
The R.E.M Chronicles: Lucid.

Issabelle Woods, or as she prefers, Issa, a struggling freshman in college, is taken at a party and awakens to see an unknown man there, George Jackson, watching over her, seemingly as her kidnapper. But is he really as bad as he seems? Is anything really as it seems? Issa is going through some abnormal stuff that a normal person would call her crazy for. That these kinds of things she is experiencing could only possibly happen in one's dreams. Right? The madness begins when she awakens at an abandoned school, unaware of how she got there. No memories of her night prior, leaving her to wonder how and why she got there. Just when things start to seem normal, at least for her, everything begins to change in her life yet again. She doesn't know how she even got to be in the position she is in or how to stop it from happening again, but she does know there's no way she'll ever forget. She couldn't possibly forget this lucid nightmare.

JrHathaway · LGBT+
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46 Chs

Chapter 39: Together.


Day 17.


I wasn't sure when I fell asleep last night inside Issas room. 

All I knew was when I woke up again I wasn't inside it anymore. I was in my own room. Normally I would be perfectly content with knowing I woke up back inside my room after a rough night like yesterday's, only this wasn't my normal room. It was my room back at the school.

I was back. And the same probably went for everyone else too.

"Shit." I sit up in bed and try to prepare myself for the long day I was about to have. It was a little past noon according to the clock hanging on my wall, so I had missed breakfast, but that didn't matter because I was far too exhausted to even try and eat anyway.

I get up finally and get ready for the day, utterly tired of all the messes going on in my life recently. I pull on my pants and was about to head out when I see a stray flannel hanging on my mirror. It's takes me a couple seconds of looking at it to deduct that it definitely wasn't mine, too small. Then only a few more to finally realize exactly who's it was, and for me to be running out of my room, holding the flannel in my arms as if it was actually a baby.

Maybe being back at the school wouldn't be so horrible like I had thought. Afterall, I still had my old and new friends here. I glance down at the flannel flowing in the wind as I sprint past curious faces down the hall, heading for the owners room with nothing but a huge smile on my face.

There wasn't much to be happy about this morning at first thought, but now looking at the worn down flannel in my hands changed my perspective entirely. I knew here that I had her, even if it was only for now until I was back in the normal world again. I didn't care, I had her here, and I would take advantage of that in all of the best ways possible.

I don't care that as I shove past every last prisoner here that I was receiving hateful remarks telling me to either slow down or be careful, it didn't phase me. My heart was on one thing only.

And that was me going to see Lectra, and that she would remember me and be mine again.


It was just another day and I was back.

As much as I thought and hoped I was getting used to the big change everytime I shifted back and forth, it was a big lie and I would never be used to it. No matter how long I would be here. I hated it.

"Morning roomie. You missed breakfast. I mean, me too because you normally wake me up and everything, but still. We missed it." I turn in my bed and see Lectra down in hers on the floor, looking anything but comfortable. Her voice sounded careful as she spoke to me. The new look she gave me was definitely concerned as I stared down at her, clearly looking like utter crap.

"Oh well. I needed to sleep in today." Lectras face goes serious as I speak, immediately understanding why I was sounding and looking like a big blob of crap.

"Oh. Welcome back?" I finally managed a smile at her but still don't have any energy to reply other than nod.

"That explains last nights episode. What happened back there this time that's making you act like an angry porcupine?" I playfully glare at Lectra, only for her to defend herself quickly by adding;

"A cute, fuzzy, nice porcupine, of course." I smile at Lectras words then finally answer;

"As always, just a whole lot happened. I don't even remember what went down last time I was-" As soon as the words leave my mouth I was doing exactly that and remembering everything that had lead to me passing out and returning to my normal life.

"You passed out after talking to that random guy at the gathering, which scared the hell out of me by the way. If that jogs your memory at all-?" It did jog my memory, even more than I already had remembered on my own, though I really wished I could have just forgotten about it completely now that I did.

"Oh crap-" Lectra studied me hard then, clearly not saying anything purposely for me to be able to blurt out whatever it was I had just figured out.

"I met-" I once again stop, remembering Lectra had no idea of the Boss at all, and that I had been lying to her about a half dozen things. Everything with the Boss was to keep her safe, so I simply couldn't tell her. I wouldn't let my big mouth get Lectra hurt.

So instead I chose lying to her again, which would hurt me either way.

"It isn't really important, honestly. Just George problems again." She nods looking iffy about how very suspicious I was acting. I really needed to learn how to lie better around her.

"If you say so. I'm just glad you're okay." Lectra gets up and begins getting dressed, leaving me to finally be alone with my own thoughts.

I had met the Boss for real last time I was here. And because of that, I was being forced to help Cam with his little kidnapping business. I couldn't believe I totally forgot about it until now. I guess I just had other problems to deal with back at home.

Many, many others.

I definitely needed to find George, maybe even Blake, and inform them about everything new with the Boss and Cam. But later, because right now what I needed was to catch up with my worried best friend. It was what I needed more than anything.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I noticed Lectra was already finished dressing up and chose to dress in a short mini dress, looking much too cute for what this entire place deserved.

"Nothing really. Might go hang out with Blake a little." Blake. Was that why she was dressed up so nicely? I wondered if I should I tell her that Blake was now also apart of this huge mess, way more than we had originally thought. It didn't feel like my business to tell, even though it kind of was. I decided then to just keep my mouth closed for now, and just wait for Blake to do the deed.

"Yeah, you should go talk with him. I think that's a good idea. I have George to talk with anyway."

"George? You're still talking to him? Just talking?" Oh yes, my hoe phase with George. We never really even talked about it at all, as much as we should have. I was surprised he wasn't even more pissed at me for how I treated him that night I met the Boss.

There were just so many things to deal with.

And the more I thought about it, especially with Lectra, and about how she was talking with Wes again. When I passed out, I knew one thing for sure, that I had definitely seen Wes with Lectra helping me. They were at least talking again, and she had yet to even tell me.

"As far as I know, yes George and I will just be talking. Strictly professional and everything." Feeling annoyingly suspicious of my best friend, I force a smile her way as I get up from bed, thinking about how much I was probably also lying to myself about me and George. But I knew I wasn't the only one lying.

"You're down bad. But whatever you say-" Lectra echoes out her last word, teasingly in the fact that she also knew I wouldn't last ten seconds alone with George. I hoped for the sake of everything going on, that this time would be different.

"I'll be back later. See you at dinner?"

"Sure. See you later." Then she was gone, leaving me alone to finish getting dressed too, and I couldn't help but feel there was a bigger reason for her dressing up than I had thought. Maybe it wasn't for Blake at all, but Wes.

I had no right to be suspicious with her, I was doing the same damn thing lying to her about probably much more and worse stuff. But I couldn't help but be worried for her, especially if she was really going to sneak around with Wes.

Before I can stop myself, I was speedily getting the rest of my clothes on and heading out the door after Lectra. I felt like such an overprotective mom, and I was sure I hated it completely. I sped down the hallways, rushing past people, not quite confident on where I was going. I had already lost Lectra the moment I left my room, she was nowhere to be found, but my stubbornness forced me to keep going.

That was until I ran face first into Blake turning a corner, also running down the halls at pretty much the same speed. Anger forced its way out of me first, then shortly after, pain.

"Ow! Jeez, what's the damn rush?"

"Well shit, I could ask you the same thing Issa." I knew he was right, but the pain in my nose informing me that I no doubt had a bloody nose now was telling me to take out my anger on Blake. Not only that, but seeing Blake here also meant I was right and Lectra wasn't actually meeting up with him, and instead someone else. And I had a good idea on who that someone was.

"You're like a damn tank dude, look what you did-crap!" He was fumbling to grab a deserted flannel across the floor so desperately that he hadn't noticed just how much pain I was in yet. I glare away at Blake who finally looked up from falling flat on his butt to see my bloodied face.

"Holy-I am so sorry! Here-I'll take you back to my room and get it fixed up." I'm holding my nose securely, hating how much more calm I was compared to Blake, who wasn't even the one with a broken nose.

"No, no. It's too far away. I'm gonna bleed out or something by then. Let's just-" I get a horrible idea, but it was the quickest way to stop my nose from running and the pain that accompanied it, so I didn't feel the need to pass out anymore than I already did.

"We can go to Georges room. He's got a first aid." Blake looks at me like I had more than just a bloody nose and now like I was suffering from a concussion to quickly reiterate;

"What? Why can't we just go to your room then?" Losing patience with Blake, I don't hold back my urge to yell at him this time;

"Because I don't have a first aid-you know what-I'll just take myself there!" In an instant I was sitting myself up and walking down the hall towards George's room. Just as fast, Blake was getting up and following me there. I feel large arms wrap around my waste and I was being helped walk, which was definitely needed.

I look up and see Blake holding me gently, leading me quickly down the hall.

"Sorry, I'll help. I just didn't like the idea at first." I roll my eyes at him, not wanting to talk from all the blood rolling down my face. The time it took to finally get to Georges room didn't take very long in reality, but for me it was an excruciatingly long time. It was Blake who finally decided to knock at his door when we got there.

"Coming!" I hear Georges voice from inside sounding sleepy and very unawake, as if he had just woken up. That must mean he just realized he was back as well.

"I had to talk with him anyway, so you don't need to-"

"I'm staying. I still don't trust him or Cam. Even if you do." I snap up at Blake who was avoiding looking at me, but instead focusing hard at the door waiting for George until finally the door flies open and there stands George.

"What the hell! Issa!" Instantly Blake was rushing past George with me still inside his arms and setting me on his bed.

"Where is your first aid? I might-she might have broken her nose." I unexpectedly let out a giggle at Blake's words, knowing all too well that it was Blake's superman chest that caused this, not me.

Well, I kind of helped by running into said chest I guess.

"That drawer there-!" Georges composure was less than calm as he watched me bleed along his bed. I was beginning to feel a lot more relieved now, as the flow had slowed much more, but by the looks of the two guys before me, it still looked atrocious.

"Tell me if this hurts at all, okay?" Blake finally found the kit and was speedy getting over to me. George simply stayed along the side watching me, and I could see the cogs turning in his head thinking about what might have happened to cause this whole mess. Literally mess.

"Ouch-yeah that kinda hurts."

"Okay, I don't think it's broken. But, yeah, it's bruised as all hell. My bad Issa." That was when George finally came back to life and was rushing forward to us, looking even more conflicted now.

"Oh, so it was you that did this to her? What the hell dude!" Blake doesn't even flinch at George getting up in his face, he just keeps his ground, looking totally unphased. If I were Blake's muscular size towering over George, I wouldn't feel very threatened either.

"You can calm down George, it was an accident. I wouldn't hit her, or whatever the hell you were getting at. We're not all total assholes here." Blake finally steps away from me, out of arms reach, now looking ready to take a swing at George.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I had it in mind that the two of them would maybe be friends now after their day together bowling like Blake had described to me, but now I see that I was incredibly off and that it was in fact the opposite. And George still wasn't even aware that Blake knew everything either. Crap.

"Okay guys, you can stop. It's my own dumb fault for not watching where I'm running. So lose the testosterone." They both are stopped at the sound of my voice suddenly butting in. Instantly Blake was taking a step back over to me and remaining his calmness all over again. George still looked ready to rip his head off. This was going so well.

"Fine, but like I said, I'm staying." I glance up at Blake, trying so hard to be the savior I didn't even need. I'm snapped out of it when George approaches me with a box of wet wipes and a mini trash can.

"For the-mess." George simply gestures to my entire bloodied face, signaling to wipe it up. I don't waste another second and start doing exactly that.

"So why does he need to stay, exactly?" I watch as George attempts to get closer to me, of which Blake steps in his way and takes the spot next to me instantly. Then what Blake says next makes me ready to give him a bloody nose ten times worse than mine was.

And this time it would actually be broken.

"Because she's my girlfriend and I'm going to protect her from sketchy people. And that's exactly what you and Cam are." Georges reaction is instantaneous and could be seen from miles away. I wasn't surprised he still believed it, I mean he literally saw me going upstairs with Blake at the party. Anyone would see that and suspect the worst, especially now after Blake blabbering his big mouth.

Let's not forget the little act me and him had been putting on for way too long to begin with. That was sure to do it.

All I can do is stare wide eyed at Blake, unsure what to say. Blake knew damn well we would be dropping the whole facade after our talk at the party, and I knew this was just his anger getting the better of him, but now I really couldn't tell George it was all a lie.

Blake was digging my hole deeper for me, and didn't look ready to drop the shovel.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot about you two love birds. I'm sure that's why you don't trust me then? Because of her and I having, well-history?" George enunciated the word, hinting that he meant more than just us dating previously. George still had it in mind that I cheated on Blake with him, and that Blake knew.

But in reality Blake only hated George because he and Cam were basically running this place. Even if he finally knew about the Boss too, he still couldn't trust them the way I did.

"Something like that. Plus, I just think you're a dick. Stories, y'know?" George blinks at Blake in disbelief, then he was finding me.

"Wow Issa. Well, if you want to come back later and talk without your meat bag with you, feel free. Otherwise, I want you both to leave. Now." I had seen George mad before, many many times, but right now was different. It was a whole different level of pissed, and it didn't match Georges kind face.

"We only came here for the kit anyway." Blake helps me up from my spot and begins walking us over to the door. I didn't want to leave George just yet, I wanted to talk with him, and tell him all that has happened, like Blake knowing of all the craziness happening to him and I. But right now I just simply couldn't. Everything was much too complicated.

"See you later Issa." Blake doesn't give me a single chance to be able to respond, because instantly I was out the door and it was being closed, leaving me and Blake already speedwalking through the halls again.

"Hey-Blake-Hey! Slow down Blake!" Blake had a hold on my hand, pulling me along unwillingly, almost causing me to trip over my own feet at his too fast pace. As soon as I speak he was stopping so ubruptly I almost fell anyway. He doesn't say anything as he stands still avoiding looking back at me.

"Well what the hell was that Blake? Huh?" He still isn't looking at me, instead at the wall like it was the one talking to him. I quickly yank at his shoulder and spin him around to see me finally and was shocked to see his eyes were full of tears.

"Wh-Why are you crying?" He doesn't answer me, he doesn't even flinch at my question as if I never even asked anything at all.

"What was all of that about in there Blake? Tell me, please." I dart my eyes around where the two of us were positioned at in the hall. I see two large doors just a little ways down and was instantly grabbing Blake's hand and leading him inside it. It was a small storage closet with buckets, toilet paper and other extra toiletries lying around. I take a bucket and sit down on it, looking up at Blake who looked better now, but also not at all.

I don't say anything more, I just wait on him for some kind of answer. When I do get it, all I can think about his how glad I was that I was already sitting.

"I guess I cared about you more than I thought." All I wanted to do right then was slap him, hard and repeatedly, in an attempt to snap him out of what he had just said. It confirmed what I was dreading knowing.

That Blake did like me more than just friends.
