
The Raikage (Hiato)

the Fan Fiction is not mine, I just brought it to the fanfiction.net website. After succeeding in retrieving Sasuke, Naruto was banished from Konoha due to the Council's fear of the Akatsuki coming after him and destroying Konoha. 10 years later after being banished Naruto becomes the new Raikage of Kumo and leads it to greatness.

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Chapter 10 Battle for Konoha Part four

Konoha Hospital-

When the Oto-nins made their surprise attack from underground they took over several large buildings like the Konoha Hospital and made them into operation bases for their forces. The Konoha Hospital had been abandoned before the battle began as it was too vulnerable to enemy attack. But for the Oto army it made a perfect base of operation as it gave a clear view of the village and was large enough to hold many Shinobi's.

Unfortunately though when the New Kumo forces made their surprise attack and the ANBU battalion were dropped down into the centre of the village. The hospital was quickly taken over by the New Kumo forces, as the Oto ninja's stationed there were no match for several squads of SHOCK and BOLT Shinobi's, where they were either killed or captured.

After capturing the hospital and securing it, Unohana Retsu better known as the Chiyu no Megami (Goddess of Healing) took command of it. As the battle ranged on out in the village, more and more wounded came in where they were brought in by either the New Kumo Shinobi's or the Shinobi's of Suna and Konoha.

As the wounded where brought in, Retsu and her medic's did not just treat their own forces or those belonging to Konoha and it allies, she and her medics also treated the Shinobi's of the opposing side. They were even helped by Konoha and Suna medic's, who had been cut off and couldn't get back to the emergency hospital in the shelters of the Hokage monument.

Although when they were told that they would also have to treat enemy Shinobi's many of the medic's had some objects to it. Although the matter was quickly settled when Retsu had "conversed" with them and reminded them of their Hippocratic Oaths to help and heal all those in need. When Retsu was finish "speaking" to them the medics were more than cooperative and willing to help, although after their "talk" with Retsu the medics were all shaking like leaves and White as ghosts, as if the had just finished speaking to the Shinigami himself.

-On board The Raikage's Personal Airship-

Currently sitting in his command chair The Raikage was listening to Lu Xun report on the battle, where despite catching the enemy by surprise and out manoeuvring them, as well as taking heavy losses, the enemy forces were still holding and putting up a strong fight, but even still were slowly being wore down.

After Lu Xun had finished his report The Raikage got out of his seat and turned to speak to Lu Xun.

"Lu Xun, you are now in command of the fleet, have them continue firing down on the enemy forces and weaken their lines so that our forces and the Konoha forces along with their allies can break them, also have the Sky-Hawk Ninja's do the same", spoke The Raikage.

"But Raikage-sama, where are you going", spoke Lu Xun just as The Raikage was about to walk out the bridge.

The Raikage stopped and then turned his head slightly to face Lu Xun and answered simply, "The best way to kill a Snake is to chop off its head", after which he walked out.

-With Yamato-

Currently kneeing on one knee with his left arm bleeding badly and hanging loosely as well as having several cuts on his face and his clothes baldly torn up was Yamato aka Tenzo.

For the duration of most of the battle Tenzo had been battling against Guren, the battle though had been entirely one sided where no matter what he did, Guren always defeated him. As she had stated his Water, Wood and Earth Ninjutsu were worthless against her as her Shōton crystallize his attacks. She was also more than a match to him in Tajutsu and in weapons fighting. When he used his Jutsu's for defensive purposes her Shōton Jutsu's would easily pierce them.

But even being so heavily outmatched he still fought on like at true Shinobi and gave Guren a tough enough fight, but now he was at the end of his robes, as he knew he couldn't last much longer fighting against her.

"Well, now I must admit you put up better fight than I thought and you lasted far longer than I ever thought possible, I can see now why Orochimaru-sama wants me to capture you and bring you back to Otogakure", spoke Guren. "But still in the end I won and you loss, so why don't you make things easier for yourself and just give up now and come peaceful".

"Pant…Pant…Pant…never…Pant…Pant" said a tired Yamato.

"HHHUUUUHHHH!...I really hate stubborn guys like you, you always have to do thing the hard way and make things difficult…But I tried and its was your choice, so I end this here and now", said Guren, where she then charged forward at Yamato with her Suishō Tō.

Yamato tried to get up and move but he knew he could not move out of the way in time to avoid Guren's attack.

Juts when Guren was about to finish the fight, her Shinobi senses suddenly kicked in telling her to move…now!

At that moment Soifon appeared directly behind her and stabbed Guren in the back with her gauntlet, but as soon as she had stabbed Guren in the back Guren turned into shards of Chrystal "Suishō Bunshin no Jutsu(Jade Crystal Clone Technique) she must have switch herself with a clone at the last second" thought Soifon with a slight frown.

"Impressive not many people have ever dodged one of the attacks like that", spoke Soifon, while keeping her eyes alert and ready for any kind of attack sneak attack.

"Thank you" spoke Guren as she came out from behind a crumpling wall, "Your Stealth abilities are equally impressive, as I didn't even sense you until the very last second. Although I have to say it wasn't very sporting of you to come at me like that from behind and try and stab me in the back".

"Stabbing a person in the back is the safest and surest way to kill an enemy" replied Soifon without any emotion.

"True, but its not exactly playing fair", said Guren with an amused smirk.

"Shinobi's don't fight fair, we fight to win", replied Soifon again with no emotion, as she gazed Guren with a calculating look.

"So you must be from New Kumo", spoke Guren as during her fight with Yamato she had seen the New Kumo airships arrive and fire down on their forces. "Judging your appearance you must be Soifon, better known as Kumo no Suzumebachi (The Hornet of Cloud) Captain of New Kumo's SHOCK division".

"And your one of Orochimaru chief lieutenants, Guren the Shōton user", replied Soifon neutrally.

"Ah! So you've heard of me", answered Guren.

"I make it a point to known any potential threats to New Kumo or the Heavenly Alliance", said Soifon

As the two Kunoichi's stared each other down, there was a sudden loud explosion coming from where Tsunade, Jiraiya and Gaara were fighting Orochimaru and his allies.

At seeing this Guren smirked, "It seems that Orochimaru-sama has finished playing with the Hokage and the others and is about ready to finish them off, and when they fall so will Konoha and Orochimaru-sama will have won".

"The Hokage!" spoke a worried Yamato.

While Soifon didn't even respond the slightest to the news, and continued to carefully watch Guren, soon enough though Soifon, glanced slightly to Yamato who was still kneeling on his one knee.

"You Konoha ninja, can you stand up and walk?" spoke Soifon.

At first Yamato did not respond, as he was still looking at where the explosion came from, but quickly paid attention to Soifon, "Eh!…yes I can", he replied.

"Then get out of here and go help your Hokage if you can, I will handle her", said Soifon.

"Are your sure she quite dangerous and sh-"said Yamato, but was interrupted by Soifon before he could finish.

"I told you to get out of here, you just get in my way, so go somewhere you might actually be of some use" said Soifon coldly with some anger.

At this Yamato just nodded got up and started to run towards where the Hokage and the others were fighting.

"Where do you think your going?" cried Guren and she ran a Yamato to stop him from getting away, but before she could reach him. Soifon appeared in midair in front of her and kicked her right in the face sending her flying several feet away from her.

"Your opponent is me so I suggest you forget about that worthless Konoha trash and focus on fighting me, unless you want to die", said Soifon in a cold and deadly tone.

At this Guren picked herself up, and spat out some blood from her month, "Your right…besides I can get him later, once I've killed you" said Guren as she reformed her Suishō Tō.

The two Kunoichi's then each went into their own fighting stance and stared at one another for a minute or so before they both charged forward and attacked.

-With Sakura-

Sakura was currently on both her knees panting heavily as during her fight with Kabuto, he had been able to hit her with his Chakura no Mesu in her chest to disrupt her breathing. In the beginning of the fight between the two of them, they had traded blows against one another using Chakura no Mesu. But after seeing that she was getting no real head way against Kabuto like this as they were both too evenly skilled in it. Sakura switch from using Chakura no Mesu to using her super human strength, hoping to use it to her advantage and defeat Kabuto.

Unfortunately though, that had been a mistake on her part, as Kabuto had experience in fighting against someone with super human strength. As he had fought Tsunade, back when he and Orochimaru tried to get her to heal his hands after his battle against the Sandaime during the first invasion of Konoha, with Suna.

Hence Kabuto knew what to do to beat Sakura, as he knew that the best way to beat Sakura was to move quickly and not to stay in one place for to long and to stop as little as possible. It also helped that Sakura basically used the same kind of fighting style as Tsunade used, where she used her monstrous strength to drive back and over power her enemy. Hence from his past experience fighting Tsunade, he knew how Sakura would react and would move. The only real problem he had with her was that Sakura was a good bit faster than Tsunade was due to her being younger. Also as well was that Sakura had created some of her own fighting moves, which he wasn't able to predict or expected, but it still wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

For the most part of the fight Kabuto dodged and avoided Sakura punches and kicks, where whenever he saw an opening he took it and hit Sakura with his Chakura no Mesu to slow her down and wear her out. Eventually though after using so much Chakra from using her super human strength, along with fighting for so long against Kabuto as well as from the damage Kabuto did with his Chakura no Mesu on her body. Sakura was getting exhausted, which was only made worse when her breathing was disrupted by a lucky hit Kabuto got when he hit her chest.

After a few more minutes of fighting (or dodging in Kabuto's part) Sakura was no longer able to use her super human strength as she didn't have enough Chakra to keep using it for much longer.

When Kabuto saw a wore out Sakura fall to her knees to catch her breath, he knew he had this fight just about won.

"Well now Sakura-chan that was quite the entertaining fight, but in the end you're no match for me. You might have stood a chance at beating me, had you not relied so much on that monstrous strength of yours and fought me differently. But still in the end you lost and I've won, as I have more experience than you did and that is what usually counts in a fight", spoke Kabuto with a cocky smirk.

"We'll see about that!" cried Sakura as she drew her Tanto out and charged at Kabuto with it, but due to being so tired from fighting him she was not able to move as fast as she usually could, where Kabuto easily saw her coming. Where he easily duck under her Tanto's swing and then slammed both his Chakura no Mesu at Sakura's chest pushing her back and causing her to spit out blood and fall backwards to the ground.

When Sakura fell to the ground, Kabuto then deactivated his Chakura no Mesu and took out his curved Kunai and prepared to finish the job, "Goodbye Sakura-chan, send my regards to Naruto-kun in the next life", said Kabuto as he held her down by grabbing the lower part of her neck, where he then went to cut the upper part of Sakura's neck open.

But just as he was about to slice Sakura's neck open a sudden gleaming flash was seen and the blade of a Katana slashed at Kabuto's head, who was able to narrowly avoid having the upper half of his head being cut off by using Shunshin. Where he then reappeared several feet away from where he was.

When Sakura realised that she was still alive she looked up to see who her savior was, when she looked she saw none other than Akechi Mitsuhide with his Katana in hand and his Takagan a blaze staring calmly but deadly at Kabuto.

Seeing that Mitsuhide was now going to fight Kabuto, Sakura decided to take the chance to heal herself from the damage Kabuto inflicted on her, where she began to heal herself.

"Hmph! I missed" spoke Mitsuhide, with what sounded like slight annoyance at not killing Kabuto.

"I afraid your mistaken, you didn't miss", replied Kabuto as she raised his head up to show that Mitsuhide and made a cut on the left side of Kabuto's head.

"I was aiming to cut off your head, I do not count a scratch like that as a hit", replied Mitsuhide. "But still it is impressive that you avoided my Katana and just have that scratch, you should be proud not many people can claim that they made me miss my intended target.

"Oh!" spoke Kabuto suddenly when he got a better look at Mitsuhide, "White outfit and the Takagan? You must be the infamous Akechi Mitsuhide, the famed aka Shirotakai no Kiri (Mist's White Death), aka Kumo no Shirotaka (White Falcon of Cloud). I must say its quite a rare honour to met you as your reputation precedes you", spoke Kabuto, where he looked directly at Mitsuhide's Takagan, "And those eyes must be the famed Takagan of the Akechi Clan, a Doujutsu that is rumoured to be able rival if not match, or even surpass the Hyuga Clan's Byakugan. It's a shame my master Orochimaru-sama is not here to met you in person, I'm certain he would greatly enjoy meeting you and seeing your eyes for himself".

"Indeed it is a shame…as if he were here I would have the honour of having his head, but I believe I can be satisfied with having your head Yakushi Kabuto, right hand man to Orochimaru", spoke Mitsuhide.

"Oh! I flattered you know of me", replied Kabuto pleasant like as if he was having a pleasant afternoon conversation with Mitsuhide.

Where as soon as he said this, there was a sudden loud explosion and a large cloud of smoke could be seen not far away, the three people knew that was where Orochimaru and his allies were fighting, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Gaara.

Sensing Sakura's worry for her Sensei/Hokage and not taking his eyes off Kabuto, Mitsuhide spoke to Sakura. "Girl, go and help your Hokage if you want, I will handle this".

Not needing to be told twice, Sakura quickly got up said her thanks to Mitsuhide and then ran off to try and help her Sensei/Hokage.

Kabuto didn't pay much attention to Sakura when she ran off as he knew that he would need to focus on his battle Mitsuhide one hundred percent. As one mistake when fighting against someone like Akechi Mitsuhide would result in your instant death, as the man was as deadly and as dangerous as they came.

"You do know that by the time she gets there the Hokage and the others will be already dead, as they stand no chance of defeating the combine power of Orochimaru-sama, the Mizukage, The Tsuchikage and the others", spoke Kabuto with small smile and with confidence at his master's victory.

"I would be more focus on this fight, than your master's, if I were you, besides this battle has yet to truly begin", replied Mitsuhide with a confident looking smirk on his face, which made Kabuto frown at what the former Kir-nin meant by that.

"So shall we begin?" asked Mitsuhide

"Yes, lets" replied Kabuto, where both men charged at one another and engaged in mortal combat, with one another.

-Temari and the Suna teams-

As Temari was facing against several Kiri SHARK members on the Water of the spring pool directly below the Hokage Monument with the rest of her platoon who were also fighting other groups of SHARK-nins and the four of the Sea serpents in other parts of the pool. While the Suna platoons and Konoha Ninja's fought the other SHARK-nins on the shore of the pool, as she stood in front of the SHARK-nin group, she made a few side glances around her, to see how the battle was going on. From the shore she could see her brother Kankurō using Shiro Higi: Jukki Chikamatsu no Shū (White Secret Technique: Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu) against two squads of SHARK-nins, Kankurō puppetry skill had improved greatly ever since the event of Gaara's kidnapping by the Akatsuki. After Gaara had be saved by the mysterious duo that had killed Akasuna no Sasori (Sasori of the Red Sand) and drove off his partner Deidara, Kankurō went to Chiyo for training to become a stronger Puppet master.

After several years of hard training Kankurō became a true master puppeteer, where like Chiyo he could control ten puppets at once with each finger controlling one, were Chiyo then presented him the Shiro Higi: Jukki Chikamatsu no Shū, stating that they should only be welded by a true puppet master.

Not far from Kankurō was also their former sensei Baki who was using his superior Wind Jutsu skill to kill a SHARK-nin.

Also as well a few feet away from Kankurō was her sister in-law Matsuri, Gaara's wife, who was using her Jōhyō (Rope Dart) to subdue or knock out her opponents and then use a steel wire and reel with a Kunai tied to it and throw it at her opponent. Where she would channel her Chakra into the wire and Kunai and control it movements as it flew through the air so that she could move it, if her opponent moved.

Matsuri had been Gaara's one and only student, where over time the two became close with one another as Matsuri did not fear Gaara. A year or two after becoming Kazekage Gaara and her started to date, where after three years of dating they eventually married and where quite happy.

Seeing that her Sensei, brother and sister in-law were ok, Temari focused back on her battle, with the SHARK-nins, where just as she was about to attack, one of the five giant Sea serpents that came with the SHARK-nins appeared out from under the Water. As soon as the Sea serpent appeared it fired a jet stream of Water at her at high speed that she only narrowly avoided, although she had received a slight cut on her right arm from the jet of Water when she dodged.

When she landed back on the surface of the Water, several of the Kiri-nins fired some Water Jutsu at her, dodging them easily enough. Temari quickly bit her thumb and wiped some of her blood on her Giant Folding Fan and summoned her personal summons Kamatari. Where she then used her Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai (Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance) to whip up a powerful tempest, where Kamatari rode the Wind, slashing through everything that he touched. Inculding the SHARK-nins she had been fighting against, who were cut to pieces by Temari's Wind and attack, and the Sea serpent which had it head cut off by Kamatari sickle.

As soon as she had dealt with the Sea serpent and the SHARK-nins Kamatari puffed away, as his job was done. But as soon as he did Temari had to quickly dodge another one of the giant Sea serpents, who came at her from behind and tried to eat her, but missed and crashed into the Water, when Temari jumped away.

Before Temari could make any kind of counter attack, she suddenly heard a voice cry out "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Encouraging Crushing Chain Tormenting Principle)". After which several bright beams of electricity appeared from behind her and shot at the giant Sea serpent summons and killed the creature instantly.

When Temari turned around she saw five New Kumo Shinobi's standing not to far from behind her, the one who fired the attack that killed the giant Sea serpent was a tall dark skin tone man with a slightly bulbous nose, and a lazy look in his eyes, he had white hair in a shaggy hair style. He had high collared sleeveless uniform and one-strap-over-one-shoulder Flak Jacket of a Kumogakure Jōnin. He also had the characters for Water and Lightning tattooed on his right and left shoulders respectively, also carried on his back a large, cleaver-like blade.

Next two him was a young man with short blond hair and dark eyes, wearing a sleeveless black shirt with a one-strap-over-one-shoulder white flak jacket of a Kumogakure jōnin over it. He also wore black elbow length arm guards, and red and white Kumogakure shin-guards.

Behind the two men were three slightly younger Kumo Shinobi, two of which were Kunoichi's while the third was a male. The other remaining male was a young, dark-skinned Shinobi with short, spiky, white hair with a thoughtful expression, as though in deep thought and sucking on a lollipop. He wore a dark/dull outfit consisting of an overlong shirt with a hood, with red bandage hand guards, Kumogakure shin guards and forehead protector on a black cloth. He is also had a long sword on his back on his flack jacket.

The two Kunoichi, in the group looked to be as young as the younger male in the group, one of the Kunoichi was a dark skinned Kunoichi with long red hair and amber eyes. She wore a long short sleeved dress as her ninja attire, complete with the Kumogakure flak jacket, two simple earrings, boots with a white bottom, and wears her forehead protector like a bandana. She also carried a long Katana on her back like the younger male in the group. The other Kunoichi was a tall woman, with short blond hair, that's was shorter in the back and longer in the front, she blue eyes and had a body comparable to that of the Hokage Tsunade. She wore a very low cut outfit with mesh armour underneath, a short skirt and red hand guards, high boots and what appears to be a modified Kumogakure flak jacket that covered her stomach only, similar to a girdle. She also had what appeared to be a sword strapped horizontally to her lower back.

"You ok, there miss?" asked the shaggy white haired Shinobi.

"Yeah I fine, thanks, although I could have handled it myself", spoke Temari.

"Then I apologise, it just looked that you needed a bit of help", replied the shaggy haired man.

"It's fine, you're all from New Kumo right?" asked Temari, although she already knew the answer to it, as she saw their headbands and like everyone else saw the New Kumo airships flying in the air firing down of the Oto forces along with their allies.

"We are, my name is Darui and this is my partner C", spoke the shaggy haired man named Darui, "And these are our other comrades Samui, Omoi and Karui, we've come here to help you guys".

At this Temari nodded her head in acceptance, for although she was a proud Kunoichi, she was not proud enough to refuse help when offered, especially, when they needed it.

But as soon as she accepted their help, a massive explosion erupted, and came from the area, where Temari and the others knew, where her brother, along with the Hokage and Jiraiya were battling Orochimaru and the other leaders of the enemy coalition.

"Gaara!" thought Temari with concern as after seeing that explosion her gut was telling her that her younger brother was in trouble, and she usually listen to her gut.

"I think you should go there and help, as by the looks of that, your brother could do with some, we can handle things here" spoke the blond hair Kumo-nin named C.

Temari nodded her head in thanks, to the New Kumo-nins and headed off to where Gaara was fighting, where she was joined by Kankurō and Matsuri, who also saw what had happened and were worried about Gaara as well. Baki had stayed behind to command the Suna forces there and help in driving back the SHARK-nins and the Sea serpent summons.

-In the centre of the Village-

Currently in the Centre of the village the combined forces, of the Suna, Konoha forces in the centre of Konoha along with the newly arrived New Kumo ANBU battalion made up of SHOCK, BOLT, and STORM Shinobi's were massacring the Oto forces.

Also among the New Kumo ANBU battalion, was The Raikage's Bodyguards, Okatsu, Yugito, Fu and Killer Bee as well as the famed Nemuriryu (Sleeping Dragon) Zhuge Liang.

As Okatsu was fighting several SONIC-nins, she saw a massive shadow looming over her, when she turned to look she saw one of the last three remaining Snake summons ready to strike and eat her.

Not wanting to be the Snake summons next meal Okatsu quickly jumped away onto a nearby building and avoided being eaten, unfortunately though the four SONIC-nins she had been fighting weren't so lucky, as the Snake had swallowed them whole.

Deciding to deal with the Giant Snake's, Okatsu bit her finger and did a few quick hand seals and then slammed it onto the roof top and cried out "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Where a large puff of smoke appeared, after which a giant gray Salamander appeared on the now crushed building that Okatsu had been standing on.

When the surrounding Shinobi's on both sides (minus the New Kumo-nins) saw what Okatsu had summoned they could not believe their eyes. Since she had summoned trademarked summons of the legendary Shinobi, Sanshōuo no Hanzō (Hanzō the Salamander), who had been strong enough to fight and overpower all three Sannin in battle in their youths, and who later gave them their titles Sannin.

It was especially surprising to them considering that everyone now knew that Hanzō and his entire family had been killed by the new leader of Amegakure (Hidden Rain). After a secret Civil War in the village, where the new leader of Amegakure (whose identity still remains unknown due to the village isolation policy still remaining in affect), had single-handedly killed Hanzō, his family, and his retainers, and then conducted a systematic genocide of anybody even remotely associated with Hanzō. Hence why the Shinobi's still found it hard to believe what they were seeing as most thought it only now existed in legend and story, with Hanzō and his family being killed.

"I don't believe my eyes", said Yamashiro Aoba.

"The Salamander Summons…b-but…but how?" muttered Namiashi Raidō.

"Damn!" said Shiranui Genma as he dropped the Senbon needle in his mouth, when he saw the summons.

Upon summoning the Giant Slamanader, Okatsu spoke to her summons, "Tokage, turn this vile snake to ash"

"Very well…Katon: Jigoku Iki (Fire Style: Inferno Breath) (B1)" spoke Tokage, where inhaled deeply and let lose a massive stream of Fire, that was so hot that the surrounding Shinobi that had been watching had to cover their faces from the heat with their hands and arms. As the heat of the Flames from Tokage's attack, were too hot as the heat coming from the flames felt like their faces were already burning.

The Flames were made even stronger thanks to Okatsu enhancing them with her Wind affinity, where then she did many Shinobi's who were near the flames had third degree burns, on their hands and faces thanks to the shear heat of the flame attack.

The massive Inferno, quickly travelled towards the Giant snake summons with seconds and hit the giant snake, where it screams of anguish and pains could by heard by the surrounding Shinobi's, as it body was covered in the powerful flames.

After which the creature fell dead, with his flesh burnt to ash and its bones chard Black after being burnt to a crisp, which soon after puffed away, back from whence it came from.

Not to far away from Okatsu, Zhuge Liang was dealing with several Oto-nins who foolish believed they could overwhelm the legendary rōnin Ninja with the numbers.

"Don't be afraid he's only one single man" cried the Oto Captain as he saw his squad hesitating to attack Zhuge Liang

The surrounding Oto-nins quickly began to do hand seals and prepared to fire multiple Jutsu's at him at once, but before they could finish Zhuge Liang shook his head and said.

"Only fools enters the cave of the beast when they knows not what lies in it first" spoke Zhuge Liang, before he swung his feather fan and said "Fūton: Tenpuu midarete (Wind Style: Heaven's Gale blows)"(C1). After which a spinning Whirlwind vortex appeared around him, right when the Oto-nins fired their individual elemental ninjutsu's at him. The spinning Whirlwind absorbed the Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth and Wind ninjutsu's and made itself stronger, after which it expanded outward and exploded, blasting the Oto-nins away and through several different walls and buildings.

After defeating the Oto-nin Zhuge Liang noticed the last two remaining Giant Snake summons heading towards him, as they had somehow gotten away from Katsuyu, Sasuke's Hawk summons, Gamabunta and the other two Great battle toads. Also as well behind the two giant Snake summons was a battalion of Oto-nins, where together they were inflicting heavy losses against the Konoha and Suna forces in the centre of the village.

Upon seeing this Zhuge Liang did not panic nor did he worry, as he remained calm, where he then began to do a series of single one handed hand seals, with speed that none of the nearby Shinobi's could keep up with. For every one handed seal they saw Zhuge Liang had done five more, when he finished the long set of one handed seals, Zhuge Liang brought his two front fingers to his lips and said "Katon: Yama Kaji Tsunami (Fire Style: Wildfire Tsunami)"(D1). After which a giant wave of intense fire came from Zhuge Liang mouth and grew in size until it was as tall the two Snake summons. Once the Giant Fire Wave was at full size and Zhuge Liang sent it forward, he then channelled his Wind chakra into his feather fan and swung it, making the Giant Fire Wave even strong and larger.

The now enhanced Fire Tsunami quickly travelled towards the two Snake summons and quickly enveloped the two summonses and the battalion of Oto-nins behind them. Who couldn't get away as the wave was too large to avoid. Where the summons and the Oto-nins were burnt alive, where as the Fire died a few minutes later, all that remained of them was their ashes.

When the Konoha, Suna and Tsuchigumo Clan Shinobi's saw this many were unnerved at what they saw, as they still could not believe how easily Zhuge Liang wiped out the two giant Snake summons and the battalion of Oto-nins all with a single Fire ninjutsu. Many also began to see how Zhuge Liang became a legendary rōnin Ninja and why he was called the Nemuriryu (Sleeping Dragon).

Also fighting near where Zhug Liang where The Raikage three other bodyguards Fu, Killer Bee and Yugito, who were working together to fight the Oto-nins, and were each using their own individually fighting skills to wipe out the Oto forces. Together the three jinchūriki's were an unstoppable team, where they literally tore through the Oto Shinobi's.

As the battle ranged on there was a sudden loud explosion coming from where the leaders of both sides were fighting, seeing this Gai, Lee and TenTen along with Shizune, (who was looking over TenTen wounds to make sure she was aright), raced for where Tsunade and the others were fighting, fearing the worse for their female leader.

Also like the others Hinata, Konohamaru, and Kakashi who saw the explosion raced to go where they saw and heard the explosion come from and to go help the Hokage and the others. As they knew that she and the other were in trouble, where Hiashi, Neji, Hanabi and Kureani, followed after Hinata from the Western side of the village. While Konohamaru, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji raced from the Southern side of the village and Kakashi accompanied by Kiba, Shino, Sai and Sasuke raced from the Eastern side of the village.

-With Tsunade, Jiraiya and Gaara-

Despite being severely weakened by the poison and handicapped by its other effects Tsunade, Gaara and Jiraiya fought well and were somehow able to hold Orochimaru and the others back. But eventually they were overpowered, where thanks to a combination attack by Ryoku and Shinrin, where Ryoku fired an Earth Jutsu that fired large boulders at the Tsunade and the other. But as they dodged the rocks, they blew up as Shinrin had planted exploding notes on the boulders, so that when they dodged Shinrin would activated the notes, and have them explode at once sending the trio flying back to the far end of the roof.

Due to the explosion, they received several wounds from the debris that embedded into them and combined with the poison, Tsunade, Gaara nor Jiraiya weren't in any shape to keep fighting and could barely move as the knelt on rooftop.

"Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku…Well it appears that this is the end Tsunade and Jiraiya", said Orochimaru with a sickening smirk, on his face, "Do you have any last words to say before you meet Sensei and young Naruto-kun"

"Even if you kill us Orochimaru, Konoha will never fall, you will never win, for the Shinobi's of Konoha fight to their dying breath" spoke Tsunade defiantly as she glared at her former comrade

"Pretty words, but regardless to what you say Konoha will fall today" replied Orochimaru, with sinister smile.

"Enough of this dribble Orochimaru, let's kill them and be done with it", spoke Ryoku as he had no patience for useless and idle chatter.

"Agreed", spoke Shinrin, "We haven't time for this as we need to finish this now and get back to our forces and help deal with New Kumo before we are completely overwhelm and destroyed".

"Very well then, let us finish this", spoke Orohimaru as he and the other each prepared to fire individual ninjutsu together.

Knowing that in the shape they're in Tsunade, Gaara and Jiraiya knew that they would not be able to avoid being killed by the attacks that they were going to be hit with and so they prepared themselves, for what was going to happen next.

"Looks like I following the Hokage tradition in dying in battle to defend the village, but a least I will now get to see my parents, my grandparents, Uncle Tobirama, Dan, Nawaki and Naruto in the next life", thought Tsunade as she prepared herself.

"So this is it huh!...I guess there's worse ways I could go, and going down fighting in battle, is it's pretty damn honourable way die, maybe I will see Minato and Naruto and hopeful I can get them both to forgive me for be a lousy godfather to Naruto…that is if Kushina doesn't beat me to a point that I can't apologise first for not being there for Naruto", thought Jiraiya, with a small sad smirk as he too prepared himself for what would happen.

"It seems this is the end…I 'am sorry that I could not keep my promise to come back safely to you Matsuri-chan…hopefully you, Temari onee-san and Kankurō otouto-san will return safely to Suna", thought Gaara he also prepared himself.

It was in the moment that Orochimaru and the others finished preparing their Jutsu's and fired each of their Ninjutsu at the trio together. Where at the same time as well each of the individual groups that had heard and seen the explosion earlier and came to help, arrived together on the rooftop of a building next to the one that the leaders of the two sides were battling on, which was directly behind Gaara Tsunade and Jiraiya.

When they arrived they were just in time to see Orochimaru and his allies firing the Jutsu's at the defenceless Gaara, Tsunade and Jiraiya.

"Gaara!" cried Temari, Kankurō and Matsuri together.

"Tsunade-sensei!" cried Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Shizune and Hinata together.

"Jiraiya-sama!" cried Kakashi and Yamato.

All the group could do was watch helplessly as the five separate attacks hits Tsunade and the others, where there was a massive explosion, when they hit.

As the smoke from the explosion of the five elemental ninjutsu's hitting Tsunade, Gaara and Jiraiya covered his view of their bodies. Orochimaru could not help but smile sinisterly at his victory and in killing his former team-mates and Gaara.

But when the smoked cleared instead of seeing the destroyed section of the roof-top and the bodies of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Gaara or at the very least pieces of their bodies from being blow up. Much to his shock and the shock of his allies he instead saw a large barrier made out of Lightning, with a confused Gaara, Tsunade and Jiraiya behind it, clearly indicating that the Lightning barrier had protected them from harm. Also by looking at their faces, Orochimaru could clearly see that they had not created the Lightning wall, indicating that someone else had.

He knew it wasn't Kakashi or the others who had just arrived, as they were just as equally surprised to see the Lightning wall as everyone else, not to mention they did not have the time create the Lightning wall.

It was as Orochimaru was trying to figure out where the Lightning wall had came from, that he then noticed that the sky had gotten dark as dark Storm clouds now covered the sky. Also a strong Wind was now blowing and Lightning was now just starting to appear in the sky with sounds of Thunder, yet there was no rain.

- Fairy Tail OST vol. 1 - 17 Fairy Law-

But just as he was wondering this as well he felt a powerful surge of power coming from above him, when he along with everyone else felt this and looked up they then realised who had created the Lightning barrier and saved Tsunade Jiraiya and Gaara. For descending down from the sky surrounded by Lightning and landing gently onto the rooftop like some kind of deity descending down from the Heavens was The Raikage. Where he now stood in front of of Gaara, Jiraiya, Tsunade and the Lightning barrier he had created to protect them, with his back to them and was still surrounded by Lightning which could be seen sparking all around his body for a minute or so until it finally died down.

"The Raikage!" was the exact thought that went through everyone's head in that moment as they looked at him in surprise.

As they looked at The Raikage everyone could see a powerful blue aura surrounded him, which emanated pure and unyielding raw power from him, as it was so strong that it made the hairs of everyone around him standing on ends. Also as well they saw his eyes were glowing bright Blue, where his eyes were actually emanating Lightning from them, which made his appearance all the more intimidating.

After landing on the rooftop The Raikage grabbed on to his yellow Kage robes and threw them off revealing a Blue long coat with three tails and a White Lightning like pattern on the right side of the coat. As well as Black Lightning blots at the edges of the coat and at Kanji for "Storm" on the back of it in black. He also wore a short sleeve black T-shit with ANBU chest plate and black fingerless gloves and a Kumo headband wrapped around his right arm. He also had black jeans and boots with steel tips and had a black strap around his shoulders, the strap helped what looked to be a sword which was cover in clothed that was on his back in it place. But he did retain his Kage hate and his mask that covered his lower face.

After getting over their shock of The Raikage's appearance, Temari, Hinata and the others quickly jumped over to Jiraiya, Gaara and Tsunade to see if they were ok.

"Gaara are you ok?" cried Temari as she helped her younger brother up with Kankuro's and Matsuri help.

"Yes I'm fine" grunted Gaara, as he was still gazing at The Raikage, as this was his first time seeing him, and could not help but keep staring at him as the power he was feeling coming from The Raikage was unlike anything he felt before.

"Tsunade-sensei?" cried Hinata, Shizune and Sakura together, as they checked their Sensei for injuries, while TenTen and Ino helped her up.

"We're ok, but tell me, do any of you have any of anti-toxin pills with you" spoke Tsunade, where Sakura nodded and held some out where Tsunade took some and had Sakura give some to Jiraiya and Gaara. As the anti-toxins pills would reduce the current effect of the poison they were infected with and slow it effects down for a while, although they still could not use their Chakra. As the pills were not a cure, but only something to slow the poison down enough for them to be treated later on, as now was neither the place nor the time to be treated for the poison.

"I suggest that you take your Hokage and the others away from here, as I will handle Orochimaru and the others myself", spoke The Raikage without even looking at the group.

"Are you mad you can't take on three Kage level and two High Jonin level Shinobi's on by yourself" spoke Kiba in disbelief.

"I suggest you listen to him" spoke a new voice, where when the group turned they saw Zhuge Liang behind them accompanied by Yugito, Killer Bee, Fu, and Okastu.

"You can't be serious, as strong as The Raikage is, he can't fight them alone", spoke Yamato.

"We are deadly serious and if you know what's good for you will move away from here as you would only get in the way and get caught in the crossfire", spoke Yugito, with a serious look on his face.

Although the group were still not entirely convinced they did decided to move away a bit as Tsunade Gaara and Jiraiya were in no condition to fight and it would be best that they were a distance away. Where they quickly Shunshin'd away to a building not too far from where The Raikage was facing Orochimaru and his allies, where they could see and hear everything clearly enough and were joined by Zhuge Liang and the others.

Once the group was gone, The Raikage let down his Lightning barrier, as there was no need for it.

As he did Orochimaru and the others watch him carefully in case he would try anything, although Orochimaru was looking at The Raikage with greater interest than any of the others were.

"SSSSSSoooo this is the infamous Raikage", thought Orochimaru with no small measure of interest, as he was almost exactly how Kabuto described him. He seemed to almost emanate power, and he could feel the same powerful essence that Kabuto spoke of which made everyone around The Raikage feel a combination of fear and respect for him, something that Orochimaru himself wanted to have everyone feel when they were around him.

Orochimaru then turned to see how his allies were handling the appearance of The Raikage, Ryoku kept and emotionless face up as if not worried, although the concern could still be seen if one looked carefully enough. Orochimaru could also see the angry look on Shiro face, and by the way he was standing, Orochimaru could tell that the man was barely able contain his rage at seeing his sworn nemesis. Shinrin and Doku both had concern and slightly worried looks on their faces as they had not accounted that The Raikage would appear, and considering The Raikage reputation and what he showed in the battle of Nami no Kuni (Wave Country), their concerns were not without good reason.

"SSSSoooooo, The legendary Raikage at llllllaaaaasssssstttttt we finally meet face…to face" spoke Orochimaru, "And I take it at how your forces our attacking our own, that you have allied with Konoha and sided against us", spoke Orochimaru.

"I have not allied myself with Konoha, as the only side I have taken in this war is my own, and the only reason I have come here is not to save Konoha, but to eliminate you and your allies, for you did not heed my warning", replied The Raikage.

"What do mean by that?" spoke Orochimaru with a frown.

"Do not play me for a fool Orochimaru, do you really think that your plans to wage attack my village and the Heavenly Alliance are not known to me", spoke The Raikage, which caused a look of surprise to appear of the faces of the five leaders of the coalition. "I also know that you know that my village now holds the Library of Benzaiten and as I told your lackey that if you ever threatened my village…I would destroy you!...and I do not make idle threats", said The Raikage where he finished with a strong intense burst of Killing Intent that made the coalition leaders take a step back.

This revelation of course shocked Orochimaru and his allies along with the elder Shinobi members of the Konoha group as well as confuse the younger Shinobi's.

"The Library of what?" said Konohamaru in confusion.

"The Library of Benzaiten" said Jiraiya.

"So what is…some big Library" said Kiba not understanding why all the senior members of the group were so shocked and worried.

"The Library of Benzaiten is not just any Library…it is the greatest storage of knowledge in the entire elemental continent. It is said that during the age of endless War before the Sage of the Sixth Paths spread the Great Shinobi arts to people. There existed an ancient order called the White Lotus society made up of Scholars and Monks trained in an earlier form of the Ninja arts before the Sage of the Sixth Paths built the foundation of Chakra and founded Ninjutsu. When they saw the endless amount of lives being lost and the villages, towns, cities along with hundred of books and scrolls being destroyed the society decided to do something about it. They built a massive Library dedicated to collecting and preserving Knowledge and began to collect and gather books and scrolls of every kind and even writhing and recording great events and things they had seen. They did this for hundreds of years recording, collecting and even in some cases stealing the books and scrolls so to preserve them. They would even write down and describe in detail all the different techniques they'd seen Shinobi's Clans do, and how they are done and how a person could do them and because of this they were hunted down. As the Shinobi Clans learned that the White Lotus society was writing down all their secret techniques that they saw, and even stealing scrolls from them in other cases, the Shinobi Clans decided they could not be allowed to continue to exist and hunted the society members down so to keep their secrets. But despite that, the society continued to exist in secret and continued to collect and gather knowledge all over the Elemental Continent and stored it in the Library that they called the Library of Benzaiten, after the goddess of Knowledge. The society existed even when the Great Shinobi villages were founded and the kept collecting and gathering knowledge, right up until fifty years ago where the last remaining members of the order were captured and killed by the Shodaime Raikage. As he tried to gain the location of the Library, as it was said that the Library holds the greatest storage of Jutsu in the known world. My Grandfather, Great Uncle and Sarutobi-sensei told us the story long ago, but I always thought that was all that the Library was, a story and it didn't actually exist", said Tsunade.

"Well I can assure you Hokage-san the Library is as real as you or I", spoke Zhuge Liang as he continued to watch The Raikage facing Orochimaru and his allies.

Upon hearing this Jiraiya frowned slightly, as if it was indeed true then it did explain how New Kumo became so powerful so quickly. As with the knowledge that was said to be accessible in the Library of Benzaiten, then the nation that possessed it would be almost invincible as in the Shinobi world Knowledge was power. He could also see why Orochimaru was so interested it, as the Library of Benzaiten was like Holy Grail for someone like Orochimaru who wanted to learn all the worlds Jutsu, as the amount of Jutsu that was most likely collected there would be almost endless.

Naturally of course when Orochimaru heard how The Raikage, already knew of his plans for attacking New Kumo and the Heavenly Alliance and about how he knew about the location of the Library of Benzaiten, he was far from pleased.

It got even worse, as Ryoku, Shrinin, Doku and Shiro, were furious to hear how Orochimaru kept such important information from them.

"Orochimaru!...Is this true?" spoke Doku angrily "Did you know that New Kumo possessed the Library of Benzaiten?"

Orochimaru of course did not respond to Doku question and just glared at The Raikage, which told them clear enough that he had indeed known and kept the information to himself.

"Clearly your alliance is not as strong as you would like everyone to think is it Orochimaru?" asked The Raikage openly, where Orochimaru did not answer and only glared at The Raikage.

"Regardless though, I suggest that you listen to the offer I'm about to make, for the decision your about to make will decided your fate and the fate of your Shinobi's along with you villages", spoke The Raikage.

"And what is this offer?" asked Shinrin

"Surrender and order you forces to do the same and they will be shown mercy…and you will live…but if you do not…there will be no mercy", spoke The Raikage suddenly.

"Mercy?" cried The Mizukage Shiro in disbelief and anger, "Mercy from you, the only one that should be begging for mercy is you, as your going to die here…like the dog that you are!" cried Shiro as he created a Mizu no Ken (Water Sword) and charged forward at The Raikage with it.

"So be it then!" said The Raikage as he did not even move, where as Shiro came closer and was about to stab him with his Mizu no Ken. The Raikage eyes started to glow even brighter, after which a massive explosion of Chakra erupted around him blowing the rooftop of the building that they were on apart. Blasting Orochimaru and the others away, where they landed on another large building slightly away from the building they were just on, while leaving The Raikage floating in mid air with Lightning surrounding him again.

"Unbelievable!... He blasted Orochimaru and the others away with just pure Chakra!" said a stunned Jiraiya as he still could not believe what he had just seen,

Tsunade and the others (minus Zhuge Liang and the others New Kumo-nins) were also equally stunned as something like that was on the level of a biju.

"What kind of monster is he?" muttered Kakashi, with some worry in his voice

- End of Fairy Tail OST vol. 1 - 17 Fairy Law-

After seeing this massive display of power Orochimaru, knew his chances of beating The Raikage alone were very slim, but if he worked together with Ryoku, Shiro, Doku and Shinrin. Then they would stand a good chance of beating The Raikage for as strong as he was, there was no possible way he would be strong enough to defeat, three Kage level Shinobi's and two High Jonin level ones.

"Ryoku, Shiro, Doku, Shinrin, we need to work together if we wish to defeat The Raikage", spoke Orochimaru to the others.

"Why should we work with you, after you deliberately withheld the fact New Kumo had the Library Benzaiten from us", spoke Shrio angrily, while still glaring at The Raikage. Who was floating towards them and landed on the opposite end of the large building that they were on now. Where his eyes dimmed down, along with the Lighting that was around him when he was floating in the air.

"Because if we do not then he will kill us all!" hissed Orochimaru angrily.

"He's right we can't hope to defeat a monster like The Raikage alone we need to work together", spoke Shinrin.

"Fine!" spoke Ryoku, "But when this is over don't think that we will forget that you deliberately withheld important information from us. Just so that you could have it to yourself, and when this is over you will tell us everything you know", demanded Ryoku, where Orochimaru frowned but nodded in agreement.

Upon hearing this, a scoffing sound was heard coming from The Raikage, "You never learn Hebi-teme, even after I foiled your plans on five separate occasions".

"Who are you?" hissed Orochimaru angrily as he was losing patience, as his carefully laid plans for destroying Konoha were now ruined all because of this man.

"Have you not figured it out yet?" asked The Raikage openly, "Then perhaps this will help you", he said were he then took off his Kage hat and threw it away, (where the strong blowing Wind blew it away). Revealing short bright blonde hair that was slicked back so that is was spiked up at the back and had bright blue highlights in the shape of Lightning bolts that travelled from the spike ends to the front.

After throwing away his Kage hat The Raikage then took off his mask to show his face to everyone.

"Now Hebi-teme do you remember me?" asked The Raikage, with a smirk, as everyone could not believe their eyes when they saw who The Raikage was…someone who they all thought was long since dead.

"Impossible?" thought Tsunade and Jiraiya together as they couldn't believe their eyes.

"T-There no way i-it can be him!" said Doku with some fear in his voice as he took a step back.

"It can't be!" thought Kurenai as she knew it wasn't some Genjutsu disguise as she could sense it or see through it if it was.

"Impossible…! Your dead, you can't be him!" cried The Tsuchikage with the utmost rage, fury and disbelief.

"Is this some kind of cruel trick by The Raikage", spoke Kakashi as he too could not believe what he was seeing.

"How is this possible…?" cried Orochimaru with fury, as he was beginning to lose his clam exterior. "There no possible way you can be alive, your dead I know it!" he cried, as he refused to believe that "he" was still alive after all these years.

For although his appearance had change a bit from when he saw he last him, it was still him as he easily recognise the man who stole the title of Yondaime Hokage from him..."

"…For right before them was none other than The Legendary Shinobi himself, Namikaze Minato, better known as Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō (Konoha's Yellow Flash)"