
The Psychic's Nymphomaniac Observation Diary

Warning: Mature Content At the prestigeous Westborough Academy, a handsome transfer student, Atlas Hoffman, meets the beautiful, student council president, Chissy Stuart. Although both of them seem like normal highschoolers, they each have a massive secret that could ruin their lives... All characters in this novel are atleast 18 unless otherwise stated. If you need to contact me for any reason use my discord: @atmosphericturtle

atmosphericturtle · Urban
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14 Chs

Ah Shit, Here We Go Again...

Elise arrived as the two of them were making their way up from the garage, back to Chrissy's room. The blonde had changed into a khaki-green coloured casual dress and was wearing her hair in a low ponytail. Slung over Elise's shoulder was a black, canvas tote bag filled to the brim with books and a water bottle, all neatly packed in so they wouldn't fall out. Atlas had to say, while Elise couldn't quite match up to Chrissy in terms of looks, she was still stunning.

And she isn't a crazy bitch either…

Atlas sneered in Chrissy's direction as the president made Elise carry one side of the foldable tea table she was holding.

"Hey Elise, I made Atlas my vice-Prez," Chrissy spoke nonchalantly. The three of them had finished setting up the two foldable tea tables in near silence, only speaking when necessary. Atlas wasn't sure why, but there was an awkward atmosphere around the two girls.

Strange, I was sure they were friends.

"You did WHAT?" Elise's face turned red in anger, "You promised-"

"Did you see how he dealt with those annoying people at school?" Chrissy interrupted, showing little reaction to Elise's anger. "We both know that if it were you, you would've started a fight, and I would've had to clean up your mess."

"Do your promises, really mean shit?" Elise frowned unamused with the president's response.

"You can reach your goal as the secretary," Chrissy finally flashed a smile, "It's not like I'm getting in your way by doing this."

"Hmph!" Elise turned away pouting, "I won't break my side of the promise for something like this, but the next time you do something annoying think twice, because I might be tempted."

The blonde turned away from Atlas and Chrissy walking up to the far side of the tea tables before sitting down and pulling out her schoolbooks.


"I know she probably forced you into it, but I don't feel like talking to you right now!" Elise looked up at Atlas frowning, her face was still red as she attempted to do some work, seething in rage.

Unsure what to do, the young man turned to Chrissy hoping she'd try to smooth things over, but the girl just smiled at him and moved on, "Don't mind her, she'll be back to normal in a bit. Now! Your here because you're struggling to keep up, right?

"I'm not struggling..."

"Pull out your books, I can't have my right-hand man anywhere below second place for his academics! I'll catch you up with everything today and after that it'll be up to you to keep up with me."

Although I thought I could catch up in a couple days, I wasn't actually going to!

She wants me to do it in one?!

"Hey, if you fail, I'm gonna demote you to janitor. There's really not much for you to lose." Chrissy patted his head smiling with closed eyes.


Chrissy had briefly explained what the student council janitor had to do when they were in the student council room together, and there was no way he had the audacity to fail.

"I was actually struggling with…" Atlas pulled out all four of the books he'd used that day and placed them on to the tea table. Opening his mathematics book, the young man pointed at the first thing that had made him even a little bit confused.

Whether it was something he had come to understand in class or something he never got, Atlas made sure to have Chrissy explain it again to get it all explained in another way. Chrissy apparently really enjoyed explaining things to people, and did so in a way that made learning the material easier to digest than when even their teacher was explaining it.

Atlas used his time as efficiently as he could, using some psychic energy to focus his mind on absorbing information like a sponge and remembering it as well as he could so he would never forget.

When he had completely caught up in mathematics, and Chrissy was satisfied, the president went downstairs to welcome the remaining five people who had arrived, leaving Atlas alone with Elise.

"She has quite the personality, huh?" Elise looked over at Atlas' burnt-out expression with a dry chuckle.

"Yeah…" Atlas' eyes that had looked frosted over quickly began to show signs of life as he was apparently now back on speaking terms with Elise.

"I'm sorry about what I said before. It wasn't your fault... We made a promise last year, and she promised to help me become vice-president if I kept something secret for her."

"Wait, doesn't that mean you have the upper hand on her. Why wasn't she more worried?"

"She knows I don't have the heart to hurt her like that... as long as she doesn't cross a certain line." Elise looked like she was cheering up as she talked to Atlas, and even began to chuckle after sharing some silence with him, "Hehe, it's nice to see that I'm not the only one she treats like that, though!"

Atlas cracked up as well, "Yeah, we'll have to support each other if we wanna survive working under her."

Among the five people who arrived, there was a young man and four young women.

The young man was short, stocky and had a large pot belly. He was by no means attractive and Atlas had a hard time believing the guy hadn't sneaked into the revision group by holding one of the pretty girls around him at gun point.

"Why the fuck is there another dude here, I was gonna have some SERIOUS fun with all these pretty girls!"

The guy started his thought by glancing at Atlas, but ended it by giving the revision group girls lecherous looks and licked his lips, clearly undressing them with his eyes.

Wow, I didn't realise the piggy's thoughts could be uglier than his face...

"Maybe if I humiliate him with my superior intelligence, Chrissy-chan will let me touch her boobies."

The piggy gave Atlas another glace, this time laced with hostility, before turning back to the girls, especially Chrissy, giving them another round of lecherous gazes.

Superior intelligence?

Good luck bro... good luck...

Chrissy introduced Atlas to the piggy and the group of young women. Although the piggy was apparently the current second highest ranked student, and the girls were all rather good looking, and up there in the academic rankings, Atlas decided not to pay too much attention, opting rather to worry about how the hell he was going to catch up with all his subjects on one day.

After Chrissy finished the introductions, they all sat around the two foldable tea tables. Chrissy sat at the head of the table. To her left was Atlas and to her right was the piggy. Elise sat on Atlas' left and the rest of the girls sat gathering around the mentioned people.

"Alright guys, we should start with science since we missed it because of the opening ceremony," Elise called out, and they all began working.

Atlas was completely expecting Chrissy to start shoving information down his throat like she had done before, but she seemed a bit distracted. Whenever he asked her about something, she always explained it as she had before, but her enthusiasm seemed directed elsewhere.

What's wrong with her?

After a while, Atlas decided to stop bothering the distracted president, and turned to Elise.

While Chrissy explained things better than the teachers, Elise explained them as if she was the textbook, but always went to a higher degree of depth. Not only that, but Elise made sure he understood everything perfectly before moving on.

Her way of teaching was a lot warmer than Chrissy's efficient method, but Atlas couldn't help but feel that since he had psychic powers and could cheat a little bit, all that care was wasted on him.

What is Chrissy doing anyway?

Atlas looked over at the student council president who had been silent for a long time...

Chrissy's face was flushed and she seemed to be sweating profusely, her breathing was uneven and she seemed to be trying her hardest to look normal but Atlas couldn't be sure at all.

Is she failing to hide it, or not trying to hide it at all?

The moment Atlas' mind drifted from his studies he felt tingling electricity crawl around his body.

Oh no! Not again!

Although he hadn't remembered the electricity after the first time it happened, the moment he felt it again, he knew exactly what it meant.

He was getting pulled into one of Chrissy's daydreams.

Since he knew what it was this time, Atlas tried his hardest to resist, burning a large chunk of his psychic energy which had already been greatly depleted from studying.

But there was hardly a response, he just felt his descent into the daydream happening at a slower speed.

This isn't working... I can't escape this...

Atlas felt a sense of defeat momentarily, but it was banished as quickly as it came.

I'll have to cut my losses.

Atlas adjusted his psychic energy so instead of protecting his entire mind, It would only protect the parts of it that were essential for continuing to participate in the revision group. He would just let the rest of his mind get sucked in.

It wasn't an ideal situation, and he couldn't guarantee he would come out of it unscathed, but it was better than falling unconscious to have a wet dream in front of everyone, or hurting Chrissy by throwing a telepathic attack at her.

Oh fuck, here we go again!

As he felt himself approaching the point where he would fall in, Atlas could only stare at Chrissy's flushed face one last time.

What do you have in store for me this time?

Atlas felt his pants tightening and couldn't help but chuckle internally.

You... Prez, are a very bad influence...


There's Chapter 5 (fr this time). I know I promised u guys another chapter, but I'm way too tired rn and don't wanna ruin the next chapter by rushing it in my current state. Let's write this down as an IOU and I'll release the chapter sometime soon (hopefully tmr, but I'm very busy this week).

Thank you, and please continue supporting this novel!

IOU Chapters: 1


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