
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Urban
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14 Chs

Poke 'er on!

Atlas' eyes snapped open as the first blinding lights of dawn entered his room from the gaps around his curtains.

Using his arm to cover a strip of light shining directly onto his face, the young man lifted his body into a seating position.

I feel like shit.

Rubbing the sleep that had accumulated around his eyes, Atlas frowned deeply. Except for the couple minutes he had spent eating dinner, he hadn't even taken a short rest last night, opting to diligently recount the things he had observed Chrissy doing that day instead.

He had only been able to lay there on his bed with his eyes closed for a couple minutes before the sun had decided to start climbing the sky. To make matters worse, Atlas had spent the entire night practicing his telekinesis by using it to lift and drag around his pen. He didn't even have enough psychic energy left in him to rejuvenate his mind forcefully.

Whatever, I'll get dressed.

Half an hour later, Atlas could be seen leaving his house with a large reusable coffee cup in his right hand. He was dressed impeccably in his Westborough uniform, ready for school, even if there was still another two hours until the time Chrissy had asked him to be at the student council room. He was walking in the direction of Chrissy's house.

Time to release my inner Piggy!

Atlas currently had one goal, observe Chrissy Stuart. Before he could execute any of his plans, he had to confirm whether his 'novice theory' was correct or not. Otherwise, he might as well be handing himself over to a terrifyingly strong psychic on a silver plate.

He had nothing to do for the next couple hours so he was planning to stalk Chrissy, occasionally poking her with a stick to see if he could get any reaction out of her that wasn't from a novice psychic.

It might have seemed quite counterintuitive to go poke the person you were being cautious about with a stick, figurative or not, but Atlas didn't plan to get anywhere close to Chrissy. Instead, he would keep his distance and use his telekinesis to annoy the girl over and over again. It didn't matter how good of an actor or a psychic she was, as long as she didn't have the powers of a telepath, she couldn't hide herself from Atlas.

Even if her 'unknown' branch of psychic's had a power similar to the one a telepath could use to hide themselves, according to what Atlas had learned from Ena's textbook, the copycat power would definitely have its caveats, whether it be that it doesn't hide them completely or it was slower to activate. Whatever it was, Atlas would notice.

Before long, the young man reached Chrissy's house. He had already drunk up all the coffee he had brought with him and had stowed the cup away. Not only was the caffeine running through his body keeping him awake, but he had also recovered enough psychic energy to clear his mind.

Alright… what should I do first?

Atlas' body began to fade from view as he used an illusion hex, he had learned from his mother's textbook. Since it was still rather early and Westborough's roads weren't ever that busy anyway, there was no one to see the young man's figure disappear magically.

Using his telekinesis, which had become a lot more natural for him to control after his late-night training, Atlas leaped over the Stuarts' wrought iron fence and landed quite roughly on the other side.

Ahh… fuck my ankles!

Atlas hissed internally, scurrying across Chrissy's yard in a weird way, trying to walk off the minor ankle injury he had received.

Before long the invisible Atlas found himself standing in front of Chrissy's window. Of course, Atlas' telekinesis was nowhere near good enough to allow him to fly so to make up for his lower elevation he was standing a few meters back so he could see inside. The student council president seemed to have just woken not to long ago and was clearly returning after brushing her teeth. Her mint green hair was in a mess and her aquamarine eyes still seemed a bit frosted over with fatigue. She seemed to be gathering different parts of her uniform one by one, getting ready to change.

Atlas licked his lips, as a part of him, that before yesterday had been buried deep, deep in his subconscious, became excited.

How could it not have been? After all, it was Chrissy herself that had given this very small, very weak part of Atlas power. It was Chrissy who seemed to really love BDSM and humiliation. Atlas wouldn't be in the wrong to give her what she wanted, right?

Atlas reached out his invisible hand to help him control his telekinesis and grabbed something. Without another thought, the young man used his telekinesis to yank down Chrissy's trousers and panties in one go.


My pants?

Chrissy's eyes widened.

She looked down at herself to find her pants and underwear down at her ankles.

She had shaved last night so the square of mint coloured pubes she had above her pussy slit had disappeared, leaving the area soft and smooth.


Chrissy quickly glanced around her room to check if she was alone.

She was.

I must still be half asleep.

Blaming herself for being tired, Chrissy grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and lifted it above her shoulders, freeing the two mounds of meat that hung from her chest.

If there really is an invisible pervert out there, you can have me!

Chrissy smiled brightly dropping the t-shirt onto the floor and walking over to a chest of drawers. She was aiming for the bottom most drawer which held her underwear.

The moment she bent over to open it though… "Eek!"

A pair of objects entered her. The first slid into her pussy and the second forced itself up her ass. Her pussy welcomed the finger-like object while a burning pain erupted from her ass.

"W-what?!" The objects began to move in and out of her slowly. They were moving at a speed that was fast enough to turn her on and make her feel good but weren't reaching deep enough inside to make her lose herself.

"Mr Invisible Pervert, I need to get ready for school so don't finger-fuck me any harder than this." Chrissy said, blushing.

Maybe it was because she had imagined herself getting raped or groped more times than she could count, but she didn't feel against having the invisible fingers in her. In fact, she welcomed it. She even decided to go commando so the invisible pervert could fuck her easier.

She didn't even find herself wondering how the pervert was invisible in the first place, it shouldn't have been possible, but she didn't care. She just wanted him to keep teasing her with his fingers and maybe shove his invisible dick inside her later.

After getting dressed, Chrissy made her way downstairs and out of the house, making sure her parents didn't notice anything wrong with her. Of course, her parents already knew she liked masturbating quite a lot, it would've been impossible to hide it from them with the amount of sex toys she owned but even with their open-mindedness she doubted they could accept her getting fingered by an invisible pervert.

When she made it to the footpath, she looked around making sure there was no-one around.

There isn't.

Bending over, Chrissy looked at the empty footpath behind her through the gap between her legs and smiled. Lifting her skirt with her left hand, she pulled on her right butt-cheek with her right hand.

"Stick your penis inside me, Mr Invisible Pervert. I want to walk to school with your cock in me."

The invisible fingers pulled out of her ass and pussy, but his cock didn't come either.

"Mr Invisible Pervert?" Chrissy asked after a minute passed, "You've been teasing me with your fingers for the past thirty minutes… I want your cock – No, I need your cock. If you don't hurry, I'm gonna get caught!"

Worry and tension began to build up in Chrissy's heart and her thoughts began to ring out loudly in her head. She usually imagined herself doing stuff like this without batting an eye to get off, but this time she was doing it in real life. There were real consequences.

What if I imagined all that, am I going crazy?

What if someone sees me?

What if…

As Chrissy got lost in her thoughts, her body dropped down to all fours, her ass sticking out into the air. Her pussy had started dripping, obviously not sharing the same sentiment as the rest of her.

Do I really care?

Finally, a thought rung out that cleared her mind.

I don't.

"It doesn't have to be Mr Invisible Pervert!" Chrissy's ass began wiggling invitingly, "I don't care if it's some stranger, some stray dog or even if it's my own father. Somebody, fuck me… please!"

Letting go of her skirt which had now slid down to her upper back, Chrissy brought her left hand to her left butt cheek so she could spread her ass open as wide as possible.

"FUCK ME!!!" Chrissy bellowed at the top of her lungs, squeezing her eyes closed as tight as possible.

I'm sorry, mum, dad, Elise, Atlas…

I won't be going to school today, or ever again actually. I'm sure a lot of people have seen me by now. There's no way I can live a normal life anymore! I'm sure someone will walk over and stick their dick inside me, eventually. I'll make them fuck me till they can't anymore and then I'll move onto another guy. I'll move from guy to guy until one of them introduces me to a prostitute ring, and I'll spend my entire life fucking men for money. If my looks fade and they stop wanting to fuck me for money, I'll make myself at home in a public bathroom and start letting them do me for free. I'll fuck people like that until I die! It's what I was going to end up doing ever since I touched myself for the first time. I became student council president to make my parents feel proud of me at least once before I inevitably throw my life away!

Goodbye everyone! From this moment the smart, responsible, proper Chrissy is dead!

As if signaling the start of Chrissy's life as a whore, a stream of squirt left the young woman's pussy.

Finally, Chrissy felt something warm kiss her pussy lips briefly.


The moment she had that thought, something long and hard entered her, taking her virginity.

Hey guys,

There's the entirety of Chapter 12.


IOU: Mass Release


atmosphericturtlecreators' thoughts