
Who am I?

The boy opened his eyes as he saw the mysterious dark space again. He was still sorting out his memories as he realized,

"I must be inside the womb"

He kept trying to find the correlation between various events but it was too confusing for him to understand anything. As his consciousness wandered around here and there, he kept trying to pass the time. A long time passed as he felt bored.

Suddenly, he felt a strong push.

He was being born!

"Finally...It feels like I have been waiting for years ", he smiled as he thought about it.

He wasn't very expectant, but he felt like he was going to be born into a rich family. Otherwise, why would anyone bother to unleash a wraith on a random unborn child? Wouldn't that be too pathetic?

"At least I won't starve to death", he said with a self-deprecating smile.

"But man, these people sure have a screw loose. Fucking brutes cursed a newborn to death, what a bunch of assholes!", he said as he felt conflicting emotions.

Even though he wasn't the kind of guy who would easily mix in with others, he also wasn't a hated person. "How did it come to this? People really hate me here", he thought inwardly.

He didn't get much time to think as he was soon gasping for air and started crying. His mother looked haggard as if she had just completed a commando routine.

"I guess it really is difficult!"

"In my home country, they used to say, that if women knew how difficult is to have a child, girls wouldn't agree to take it in raw! Well, some gals would try copper and keep getting it raw-dogged... "

"As if shoving copper inside vaginas isn't hazardous at all...haha.."

As his thoughts kept meandering over useless shallows, he saw the room was dimly lit up. It looked damp and unclean. The unpainted walls were plastered with white putty and looked unclean with several shoe marks on the lower part of the wall. There was a cabinet in the left corner of the room with a mirror just above it. The mirror looked neither fancy nor cheap.

"These brutes don't even know about newborn hygiene, or they don't care about me at all...hehe...Looks like my truly magnificent luck has accompanied me again! "

Who would have thought the roster of parents in all his reincarnations combined would look so pathetic? The creaking sounds of the fan, the smell of shampoo and powder, and the smooth breeze took him out of useless thoughts and conveyed the feeling of being alive again. The window allowed brilliant sunshine to fall on his youthful face free of wrinkles.

He truly was reborn...


The boy lay in the cradle as his mother refused to take him out for some reason. He was three weeks old yet nobody came to see him. His mother didn't breastfeed him as a servant fed him milk from a bottle.

"I guess it has to do with the fact that I technically shouldn't have been born"

As he kept thinking about it, he became angry. First, they cursed him and his cute little brother in the womb and now refuse to even acknowledge his existence. These people were too shameless! 

"Well I ate him directly .Couldn't be worse than me!", he lampooned inwardly. 

He satirically cursed them and as if mimicking someone, he prayed, "Oh Goddess, One day I'll slit their throats and offer them to you. Oh! Give 'em salvation as you adorn yourself with their skulls".

As he contemplated various thoughts, he felt severely alarmed!

"Why you mocking the Goddess...No, why the fuck am I mocking the Goddess...Fuck, she'll slit my throat for real !"-for the first time in his relatively short new life, he felt truly terrified.

"Oh Goddess, forgive this fool of a devotee ", he finished speaking as his lips curled upwards as if making a mocking smile. 

He slapped himself repeatedly as he said ,

"NO!! The Goddess knows my devotion" and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands to avoid any accidents.

What the hell was happening? Shapish couldn't get his head around what he just said. Casual habits that weren't his were coming naturally out of his mouth. It was as if three different people were trying to sabotage each other. More specifically, one of them was being an absolute asshole trying to kill them.

Shapish felt like he was hyperventilating. He kept taking in deep breaths while covering his mouth with his little hands. As he quieted down, he managed to somehow calm himself down. He crawled out of the cradle in front of the cabinet and looked himself in the mirror. As he looked at himself, he opened his mouth and showed the back of his tongue in the mirror. A symbol was etched on the back of his tongue which wrote-

  Shapish was acquainted with the field of mysticism. Shapish figured he would get answers to some of his questions but he was left more perplexed than ever. 

"Why am I number 9? "