
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Urban
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14 Chs

More Than Human

Piggy's… Milton Schweppe's life had ended today.

He didn't actually die, but he might as well have. Getting caught by a bunch of girls with your pants soaked with semen was not something you could just comeback from, especially since he had been sitting in the same room as them for two whole hours. They must have thought he'd been beating his meat the entire time, looking at each of them one by one with lecherous gazes.

They had chased him out of Chrissy's house holding torches and pitchforks…

Sitting on his bed, Milton kept replaying the event over, and over again in his head, trying to find a way he could've acted to make it play out better for himself. It all started when Milton's concentration was broken to a loud snapping noise.


Following the snap, he began to feel a large area of moistness in his pants. Wondering if he'd pissed himself or something, Milton reached into his pants to find it filled with a sticky white liquid.

"Huh… AHHH!" Milton had jumped back suddenly with a surprised scream, "THERE'S JIZZ IN MY PANTS!!!"

Looking back at it now, Milton probably shouldn't have screamed out like that. He would've had a chance to make it through the revision session if he had just stayed silent. None of those girls looked at him much anyway, he was like a gravel path to them. They knew he existed, but they'd only interact with him when they needed to step on him to get elsewhere.

Alas, Milton doubted he would've been able to control his actions in that moment. It was very much a reflex reaction to the shock he felt. He was sure he hadn't done or experienced anything that would've caused him to bust his pants like that. He was sure if he had done it to the image of the girls in the revision group with him, he would've remembered the pleasant experience. Especially if the climax was crazy enough to leave him with that much mess in his pants.

I would never forget something like that!

In fact, he'd even said those exact words to the girls. It was far from his brightest moment, and pretty much the last nail on his coffin, so remembering it made him cringe, slamming his head against the wall next to his bed repeatedly.







Back then, after he had jumped to his feet with a scream, the first girl to react was a girl named Cherril. Cherril was there for the sole purpose of building herself a reputation by hanging around the student council president.

"PERVERT!!!" she had squealed pointing at Milton's pants, before pegging something heavy at him.




Her squeal set off the rest of her group and finally made Chrissy, Atlas, and Elise, who were apparently frozen in confusion from what they heard, able to move again.

"Milton… you should leave…" The first person to speak to him was Elise, she didn't even look at him and just stared at the floor, her facial expressions unreadable. She had walked into the room around the same time Milton had heard the snap and was the only one apart from him currently standing up.

"Yeah, Pigg- ... bro, you should leave, while you still can," the new kid, who Milton had seen following Elise around like a pet dog, was the next to voice their thoughts on the situation. He stood up and walked, over patting Milton's shoulder with a look of pity plastered on his face.

Shut up!

"President Chrissy! It's not mine I swear!" Milton had turned to Chrissy who was looking down at her workbook expressionless, "You believe me, right! You know exactly what kind of person I am… I don't remember doing it! I would never forget something like that!"

"You're right, I know exactly what kind of person you are, Milton." Chrissy said, her voice just as expressionless as her face, "Leave before I report you to the schoolboard, vermin."

Unlike her voice and face, resentment burned deep inside her aquamarine eyes like fire.

That cold, blue flame of resentment had made Milton run all the way home, shivering…


Milton rubbed his eyes with his hand before wiping the blood dripping down his forehead.


Unlike Piggy, Atlas was currently living the life.

After everyone had chased the 'pervert' away and had calmed down, Atlas turned to Chrissy to ask the president if she would still help him catch up.

"Of course!" she had said with a bright smile, having regained her enthusiasm, and proceeded to shove the stuff for their other subjects down his throat twice as fast as she had done for maths.

The four girls, whose names Atlas had still failed to learn, had left the revision session while Chrissy was force-feeding Atlas. So, when the pair had finally finished, Elise was the only other person left.

"Well then, we'll be going!" Elise called out happily, waving inside, as she and Atlas stood in front of Chrissy's gate preparing to leave.

"See, I told you she'd be back to normal before long," Chrissy poked Atlas' right obliques a couple times, shooting a teasing face at Elise, "Anyway, vice-president, secretary, you'll both be on the job tomorrow, so I'll be counting on you!"

Chrissy pulled a maroon strip of fabric with silver edges out of her skirt's pocket and handed it to Elise.

"Now leave!" Chrissy flicked her hand, shooing them away, "Atlas interrupted my afternoon nap, so I have to catch some z's."

Atlas and Elise set off to the west.

"I never expected Milton to do something like that," Elise said as they crossed the road, looking a bit worried and uncertain. "Most of us noticed his lecherous looks, but he usually makes an effort to hide it to a point where we can look over it to get our work done. He's got a useful head on his shoulders after all..."

"Yeah, I feel bad for him. He'll never be free from the damage that today's revision session will do to his reputation," Atlas felt a pang of guilt but made sure to bury it deep down so it wouldn't show in his expressions. "You don't have to worry about him. I'll make sure to look after him around the other guys, so he doesn't get harassed too much. It'll be up to him to choose what he wants to do past that. I hope he'll choose to change his ways."


It was night but the sun had only set an hour or so ago, so most of the houses in Westborough had their lights on. The footpaths Elise and Atlas walked were well-lit but empty, making the atmosphere perfect for the two of them to talk about whatever they wanted.

While Elise started their conversation by telling Atlas what Westborough's senior year was like in an attempt to prepare him for the things he would have to face that year, the psychic kept cracking jokes. He occasionally used his telepathy to read the young woman's thoughts, using the stuff he learnt to find the best way to tease her. Elise eventually gave up and started refuting Atlas' jests with her very own stabs.

To a passerby driving past in a car, it would have seemed like the two of them were arguing quite fiercely, but they both had bright smiles plastered across their faces the entire time, so they were apparently having quite a bit of fun.

At one point, Elise even charged at Atlas, trying to knock the young man over after he had made an especially snide comment, but the young man was able to dodge out of the way and catch her by the collar before she fell flat on her face.

"Hehe, your gonna have to train for a couple more years before you can tackle me!" Atlas chuckled helping Elise back onto her two feet, "You know, before the Hoffmans adopted me I was a quite the delinquent. I even stabbed someone!"

"You did WHAT?"

Before Elise could press Atlas further, the young man grabbed her by the shoulders, and turned her around to face a mailbox that was to her left. There was a name card under the street number.


"Oh no, it looks like we've already arrived at your place… You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow to hear the rest of that story," Atlas gave her teasing smile accompanied by a quick wave before sprinting off.

"You little...!" Atlas heard Elise start spitting out a string of curses trying to keep up with him, but he soon left her in the dust. He only turned his head back once, checking if she still had a smile on her face, before leaving.

Although Elise's house was closer to Steward Manor than it was to Westborough, Atlas still had to walk for another five minutes before he could get home. Atlas decided to use this time to decide what he was going to do next. After all, this whole situation with Chrissy's delusions was really strange.

Not to mention, dangerous.

If he made a couple small mistakes around Chrissy, that would be enough to get him exposed. She was certainly smart enough. Not only that, but he had a feeling that the student council president was going to be studying his behaviour extra closely for a while, especially after what she had said when he visited her in the student council room.

I should probably get to work.

Atlas refused to take this lying down. He would take as many precautions as possible to make sure he would never get exposed.

His ability to perceive and control psychic energy was far too attractive for powerless humans to just accept his existence.

It didn't matter if they were his friends or his family; he couldn't trust anyone with his secret. The moment he did, they could and would turn on him.

Even if the Hoffmans genuinely loved him, they were doctors and scientists, not psychics. They wouldn't mind cutting him open if it meant they could save millions of lives. After all, if he was more than human, he wasn't human anymore.

He didn't even bother wondering if he could trust his friends with his secret. If he couldn't trust the Hoffmans, the people he had just met today had no chance.

"Only a fool trusts people completely." Atlas muttered to himself before closing his eyes. He would be home soon.

Hello Friends,

There's Chapter 9. Hope you Enjoy! You can probably tell but I've changed gears a bit. There will be more story stuff from now on instead of just sex scenes and comedy (still not sure if I'm actually funny...).

Chapter 8 hadn't been proofread that well, so I've gone through and fixed all the issues I saw (I wrote it so I might have missed some stuff. Lets all pray my proofreader decides to come back sometime soon...).

Please continue to support the novel so Piggy can regain his dignity.

IOU Chapters: Mass Release (one day...).



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