
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Urban
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14 Chs

Eighteen Years Ago

Ena wasn't a woman who could express herself.

Whether she felt emotions, pleasure or pain, her body would not let any of it show on the surface. She wasn't always like that though. It was 'that place' that made her like this.

From the moment Ena was a toddler, able to follow directions, to the moment she escaped 'that place' she had been forced to read a different mind every day, each one belonging to a criminal more broken than the last.

At first, she had screamed every time she was brought a new convict, but after the sixth or seventh day, Ena's reactions towards the scary people had already become limited to indifference. She had become broken too.

Whether it was the day she'd met the love of her life, Theo; the many, many times she'd had intercourse with him; or the day they ran away from 'that place' and gained their freedom, her face had always remained unperturbed.

Since Theo was plenty broken himself, he was ready to never see a smile on his beloved's face or never see her enjoy herself when they made love. He knew her well enough to know how she truly felt, so it didn't really matter for him.

What Theo wasn't ready for was to see the teenage girl bawling her eyes out when their child was born…

The child and Ena really looked like mother and son, they had the same eye and hair colour as well as a couple of the same facial features. He couldn't help but feel a bit left out.

Well, it looks like he takes after Ena. 

Theo was an albino so it was only natural the kid would get Ena's hair and eye colour.

I hope he grows up to look more like me.

Although the child hadn't inherited Theo's pale skin, white hair, and piercing blood-red demon eyes, Theo was also blessed with sharp facial features, a well-proportioned physique, and an innate aura of masculine strength that would make anyone think twice before picking a fight with him. These were certainly traits he hoped his child would inherit.

I guess, it wouldn't be bad if he turns out as a male version of Ena either.

Theo had to admit, turning back to watch his crying lover with a worried smile on his face.

Ena was an extremely beautiful girl with dark brown eyes and long black hair. If it wasn't for the fact that the young couple had been on the run for quite some time, Ena may have even looked like a model.

Alas, her hair was a complete mess and her clothes, which had ended up on the floor when the young couple had been frantically getting things ready for their baby's arrival, clearly hadn't been washed in a long time.

Thank God I can use my telekinesis to sterilise.

Theo sighed in relief now that the baby was born without any hiccups. Their safe house was really not a safe place for a baby to be born, but it wasn't like they could've gone to a hospital.

Theo closed his eyes tightly for a bit. His body was anxious to move but his head and his heart kept it on a tight leash.

It wasn't time for him to interfere yet; he wanted to give the mother and son as much time together as he could before they inevitably had to split up. He had decided not to hold the baby himself, scared that he wouldn't be able to let go if he did. Whether it was when he was helping Ena push the baby out, cutting the umbilical cord, or handing the child over to his mother, Theo had only ever touched the baby with his telekinesis.

As Ena snuggled with the baby, sobbing, wrath had begun to burn deep in Theo's heart. The more time passed, the more it would intensify, until finally:

"They're here."

Theo tapped Ena's shoulder as she cried, trying to grab her attention. he could feel the psychic energy around her twisting along in pain every time she sobbed. The powerful sadness and guilt she radiated from her body brought him to tears as well.

"T-theo… he's a psychic like us!" she said as she gave the little human a tighter hug. Looking as if they'd failed the kid in some way.

"W-we knew this was a possibility!" Theo forced himself to speak as he kept wiping away his tears away as fast as they fell, "It doesn't change what we have to do. I've already readied the suitcase for him."

Theo grabbed Ena's shoulders and looked directly into her eyes, speaking with his own.

It's time.

Ena would've understood his thoughts even if she didn't use her telepathy at that moment.

Although the beginning of a new life was meant to be a joyous occasion, for the young couple and their newborn it was a beginning that also marked the end.

It was time for them to say goodbye to the baby they'd been carrying around and talking to for nine months. Of course the baby hadn't been born yet, and could only kick against Ena's insides to let them now he was there, but to the young couple that had been alone for a long time, even that was something massive.

While Ena and Theo had managed to escape from 'that place' and gain their freedom, they weren't completely free. No matter where they went and what they did to hide themselves, they would always be hunted.

To make matters worse, 'those people' could track psychic energy quite easily. They had been studying psychics like Ena and Theo for centuries after all.

The young couple were totally fine with slaughtering their pursuers to survive, but they knew that was no environment to raise a child.

If the baby was born normal, they would simply leave him at an orphanage. Their pursuers wouldn't bat an eye to a normal human. This way, they could ensure the baby was growing up well and focus on getting themselves out of danger before returning for the child one day.

However, since the baby was born as a psychic, they would have to hide it before diverting the attention of 'those people' by declaring war. It didn't matter if 'they' knew most of the couple's secrets and had an overwhelming advantage against them; Ena and Theo would ensure that 'those people' and anyone else who would ever want to try and hurt their child was eliminated.

There was a reason the two of them had managed to escape in the first place, after all…


The building they were taking refuge in began to shake as the ground in front of it was detonated using a charge of some kind.


"Go, hide the child with the suitcase." Theo said to Ena hurriedly, "I'll meet you in front of the other safe house."

"... what about his name?"

"I'm a horrible father who refused to hold his son when he was born. I don't deserve to name him." Intense sadness flickered in Theo's heart, outshining his anger for an instant before the wrath returned, twice as strong. "NOW GO!"

Ena, who was able to read Theo's thoughts and understood the man more than he did himself, grabbed the baby's right elbow and used it to place a tiny little hand on Theo's nose.


A refreshed feeling erupted in the young couple's heads and all their body hair stood up, elated.

It was the baby.

Satisfied with the smile that had found its way on to Theo's angry face for a few seconds, Ena disappeared, taking the newborn with her.

If it's for Ena and our baby…

Theo walked up to a broken window that faced the direction of the detonated charge, a deep frown etched on his face. Without hesitation, he leaped out, disregarding the five-story drop that awaited him.

I'll make it rain blood.



Was the only word that came into the fifth squad captain's head when he saw the young man floating in the air in front of him.

He couldn't help but drop the megaphone he had held up to his mouth with a shivering hand.

Pale skin, white hair, piercing red eyes like pools of blood…

He had been told a lot about Generation 15 Subject 2. Unlike Subject 1 who had been raised individually due to the scarcity of telepaths, Subject 2 had been raised in a group of ten other telekinetic individuals.

They were raised in a harsh environment to help develop their powers and were meant to grow closer and dependent on each other over time, so they could be kept under control.

However, on their tenth birthday, Subject 2 slaughtered the other nine one by one, starting with the child he knew the least, crushing the poor kid's head with his psychic energy, and covering everyone else with blood, brain matter, and bone, before moving on to the rest, leaving the little girl he was closest to last.

When she asked him "w-why" with tears rolling down her face, Subject 2 told her, "They are raising us to be weapons, no? I won't let them make us into their slaves."

Subject 2 then distracted the little girl with a kiss before crushing her heart with his telekinesis. He would have killed himself too, still kissing the lips of Subject 10's dead body, if he hadn't been restrained.

The fifth squad captain's father had told him that story the day it had happened eight years ago, and once again before he directly assigned the mission to his son, leaving the captain with a few words, "The last time that monster tried to protect something, nine people ended up dead. He's a lot stronger now, so I doubt he'll try to kill himself. Be careful…"

"I've already lost one family thanks to you guys." Subject 2 was the one that broke the silence between the two sides.

"Y-you killed Subject 10 and the rest, not us…" the fifth squad captain responded, pushing down the fear he felt, before ordering his subordinates to get ready to fire, "You should surrender yourself to us before you end up killing Subject 1 and that offspring of yours too."

"…" Subject 2 didn't seem affected by the jab, "Subject 1 has a name you know, and so did Subject 10."

The fifth squad captain signalled his subordinates to fire on his command.

"I don't mind being called Subject 2, but you should at least know the names of the people I'll kill you for," Subject 2's frown slowly morphed into a mocking smile that made all the fifth squad members freeze, "Ena and Kathy."

Gun shots echoed out constantly for about ten minutes but eventually came to a stop and were replaced with the popping of human heads.




Hey guys,

There's the entirety of Chapter 10. I've made sure to go through and fix all the things I didn't like from the first part, so their might be some differences. I felt the usual sex scenes and fanservice didn't fit the vibe of this chapter, so I've replaced it with the only thing I like more: Bloody Fucking Violence.

Anyway, Thanks to you guys <The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary> will be recommended on <New Releases> on <2024.01.06>.

Please continue to support the novel so Ena and Theo can give Atlas a good spanking for using his psychic powers to mess around with piggys, while they were using their powers to fight for their lives at the same age.

Hope you enjoyed,

IOU Chapters: Mass Release.


atmosphericturtlecreators' thoughts