm.

As Naruto stared and his enemies, he started to grin slightly, as if enjoying himself, where he then held up his left hand that had Lightning sparking around it, as if signally Orochimaru and the others to come at him, while holding Tengu, (which was also sparking electricity around itself), in his right hand.

"So Gentlemen who's next" spoke the grinning Raikage.

-With Mitsuhide and Kabuto-

"Takaha (Hawk Wave)!(L)" cried Mitsuhide as he swung his Katana in a diagonal slash motion, where he created a powerful vacuum pocket that hit Kabuto, and sent him flying into the air, and was cutting him into pieces. Although "he" quickly puffed revealing him to be a piece of wood, showing that Kabuto had used a Kawarimi no Jutsu to replace himself with just before Mitsuhide's attack hit him.

Upon realising this Mitsuhide did a backwards flip to avoid a strike from behind by Kabuto with his Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel), who had hoped to sever Mitsuhide's spinal cord from behind.

As Mitsuhide was in mid-air he quickly took out three Kunai and channelled some of his Wind affinity into to enhance their reach and cutting power. Where he then threw them at Kubato back, which was only narrowly able to avoid the high speed Kunai, and keep himself from being killed. Although he still had a large cut on his side that bleed, along with a gash on his left hip and a small cut on his right cheek. But the wounds quickly healed up, thanks to Kabuto's In'yu Shōmetsu (Secret Healing Wound Destruction).

But as soon as Kabuto's wounds were healed, he suddenly saw Mitsuhide coming at him with his Katana at frightening speed, Kabuto, quickly used a Shunshin no Jutsu to avoid being hit. Although he wasn't fast enough to avoid Mitsuhide completely, as he was to slash at Kabuto chest with his blade, just as he Shunshin'd away.

Not to be deterred Mitsuhide quickly used his Takagan (Hawkeye) to track Kabuto, who appeared not far away from him to his left side. After locating his target Mitsuhide quickly swung his sword again and cried out "Takaha!" firing another powerful vacuum pocket at Kabuto. Who was somehow able to dodge the attack, although his left arm was grazed by it, where he received several large cuts because of the slashing blades of the Wind attack.

Despite the wounds on his arms Kabuto was not the least bit worried about it as he was certain that his In'yu Shōmetsu would heal his arm, but he was worried about how much longer he would be able to last. As he knew he didn't have too much Chakra left, as he had to use his In'yu Shōmetsu technique a lot, to heal the all the different wounds he suffered from fighting Mitsuhide. Where if things kept going like this he knew he wouldn't last much longer, as he had yet to really hit Mitsuhide. As every time the man would block, avoid or dodge his attacks, or simply counter them perfectly thanks to his Takagan.

After the wounds of his arm healed Kabuto prepared to active his Chakura no Mesu but when he tried to do hand-seals he found he could not move his left arm.

"What going on?...Why can't I move my arm?" thought Kabuto in confusion and worry.

Seeing Kabuto distracted Mitsuhide decided to take advantage of Kabuto's distraction, where he quickly appeared right in front of Kabuto and slashed once again at Kabuto with his Katana, where Kabuto had no chance of dodging and was slashed at the chest.

Falling to the ground bleeding badly, Kabuto tried to move, but couldn't as Mitsuhide stood over him with his Katana pointing at his head.

Realising he couldn't escape, Kabuto decided to speak, "M-My arm…how did you do to it?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" replied Mitsuhide, were he smiled at Kabuto's angry and annoyed face

Other than just cutting up and destroy thing or people, Mitsuhide's Takaha had another affect. As if a person such as Kabuto was able to dodge his attack they could not avoid the tiny residual Wind blades that were created by his attack and surround the vacuum pocket he created. These tiny Wind blades wouldn't only just cut as person's outer skin, but they could also sever all the nerve channels in a person's body, leaving the target unable to move after being struck, as it was a great deal harder to heal internal damage like that, than ordinary cuts. This was why Kabuto's healing Technique had not fully healed it yet as it took time to reconnect all those severed nerve channels even with the best medical ninjutsu and by the time it.

Even though Mitsuhide refused to tell him how he did it Kabuto guess that it involved his last technique, where the attack must generate tiny Wind blades or something like them, that could do damage internal as well as externally. Although it was only a guess it made sense and if it were true it meant Mitsuhide's attack was much more powerful than he thought. He also guessed that New Kumo knew about the limits of his In'yu Shōmetsu as it was the only explanation at how Mitsuhide knew what kind of attacks would work against him. Meaning that New Kumo had certainly done its homework on him, where he was certain that The Raikage had personal assigned Mitsuhide to take him out given his technique and his bloodline.

As Mitsuhide stood over Kabuto, he prepared to give the finishing blow and knock Kabuto out, as his orders were to capture Kabuto if possible, where they could interrogate him for information on all of Orochimaru activities, or kill him if necessary.

But before Mitsuhide could knock Kabuto out a sudden massive roar was heard, where when Mitsuhide and Kabuto turned to look they saw the last of Orochimaru's curse seal warriors. That had somehow survived to this point and was charging at them, intending to kill them both, not caring that Kabuto was on his side.

The Creature quickly sped towards them with incredible speed, which was surprising given it large bulky size, Mitsuhide who had been so distracted by preparing to finish off Kabuto, he had not notice the creature until it roared out and was just about on top of him and Kabuto.

Quickly both Mitsuhide and Kabuto jumped away and narrowly avoid being killed by the creature.

After jumping away and creating some distance between him and the creature Mitsuhide quickly sheathed his sword and fell into a Battojutsu stance and prepared himself for the creatures attacks.

When the curse seal warrior saw that it had missed its prey it quickly started to look around for it, where it soon found Mitsuhide, who was falling into his Battojutsu stance. Upon seeing Mitsuhide the creature let out another huge roar and charged at Mitsuhide at full speed on all fours.

As the Curse seal warrior charged at him, Mitsuhide did not move and waited for the right moment, to attack, as the curse seal warrior came closer and closer, Mitsuhide waited for the moment to come. Just when the curse warrior was nearing Mitsuhide and was about to pounce on him, Mitsuhide saw his moment and drew his sword out with Lightning fast speed and cried out "Takazan (Hawk Slash)! (M)" where upon drawing his Katana at such incredible high speed a crescent shape blade of air erupted from his blade, and hit the curse seal warrior.

At first the attack seemed to do nothing and the cruse seal warrior was about to stab Mitsuhide with its claw, but just when it was a hair's breathe away from stabbing Mitsuhide in the face with its claw. The creature suddenly stopped, where a second later it fell to the ground with its body cut it two, where its upper half was severed from it lower half. The cut was so clean that there was no blood splatter what's so ever, not even a trace of blood could be seen on Mitsuhide's white clothing.

When Mitsuhide re-sheathed his Katana, he looked around for Kabuto, but as he had guessed Kabuto was gone, as he had no doubt used the curse seal warrior's attack to escape. Mitsuhide had tried looking for him using his Takagan to try and track Kabuto unfortunately there was too much smoke and fighting going on between the two sides and too many people around the find Kabuto, who had no doubt Shunshin'd away and was now long gone.

After deactivating his Takagan, a frown appeared on Mitsuhide's face as he had failed in his mission to capture or kill Kaubto and he disliked failing a mission about as much as he liked missing his targets.

Soon after Mitsuhide was then joined by his partner Saiyuri.

"Hey Mitsuhide are you ok, you don't look happy, where Kabuto?" spoke Saiyuri to her childhood friend.

"He escaped I'm afraid", replied Mitsuhide, simply.

This of course surprise Saiyuri as Mitsuhide rarely failed in a mission, "The guy must have been pretty good to escape you".

"Indeed, he was even able to make me miss of several occasions by avoid my attacks and just receiving simple cuts", said Mitsuhide, surprising Saiyuri, as Mitsuhide rarely miss his intended targets. "Although still, he would not have gotten away had this creature not appeared", finished Mitsuhide as he pointed at the cut corpse of the curse seal warrior.

Saiyuri only nodded in understanding and before she could say anything there was a sudden massive explosion from where Naruto was fighting Orochimaru and the others.

"Looks like things are starting to heat up a bit, as Naruto is using Tengu", sated Saiyuri as she looked to where the explosion came from and could tell that Naruto was using Tengu by using her sensory skills to sense Tengu Lightning Chakra.

"Indeed, I believe we should go and see how well our former student is fairing", replied Mitsudhide, where Saiyuri nodded in agreement and they both left together.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

Jumping away avoiding another powerful Lightning attack, from Naruto, Orochimaru landed and skidded on the flat ground of the levelled area that they were battling on, as he did he narrowed his eyes, at the smirking figure of one Uzumaki Naruto aka The Rokudaime Raikage.

He was then joined by Ryoku, Shinrin and Shiro who all had several cuts, burns and bruises on different parts of their arms.

For the past several minutes all four of them had attacked Naruto either in pairs or all together but each time Naruto had force them back, without any of them making any real damage to him, other than a few cuts and scorch marks on his long blue coat and black pants.

Quickly Orochimaru stretched out his hand in a punching motion and cried out "Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)", where a large amount of snakes appeared out of his sleeves where he launched them at Naruto.

Seeing them, Naruto quickly did a few one handed hand-seals and cried out "Raiton: Suzukiri (Lightning Style: Cutting Sparrow)! (5)" where he created several Sparrows made out of Lightning and fired them at the approaching snakes.

The Lightning sparrows quickly cut through the snakes and few straight at Orochimaru who quickly used his Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu (Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique) to sink into the ground to avoid Naruto's attack.

Unfortunately for Naruto, Orochimaru's attack was just a diversion, where as soon as he launched his Sen'ei Tajashu he and the others disappeared and reappeared around Naruto and fired their own individual ninjutsu's at Naruto, who quickly brought backed his Lightning Sparrows and had them block the attacks, while at the same time jumping up into the air.

As soon as he did Orochimaru reappeared above him in mid-air and tried to stab with his Kusanagi, but Naruto easily blocked his attack with his Tengu, where the Katana then started to discharge Lightning and channelled it into Orochimaru's sword, where it then travelled into Orochimaru's body electrocuting him.

Taking advantage of Orochimaru being electrocuted by Tengu, Naruto the quickly kicked Orochimaru in the side with a Lightning enhance kick, and sent Orochimaru flying into the ground below.

Upon landing Ryoku suddenly appeared in front of Naruto where he then slammed his hand into the ground and cried out "Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Earth Style: Tearing Earth Turning Palm)". After which the ground surrounding Naruto began to spiral inwards on itself, Naruto quickly jumped up into the air again to avoid being buried alive or crushed by the Jutsu. But when he did he suddenly heard Shiro shout out "Suiton: Suishū Gorugon (Water Style: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench)!", where he created a body of water out of thin air and took the form of a dragon with a gaping mouth and launched it at Naruto.

Naruto Shunshin'd to the ground in an attempted to avoid the attack, but Shiro was able to control the Dragon and had it turn and attack Naruto again, Naruto tried to avoid the attack few more times, but seeing that the attack kept following him, he decided to deal with it. He then did three quick one handed hand-seal and the cried out "Hyōton: Haryū Mōko (Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger)". Where he then created a giant ice Tiger and ice Dragon, where they then the clashed with the oncoming Water Dragon, and quickly turned the Water Dragon into solid ice statue, which Naruto quickly destroyed with a Lightning blast from Tengu.

"Hyōton...?" thought the Mizukage in surprise, before he frowned in anger, "So the legends are true after all…curse that Bloodline freak".

After dealing with the Mizukage's attack Naruto then came under attacked by a large creature made out of rock, the creature of course caught Naruto by surprise at first, but he quickly regained himself upon realising it was a rock Golem, which the Tsuchikage had created. As soon as Naruto had jumped away to avoid being hit by the Golem's large fist, he suddenly looked up after hearing Ryoku's voice shouting out from above him, "Die you hell spawn… Yōganwari (Rock Crush)! (N)"

Quickly Naruto used a Kawarimi to replace himself with a boulder to avoid Ryoku's attack, where as soon as his fist hit the ground, the ground around him was utterly pulverized where large and small pieces of rocks were scattered around him, along with a large dust cloud.

As Ryoku pulled his fist out of the ground, he suddenly heard Naruto cry out "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Encouraging Crushing Chain Tormenting Principle)!" After which several bright beams of electricity appeared from Naruto's one free hand, and headed towards Ryoku.

"Ranton…but how?" thought the Tsuchikage, where upon seeing the Technique coming from Naruto's now revealed location in the dust cloud. Ryoku quickly tried to avoid the beams of electricity, but Naruto was able to alter the beams direction to follow him. As Ryoku continued to dodge the beams, he saw from the corner of his eye his Golem being obliterated by a few of Naruto's beams.

Not wanting to end up like his Golem, Ryoku quickly used his Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Style: Hiding Like a Mole Technique), and sank into the ground, to avoid the beam, which hit the ground and exploded.

Ryoku then quickly popped from the ground underneath Naruto and delivered a power right upper cut to Naruto sending him flying backwards, but as soon as did, "Naruto" puffed into smoke revealing him to be a Kage Bunshin.

Upon realising this, Ryoku saw Naruto then appeared from the smoke of the Kage Bunshin, (as he used it as a smoke screen), with his free left fist surrounded in Lightning and shouted, "Eat this! …Raiken (Thunder Fist)! (O)" Thereby sending Ryoku flying backwards into a ruined wall over fifty metres away from where he was and then through the wall itself.

When Ryoku tried to move he found that he couldn't, "Damn it…my body's gone numb, from Lightning Technique he used".

As soon as he had dealt with Ryoku, Shiro appeared to Naruto's left side and tried to stab him with his Mizu no ken, but as he did, Naruto quickly spun around slashed at the Godaime Mizukage with Tengu.

Shiro was able to duck underneath the slash, but wasn't able to avoid, Naruto's other attack, where he did a quick high-speed palm thrust with his other free hand, which was covered in Wind Chakra and hit Shiro in the stomach while crying out "Fūton: Fūshō (Wind Style: Wind Palm)! (P)" and blasted Shiro away.

After "Pushing" Shiro back, Shinrin then appeared to Naruto's right side, with a new Katana he had summoned and had channelled his Lightning Chakra into and prepared to slash Naruto head off.

Seeing the attack coming at the corner of his eye, Naruto quickly spun around and blocked Shinrin's Katana with Tengu, after which Naruto pushed Shrinin back, causing the man to stubble back as he lost his balance. Thereby giving Naruto an opening, which he took and slashed at Shinrin, but when he did "Shinrin" turned into Lightning. Revealing him to be a Raiton Kage Bunshin, which Tengu then absorbed so to protect Naruto from the Lightning, when it reverted back into its original state.

Upon seeing this, a Tanto blade suddenly appeared out of Naruto's chest, revealing that the real Shinrin had used the Raiton Kage Bunshin as a distraction to keep Naruto busy, while he waited for an opening to strike Naruto from behind.

"Got you now you bastard!" said Shinrin with a grin, which quickly faded when he saw Naruto smirk, before "he" blew up, revealing him to be a Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion). Fortunately though, Shinrin was able to avoid the blast by jumping up into the air the very last moment.

"Damn that bastard, where did he go?" said an angry and slightly singed Shinrin in midair, before he heard someone cry out, "Looking for me!"

When Shinrin looked up he saw Naruro falling down towards him from the air with Tengu held over his head.

Shinrin was so surprised by Naruto's sudden appeance above him, that he was unable to move out of the way in time, where Naruto then did a vertical slash, cutting Shrinin in half, from his head down to between his legs, after which in a impressive feat of Swordsmanship Naruto then cut Shinrin's body into several different pieces. After which he then brought the palm of his hand out forward and fired a powerful Lightning jutsu and completely vaporised the cut up body pieces.

-With the Observing group-

"Damn! …there goes another one" stated Jiraiya.

"Go nii-san!" cheered Konohamaru.

"Naruto-kun you're amazing" said Hinata's

"He's incredible!" stated Ino, at how easily Naruto handled all the anti-Konoha coalition leader's attacks and beat them back.

"Yea" replied Kiba

"But how did Naruto do those Hyōton and Ranton Techniques?" asked Sakura in confusion.

"You forget Sakura-san the Ranbure-ka limit is the Progenitor of those two limits, hence he can do the Techniques of those Bloodlines, as they did originate from his Bloodline. Meaning the same genetic trait that allows Hyōton users to combine their Water and Wind affinities to create Ice Jutsu, and the trait that allows Ranton users to combine their Water and Lightning affinities to create Storm Jutsu, is also within Naruto", spoke Mitsuhide, who had joined the group along with Saiyuri, when Naruto was battling Orochimaru and his allies.

"So basically Naruto has four Bloodlines in him, as he has enhance healing powers, the ability to manipulate the weather and can use Ranton and Hyoton Jutsu" said Choji in slight awe.

"One could look at like that, but it would be more correct to say that the ability to use Hyoton and Ranton Jutsu's is simply a extension or a part of his Ranbure-ka bloodline", stated Saiyuri.

The Konoha and Suna group all nodded their heads in understanding, but still many still could not help but be in slight awe at how powerful Naruto's Bloodline really was.

Tsunade herself knew all this along with Jiraiya as she had heard about the Ranbure-ka ability to use more than one sub-elemental, but was unsure if it was true or not. But after seeing it, it put any doubt she had away.

"I knew The Ranbure-ka was powerful, but still to be able to use Ranton and Hyoton…it's nothing short of incredible. Not to mention frightening, as power like this changes a person…leaving the question how much have you changed Naruto, and has it been for the better or the worse?" thought Tsunade. As she and the others now watch Naruto face off against the three strongest leaders of the anti-Konoh coalition, Orochimaru, the Godaime Mizukage Shiro and the Yondaime Tsuchikage Ryoku.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

After defeating and killing Shinrin, Naruto smirked at the now three remaining members of the anti-Konoha coalition who did not looked the least bit pleased at seeing another member of their group being killed by Naruto.

"Well now that's two down and three to go" said Naruto with a smirk. "But I don't think I need to use Tengu to handle you three", continued Naruto, where he then sheathed Tengu back onto his back.

At hearing this Ryoku grew furious "Your dare underestimate us you arrogant little whelp…I have your head for that insult".

"Ryoku calm down and control yourself you fool, don't you see that the boy is trying to goad you into attacking him" rounded Shiro.

"I don't care its time this brat pays for his parents crimes against my village" spoke Ryoku angrily, as he was beyond furious right now. At seeing that cocky like smirk on his face, that was the exact image of his father the Yondaime Hokage, where it was like the Yondaime was laughing at him from beyond the grave.

To Ryoku, Naruto's very existence was an insult to him and his village, as he couldn't stand the fact that the Yondaime line still lived on in his son, and how he was humiliating him in battle just as his father did during the Third Great Shinobi World War. What more Naruto was also the son of Uzumaki Kushina aka Konoha no Shinku Ikari, who was responsible for defeating many of his best men. Not to mention she had used her unique special form of chakra to subdue and defeat the jinchūriki's of the Gobi no Irukauma (Five-Tailed Dolphin Horse) and the Yonbi no Saru (Four-Tailed Monkey) in separate battles during the war. These loses along with the defeats that her now revealed husband the Yodaime Hokage dealt, were the main attributors to Iwa being defeated by Konoha.

Hence to Ryoku, this made Naruto the very manifestation of both his and Iwa's defeats and humiliation at the hands of the Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō and Konoha no Shinku Ikari, as he was the by-product of both of them, which was why he refused to allow Naruto to live a moment longer.

Ryoku then did three quick hand seals and slammed both his hands onto the ground and cried out "Doton: Dohōzan (Earth Style: Earth Avalanche)! (Q)" upon which and giant wave of Earth erupted from the ground and headed toward Naruto.

"DIE, YONDAIME SPAWN! AND JOIN WHORE OF MOTHER IN HELL… ALONG WITH YOUR FATHER!" roared Ryoku and he rode the Giant Earth Wave, as it headed towards Naruto and came crashing down onto him.

But as soon as the attack came down on Naruto and buried him under a few hundred tons of Earth, there was sudden massive explosion that blasted the large mound of Earth away along with Ryoku, who landed and skidded not far from where Orochmari and Shiro were.

When the dust cleared from the explosion, they saw Naruto surrounded by a large field of Lightning, as he used his Purazuma Booru (Plasma Ball) to create a lightning-based defence barrier around him which acted as a shield around him, which protected Naruto from Ryoku attacks. Although when they got a better look of Naruto they also saw that he did not looked pleased, or to be more precise he looked furious judging by the look on his face and at how his eyes were glowing bright blue again like earlier with Lightning coming out from them, although this time much more furiously than before.

"You made a grave mistake Ryoku, one that you will regret for the rest of your life…ALL FIVE MINUTES OF IT… as you can insult that bastard Namikaze and me all you want. But I will not stand by and let you or anyone insult my mother… and for that …YOU! …WILL! …DIE!" cried Naruto as he let loose a large bust of Killing Intent and Chakra that create a large burst of Wind around him.

-With the Observing group-

When Yugito saw Naruto like this she could not help but smirk and shake her head knowing what was going to happen next.

"Ryoku is a dead man now, as he gone and done it" stated Yugito.

"No kindin, Motha-fucka in the shitta house, he don eva known it" said Killer Bee.

"I guessing that insulting Naruto's Mom in front of him is not something someone who values living should do?" said Shikamaru.

"No it isn't, unless of course you have a death wish, as it an unspoken law in New Kumo, where no-one is to ever insult Naruto-kun's mother, because if you do you end up like the last guy who did", replied Yugito.

"And who was that?" asked Choji.

"Hidan of the Akatsuki" replied Yugito with a frown as she remembered one of the men that nearly killed her a few years back.

When Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kurenai and Konohamru heard this they all narrowed their eyes angrily at the man that had killed Asuma.

"And what exactly did Naruto do to him?" asked Shikimaru, where a small part of him was hoping that the man suffered after killing his Sensei.

"I won't go into details, but to put it simply Naruto vaporised the bastard and destroyed an entire valley and everything else in a one mile radius", answered Yugito, as she had been there to see the battle.

"Damn!" stated Kiba, while making a mental note never to say anything bad about Naruto's mother in front of him and to never piss him off.

Shikamaru, just nodded, satisfied with what happened and even planned to thank Naruto later, for killing Hidan.

"And I'm guessing the reason that Naruto hates his father so much is because he was the one to turn Naruto in a jinchūriki and he blames him for his harsh life in the village", spoke Jiraiya with a slight frown, where Yugito just nodded confirming it.

Gaara of course nodded in understanding to Naruto, in his dislike of his father, as he too hated his father for what he did to him and how he tired to have him killed on several occasions, not to mention the fact that he blamed his father for his mother's death. As he had ordered Chiyo to seal Shukaku into Gaara, when he was still in his mother's womb and did so against her wishes. Where when she gave birth him, her life energy was used to power the sealing process, where she died after giving birth to him. Although Gaara had forgiven Chiyo for her part in it, as his father had ordered her to do it, where if she had refused somoneone else would've done it. Which was why Gaara could never forgive his father, for not only for his harsh life and attempts to kill him, but for also being the main reason why his mother died.

-With Naruto, Orochimaru and the others-

Not wasting any more time, Naruto launched a powerful Lightning attack at the trio of Kages, causing them to scattered, Naruto then used his Raipo (Lightning Step) to disappeared and reappear next to Ryoku where his hand was once again covered in Lightning and he cried out "Raikiri!" and slammed his hand into Ryoku face.

But upon doing this, Ryoku dissolved into mud revealing him to be Tsuchi Bunshin (Earth Clone).

When Naruto realised this, he saw Ryoku a distance away from him and doing some hand-seals and cry out "Doton: Doryu Tabe (Earth Style: Devouring Earth)", where the ground from underneath Naruto lifted up forming enormous jaws, where they tried to swallow and crush the Naruto between them.

Reacting quickly Naruto brought up both his arms and did a circular motion with them. Where Lightning started to emanate from his two front fingers tip on both his hands and then pointed them both at the two closing Earth jaws on either side of him. Upon which he then shouted out "Nijuu Byakurai (Double White Lightning)! (R)" where two powerful bolts of white Lighting erupted from Naruto's two front fingertips and destroyed the closing Earth jaws.

After destroying the Earth jaws and landing back on the ground Naruto then did another circler motion with his arms, where he then cried out "Byakurai (White Lightning)!" and fired a single bolt of White Lightning at Ryoku. Who quickly used a Doryūheki (Earth Style Wall) to create a large wall of Earth to protect himself from Naruto's attack.

Unfortunately Naruto's Byakurai was too powerful, where it destroyed the Earth wall completely and blasted Ryoku into a ruined building.

After blasting Ryoku away, Orochimaru then appeared behind Naruto with Kusanagi in his hand, as he had used his Slithering Snake Mode to sneak up on Naruto at high speed, before he could sense him, where he then stabbed Naruto in the heart from the back with Kusanagi. But a few seconds later "Naruto" faded away, revealing he was an after-image. As soon as Orochimaru realised this, he saw Naruto appear out of the corner of his left eye, where the then used his Fūshō and slammed the compressed Wind in the palm of his hands into Orochimaru's left side violently pushing Orochimaru away.

After being pushed about sixty feet away from Naruto, Orochimaru regained himself by landing on the ground on all fours, where he then used his Mandara no Jin (Myriad Snake Net Formation) to release a torrent of countless snakes from his mouth. That formed a gigantic wall of snakes that rose up and rushed towards Naruto, as the snakes got closer to Naruto, they then opened their mouths to extend Kusanagi like blades.

As the wall of swords and snakes came closer to him Naruto, did three quick hand-seals and brought his two front fingers to his lips and cried out "Hyoton: Reikiko (Ice Release: Icy Breath)!(S)" after which Naruto blew out a large stream of freezing Wind from his mouth freezing the gigantic wall of snakes and turning it into a solid wall of ice.

Once the wall of snakes had been frozen Naruto then did a few more hand seals and cried out "Fūton: Atsugai (Wind Style: Pressure Damage)!" where he compressed an tornado-like mass between his hands and held it until it's density had reached it's highest point where he then released into a massive sweeping blast of Wind. That completely shattered the frozen snake wall into pieces and swept Orochimaru off his feet and to the other end of the clear flat area.

With Orochimaru dealt with for the moment Naruto quickly started to search for where Shiro was.

Naruto did not have to search long as Shiro slammed his fist into the ground and a massive gush of Water, where as he did he cried out "Suiton: Bakusui Shōha (Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave)!" He the quickly jumped onto the advancing surge of Water and rode on it, while at the same time he created another Mizu no Ken, where has the giant surge of Water headed for Naruto he cried out "TIME FOR YOU TO DIE YOU BLOODLINE FREAK!"

Naruto of course did not look the least bit worried, where he then quickly took out his Wind Blade handle and channelled his Wind Chakra into it to create the blade of Wind, after which as the Water surge was about to crash on top of him. Naruto spoke in a calm clear voice and simply said "Daichiretsuzan (Great Earth Cutting slash)" (T), after which he swung his vertical upward slash cutting the Water attack in two and causing it to fall apart and collapsed on itself.

"Impossible… he broke my Bakusui Shōha with just a slash on his sword", thought Shiro has he held is now badly bleeding arm, which had been cut by Naruto's attack which he narrowly avoided, by sheer luck. After which he quickly Shunshin away to as safe spot to dress his wounded arm, as he did the Water he created began to flow into the crater that Naruto had created earlier from powering up and began to fill it up.

As the Water flowed into the crater it revealed the large slash mark that Naruto's Daichiretsuzan created. Which stretch up to a hundred meters in length, and had severed many building and houses outside the cleared area in half.

-With the Observing group-

"Incredible!...he was able to completely sever that giant wave of Water with that single slash and yet still do all that damage at the same time", stated amazed Temari, as it was obvious to her that Naruto's Wind Ninjutsu skill was on a whole other level from hers.

"If we win this fight and he survives it…maybe I can ask him to give me a few tips and pointers" thought Temari at the same time.

"At the rate things are going right now, if Naruto wins this battle there won't be much a village left", commented Kakashi, as he saw the destruction Naruto's last attack had done.

"Better the village be destroyed than its people, as buildings and homes can always be rebuilt, but lives cannot, and as long as your village's people and Shinobi's continuing living then your village will still have a future and can be rebuilt", commented Zhuge Liang, where both Jiraiya and Tsunade nodded in agreement at Zhuge Linag wise words.

But upon Zhuge Liang saying this, a loud voice was suddenly heard shout out "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU (Summoning Technique)!" where a massive puff of smoke appeared from the ruined building Ryoku was sent flying to by Naruto not long ago.

Once the Smoke Cleared the group saw Ryoku standing on the head of a Giant Bear summons, with a decorated spiked sling around its chest, a large hammer in its right paw and a short shield on its left arm, along with armbands and a belt with a animal skull buckle at the front of it.(6)

-With Naruto and Ryoku-

"Tsk, Iwa really does have the most stubborn hard-head Shinobi's in the world" commented Naruto, as he saw Ryoku and his Giant Bear summons appear and let out a ferocious roar.

-Insert Bleach: Invasion-

As The Bear summons came closer to him Naruto did not move in the slightest and allowed the creature to come up to him as close as possible.

When The Giant Bear summons was right in front of him, he could hear Ryoku speaking to his summons.

"Onikuma there is the one, he is the reason why I have summoned you, I need your strength to help me defeat him".

"He is the reason?" roared out the Bear boss named Onikuma, "You have become weak, since you've last summoned me Ryoku…if you can't defeat a worthless worm like that" spoke Onikuma, as he looked down at Naruto.

"Don't underestimate that boy Onikuma, he is more powerful than he looks, as he is the off-spring of Konoha no Shinku Ikari and Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō" warned Ryoku.

"Even so, he will die like the worthless worm he is!" roared Onikuma, where he rose his left front paw and thrust it down on Naruto, intending to crushing him beneath his paw like a bug.

Seeing the paw come at him Naruto didn't bother to even try and avoid it, instead he quickly brought both his hands up and blocked Onikuma's paw, where as soon as he did. He was force back a bit by the Onikuma's paw, where he tore up the ground a bit as he was pushed back by Onikuma's paw. But after being pushed back a few feet, Naruto was able to then hold his ground and halt Onikuma's paw.

After which Naruto then smirked "Now it's my turn", after which he then grabbed a tight hold of Onikuma's paw, and then charged up his Raiton no Yoroi once again, but this time it was much larger and much stronger than before.

-With the Observing group-

"He isn't going to do what I think he's going to do?" asked Jiraiya openly as he watched Naruto power up a much larger form of his Raiton no Yoroi.

"He is!" answered Tsunade, with surprise.

"He can't! Even with the Raiton no Yoroi enhancing his strength, there's no way it could make him strong enough to throw it", stated Kakashi in disbelief.

"You think you people would have learned by now, when it comes to The Raikage, very little is impossible for him", spoke Fu, with a smirk.

Upon Fu saying this Naruto's Chakra suddenly skyrocketed, where a giant thick layer of Lightning Chakra surrounded Naruto. Where he then let out a large roar as he then flipped the Giant Bear summons into the air and over him and threw him to the other end of the cleared area, fifty meters from where Naruto was.

When Naruto did this, Ryoku fell off Onikuma's head, while Onikuma himself fell down and crushed a large number of empty buildings and houses that he had landed on, after which Naruto then deactivated his Raiton no Yoroi.

After Naruto had thrown Onikuma to the other end of the cleared area, jaws literally dropped from all those watching the battle, which included not only the observing group. But also many Shinobi's from Suna, Konoha, the Tsuchigumo Clan and New Kumo. Who had been nearby the area and decided to watch the battle.

Many of the Konoha Shinobi's could not believe what they had seen, as The Raikage had shown a level of strength and power that they thought only their Hokage or Sakura were capable of.

"T-T-Th-That was unreal …he actually threw that massive summons by himself" sated one Konoha-nin.

"He's Incredible" said a Suna-nin.

"That our Raikage" spoke a New Kumo-nin with pride.

-With Naruto-

Not long after throwing Onikumo, the large Bear Boss got back on his feet and roared out in fury and glared at the smirking Naruto, who now appeared below him.

"You worm you insignificant little worm, how dare your! How dare you! … do you not known who I' am, I' am Onikuma leader of the Bear Clan and I will not be defeated by the likes of you", roared the enraged Bear summons.

Naruto did not reply to this and drew Tengu out once again from his back.

"Do you honestly think that little needle that you call a Katana can hurt me?" said Onikumo

"Then come at me and find out for yourself!" said Naruto seriously as he prepared himself, while Tengu blade was surrounded by Lightning and screeching out a little indicting that it was angry at Onikuma call it a little needle.

"Die you worm!" cried Onikuma, as he raised his hammer up into the air and slammed it down onto of Naruto.

Quickly Naruto raised Tengu above his head and used it to block Onikuma's hammer, while at the same time wrapping himself in a thick layer of Chakra and hardening it to protect his body from being crush of the force of Onikuma's attack. Although when he blocked Onikuma's attack a large shocked erupted from Naruto and a large cratered was formed in the ground around him all from the force of Bear boss's attack. But even still Naruto held his ground and withstood Onikuma's attack along with Tengu, without any harm to either of them.

After withstanding Onikumka's attack, Naruto decided it was time to go on the offensive, where he the cried out once again "Cry out into the soaring Heavens…TENGU!" After which Tengu started to release a massive burst of Lightning Chakra and energy, while once again letting out yet another loud screeching cry.

At the same time Naruto also let out another large burst of Lightning Charka, where he then combined it with Tengu's, where together their two massive burst of Lightning Charka's created a giant pillar of Lightning Chakra that shot up into the sky and shattered Onikuma's metal hammer and blasted him back a bit from Naruto.

"Impossible…how can such incredible power come from a mere human" thought Onikuma in disbelief at his hammer being destroyed, and as he blocked the force of the shockwave from Naruto's and Tengu's Lightning Chakra release with his arm shield, but was still being pushed back a bit by it.

"Now then Onikuma you are about to pay the price for insulting Tengu and see first hand, its true power" stated Naruto. As he then pressed his two front fingers on the flat side of Tengu's blade and ran it along, as he did the blade began to shine bright white, which was almost blinding.

Naruto then held Tengu over his head in a Jōdan stance, where as he was in the stance the Lightning Chakra that was released together by Naruto and Tengu started to recede. It then form around Naruto in the shape a Giant bird spreading out with its wings and crying out with its ear splitting screech once again. After a second or two the large screeching cry from Tengu ended, where Naruto then swung his sword in a diagonal slash and roared out "Futsunushi (Japanese Deity of Swords and Lightning)!"(U) When he let lose his attack a massive blade of Lightning Chakra erupted from Tengu's blade and travelled at astonishing speed. As the blade of Lightning Chakra headed towards Onikuma the attack took on the form of a soaring Bird, and flew straight at Onikuma, while letting lose once again another fierce cry.

Seeing the attack coming at him Onikuma quickly brought his arm shield up to protect him from the attack, while at the same time trying to avoid, but the attack was coming in too quickly for him to fully avoid. The attack hit his shield and broke through it completely shattering it into pieces, where it continue on and made a deep diagonal slash on Onikuma's chest, although he was still able to move out of the way, just enough to avoid being cut in half.

The attack then continued on right passed Onikuma, and made a deep long large slashing mark deep into the ground, as it continue on like with Naruto's Daichiretsuzan, but unlike that attack it did not dissipated after a going a certain length. Instead it kept going and cut right through the Konoha Western wall and cut right through it as well as cut through a great deal of the forestry outside the village. Where it then made a diagonal cut on the Western side of the Hokage Monument, (which was outside the village wall), and went right through it to the other end before if dissipated. After which the part of the Hokage monument that had been cut diagonally, slide down onto the forestry below, where it inadvertently cut off the escape rout of the now retreating Kusa and Hannya Clan forces. Who upon finding their escape rout cut off, surrendered so to avoid being killed by the New Kumo forces and the Konoha defenders who had been perusing them and were surrounding them.

"GGGRRRAAAAAHHHH!", roared Onikuma in pain, as he held his bleeding chest, and was beginning to stagger due to his wound on his chest.

"What…is he?" thought Onikuma as he staggered in pain, "He's no ordinary human!"

-With the Observing group and watching Shinobi's-

"Did you see that!" declared Konohamaru in shock and awe.

"How the hell couldn't we!" cried the astonished Kiba who's jaw hit the floor.

"What was that Technique", asked Neji openly to the New Kumo Shinobi's.

"It is called Futsunushi, Tengu's most powerful attack", replied Yugito, "When using this Technique, Tengu can cut an entire mountain in two with a single slash, it's virtually impossible to defend or counteract against".

"So the legends are true!" said TenTen in amazement, were a part of her was literally drooling over the sword, where she could not help, but slightly envy Naruto's good fortune at finding one of the strongest weapons in the world, and wondered as well if Naruto would let her look of and even hold it later on.

-With Naruto-

As Onikuma was struggling to keep himself standing, he looked down on Naruto, where when he did, he saw that Naruto now held a Massive Giant version of the Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere) in his left hand, while still holding Tengu in his right hand. But what frighten Onikuma most was the dangerous look in Naruto's eyes, as they began to glow bright blue with Lightning coming out of them, and for a instant he swore he saw a flash of red, where they didn't look human in that instant. As they had narrowed and turned blood red, almost like a demon's, but as quickly as he saw them, they turned back to blue and emanating Lightning again.

"What? ...What they hell are you?" cried Onikuma with fear clear in his voice, as he took a step back in fear of Naruto.

"That right, I still haven't fully introduce myself to you", spoke Naruto as he looked at Onikuma, "I' am The Rokudaime Raikage, Uzumaki Naruto, better know as the Raiden no Kami (God of Thunder and Lightning)…And sadly for you…your end!" said Naruto as he finished with a deadly tone, he quickly disappeared in a blue flash and reappeared in mid-air right in front of Onikuma holding the Giant ball of Rasengan.

"N-N-No….Stay Back!" cried Onikuma with fear as he tried to return back from whence he was summoned from, but it was too late as Naruto slammed the Giant Rasengan in right into his already wounded chest and shouted out.

"SAIKO RASENGAN (Supreme Spiralling Ball)!"(V)

After it hit, Onimkuma was pushed back by the force of the attack, destroying many buildings in the process, after which there was a massive explosion that enveloped Onikuma and blasted Naruto back, who quickly did a mid flip in the air, so that he would land on his feet when he hit the ground. Where he then skidded a bit and watched, as the explosion enveloped Onikuma and destroy several buildings around him. Before it faded and revealed Onikuma's badly damage chest and burnt up body from the attack, where his body fell to the ground crushing several buildings as he did, after which his body puffed back to where he came from as he had been dead before he even hit the ground

-End Bleach: Invasion-

-With The Observing group and other Shinobi's-

"Unbelievable Naruto beat him", said Choji with amazement

"And he did it without summon anything to fight it for him" stated Hanabi, clearly impressed with Naruto's power.

"Incredible" stated Kurenai.

"I knew you could do it Naruto-kun" thought Hinata with a smile.

"Go… nii-san your stoppable" cheered Konohamaru.

"But what was that Technique it looked like my Chō Ōdama Rasengan (Super Great Spiralling Sphere), but yet he called it differently?" asked Jiraiya as he was confused at the fact, Naruto was able do to that Technique, without any natural energy.

"It because it is different or at least slightly different from your Technique Jiraiya-san" stated Zhuge Liang, "As unlike your Technique, Naruto does not add natural energy, the Saiko Rasengan is made entirely of his own Chakra". This of course surprised many, but they quickly got over it as, it made sense and although in most cases they would have said it was impossible for anyone to have that much Chakra in them, let alone be able to control it and form it into a Rasengan of that size. But after witnessing Naruto powering up earlier on, along with what else Naruto had show in the battle so far, there was very little that they believed was impossible for Naruto to do.

As the observing group were discussing this, the other Shinobi's watching the battle, could not help but be in awe at Naruto defeating Onikumo the way he did.

But as they did, they then finally got a better look at The Raikage's face, as he turned around looking for something. When they did the Konoha and Suna Shinobi's were shocked beyond works when they saw Naruto face.

"The Yondaime Hokage!" gasped at Konoha Jonin.

"Kiiroi Senkō!" said a Suna Chunin in surprise.

"Impossible, The Yondaime is dead" said a Konoha Chunin as he could not believe that the Yondiame Hokage was alive.

"But look, he right there in front of us, how do you explain it, and it isn't a Henge as we would sense it" said Tokubetsu Jōnin.

"I don't know, but there has to be an explanation, as I was there at the Yondaime's funeral" said The Jonin.

"You're correct he isn't your Yondaime Hokage" answered a New Kumo Chunin.

"Then who the hell is he and why does he look like the Yondaime Hokage?" asked the Konoha Chunin.

"He's the Yondaime Hokage son, Uzumaki Naruto formerly of your village, and now our Rokudaime Raikage", spoke a New Kumo Jonin.

"The Demon Brat? …That's impossible there's no way he's the Yondaime's son, besides that brat been dead for over nine years now. I refuse to believe that's him and that h-" spoke the Konoha Jonin as he had lost his brother in the Kyubi attack and had held a long grudge against Naruto for it. But before he could finish he suddenly stopped, as he was suddenly pushed down onto his knees, where he then felt at blade point at his throat. When he looked down he saw a Gold and Black gauntlet around his neck with a Golden pointed blade tip at his throat where it was already making his neck bleed slightly.

When the Jonin looked back at the corner of his eye, he saw that the arm and gauntlet belonged to Soifon, who now had one foot on of his leg left leg, so to keep him on his knees.

Before any of the other Suna or Konoha-nins could do anything, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by SHOCK-nins both around them and above them on several building roof-tops. Also as well the New Kumo Shinobi's that had be among them, had now drawn their individual weapons and aimed them at the Konoha and Suna Shinobi's, preventing them from doing anything and all of them had serious looks on their faces.

"H-H-Hey guys there's no need for this we're all friends here r-r-right?" said a worried Konoha Jonin as a New Kumo SHOCK-nin pointed his Lightning charged Katana right at his neck.

"We are not your friends Konoha scum, as we're only fighting with you because, your enemies have become ours at this moment. We're all well aware of what you have done to The Raikage, when he was in your village and we'll not allow you to insult him, as he is a hero to our village and our Country, as well as a hero to many Countries in the Heavenly Alliance. He saved our village from the tyrannical rule of the Godaime Raikage and restored it and made it stronger than it has ever been in its history. So we'll not allow anyone to insult him in our presence, for we would all gladly give up our lives for him, as we known he would do the same for anyone of us as well", spoke Soifon.

Upon hearing this many of the Konoha and Suna Shinobi, had to admire Naruto as a leader, for it took a special kind of leader to receive this kind of fierce loyalty out of his subordinates.

"So I suggest that you watch your tongue filth! Because if you don't I will personally pull it out and make you eat it, for I will not allow anyone speak ill of my husband" spoke Soifon, which caused all the non-New Kumo Shinobi's eyes to widen in surprise. "Do I make myself clear!" said Soifon in a very serious, very dangerous and deadly tone of voice, where she dug her gauntlet blade point a little deeper into the Jonin's neck, while leaking out a very potent Killing Intent, to make her point clear.

Upon feeling Soifon's potent Killing Intent, the Suna, Konoha Shinobi became very nervous, while the Jonin that Soifon had at her mercy was also sweating very nervously, as he could tell that Soifon was deadly serious at what she would do to him, where he gulp, and said "H-H-Ha-Hai!"

After hearing this, Soifon let go of the man and push him onto the ground, and gave the man a look of disgust. "Let's go, I don't to be around this filth any longer than I have to be", spoke Soifon, where all the SHOCK-nins and the New Kumo Shinobi's all nodded their heads and Shunshin away to a new location to watch Naruto battle.

Once they had gone, one young Konoha Genin, who had surived all the fighting, spoke a single word that was shared by all there "Damn". Also as well all the Suna and Konoha Shinobi's made mental note, that they would never speak ill of Naruto in front of any New Kumo Shinobi…especially a certain SHOCK Commander.