
The Queen's Rise

The princess had been missing for fifteen years. Yet every year, Queen Viola presents "the princess" to the noble court. Unfortunately, none of these girls have been the princess. None have even looked similar to the princess, though the court accepts them as such. Until this year. Things are different, and I decided to keep this journal as proof of the Queen's deceit. My name is Laura. This year? I was the girl chosen to play the missing princess.

Heather_Waage · Fantasie
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17 Chs


Though the dreams were strange, when the darkness lifted, I found myself lying on a luxurious bed. Kat was sleeping in a chair off to the left. I thought that I'd better write down what I had dreamed, and I'm glad that I did. I probably wouldn't have remembered the amount of details that I did if I hadn't written it down immediately. I'm guessing I received some sort of blessing from Toatoean. Otherwise, I just had some strange fever dreams after passing out from exhaustion. Not something I want to have to admit happened right after claiming the throne from my evil stepmother. I hope nobody kissed me, I'm not a sleeping beauty.

-Maybe not sleeping, but you are a beauty, my firebird. I don't think any sane person would disagree. At least, not one with a functional set of eyes.-

After eating a hearty meal, I had all of the staff gather in the throne room. Most of them seemed curious, but a few were glaring at me. Most of the ones glaring at me were the maids that had been jealous of me being picked as a "pretend" princess. Well, hopefully, they can get over the fact that I actually am the princess. To stave off protests, I stood from the throne and addressed them as one. As I spoke, I descended the steps until I was standing before them.

I said "I realize that this is an unexpected surprise. I'm sure that many of you thought me dead after I disappeared nearly two months ago. As you can see, I'm not dead. I am, however, the rightful heir to the throne. Viola stripped my mother of her noble title and forced her into servitude. My mother didn't complain in fear for my life. She kept her knowledge of my heritage and history from me. I don't blame her for this. She gave me a childhood without a blade hanging above my head. Two days before I left the castle, I discovered the truth of my heritage. I left to preserve my life, and to plan a way to reclaim my right as heir to the Brairuid throne. The first time I sat on the throne, I was blessed by my family's patron deity. I am the rightful Queen of the Brairuid Kingdom. Later today I will be speaking with the nobility. Over the next few years, I hope to repeal the unlawful laws that Viola established. You may return to your duties." I don't think all of them respected what I said, but at least the older generation did. Many of the older castle staff were looking at me in awe after I dismissed them.

-Well said. I wasn't there while you talked to the staff, but I was present for your talk to the nobility. Do you realize that your speech was nearly identical? I think a few of the nobles were a bit confused.-

The meeting with the nobility was similar, yet not. My mum had been found by that point, so she was attending with the rest of the nobility. I'll have to find some way to restore her noble title. After the meeting with the nobles, I gathered Kat, my mum, a few of the more progressive nobles, the head maid, and the head butler to discuss needed changes. The first thing that was agreed upon was that I needed to be officially crowned, which will be a ceremony and a half. It was also suggested that I invite the neighboring kingdoms to send ambassadors to attend the ceremony. It's a good idea. Also, it gives the tailor time to make a gown suitable for the occasion, and the palace staff time to clean things up. It also gives time for me to formally select my circle of advisors.

The trial for Viola is set for two weeks after my coronation. That gives us time to gather evidence. Not that we need to, but if I'm to rule fairly then Viola gets a chance to have her rights observed. Every citizen, nay, each and every intelligent being in my kingdom deserves to have their rights observed. No matter how much I may hate a certain one of them. If what I dreamed is the truth, then It might be better to sentence her to execution, rather than just life in prison. I'm glad that the drama is finally over. Now I just need to get my kingdom back into working order. I'm sure it's going to take several years. Viola had nearly two decades to wreck the system.

-She had longer than that, she had already started when she arrived with those refugees. We found the records she had hidden. Viola has a long and bloody history as a Royal Black Widow. Something that we already suspected, but it's nice to have the confirmation.-

Bernie had me do a mock fitting today. He's insistent that I wear some of the fancier jewelry sets for my coronation, and he wants my choice so that he can color coordinate. There is one set that immediately drew my attention. The tiara is reminiscent of a crown in shape and is embedded with rubies, emeralds, and a few pearls. The matching necklace, bracelet, and earrings seem to call to me. None of the other sets match with the tiara quite so well. Bernie seemed to love my choice as well, he started talking about the history of it. This is the set my great-grandmother wore to her wedding, and that my father wanted my mother to wear. I suppose that he was going to find a way to divorce Viola, then marry my mum. Honestly, that information just cemented my choice.

The ambassadors have started to arrive, and my coronation is just a week off. I've been so busy I haven't really had time to write. That and the urgency of before is gone now that Viola is no longer on the throne. I had some time today, so I thought that you, my dear reader, might enjoy an update. King Sargon and Queen Mercana surprised me by showing up in person. They even brought Christian and their daughters with them. One of their daughters brought her puppy. He's a cute little thing, a black and tan dachshund that she loves to dress up. I'm extremely happy that they trust me so much. I know that they rarely leave their borders. I'm grateful for their support, I'll have to make sure to thank them.

-I told you that they would love you. Them bringing most of the family to attend your coronation just proves it. I don't know if you realize, but my parents haven't left since the wards surrounding it were applied. They have never allowed my younger sisters out of the country. The only reason I was allowed was because I was interested in diplomacy, and they needed a new ambassador.-

My coronation is today. I will be Queen Loralina Brairuid, ruler of my people. I have no need to fear Viola any longer, so this will be my last journal entry. While the last six months or so have been kinda crazy, I wouldn't trade what happened for the world. Even with all of the bad, crazy, and just plain terrifying stuff that has happened. More good things have happened, to the point where the good outweighs the bad. I had a memorial erected for all of the look-alikes that Viola killed in her greed for beauty and power. It sits in the center square of the castle, a reminder of what happened. Of what sacrifices were made, and for a cruel and pointless reason? After Viola's trial, I'm going to take these journals to a publisher and have it printed for anyone who wishes to read my story.

-Oops. I had better put this back. Wouldn't want it to be missing when you come to take it to the publisher. I also probably shouldn't have written in it. Oh well, to late now.-

I am Loralina Brairuid, Queen of the Brairud Kingdom. And this is the story of how I came into power and led my people into a time of greatness. This is the story of The Queen's Rise.