

Pureblood vampires can be said to be the first vampires to have royal blood running through their veins. They are the only vampires capable of ruling all supernatural creatures because they have unique abilities that no one has. That's because they are the first children of Alucard, the most powerful vampire who has chosen to sacrifice himself for his children and his beloved Lessana, the so-called white witch with a virtuous will and a unique power that extends beyond years only Alucard knew. They said that the last vampire with blue blood would fulfill the prophecy and receive Lessana's power, and that vampire was none other than Coreen Sevilla. Will Coreen be able to awaken her sleeping power if all memories of her past are erased?

diosamei · Fantasie
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7 Chs


Mystic Falls, 2023.


I was in the middle of talking to my friends when I felt my phone vibrating inside my sling bag.

"Excuse me, I need to answer this," I said while smiling and walking away from them. It was my parents. My heart started to beat fast as I was walking away from the party. I'm sure they will freak out when they know that I'm at the border of Mystic Falls, having a party with my friends.

I went into the woods quickly, while holding my phone in my right hand.

"Shit, I hope they're not going to ground me after this," I muttered to myself as I stopped walking and catch my breath before I tapped the answer button.

"H-Hello, Mom, what's up?"

"Pixie, where the hell are you? It's already past midnight, honey," she asked. I bit my lower lip. 'Oh my, I'm dead.'

"Mom, I did mention that I'm with my friends camping outside Mystic Falls, right?" I answered politely, using my sweet voice.

At that point, I knew that she would freak out. "W-What?! Where are you exactly?" I winced and moved the cell phone slightly away from my ear at the loudness of Mommy's voice. There they go again, being protective of me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

"Pixie, there is no guarantee we are safe outside Mystic Falls. You need to come back here as soon as possible!"

I shook my head, I know that they were just worried about me. But I need to prove to them I can take care of myself. Witches like us are not welcomed in the human world. Everyone would freak out if they knew that I was a witch and the worst scenario would be the vampires would show up and try to kill me.

With the power I have, I know I can defeat vampires, but still, not all of them.

I heard my father from the other line, having the same sentiment as my mom. "Mom, Dad, you don't have to worry about me. Besides, I'm with Seth–"

I suddenly paused when I felt someone walking behind my back. I quickly turned around but found nothing.

"I-I'll just call you later when I am on my way home," I said and turned off my phone.

I look around again using my power. As a witch, I can see what a normal person can't do. I can feel it, I'm not alone here. Could it be vampires? No, that's impossible, even vampires are forbidden to go out in Mystic Falls. I don't know why, but my parents always told me that there are more powerful creatures hiding somewhere at the borders of Mystic Falls. They are banned in entering our place and that's because a powerful spell was cast all over our city. The only ones who can enter are those who accept Baxa as their Lord and give her what she wants. As long as you obey her rules, she'll be pleased.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Maybe I was just imagining things and got paranoid.

I was about to leave when I was suddenly stopped again. I felt as if something was burning in front of me. I heard someone begging for help but nobody was there except me.

'Something feels off.' I took a deep breath, put my two hands in the air, and blurted an oration in Latin. Blue light sparkled from my hands, suddenly, the cast was broken and a burning warehouse appeared in front of me.

"Help me!" I froze for a moment when I heard a scream from a woman.

"Can anyone hear me? Help me, please! I beg of you, and I don't want to die!" she cried.

"H-Hold on, I'm coming!" I shouted back and ran to the burning warehouse. "Fuck!" I screamed when the burnt roof fell in front of me. That was fucking close! Ha! The woman screamed again. I started to panic for a moment. What am I gonna do? Do I need to call for help? But if I do that, there's a possibility that the woman will be dead when I come back. The woman will be scorched inside!

"Hold on for a little longer, Miss! I'll find a way to get you out of there!" I said, assuringly.

I searched for a possible water source around, but I found nothing. "Damn it!"

It seems like I have no choice but to use my power to extinguish the enormous fire. "I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I know this was forbidden but I can't help it. In order to save someone from dying, I need to do this."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I lifted my hands and opened my palms towards the burning warehouse, and recited an oration. As I opened my eyes, they were, brightly lit until thunder appeared and heavy rain fell. Minutes passed, and the fire was going down. At my command, the door flew away, permitting me to come inside safely. I looked around, searching for the woman who stopped screaming. I wish I had not been too late for her, and then suddenly, I froze upon seeing a woman in a purple vintage gown on the floor.

Her long curly black hair was mesmerizing to look at, appearing like darkness in her porcelain skin. She has long, thick curly black lashes and a smooth heart-shaped face. A Goddess! That was the best description of the woman lying on the floor.

"M-Miss, are you okay?" She tried calming herself as I approached the lady. She didn't respond. 'Right, she's unconscious, duh!'

I went beside her, trying to wake her up. No response.

As soon as I touched her, I felt an unfamiliar fright. Somebody's approaching us! I immediately cast a cloaking spell to hide us. In no minute, two men—no, vampires, appeared from afar.

Vampires? Who are they?

I observed the two while we were under the cloak spell. I didn't recognize them. They aren't Morgan's militia.

I glanced at the woman who was still unconscious beside me. 'Please don't wake up yet.'

I'm sure my parents would kill me if they knew about this. I took a breath and prepared myself for the worst possibilities.

"She must be here. How is it possible that she escaped that fast?!" said one of them.

"I think somebody helped her, anyway, as was stated in the prophecy. We need to go back and report!"

Prophecy? Does it mean they know who she is? I glimpsed the unconscious lady. I can't leave her like that, especially after what I heard from the vampires.

The moment the vampires were gone, I immediately removed the cloak spell. I called Seth and told him I needed to go home, then made a portal back to our house. In an instant, I was home, precisely in my room. I heard the rapid footsteps of my parents. They already knew that I am here and using my power.

"Pixie, what happened? Did you encounter–"

My mom stopped as soon as she saw the unconscious woman lying on my bed. She looked at the insistent woman, and a word that could best describe her was perfection.

"Where did you find her?" my mother asked, pinning her vision on the woman.

"In the middle of the forest," I answered and looked at the woman. "B-But what's enchanting is that I just sensed something was wrong, then it happened so fast, poof, a burning warehouse appeared in front of me."

"She found you."

I frowned. "She . . . what?"

My parents look at each other as if something miracle happened tonight. I stared at her. Should I wake her up and ask who is she? And explain to me what's happening?

"She's been sleeping for quite a long year and the prophecy . . . the prophecy has been lifted and you're a part of it, Pixie."

"Huh?" I was dumbfounded and speechless. The prophecy?

She's been sleeping that long? Just like one of the princesses in fairy tale stories? Like Aurora, who fell into a slumber for many years? Whoa, is this a joke? Or maybe, she's the real Aurora who got saved by me and not a dashing and brave Prince? Pfft. What am I thinking?

"Did someone see you upon saving her?"

I shook my head. "No. When I felt that someone was coming, I immediately cast a cloaking spell to keep us out of their sight. They're both vampires but not from Mystic Falls."

Her parents stared at each other again, as if they were communicating using telepathy.

Her father stood up. "Pixie, do the cloak spell again while I am ensuring a protection spell around our house. Don't leave Coreen and be with your mom."

"Coreen? Wait, do you know her?" She was confused.

"Yes, and she's Coreen, the last pureblood vampire."