
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Urban
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14 Chs

Before the Revision Group


"Ok, I've decided. Be my vice-president!"

While appointing Atlas as vice-president may have seemed like an erratic and impulsive decision for Christina to make, the girl had actually thought it through long before the transfer student even had a chance to enter the student council room.

A couple hours ago when Christina had returned to her mathematics class after jilling off to the Atlas she had conjured up, she decided to monitor the boy for the rest of the day. It wasn't something she did with a specific reason in mind, but the young man was not only quite the looker but also seemed to get along with Elise rather well.

It wouldn't hurt to know more about him.

Christina had a hunch that observing the transfer student would be very interesting.

In the end, it turned out her hunch was spot on. Atlas was prodigious when it came to interacting with people and could apparently cause miracles.

Although Elise and her friend group were popular in Westborough, in an academy that catered to several hundred elite families, they weren't without enemies, especially since, as things currently stood, Christina herself was likely to pick her 'cabinet members' from Elise's group. Christina herself was a part of that clique after all, albeit loosely.

Christina had expected at least a handful of rich young masters to show up, either attempting to curry favour, or threaten the group of friends with their backgrounds. However, whenever someone would try to approach them, Atlas would walk up first to strike up a conversation. From where Christina was observing, she couldn't hear what Atlas was saying to them, but whatever expression the young masters had on their faces when they arrived, proud or cunning, would quickly morph into resignation.

I want that.

Christina's smile widened as she looked to the couch opposite her where Atlas was buffering.

"I'll be honest, Atlas, I've been watching you…" Christina brought her left hand to her mouth, biting her nails in excitement, drool escaping her mouth, "…and I want you."

"P-president Christina!" Atlas' face turned bright red.

"I was originally going to make that social butterfly, Elise, into my vice-president, but after I saw you working your magic, I changed my mind. I know you haven't been here long, but you should at least know some of the perks and opportunities that Westborough's student council gets, right? You know how great of opportunity this is, right?" Christina ignored the boy's reaction as if what she'd said before was totally normal.

"Anyway, now you've seen me like this, I can't let you leave this room without becoming one of my 'cabinet members'. As the student council president, I can't have any rumours circulating about me..." the president looked down at her dishevelled appearance as if she was thinking deeply about what she would say next, "You can leave this room as either my vice-president or as the student council's janitor. I'll let you decide…"


A pair of young adults stepped out of Westborough academy.

On the right stood a handsome, brown-eyed man who wore his shoulder-length black hair tied up in a bun. He was wearing his Westborough uniform to perfection and sported a classy uniform alteration. Atlas' maroon tie now had diagonal silver lines running through the fabric denoting his position as the student council's vice-president.

On the left stood a beautiful young woman who had two piercing lamps of aquamarine for eyes. Although her eyes were the most attention-drawing part of her, her balanced figure, delicate facial features, and long mint green coloured hair all had a matchless beauty that any man would want to get close to, even if her eyes had been gouged out.

She just blackmailed me!

Atlas was truly troubled. The girl who was skipping along joyfully next to him had stalked him for a day before deciding to make him her second in command. She was a total nutjob. Even Claudius seemed normal when compared next to her!

All Atlas wanted to do was run away from the crazy bitch.

What a mess.

Atlas sighed to himself. When he'd left home that morning his goal was to make a couple friends, not become a part of the student council! Alas, he had no one to blame but himself. After all, whether he knew the president was watching him or not, he'd used his powers out in the open.

Even if listening to a couple thoughts and adjusting his actions accordingly was something Atlas did every time he had a conversation, he should've been more careful after the opening ceremony. Those rich young master's weren't even worth the sliver of psychic energy he'd spent getting rid of them, let alone Atlas being exposed as a psychic.

At least I can observe her from a safe distance now…

Atlas lampooned, staring at Chrissy's small back as she pulled ahead to unlock the wrought iron gate that surrounded her house.

Chrissy's house was situated a five-minute walk north-east of Westborough Academy. The house wasn't large enough to be called a manor like the Hoffmans' Steward Manor but was certainly large enough to be four or five times the size of the foster homes Atlas had lived in before.

For the first time in a while, he felt an overwhelming sense of awe towards his mother and father. Sometime after he'd moved in with them, the feelings of gratitude and awe he felt towards the middle-aged couple that had saved him, melted together, and solidified into genuine filial love.

Shaking his head with a mild smile plastered across his face, Atlas followed Chrissy through the wrought iron gates and up to the main door before walking into the girl's house.

Unlike the Hoffmans who furnished their house normally without spending too much on decorations or exuberant pieces of furniture, the Stuart family lived very differently. The interior design of their house had a strange cacophonous beauty to it. While none of the pieces of furniture went together individually, when everything was placed together it all seemed to flow somehow, looking pleasing to the eye.

It's insane but beautiful, just like their daughter.

I wonder how crazy Chrissy's room will be.

To Atlas' surprise, Chrissy's room was actually completely normal. In fact, it was so normal, it was unsettling.

Chrissy's room was on the second floor of her house. It was arranged with the head of her very normal king-sized bed against the right-hand side wall and a long work desk against the left-hand side wall. The king-sized bed was accompanied by a pair of matching bedside cupboards, and the work desk had a couple of monitors and a gaming chair. On the back wall of her room was a large sliding window that opened out onto a balcony.

In the large open area in the middle of her room, there was a nice, red-coloured rug sitting on top of the room's porcelain tiles.

Atlas was one hundred percent expecting Chrissy's room to be filled with all sorts of bizarre sex toys, every single one of them as unique as the pieces of furniture the Stuart's owned.

"Make yourself at home," Chrissy said leaping onto her bed quickly getting into a lying position across the foot of her mattress, with her head rested on her right palm.

Atlas nodded his head and turned away from Chrissy aiming to drag over the gaming chair to take a seat, but suddenly froze in the process.

"What, is there something wrong?" the young woman asked glancing at the boy's stiff back.

"N-no there's nothing wrong, I was just wondering where everyone'd sit. From what Elise said there should be about five people coming today excluding the three of us."

Of course, the answer Atlas had given Chrissy was complete bullshit. Yes, he had noticed the lack of seats when he had entered, but that was no reason for him to freeze and turn stiff. In reality, the young man had seen something as he swivelled around. Something that would probably be engraved in his memory for the rest of his life.

As he'd turned around his eyes had subconsciously panned over Chrissy's body and got a good look at the girl's pussy…

When she'd jumped onto her bed her skirt must've gotten caught under her torso getting pulled up all the way around, revealing her womanhood.

Even now as he was facing the other way, blinking his eyes repeatedly to forget the image. He could feel his pants tightening as his brain kept showing him the sight of Chrissy's pussy lips spread apart slightly, as she subconsciously held her legs apart.

Subconsciously? I wonder if she did it on purpose. Is she trying to seduce me?

As that thought appeared the tightening in his pants increased significantly.

No! Stop!

Atlas struggled to hold his thoughts in line as he remembered the daydream Chrissy had starring the headmaster that morning and the weird thing she'd said after asking him to become her vice-president.

If it's her then…

Atlas imagined himself turning around and sticking his fingers inside her.


"Yeah, I was planning to get out a few foldable tea tables and have everyone sit on the ground around them on the floormat," Chrissy who didn't seem to notice anything wrong quickly jumped to her feet, "Since you're so interested, why don't you help me bring them up from the garage? It would help to have my big, strong vice-president helping me!~"

Using some psychic energy on himself to wrangle his boner into submission, Atlas turned around to find Chrissy giving him a cheeky but wholesome smile.


As they walked out of the room towards the staircase that lead towards the second floor, Atlas could only smile sourly.

I seem to have jinxed myself. 

'It's not like Chrissy would push her luck so much in one day… right?' my ass... 

Whether she was doing that on purpose or not, my psychic-sense is tingling.

This revision group is gonna be exhausting…

Hey guys,

I was quite busy on the 27th, so Chapter 4, "Before the Revision Group", will be released as two 800 word chapters on the 28th (edit: I've merged the two parts into one so "Before the Revision Group" is now a single 1600 word chapter). To make up for the chapter I owe you, I'll release 2 1600 word chapters on the 29th (edit: I plan do something intresting for the next two chapters. You guys can look forward to Atlas getting tortured.).

Also, thanks to you guys <The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary> will be recommended on <Fresh Stories> on <2023.12.28>.

So great job!

I'd love to hear from you guys what I should do to improve both my writing and the novel.

Please continue to support the novel so Chrissy can buy a new pair of panties...



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