

Pureblood vampires can be said to be the first vampires to have royal blood running through their veins. They are the only vampires capable of ruling all supernatural creatures because they have unique abilities that no one has. That's because they are the first children of Alucard, the most powerful vampire who has chosen to sacrifice himself for his children and his beloved Lessana, the so-called white witch with a virtuous will and a unique power that extends beyond years only Alucard knew. They said that the last vampire with blue blood would fulfill the prophecy and receive Lessana's power, and that vampire was none other than Coreen Sevilla. Will Coreen be able to awaken her sleeping power if all memories of her past are erased?

diosamei · Fantasie
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7 Chs


On that night, the full moon shone brightly, and it was the perfect night for the propagation of creatures like me—us, the children of darkness.

I returned to the forest, and from the top of the tree where I was perched, I could hear voices and sounds—the howls, howlings, shouts, and even ordinary people enjoying themselves in different clubs, hotels, and on their homes. In my time, humans are afraid to go out at night because of the danger that might cause their death. But now, they're enjoying their freedom, unaware of the dangers ahead. Due to my royal blood, I could hear them even miles away from where I was. And also, I was the only one to have that ability. My father always told me I was gifted, being a Pureblood Vampire with this ability. I could be invincible.

From the light emanating from the moon, I saw a pack of wolves swiftly running, seemingly patrolling the forest. They were in their werewolf form and getting closer to me. I didn't panic; I concealed myself behind a large branch, ready for whatever would happen.

"Are you sure you saw a vampire here?" asked the black-colored wolf. They communicated using their minds only; fortunately, I could read what they discussed. How I could do that, I didn't know either. Even my parents didn't know how I acquired this ability.

"I'm certain of what I saw," another one replied.

"Why didn't you inform us immediately? In this vast forest, it will be difficult to find that blood-sucking arse," said another wolf. She was a female wolf, but far from being a Luna. I could sense her power, and she wasn't strong.

"Clef, can't you smell her?" the female wolf asked the black wolf.

Clef didn't respond, but I could feel he was observing and sensing the surroundings. They couldn't sense my presence; that was one thing we had over ordinary vampires.

The black wolf looked up, and I instinctively held my chest as his round, blue eyes caught the moon's light. What is this I'm feeling, just right now?

"Clef, did you sense anything above the tree?" he asked.

"I don't know," he replied. "But it's as if someone is watching us from the top of that tree."

What the hell?!

"I'll go," said the female wolf, leaping towards the large branches.

'They can't spot me here!'

I started to panic and couldn't decide what my next move would be.


The female wolf was getting closer to me. I became alert and prepared for her attack in case she spotted me. I didn't intend to kill her; I would only defend myself until I could distance myself from their pack.

I took a deep breath, ready with one hand in a defensive position, when I heard the voice of the black wolf again.

"I found them!" he said, causing the female wolf to turn her head.

My eyebrows furrowed as I sensed the presence of a group of vampires. Using my ability to see for miles, I searched for their location.

I found them!

"Come down from there, Leanne. Let's go!" Once he said that they quickly dispersed while Leanne, the female wolf, fearlessly leaped down from the tall tree. I couldn't help but admire her; she wasn't strong, but not weak either.

Once I ensured the wolves were far away, I leaped and moved among the trees, no longer worried about them smelling me. Clef's ability was no joke; he might sense my presence if I followed their path.

As I maneuvered through the forest, I focused on tracking the scent and presence of the vampire group I had detected. Their trail led me deeper into the dense woods, where the air grew heavy with anticipation. The moonlight filtered through the thick canopy above, casting an ethereal glow on the foliage.

Using my heightened senses, I honed in on their location. A gathering of vampires stood amidst a clearing surrounded by trees. Their silhouettes were tall and slender, exuding an air of power and mystery. They conversed in hushed tones, their voices barely audible to my keen ears.

I cautiously approached, concealing myself within the shadows. I needed to assess the situation before making any further moves. As I observed, I noticed their diverse appearances and attire, reflecting their personalities and backgrounds. Some possessed a regal aura, emanating nobility and grace, while others seemed more rebellious and unconventional.

One vampire, in particular, caught my attention. She exuded an aura of confidence and authority that demanded respect. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her back, and her piercing gaze seemed to hold the weight of countless experiences. I could sense a formidable power from her, rivaling even the ancient ones.

"Lucille, are you sure they went this way?" a male vampire asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. That prick, Clef, has a strong sense of smell. No matter how far we are, he can smell the blood coursing through us," the woman with the most vigorous aura in the group answered with a smirk.

"Pfft. I can't contain my excitement once they find out we've beaten them here."

"Any news from the vampires who attacked the poor humans?" the woman asked her vampire companions.

"No, we still can't determine who they are and how they managed to enter this town."

The leader chuckled and let out a slight laugh. "Only one creature can do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure it was that black witch, Baxa. She's experimenting with something using her abilities as the powerful hybrid in this town," Lucille said with bitterness.

'She knows Baxa? Should I talk to them? I need to see her as soon as possible! But if I do that, will they tell me the truth? Will they disclose Baxa's whereabouts? What if they ask questions about my identity? Damn it, I can't act without thoroughly thinking it through.'

"If that's the case, why don't we visit her in her lair? I'm ready for a warm-up," one of the male vampires said with a smirk.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you want to die early? We have an agreement to follow, and our Lord signed it," Lucille retorted.

"Hmph! Why did our clan even join that truce? We're more than capable of taking down the other clans. We don't need them, right?"

"Shut your goddamn mouth, Reya. All you do is attract trouble!"

As I listened to their debate, I heard the approaching pack of wolves in the distance. I had a feeling that something terrible was about to happen. Based on what I heard, the relationship between the two clans wasn't good, despite their leaders having signed agreements.

"They're here," Lucille said with a smirk.

After a while, they faced each other. I remained hidden in my hiding spot, waiting to see what would happen in the encounter between the two opposing clans.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Leanne angrily asked her fellow wolves.

"Fuck, they lured us here! We've been fooled!"

"Should I cut their heads, one by one?" another wolf asked.

I didn't see any reaction from the vampires. It seemed like they were unaware of the wolves' conversation.

"Oops, sorry! It seems like you got the wrong trail," Lucille said with a smirk.

The wolves howled simultaneously. They were planning to attack the vampires, but their leader stopped them. In an instant, Clef transformed into a man, and almost all the women present gasped at the sight of the handsome man in front of us, including myself, who couldn't help but gasp at the company.

"Geez, I know you're hotter than hell, Clef, but will you put something on your damn body? I might not be able to control myself and end up taking you home," Lucille teased with a luscious tone.

However, Clef seemed unfazed by Lucille's teasing. He stood with a firm posture, looking at Lucille with an expressionless face.

"What are you doing here, Lucille? It would be best if you weren't here," Clef asked the female vampire authoritatively.

"Why the hell did you transform, Clef!" Leanne exclaimed angrily.

I took a deep breath and wanted to laugh because the wolves were getting chaotic and saying all sorts of things against the vampires, yet the vampires seemed clueless.

"We're looking for the intruders, just like you, darling," the vampire replied sweetly to Clef.

"That's my job," Clef stated. "You and your clan aren't supposed to be here unless you have something to do with the crimes that occurred."

"And what if we do? What will you do to us?" the arrogant male vampire said as he approached Lucille.

I sensed the growing tension between the two groups, and as much as I wanted to stay there, I couldn't. I smelled blood, not human blood, but I couldn't determine its kind. I was sure it wasn't the blood of an animal.

I glanced at Clef once more before finally leaving, and once again, my heart raced. I needed something from him, but I couldn't figure it out. I shook my head and dismissed it from my mind. I had something more important to do now. The vampires before me weren't the ones who killed those humans. I needed to hunt them down. That's what I promised Pixie.

Determined to fulfill my promise to Pixie, I silently slipped away from the scene, leaving the vampires and wolves to their heated confrontation. I needed to track down the real culprits behind the attacks on humans, and time was of the essence.

As I ventured deeper into the shadows, my senses heightened, allowing me to pick up faint traces of the mysterious intruders' scent. Following the scent trail, I moved swiftly, my footsteps light and calculated. I had to be cautious and maintain stealth, aware that danger lurked in every corner.

The trail led me to the outskirts of the town, where a dense forest awaited. The scent grew stronger as I delved into the wooded expanse. Moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting an ethereal glow on the foliage. The ambiance felt charged as if the very air crackled with anticipation.

In the distance, I detected faint whispers carried by the wind. Intrigued, I crept closer, concealing myself behind a large oak tree. Through the foliage, I caught sight of a clandestine gathering—a circle of figures cloaked in darkness, their presence exuding an eerie aura.

Among them stood a tall woman, her midnight black hair cascading down her back. It was Baxa, the black witch. Her eyes glinted with curiosity and mischief as she surveyed the group, her hybrid nature apparent in her aura.

The others, a motley crew of vampires and witches, seemed deeply engrossed in a conversation. Their voices were hushed, making it difficult to discern their exact words. Nonetheless, I could sense an undercurrent of tension and secrecy, suggesting they were involved in something far more sinister than simple attacks on humans.

With bated breath, I strained to catch fragments of their conversation. Bits and pieces reached my ears—references to dark rituals, forbidden magic, and an impending plan that would tip the balance of power in the supernatural realm.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, a surge of determination coursed through my veins. I needed answers, and confronting Baxa seemed inevitable. She held the key to unraveling the mystery and exposing the truth behind the orchestrated chaos in the town.

As I pondered my next move, a twig snapped beneath my foot. The sound reverberated in the stillness, echoing through the night. Instantly, the gathered figures tensed, their gazes piercing the darkness, searching for the source of the disturbance.

Caught off guard, I knew I had no choice but to reveal myself. Stepping forward from the shadows, I locked eyes with Baxa, her expression morphing into a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

"Who are you?" she inquired, her voice laced with caution and intrigue.

Keeping my composure, I took a step closer, my voice steady yet assertive. "I seek the truth, Baxa. The truth behind the attacks on innocent humans and the sinister plans unfolding in this town. You hold the answers I need."

Baxa's eyes narrowed, studying me intently. Silence enveloped us, the weight of our words hanging in the air. Then, finally, a wry smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Very well," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "If you truly seek the truth, then you shall have it. But be warned; not all truths are meant to be unveiled."

With that cryptic warning, Baxa beckoned me closer, but I insisted. The witch in front of me was not the Baxa I knew, she didn't recognize me, and maybe that was for the better.

I smirk. "Maybe next time. I already know the truth by witnessing this. I'm out of here." In an instant, I quickly left the place. They tried to chase after me, but they couldn't catch up, and to make sure, I returned to the location where Clef and Lucille were. I stayed hidden in the shadow for over an hour to ensure they didn't follow me.