

Lise POV

I don't think he recognizes me, because of his entrance mode. I don't know why I keep staring at him, but I pray he doesn't recognize me, or else I'm doomed. As far as I know most royals' children are ruthless towards the commoners it's more of being a spoiled brat and this guy can't be exceptional.

"Where is my angel" he said while smiling at the girl who was sitting on the chair in the room

"Your angel has gone to heaven" the girl replied smiling sheepishly while she spread her arms for him to hug her, and he pecked her left cheek afterward.

"She must be his fiancée" I thought

"If Sera is your Angel, what are we ugh?" the girl sitting to his fiancée right replied him in a sarcastic manner while protruding her lips and looking at him from the side.

"We are the devils' bride how many times will I remind you of that?" The other girl replied her while they all burst into laughter until this guy broke the silence with his question, don't even know what he's thinking, I thought he doesn't recognize me.

"Who is this girl standing at the middle of the room, is she serving a punishment, or she ran away from her room, and she's here for your mercy?" he asked acting as if he cared or did he catch me?

"She's serving a punishment" Sera replied him, and he smirked just as if he doesn't believe her.

"You heard me already, I'm punishing her because she ran from her room just to sleep over here without asking for anyone's permission" Tera added with a straight face that I almost believe her even though a part of me knows she's lying or maybe joking who knows.

"What's it with this torment" I thought as the strange guy looks towards my direction with a long glare so much that I started to feel uncomfortable, but that's even better until he drove into the conversation mode.

"Have we met before?" He asked while looking at me suspiciously

"No, we haven't seen each other before" I replied with a shaky voice after being silent for a while, while pondering whether to tell him the truth or not.

"What's your name by the way" he asked and this increased my fear

"Annalise, mostly know as Lise" I replied with scariness in my heart don't even know why I told him my name, maybe because I'm scared of him.

"Sera just pardon this girl okay" the guy told Sera, but her reply made me relaxed, now I know all it's about, she's been playing him all these while.

"I'm not punishing her, truly she's a newbie, today must be her first day because I saw her with the janitor. You can come in and have your seat" she said with a smile on her cheeks.

They both converse afterward, I don't even care about whatever they are discussing, all I want is to be free from this situation.

"Oh lord save my soul" I thought still feeling down until he asked me another question, don't even know why he's doing this.

"What's your name again, are you staying indoor or going to the gym" He asked me, and this made me feel more uncomfortable.

"My name is Lise, I, I, wi, will love to go" I stammered while replying him.

"O Lord let this hour pass me" I prayed inwardly while feeling scared.

The other girl went to get her gym kit, oh Tera, her name is Tera, I got that while they were conversing earlier. She asked me whether I have a gym kit, but I told her I don't have, what do I use gym kit to do anyway?

Tera went back to get me a gym kit, the three of us went out immediately she came back and closed the door behind us after we bade Lina and Sera goodbye.

"Another round of torment" I thought as I walk behind the two just known elementals

"Why does this guy keep occurring in my life, this is my first day in this Academy, and I've encountered several challenges, I hope my stay in this Academy will be fruitful" I thought while we all walk silently through the hallway.

But why are they not conversing, I thought they are friends, anyway it's none of my business. I'm regretting my action, I shouldn't have agreed to tag along, but I don't know what to do with my life at the moment, it feels like I'm a prisoner, but everything will be over soon.

We got to the gym, I didn't know what to do at first until Tera came to me and told me to start with the dumbbells, she taught me how to use it, she told me to do 100 reps while standing, 100 reps while sitting and 100 reps while lying.

"Is that the amount you want to give me for doing a rep for each position, or you are telling me what you want to do" I said to her jokingly

"Noooo, that's the amount of lashes you will receive for failing to do each position" she replied while laughing, and I joined her in laughter.

"You know I'm a newbie, please take it easy on me master" I replied her still laughing out my lungs, and we started the exercise afterward.

WOW! It's very fun, she made me do the exercise, I never knew I could do 10 reps for each position, and I ended up doing 300 reps for each. I did 500 push-ups and 400 pull-ups, I never knew we elementals are this strong, I've been underestimating myself all of my life.

Even Tera was surprised when I was performing the tasks

"For a newbie, that's extremely excellent and outrageous" she said while commending me and I felt proud.

While I was performing the tasks, I could sight the muscular guy taking a glance at intervals.

"What's his name I asked Tera" don't even know why I asked though.

"His name is Damian" she replied looking at me suspiciously while changing view from me to him.

"You like him?" She asked with a stern face.

I knew it might come to this, I should have never asked.

"No but why do you think I will like him ugh" I replied with a bossy voice while raising my brows. Gosh didn't know we will get along up to this extent.

"You might like him because he's handsome, muscular and very strong" she replied while demonstrating her words.

Tera and I discussed a lot about Damian and I got convinced that he's a good guy, and he's not like other royals. In fact what shocked me the most is that both Damian and Sera are the Drukes' children. WOW unbelievable, meanwhile I thought they were lovers. Tera told me that Lina and she were the only commoners in the room and I, I almost forgot that I'm a member of the room now.

After working out for two hours, we all decided to leave the gym and go back to our various apartments. Our return was so lively, I didn't know I could talk back to Damian, I thought he's a beast, but now I know he's an angel.

All this while I thought I was special with my exercise, Damian superseded my records. In fact now I know how strong an elemental royal can be.

While I thought I made a great feat with two 250 kg dumbbells, he superseded me even with a greater mass.

While I had 500 and 400 push-ups and pull-ups respectively, he had 10,000 push and pull-ups. Meanwhile, he lifted a 5500 kg weight and did 8000 reps. He was so fast, agile and very strong.

"How I wish I'm a royal, no wonder the royals are feared species" I thought as we all discussed.

On our way back to our various apartments, we noticed a change in the atmosphere, elementals were running to and fro while there was a roaring sounds from the outer part of the Academy.

"What's happening I asked Tera" while standing on a spot in a wondering state.

"I can't say for now until we give it a glance" she replied while moving towards the noise.

"I will advise you to go to your apartment now, you both worked out not quite long, you must be exhausted especially you the newbie" Damian said with his thick voice while emphasizing the word newbie.

"Lise" I said

"What" he replied just as if I wasn't loud enough.

"Lise is my name not a newbie, learn that okay" I said while forming the boss lady.

"I heard you right mistress" he replied with a demonic voice and this almost scared me.

We all got to the venue of chaos and lo! It's a cage, but why are people surrounding the cage, there's absolutely nothing in the cage or is it that I can't see very well.

"What's this all about?" I asked Tera feeling confused.

"I don't know either, I've never experienced this in my last nine months of gaining admission into this Academy.

"It's the thug of death" Damian replied while I switched my attention to him.

"What's the thug if war?" I asked him now feeling curious.

"Are you sure you want to know" he replied in a teasing manner.

"Of course man" I replied and Tera made a knot at my eyes with hers and we smiled.

"Thug of death is a match that occurs randomly, it occurs amidst prisoners. Whenever a prisoner wants to grow in rank, he orders the thug of death battle whereby the prisoner fights with the current bearer of the aspiring title. But instead of a normal fight and defeat, it's a fight to death. One must kill the other.

"But how do they die, I thought we can't die through fighting?" I asked him feeling so confused.

"That's a good question, it's the work of the bangle of death, the one who wants to compete for the position and the one who wants to defend the position will wear the bangle of death which will stick to the hand until death. The winner will be taking to the river of life where the winner will be bathed and the bangle of death will drop into the river." He narrated while demonstrating with his fingers.

"If the bangle drop in the river, will it be lost, or are there a lot of bangles of death?" I asked feeling more curious while Tera paid attention to him keenly.

"There are different artifacts in the Elementals word, one of which is the bangle of death. The bangle of death was believed to have been formed by two powerful lovers who committed suicide by drowning themselves in the river after releasing their essence into the river and they both turned into the bangle of death. The bangle of death is so powerful that even the immortal will die easily once they wear it, and I've never heard of anyone removing the bangles without bathing in the river." He explained while I felt satisfied, so many mysteries to unravel.

"But why will a prisoner want to fight to death for a mere position" Tera ask contributing to the discussion about the bangles for the first time

"That's a good question. Everyone wants freedom right?" he said more of a rhetorical way, but I nodded anyway.

"The prisoners also wants to be free, but out of the millions of prisoners, only the top twenty can get out of the prison freely while they go to wherever they want, but the prison is where they live in a special apartment and their freedom is based on their rank, the first being the one to enjoy the most." He explained and I got satisfied. Tera was about to ask another question when something tremendous happened.

The deafening noise that was being made by the spectators died down when the light of the venue switched from the spectators to focusing on the cage, it's not just a small cage but a large one that can accommodate 100 elementals. The temperature of the venue changed, yeah I could feel it, it's very cold and chilling. That's just a bit of feeling to what I felt when the first participant was brought in. Oh God, I don't think I've seen a scary being like this before, he's so muscular, dark skinned, emotionless face. The only thing appealing about him is his curly hair.

I thought have seen it hall, but that's just a tip of the iceberg to what I saw when the second participant came in, all what happened after is another experience.

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