
The Quest for Redemption: A Kuroinu Story

Michael Rogen had a normal life. He had a family. He had friends. He got a good education. His life was normal, with no problems other than the standard. But he always wanted more out of life. One day he got his wish, but like the old saying goes: "Careful what you wish for."

Paarthanix · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 1: The Road Always Start Somewhere

Michael Rogen never thought a day like this would come. A day where the sun is blocked out by a thunderstorm and he has to weather it out in a bar, close to his university campus. It wasn't supposed to be a hard day. Michael expected today to be like any other day in his life, where he would get up bright and early, run through his to-do list for the day and take care of his responsibilities and then waste the day away by either watching TV or playing video games, but no, today was special. Today's the day, he receives his Bachelors, and start the next chapter of his life.

Get a job to start his career. Move out of his parents house. Etcetera. 

Or more like, that's what his parents told him it would be. After all, that's what his friends did. Johnny got a job at the liquor store and a few months later, he moved into his first apartment. Michael remembered that day. He remembered climbing four flights of stairs as he carried chairs and other furniture all because the elevators were out of order. Matt knocked up his girlfriend and moved out of town with her. They still kept in touch. Mary moved down to Cape Town to study law. His friend Rudy also got a job but he's still living with his dad to help out with bills. 

Michael can tell that at this point things are going to be different and he's excited for it to finally happen, however when he's looking at his friend's lives and sees all the responsibilities they're carrying, as well as many other problems they face, it just makes him anxious. 

But now, he's sitting on his own in the only empty booth, that is surprisingly left alone, while all the other spots around him and at the bar, were packed and crowded. There are people laughing at jokes with exaggerated laughs and the people at the TV are just screaming at their favourite teams on the screen. And boy are they loud. The music is loud! The people are loud!! Everything is just LOUD!!! 

Michael took another small sip from his Lager. After leaving campus with his Bachelors in hand, he decided to walk to the nearest mall to catch a movie or maybe just to window shop until his mother was done with her meeting. It's four blocks away, so no problem and after that, she could pick him up.

But the rain came out of nowhere, and he was forced to duck inside this place, called the 'Hole in the Wall' on the corner of a busy street, Springbok drive and Paul Kruger str. Unfortunately, the only condition for a safe and dry resting place, was to order a drink or take your chances with the hailstorm outside. He wanted a Black Label, but they didn't have that. No, they didn't even have Castle or a Windhoek. Nor Corona or Budweiser. Not even in bottles. Nope, all they have on tap is Castle Light and it isn't even cold. It's lukewarm!!

The other options, like a brandy or maybe even something more exotic, like whiskey, were out of the question, considering the prices of the establishment. And, since he has little money left from his allowance, the choice became more and more obvious. 

He already told his mother of his location, but her meeting was running later than she thought and with this weather, it will definitely take a while. "Shit!!" Michael thought, as he took another sip. Then a bigger one, before putting the tall glass back on the table. He turned off the screen of his phone and was met with his reflection. Michael was always shy about his looks. The ginger hair made him the target of jokes and his pasty white skin more so. His height was below the average, only about 160cm, which made the label: the Leprechaun fit like a glove. Also his figure always consisted of fat in some areas and in others, being skinny. The only compliments he got were about his beard, but then again that's not much. However, despite all that, he wasn't bullied per say, like being beaten up or socially ostracized. Sure he was teased and joked about, but they are a part of his life. His motto was: no use crying over things you can't control. It helped, but there are times when that motto felt like using a cold, thin blanket in a blizzard.

He remembers the one time when he came home from school, crying about the jokes the other kids made about his bright, orange hair. His mom just got done talking on the phone and looked beaten up and tired, but once she saw him crying, she hugged him and told him: "God never fails. He made you in his image, so those bullies don't know what they're talking about." And he believed her. He still believes her to this day. But the jokes were always new and fresh from that day on.

His eyes were always green and filled with hope, but after these last few months, the hope was beaten down and tiny. In the last three months, everyone bombarded him with the same question over and over again: "What are you going to do after this?" And every time he says, "I don't know" his hope becomes smaller and smaller 

Michael always had a simple life. Everything seemed to be mapped out from the beginning. When you are in school, your job is to pay attention and get good grades. When you're at home, you always do what your parents say. Respect the rules and you will be fine. Graduate from high school and go to a good university and boom, your life is set. But is it what he wanted to do? No, what he wanted to do, never lasted longer than a few weeks. Instead, he went where his parents told him to go or did what his parents told him to do. And now what? He has a Bachelors. But no dream. He only got this piece of paper because his parents told him too, but now that he has them, he feels hollow. Today is the 14th of March 2020, and he's 20 years old, turning 21 in three months, and what does he have under his belt to build a future: dry humour, anxiety, zero-to-no people skills and now a Bachelors.

He didn't have a job in all that time studying. He didn't experience the workforce like his friends. And the bachelors' he has would not immediately guarantee him a seat at a table somewhere.

You might as well chain a lead-ball to an old man's leg and ask him to climb a steep hill. 'No, Mike, you'll meet lots of new people on campus. Just you see!! The second you step on that campus every door will open.' Is what his father told him on his first day. 'Yeah, right! The only people I met were either one of two camps. Liberals or Conservatives and both would rather rip each other's throats out than have a sit down. Each one saw each other as either the Pharisee or the Leper. Holy or sick. Good Lord, it was annoying!' Michael thought as he took another sip of his Lager. Only two or three more sips left and then he should either buy another or leave. But when Michael look outside he saw the rain still falling. 

Looks like he has to savor this glass until the rain lets up. He let out a small sigh through his nose, but then the power suddenly went out just when lightning struck outside. One of the two bartenders, a girl, quickly ran out of the room, while the other one, a guy, said 'not to worry, because she is going to start the generator.' A few people were relieved because they were busy watching the rugby. Looks like someone missed watching the weekend match live, because this is between the Lions and the Sharks. The Sharks won 20-15. His dad nearly broke the TV.

While everyone was moaning and groaning about the failing economy of the nation or the corruption of many institutions, there was something moving between the groups. It felt like a living shadow would graze the back of one woman and for another man, he felt an ice cold chill burn the back of his neck. But when the two turned around to see what it is, there was nothing.

But anyways the power came back on, and the grumbling people quickly resumed their attention on the small flat screen, mounted in the corner. Michael on the other hand didn't feel any different whatsoever. He just stared back at his drink with a deep sense of discomfort. 'What am I gonna do?' 

"Excuse me." Michael looked up from his glass and saw another man looking right into his eyes. This unnerved him a little. He's definitely dressed for the weather, from the looks of it. He has a black and red, patterned trench coat, covering his fancy, buttoned up vest, also black and red, and his black smart shirt. 'Damn this guy sticks out!' 

"Yeah?" Michael answered.

"Do you mind?" The stranger said as he mentioned towards the empty seat across from him. Michael really didn't want any company right now, but that seat is the only empty one left. He nodded and the stranger took off his trench coat and hung it over the chair, before seating himself. To Michael it almost looked like how a gentleman would do it. 'Seriously, was there a cosplay photoshoot or something, nearby?'

"Boy, this place is kind of rowdy today, isn't it?" The stranger's accent, Michael could tell it sounded like he was a Brit, but there was something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Yeah, I guess so."

The unwanted company was one thing, but Michael really wasn't in the mood for a conversation. But the conversation started anyways. "And how about this weather? Pretty bad isn't it?" 

Michael couldn't help but feel like a small animal that was caught in headlights. "Yeah, it was... unexpected."

"You can say that again. God, the timing was bad, because this is a new suit but I can't put it in the dryer."

'Then you probably shouldn't have worn it today!' Michael didn't like these kind of people. The ones who would always start a conversation with anyone, anywhere. But it wasn't in Michael's nature to just chase someone away, no matter how much he didn't like them.

"I guess that would be annoying." Was the only thing that came out. But just before he could take another sip from his drink, the stranger did something unexpected.

"So, it must be exciting today, isn't it Mikey?" That came out of nowhere. The glass froze right in front of his lips and Michael then felt his chest getting heavy. He turned his attention completely and entirely on this stranger. The stranger seemed like he could tell Michael was agitated.

"My apologies, Mike. I really didn't want you to curl back up into your little hole again and ignore me. Today really is just too special for me to wait any longer." Michael is now completely off guard. He didn't know what to say. The only thing he could do stare at the stranger, with a mix of confusion and anger. But the stranger didn't seem to be bothered by it, at all. He met Michael's stare with a calm, smug smile.

"Oh wait, hang on, before I forget. Let's celebrate!" The stranger's mood suddenly did a one-eighty. Michael was about to say no, but the stranger already turned around to wave at the girl behind the bar. She saw the stranger's attempt and came over, moving in between a few customers in the way.

"Yes, sir. What would you like?" She said, with the friendly-with-customers voice she clearly practiced to perfection.

"Ah well, you see, today is a special day for my friend here. He graduated college and is now a free man. So, tell us, do you have a brandy special?" 

"Yes, sir, absolutely. What would you prefer? Olaf or Richelieu?" The stranger then glanced to Michael through his peripheral and back at the waitress.

"Make that a Richelieu, please." She quickly wrote that down and excused herself. The stranger looked back to Michael and was met with agitation even more prevalent on his face. But still the stranger didn't seem bothered by it.

"I guess, I should explain my-" Michael didn't allow him to finish. "Okay! Who are you?"

The stranger was about to answer, but Michael wasn't having it. "Look, you know what, I don't care. Ok!! I'm not in the mood for whatever the hell this is. So just go back to whatever stupid YouTube channel you belong to and use those fancy hacking skills on another shmuck to get you clicks because this is not happening."

Again, somehow the stranger wasn't affected or offended. His smug smile stayed. "Do you like anime?" Another one-eighty?

"What?" Michael was perplexed and his annoyance just grew bigger now.

"You heard me? Do you like anime?" The stranger asked again. "You know like, Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach?"

"Yeah, I know what anime is, okay. I've watched all of them. So what?" Michael was getting impatient.

"So? Do you like them or not?" 

Michael kept his mouth shut. It may be in his nature, to be great company to anyone wanting to strike up a conversation, but there is a line and this guy is nearing it. Sensing that his question was not going to receive an answer, the stranger tried to something else.

"How about hentai?" And this got him a reaction.


"What's your favourite?" Michael's only answer to that question was an incredulous look on his face. "Come on Mike, don't give me that look. You do have a favourite."

"I don't watch hentai. It's disgusting and wrong." It would have been the conversation ending Michael was hoping for, but instead the stranger kept going.

"What do you think of Kuroinu?" The stranger could see in his eyes that Michael was starting to boil over. "You know what I'm talking about Mike. The hentai where the Black Dog mercenary band or Kuroinu, revolt against their nation and turns it into a cesspool of lust and debauchery." Michael was about to explode, because is dancing over the line.

 "Like I said, it's disgusting and wrong." Michael really wanted to deck this guy in the face. But if he did, the staff would through him out.

Instead, Michael was about to get up from his seat before something caught his attention. However, the stranger didn't give the reaction Michael was expecting. Instead, Michael thought for a second, that the eyes of the stranger glowed a bright, golden colour. "Don't lie to me, Mike." His voice could be heard in his ear and it could be felt massaging his brain. 

But then it disappeared as quick as it appeared, when the waitress came back with a tray, carrying their order. "Here you go guys." She said as she placed the two brandy glasses and two coke cans on the table, with a large bucket of ice. "Enjoy." Was the last thing she said before she left for her place, behind the bar. But Michael wasn't going to enjoy it. He only wanted to get out of here. It's just that the stranger's voice and eyes made him freeze in place. 

The stranger then grabbed the Coke and opened the can with a hiss. He poured it into the glass and when it was full, he took a sip of it. He then stretched out his hand and poured the Coke in Michael's glass. "Here you go, Mike. The first one's on me." 

Michael watched his glass being filled with an ever increasing anxiety. He can't get past it. Those eyes and that voice. All he wants to do his through the table out of the way and make a run for it. But his body wasn't listening to him. His butt was glued to the seat and his arms wouldn't move away from the table. Honestly, it felt like a pair of giant guys were holding him down. His breathing starting to become erratic.

"Go ahead." Michael then felt that invisible hold over him disappear and it felt like he can finally breathe normally. He looked at stranger with a mix of apprehension and fear, before he turned his attention behind him, towards the exit. It looked like there was a small opening in between the crowd that might be big enough for him to quickly escape.

He quickly formed a plan and looked back at the stranger. "Fuck this!" Michael then jumped out of his chair and booked it to the exit. He was even willing to knock people out of the way, but before he could even reach the first person, he tripped over his own feet. He was about to fall into a crowd near the bar before he heard someone snapping their fingers and fell on the floor. But it wasn't the wooden floor of the bar. It felt like rough, concrete and it was wet. He looked up not to the sight of the bar, or the walls, or the tables, or even the people. Instead all he saw were the drops of rain, falling down in front of his face, as well as little bits of hail. 

The sounds he heard, were unmistakable. He was outside. But he didn't feel the rain hitting his body or the hail. Not even the wind. Michael then stuck his hand in the shower and felt the ice-cold water and ice hitting his skin. He then yanked his hand back and felt it was wet, just like his clothes.

"Still thinking this is some lame prank?" The stranger said and Michael looked back only to see him still sitting at the same table that was inside pub, but now it was outside in the rain. Even his chair was laying on the ground.

"Pretty cool, right?" He stuck his arms out and gestured around him. Michael then realised something else. They were sitting on a roof, inside a... dry sphere, while it was still raining cats and dogs all around them. 

The stranger stood up from his seat, with his drink in hand and one hand in his pants pocket, while he walks slowly and towards Michael. His eyes didn't leave Michael's either. Michael wanted to look away now, but he couldn't. The more he wanted to pull away from those yellow orbs, that shine like a pair of freshly polished gold bars, the more he felt his eyes stick in place. All while his mind is trying to wrap around this situation, he found himself in.

But he couldn't. This is simply impossible!! However it was still happening right in front of his face. His inner turmoil only ended when the stranger said something. "I see you're trying to use the old brain to figure this out. You won't. That's always been the thing with humans, you know? From the very beginning, every mighty act left you gaping like guppies." The stranger said as he took a sip from his brandy. That only made Michael's confusion grow even more.

"So I'll save you the explanation and get right to the point. You see I brought you here for a very important reason." Michael could feel the pit in his stomach grow even bigger. What the hell would this freak want with him?

"I want to give you a job." That felt like a stone breaking through a window. Michael's mind calmed down and his panic disappeared. Because, honestly, this was so stupid, Michael again felt like he was in some sort of joke. But the fact that they're standing on a roof with it raining like hell all around, but they are bone dry quickly killed that idea. His eyes still showed his fear, but the deadpan look on his face outshined it, completely.

"What?" Was the only thing he could get out. The stranger then looked away from him and turned towards the rain. His attention jumped from the people running with umbrellas, to the cars driving slowly in the street. At that moment when the sun started to shine through the storm, just before it disappeared completely, the sunlight brought out of the man this golden glow. Mike noticed his blonde hair looked almost like fire.

This, the rain, and him moving from one place to the next in a blink of an eye, made something click in Michael's head. This guy is not human. He found the courage to ask: "What are you?" with a mix of concern and curiosity.

The stranger looked back at him, and he didn't hide the smug grin. "Really, so it wasn't the whole 'Now You See Me' trick I pulled off right now, that made you finally notice it?" Mike didn't know how to answer that. Just then the stranger turned back to the table. "Sorry, I forget from time to time, how fragile your tiny little minds can be." He said over his shoulder as he walked back to the table. Once again, Michael didn't know what to say.

When the stranger sat down, he took a sip of his brandy and motioned with his hand for Mike to sit down. Up until now, everything in Michael screamed at him to leave. To get out before something terrible happens, so when the stranger told him to sit down, he couldn't move. His body felt like it was locked in place. The stranger could see it and it annoyed him.

"Look Mike, if I was going to hurt you, I wouldn't make a show of it before I do. I would just kill you and you wouldn't see it coming. So sit down and have a drink." The stranger said that like he meant it. Which for Mike, was all it took for Michael's body to move on its own and before he knew it, he picked up the chair and plopped down. He grabbed his glass of brandy. He sipped it a little while he kept his eye on the stranger in red, but the stranger just kept his smug smile on him.

"See. Relax." He said before he drank from his glass.

He then placed his glass back on the table, but just when he did, Michael said: "You didn't answer my question." It seems the liquid courage kicked in. 

"What do you mean? Who am I or what am I? Which one?" The stranger didn't seem to be offended, but at the same time, he didn't seem calm to Mike. It actually looked like he was frustrated.

Michael simply answered: "Both."

The stranger then sighed and sat in thought for a while. It didn't take him long to come up with answer: "Ok look, what I am, doesn't matter. So don't bother asking anymore about that. But who I am is an entirely different matter. Call me Rob."

"Like Robert?" Michael asked, to which the stranger gave a brief but confirming, nod.

The name itself didn't sit right with Michael. Based on his answer, he could tell that 'Rob' was holding something back. But as much as wanted to sit here longer and drag the answers out of him, he also wanted to get this over with and get away. So, he relented and accepted that name for now.

Rob then grabbed his drink again, but this time he didn't take a sip, instead he downed the whole glass in one gulp before putting it back on the table. It seems that charmful attitude and smug smile was starting to crack a little. "Alright, let's get back to what I said. I would like to give you a job."

"What do you mean? What job?" Michael was really starting to get impatient. Why is this guy dancing around the question?

"I meant what I said. I want to offer you a job." Rob said. Michael made a motion with his hand to explain more. The stranger realised what he wanted and stood up from his seat. "All right. You see, Mike, I've had my eye on you for a long time. A really long time. Now I've been told not to make contact with you until now." When Mike heard that, he wanted to cut in, but Rob quickly continued on, without giving an opening. "And now that I can finally have my moment. I want to offer you a job. Now this job is not going to be your stereotypical 9 to 5 office job, where you sit all day listening to annoying shitheads. Or even some grunt work in construction. No! Your job is to become somebody important."

Okay that was… very vague. Michael couldn't make heads or tails about this proposition. Somebody important. What does that even mean? "Now I know, this might sound crazy, but hear me out. Look, this job will take you on an adventure. Where you will go out and fight monsters. Save the damsels in distress. Be a hero."

Michael wanted to interject again, but Rob didn't let him. "Yeah, I know it sounds like you typical isekai, but there's no truck or car that's about to turn you into a street pizza. Now I can make that happen. I can send you to a world you like and from there all you have to do is become somebody of great renown. Like a king."

Michael just about had enough of this. "Okay, Rob stop!!" Rob, for the first time, was perplexed. 

"Look, this is a really nice offer, but I'm not interested." Michael got up and tried to walk away, but he saw he had nowhere to go. He was still on the roof with the deluge happening all around him and it didn't look like there was a way up to the roof. However, for some strange reason, Rob didn't look offended at Michael rude behaviour, based on the small smile. It was like he was expecting this.

"What if I told you, I could send you to Kuroinu?" This froze Michael in place. 

"Then I would tell you: you're crazy." Michael scoffed before continuing towards the wall of wind and rain. Usually, Michael wouldn't dream of doing something crazy as walking through a hailstorm, but right now, this is an exception. Right near the edge of the roof, looks like there is a tree branch that is strong enough to hold his weight.

Rob then started laughing really hard. "Oh stop lying Mike! I know you always wanted to go there. I'm saying I can make that happen!!" Michael was now standing right in front of the wall. about to push through, but he stopped. For some odd reason, he couldn't fight what Rob just told him. 

In truth, Michael is no stranger to the world of Kuroinu. He was introduced to the game one time when he was at a sleepover at his best friend's house, one weekend. They played the whole game in one night. Michael was disgusted when he finished the game and tried to forget about it. He tried to, but it was impossible. The game stayed with him throughout his high school life and even before his meeting, the game would pop up in his mind every other day, but he would always force it back down.

"What if I say: I can help you?" Those words spoken by Rob, felt like honey in Michael's ear. He slowly turned his head back to Rob and saw that small smile on his face. "What if I can give you the power to help them?"

'What's going on? Why can't ignore him' Michael thought as he found his body walking back to the table.

"I made a deal with them and told them to summon you when I said so. They're waiting for you. Waiting for a hero to come and save them." Now it felt like his whole head was covered in honey.

'Is it true? If I accept, I can go and help them. Even help change their fate.' Michael thought.

"How?" Rob saw the layers underneath that question and understood. It then made his smile bigger.

"Just shake my hand. Then we will save them together." Michael saw Rob's right hand, outstretched and ready for the handshake. He wanted to shake it. He really wanted to. 'But what if this is a trap?! This way too good to be true!!' That voice didn't sound like his own, but he had reason behind it. 'But what if it is true and I turned it down? That would mean that I doomed THEM!' 

Michael then slowly lifted his right hand up and complete the handshake. All while he was debating this in his head. But in the end it didn't matter. Michael hand grabbed Rob's and they shook. At this point, Rob looked happier than throughout their entire exchange. Then a light shined right above them, which startled Michael. He looked up at it, but he couldn't see what it was. He tried to block the light with his other hand, but it didn't help.

While this was happening, Rob reached into his coat pocket on the chair and pulled out a large gold coin. The coin itself didn't have any special features on it. The only features it has, is the word SYSTEM engraved on the front and two swords on the back. Rob then grabbed Michael's hand with so much force that it opened it up. Michael hissed on pain, but he couldn't free his hand. Rob placed the coin in Michael's hand and forced his hand to close over it.

For some unknown reason, Michael felt the coin starting to burn into his palm. He screamed and grunted and tried to yank his arm away from Rob, but his grip was too strong. Then along with the pain, Michael started to feel light headed. It got so much, that soon after the sensation started, Michael passed out on Rob's shoulder.

"See you on the other side." Was all Rob said.