
Aurora Plans Our Death

I was used to this kind of surprise. I mean, who would have ever thought of a leader's daughter coming with us where we will have to face some beast or a magician with a ninety-five percent chance of dying when she can legit stay safe without even worrying about the enemy's attacks.

She entered the prison bar, shooing the guard away, and sat on the floor near Chris. She shared a knowing look with Chris and then glared at me with those multicolored eyes, which made me feel drowsy and dizzy.

"So, why are you coming with us?" I asked, just so that she would stop staring with those kaleidoscopic eyes.

She gazed at me some more and then regaining her adolescent poise said, "Aurora Taftor. Pleased to meet you. As for why I am coming with you is just the same as your reasons for escaping the camp and also because of my father."

Chris and I nodded since we had the experience. To be honest, General Taftor was no different from Hunder. They both were tyrants, who like to think of their comrades as their slaves.

".....Are you even listening, Marcus?" Chris yelled, "You seem to be daydreaming when we have a plan to work with." Aurora burst into laughter that made me blush and my ears redden a dark shade of pink. She seemed to find Chris very funny.

"I-I mean, what were guys even talking about?" I asked, blood rushing to my face. I stared at Chris in an I-will-take-revenge-for-making-me-look-bad-in-front-of-a-princess look.

"Will discuss the escape plan during the party," she said with a cheerful look, her eyes dancing with humor, "Till then I give you time to daydream." Saying that she went out of the prison bar.

I sighed. I didn't know how long I'd put up with her.

"Wait, Chris is there a party today?" I asked with a curious glance.

He replied rolling his eyes, "Duh...Yes, Dave, we have a party today night."

"I haven't paid you for making me look bad in front of that girl," I said, clenching my fists which I could not do properly since my hands were tied with iron shackles.

He said, chuckling as if there was nothing going in, "Cool, Dave. Why you taking it so hard? Prepare for tomorrow. That's our plan." He gave me a fist bump and then we dozed off.

In the land of dreams, I had a strange and vivid dream. I saw an old man levitating in mid-air, meditating. He was not weak. Even though he was old, I could sense his aura of power tugging at me, pulling towards him as if he had his own gravitational force. Then, he opened his emerald green eyes and said ten words, "Careful little David, careful. I await you near the hypersphere." Then he swept his hand and my dream shattered.

I woke up looking at Chris snore like a little pig. I looked at the clock, and it was half-past eight. Then, I woke Chris. He gazed at me and then towards the clock and his eyes widened.

"Never would have thought about how much time went by," he said chuckling to himself.

I chided, "You gotta do it fast, mate. It's now or never." Trying to put on the best serious face I had.

"Okay, sir...got it. I got your back and you got mine. We are buddies forever," he said fist-bumping again.

"Shouldn't our lunch come by now?" I asked with doubt.

This time Chris replied with a perplexed face, "I don't know, David. I really don't. They should be here a long time ago."

Just then I heard a creaking noise. Our dinner had arrived. Chef Daniel walked in with the food; his eyes misty. My stomach started to grumble at the sight of tasty food. But my hunger evaporated as soon as I saw the person walking beside Daniel.

The person was none other than Hunder Borowski, captain of the 25th cohort.

"Hunder, over here?" Chris asked with a shocked look.

He replied with a mocking smile, "Why, my dear friend. I am Hunder, your loyal frenemy."

"Why are you o'er here?" I yelled.

"Just to give you an announcement," he told casually.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just that you are invited to the party," he said strolling around us coolly.

I and Chris let out a huge sigh of relief. But, Daniel's eyes warned me and I asked, "Are we going to stay prisoners at a party? Are we gonna be tied up in chains before the public?"

"Oh no," he said his eyes glowing with rage, "Taftor has made this party for everybody to enjoy your execution."

"But isn't it supposed to be tomorrow? That's what Commander Taftor told us," I asked my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

"Oh, really? But this party was not ordained by General Taftor. That slug really doesn't know how to execute prisoners. It was commanded by his daughter, Aurora," he said with intense madness in his eyes, "Aurora Taftor."