
The quiet girl

Claire_Harrison_0334 · Fantasie
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5 Chs


I was uneasy in class but I tried to keep it together. A tall, slender, blond woman walked in. I assume she's the teacher from the way she was professionally dressed. she looked like she was in her mid thirties. She looked amazing, like someone who we could get along well.

Just like I imagined, we had to introduce ourselves I hoped maybe she would spare us this time but I was wrong about it. Other students started introducing themselves , I really didn't pay attention much I wasn't interested and part of me was afraid to stand up and be the center of attention. I could imagine everyone looking at me especially now that they know I'm a new student and I already made my reputation by creating a very entertaining scene earlier. I regret it now.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the frame of "my hero" today stand up and suddenly I got interested to know his name, he didn't say much just "Jake, Jake Barry " quite a nice name but I would never dare compliment that. I started practicing my own name just in case I just forget because my anxiety can be embarrassing sometimes I end up forgetting everything I planned to say and my brain goes totally blank and that won't be a very good impression especially on my first day.

when my turn came I just stood up and I simply said I'm Heather Lambert I'm new we recently moved because my dad had a transfer around here. Then I quickly sat down my heart was skipping out my chest but I tried to play it cool. The teacher just smiled at me. " I love your hoodie by the way, that's what I would like my students to wear when they come to literature class, I wish the school could let me wear those honestly. " The teacher said.

Everyone looked my way because they were interested in knowing the slogans on the hoodie. It was a simple black hoodie written " I'm a book lover that means I live in a crazy fantasy world. thanks for understanding." "It's amazing to know I'm teaching at least one book lover in this class. I'm proud of you " she added. well I'm really not used to being complimented especially in public I was just flattered.

I was proud of of myself that I didn't mess up this time and it felt amazing I felt powerful for once.

I stayed quietly in the class as the teacher was telling us about the rules ,what she expects of us, performance , disciplinary things and all that . It was expected because it was our first day in school so no serious studies were taking place I could only feel weird looks from some of my classmates but I brushed them off , I knew they were a little or maybe really jealous because of the compliment I got earlier and maybe they felt threatened by me. you know especially ladies. we do have issues with jealously, very serious issues but I couldn't care less. I'll try my best to stay out of there lane. I was just waiting for the bell to ring so that I could go home to my safe space.

It seems I really have to normalise being stared to by my classmates. And I didn't understand the meaning of all those stares I was getting, but apart from the compliment I got from the teacher I think there's more to it. probably the way I'm dressed. Most of the girls here seem to wear really short dresses and skirts, I'm not a fun of revealing clothes myself. I'm a shy girl who hates attention and wearing that would draw me so much attention.

Almost all of them had heavy makeup caked on there faces. Well, by definition make up is supposed to enhance your beauty,but some of them looked like clowns and I really did not understand their intentions. was it supposed to make them beautiful? were they trying to attract the boys? did they want attention? did some of them really try to look in the mirror just to see how awful they look? only they had answers to these questions. it's non of my business anyway but it seems they were trying way too hard it's a turnoff.

Ladies, I got advice for you,make up is not a must it's just that society thinks you look good with cake on. No it's not true in rare occasions it's acceptable but every morning baking your face just to come to school? isn't it tiresome. Well we have other alternatives, like taking care of our skin drinking enough water getting enough sleep,I'm always sleep deprived because of books," the one more chapter I still have time game ." just focus on the advice don't worry about me. Moisturise your beautiful skin apply mask once in a while, steam your face, scrub it and you will glow. The natural glow that you will want to show off without make up.

But there's nothing we can do now, we live in a society where for you to be beautiful you have to have make up on. I don't know why I'm giving advice. I just feel bad for these girls who have obsession with makeup but I don't blame them everyone has different choices to make according to what he / she feels. Or maybe I'm just too lazy that is why I hate make up. I sleep until late that I have to rush everytime I go to school. That's why I usually don't have time to think about makeup and all that. My sleep deprivation is enough punishment . sometimes I envy my sister. She has a good sleeping schedule, wakes up early does her makeup takes time to dress. Eats slowly she doesn't have to rush. She is so organized my mum keeps telling me to follow her example. My thoughts were suddenly brought back by the loud bell. I was so happy.