
I Am Assigned A Death Quest

"Garov! Garov!! Where is that cheeky rascal?" snarled a deep voice.

"H-here, father," replied a small kid.

"Take this healing kit to Master Ferosh," asserted the deep voice.

"Yes, Father," replied the boy with respect.

The young child ran towards the man who was talking with Chris and smiling he gave the kit to that young man. The small kid ran along the hallway, to play with his friends.

"A lovely child, isn't he?" Master Ferosh said looking at me. I nodded my head. Master Ferosh was a fit young man. He was six feet tall and had dark hair. He looked brawny to me.

"Your lunch will be coming in some time," Chris said encouragingly which shook me from my trance. I looked at my leg trying to move it, but I couldn't.

"You won't be able to move your leg for seventy-two hours because of the heavy enchantments cast on the weapon," affirmed Chris.

I nodded again. I could barely speak and move my leg; that was the bad news. The good news was that I was alive. So heavy were the enchantments on that weapon that I was in a near-death situation, but, Master Ferosh had saved me with his incredible healing skills if what I heard from Chris was true.

Dozens of healing potions were spread across the table. All of them with a weird color and smell, though some potions did not even have smell or color. Master Ferosh went out of the cabin to have his lunch. All this time, I kept my dream to myself. Now, I felt like I had to share them with somebody, or else I would not be able to hold the weight of the quest to free that mysterious old man.

I lifted myself with my hands but my hands turned to jelly and I fell back into the bed.

"Uhh...Chris, I have to tell you something," I said in a dried voice. I was surprised to hear myself so weak. It seemed like my vocal cords had lost their enthusiasm.

He seemed to be reading a book. Ughh! He always does that.

"What is it, Dave?" he asked diverting his attention to me.

"There's this dream that I have to tell you," I said.

He looked into my eyes, "Hmmm... Go on."

"Last night I had a dream, you know," I started, "In that dream, I saw an old man imprisoned. He asked me to free him if I wanted to seek my only chance to reverse the history. And...I guess he meant that he wanted to reverse the accelerator explosion which happened ten years ago. If that is possible we need to free that old man."

By this time, Chris's eyes had widened. Then he eased himself and remarked, "You've got a talent to attract an audience."

He gestured towards the other end of the room and I saw the cook and his son, Garov standing by the window. I immediately freaked out, but Chris calmed me.

"They are good people," he said.

"So the myth of the hypersphere is true, isn't it?" asked the cook.

"Yes, Leon," answered Chris calmly.

"Wait. So who are you?" I asked the chef.

Taking a deep breath, he answered, "I am Leonidas Jefferey, a chef of the MSMA, and-."

"Wait. What is MSMA?" I asked interrupting him.

He sighed. Clearly, he did not like anybody questioning him mid-speech. "MSMA also known as the 'Magicians School of Mad Arts'."

He served lunch which consisted of Cornbread, some kind of salad, and Tater tots. Garov waved his hands and then Leon the chef and his son went out of the cabin. I was able to eat cornbread and Tater tots but I threw up as soon as I ate that salad.

In an irritated tone, I asked, "What kind of salad is this?"

"What?" Chris looked up from his book, "That's just a salad made from seaweed."

I cringed at the thought of eating a bowl of seaweed, "Ughhh...I can't eat this. It tastes so disgusting."

"You will get used to it, here. Talking about food, Daniel has gone out to clear the payment," informed Chris.

"But, who is Master Ferosh? I don't even know him," I asked.

"Master Ferosh is the best healing physician here," answered Chris immediately.

Saying that he handed a yellow book to me, "Dave if you want to know more about where we are. Read this book, it will help you in knowing that."

The book embroidered with gold on either side. I started reading and the title read 'Guide to the World of Magic and Mad Arts'. Just I started to read Daniel entered.

He sat beside me and asked me, "How are you feeling champ?"

"As great as a person when he is stabbed," I answered.

He laughed but his laugh died as he peered at the book I was reading.

"Why're you reading this?" he asked.

"'Tis just a journal to this world," I affirmed.

"The king doesn't allow the reading of these books in his kingdom," he argued.

I couldn't believe my ears. "A king? Isn't this area ruled by a squad of magicians?"

Daniel nodded his head, "Uhhh...right. It's not a squad...more like a council. Their council is called the 'The Council of the Seven Elders'. But, in the last month's games, the legion started establishing its power here and-."

"But that also means that we won't be safe here too," Chris added. By now, Chris had joined our conversation putting his book down.

"How did the legion grab hold of this continent? Isn't the legion a sworn nemesis of the magicians since the accelerator explosion?" I asked.

Daniel shifted his stance obviously uncomfortable with this topic. "Yes, they were. But you see, the king had divided his legion to catch those magicians quicker. He divided his troops into four groups and sent each group in one direction. Heading each of those groups were the king's four trusted generals. They were also called the 'Four Arrows'. One of the 'Arrows' was that evil-minded Taftor and he captured those magicians. But the magicians escaped and forged a new continent between Eurasia and America; it was called Magicia. Once they built the continent, the magicians voted for a council. Every twenty years a council is chosen. But the council was so corrupted that the greedy magicians of the council fought and killed each other. It got so divided that a stupid magician thought of informing the legion about the secret continent. To prevent the war the magicians had no choice but to sign a treaty. The treaty told that there would be a contest every year between magicians and legionnaires. If the magicians win, they would get their freedom and the legionnaires would have to leave the continent. But if the legionnaires win, their kingdom's area of power doubles. The legion has gained control over half of the continent like this and if they win this year's tournament, the whole island will be under the power of the legion.

"What?" Chris screamed, "Then they definitely will gain control over Magicia."

"Yes, they sure will and then we won't be able to escape anywhere. Taftor's troops will arrive in two months. A day after that, the tournament will begin." Daniel exclaimed.

"Then we will have to find a way to win this contest," Chris muttered.

"Luckily, there are two months to practice, we can then register for the tournament," Daniel said.

"Daniel you are going to register for the tournament, aren't you?!?" I asked.

"No, there's a special someone who will participate," Daniel declared. He met Chris's eyes and they both looked at me.

My mouth hung open. "Me?!"

"Oh yes, you!" Chris affirmed.