
Chris Was Not A Fool After All

Now, you might be wondering why I wrote that chapter's content too fast by leaving various info. My dear young readers, that's because I didn't have time to write the whole story before Hunder pulled me into prison. And now, I can at least write our painful death experience in more detail because we both are to be executed the next day with an unfair ceremony which Hunder calls, 'Trial' (emphasis on unfair).

As soon as I woke up, I looked around and laughed. The room was huge and on the top hung a chandelier. The room was like a typical rich house but better than our cabins. All the furniture was made with high-quality plant stuff. It even had a unique design. But my laugh dampened as soon as I saw myself bound with metal shackles that were so tight that made my skin turn an obnoxious tinge of purple.

"Jeez, you finally woke up, ol' friend Dave...I was wondering," said Chris chuckling. He was sitting upon a leather mat with a unique design. I stared at him into his eyes but he just chuckled more. "Dave, chill. I have a plan to get us out. While I tell you the plan, munch on these awesome cucumber and cheese sandwiches made by Daniel. Also, wanna ask about your decision."

Daniel's sandwiches, Yum! I could not resist it at all even though I was gonna die. I picked up two sandwiches at a time and shoved them in my mouth. My tongue's taste buds danced around as soon as I started chewing. My body immediately turned hyperactive. Then I heard a high pitch moaning, which was enough to bring me back to the present.

"Which decision do you mean exactly?" I asked.

"To escape the legion, of course," he responded looking at me as if I had gone mad.

I replied with a nervous smile, "Ohhh...okay. I absolutely wanna leave this treacherous place. But don't we have to make up a plan?"

"I have already made one, chum. You see, the day we were cleaning at the armory, do you think I was that foolish to get caught when there are thousands of surveillance cameras around?" he asked.

"I don't know about that. You were the one usually cautioning me against Hunders's scheme," I said, as his daunting plan began to dawn on my little brain. Bits and pieces of his awesome ploy joining together in my head.

"So...you stole the best weapons from the armory for us and pretended to plot against Hunder, just for getting out of camp?" I said with creeping admiration for my master-minded friend.

"Yes, my little apprentice. This was all just a fraction of your brainiac friend's talent. Tomorrow before the cock crows, we have to be out of camp. And, Daniel will help us. We will form a new camp, Dave...a new one. We will have to lead the camp after a person volunteered to come with us," he said with so much pride that made me feel like all was possible.

"Wait. What do you mean some people? Isn't it me, you and Daniel?" I asked curiously.

Rolling his eyes he said, "Li'l Dave, you are still a moron. I assumed you would be smarter after you fainted. Yes, it is you, me, and Chef Dan but there is a special someone who has volunteered to come with us." Then, he raised his eyebrows demanding me for the answer.

As usual, my small little brain could not think about it. So I did the next best thing I could do, I tried looking stupid. I stuttered with a doubtful voice, "Uhmmmm...Uhhhh...Mmmmm..."

Chris face-palmed and said, "David, lecturing you is like lecturing a gerbil. The person who wants to join us is none other than-."

"Aurora," said a new sweet voice, "Aurora Taftor."