
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasie
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33 Chs

The Adventure of icey

This is filler, but it will meat up with the main story, so if you want to skip it you can.


My name is icey right now, it used to be Spencer, I was the esteemed ice Spear of the Spear Hero, but I was put in a hole in the ground when the hero died, there was 10 different hero items, and I'm here to tell you about them.


Name: Spencer

Rank: Hero

Owned by The Spear Hero

Description: gives the user the immunity to ice magic, will do 5x more damage to fire and dragon monsters. Will freeze anybody it doesn't think is worth of it.

Secret Description: when held by the hero a passive with be added to the wielder 50% more exp and stat points.


That's me, back then and now, I don't trust midin, so I told him I had no name.

Let's get to the hero items.


[Sword of the Holy Hero]

[Hammer of The Destroyer Hero]

[Bow Of the Nature Hero]

[Dual Sword of the Berserker Hero]

[The Magicians Book of the Magic Hero]

[Dagger of The Assassin Hero]

[The Healing Wood Staff of the Priest Hero]

[Taming Gloves of The Taming Hero]

[The Shield of The Shield Hero]


That's all of them, they were all my friends, but they were always mad at me for taking so much mana from the hero, I never did anything wrong, I was made by the humans, they made me like this.

All the hero items were made from humans, they used us to fight back against the dungeon Towers that appeared out of thin air, and wiped their whole population, except for about 20%.

My hero died because of me...

All ten heroes met up in the meeting hall, around a table, I was 1 of 3 of the strongest hero weapons, the other 2 were The sword, and the shield. The shield could stop anything, the sword was able to use so much power with very little mana. That was the opposite of me.

The heroes wanted to get rid of me since I was hurting their friend, my first user had long brown hair, thin as silk, face of a goddess. She was so nice to me, she didn't care how much mana I took, I never wanted to take as much mana as I did, it just happened. The Sword hero, hated me the most, I would get glares, I could hear him talk bad, he was pale white, with paper white hair, golden eyes brighter than the sun, he was skinny, but when he held the sword he was built like the strongest man in the world.

They hated me, the only one I had was Jennifer the Spear Hero.

I trusted all them, I liked them all, I never hated anyone, I was made to have the best personality, to talk to.

Time changed me

One morning Jennifer didn't wake up, I was in her arms, so I wad blamed for her death, I don't take mana unless I'm choosing my user, or when I'm in battle.

They threw me in a hole.

They put me in a hole, in a strange place, I didn't recognize it, they wanted to break me, but since I'm so strong, it has to be someone that can handle me, and it has to be someone willing to die, because it kills the user that tries to destroy a hero item.

I was in the ground for years.

I was fed through the ground, the ground gave me lots of mana, I built myself a chamber.

Then he showed up.

He walked around looking through the dark, till he found the switch, and turned on the lights with pedestals, he seemed to look around till he noticed me instantly, it was weird. He was looking, like he could see my menu, like the heroes.

He picked me up

All the pure mana was going into my handle, It felt amazing, as my mana vision fixed itself, I notice he was a Rabbit...


You know the rest, but now I'm with a new Rabbit hero, he has tremendous mana, he talked to me before I started even thinking of talking, he said that we had to defeat the Hole king...