
-To All Readers-

Hello, readers. I just wanna warn you before you just jump in and start reading. This includes a lot of sacrifices and pain.

Fighting fate is not easy, and racing fate is out of the league. You know the feeling when you feel like the world is completely cluttered and that you'd do a better job if you made it. Oh yeah, there's my boy...That's exactly what I felt. But, I found a way to do it, unfortunately, it is next to impossible but...emphasis on next. Read on to take a sneak peek at my epic adventure. Consider, voting with your power stones to boost me 'cause honestly guys, it's super hard to write a novel while I'm worrying about the next monster at the doorstep. Also, Chris hates me sitting all day on the computer. I'll be watching your comments too. Oh, jeez...Chris is yelling, I gotta go.

Stay in touch, you guys. I'll be missing you a lot.

Read on for the coming chapters... stay tuned!


-David Rozario.

"The road to success has this - a curb called FAILURE, a loop called CONFUSION, speed-breakers called FRIENDSHIP, red lights called ENEMIES, caution lights called FAMILY. But, if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, an engine called PERSEVERANCE, insurance called FAITH, and a driver called CONFIDENCE, you will reach the destination called 'Success'."