
The Proud Lion

The Proud Lion, The Prideful One, The Vampire of Vampires, all titles I've gained over my long life on this earth, and yet till this day my favourite title will always simply be 'Big Brother'. It's who I was before my first death and it's who I stayed even after my rebirth. I've been given a chance that not many get, go start anew, to rise to the top, I vowed to myself that in this life I would protect my family, even from their own annoying selves, The world will know the name Frey Mikaelson, let them hear me roar. MC died along side his only family, his little sister, given another chance in a world he's somewhat familiar with, reborn in the world’s most dysfunctional family. He'll rise to the top of the food chain and protect his new family, it doesn't matter who stands in his way, innocent man, women, and elderly, he'll kill anyone who stands in his families names, and anyone who's got a problem can fuck off, after all the lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd

DaculeDNamikaze365 · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Journey into the Mythical

~ Time Skip ~ 13 Years Later | Frey POV

"So you're really leaving?" Asked a sad and youthful voice behind me. I turn around from my bags and look back at the entrance to my bedchamber and see Rebekah and Kol standing there with sad looks on their faces.

"It's not forever Bekah, I'm just travelling for a few years, I want to explore the world, see and experience new things, being stuck in this village for the rest of my life doesn't appeal to me like it does mother and father, Trust me one day you'll both want to go out and brave the world by yourself too." I say to them.

It had been 13 years since my transmigration to this world. A lot has happened in these years, we left the old world and settled in what would eventually become Mystic Falls. I trained with Mikael every day till my bones felt like they would break, from dawn till noon, I was now considered one of the best fighters in the village, my prowess in battle so great that even Mikael had to acknowledge me as his equal, I'll never forget the day where he and I fought no holds bar and ended in a draw both of us bloodied up and on the brink of death, We surely would have died had Esther not been there to heal us. I can't say I've ever seen Mikael prouder than he was that day, if he wasn't such a shit dad I would've actually been happy about it.

Combat wasn't the only thing I trained in though, every night after entertaining my siblings I would go with Esther and Kol to practice magic, Although I would never be a magical powerhouse like Dahlia, Freya, and Hope who are all firstborn witches, I made up for it in natural talent and aptitude, I was more along the lines of Esther, we didn't' have the monstrous power but we were very skilled at channelling other sources of power. I studied many spells in Esther's grimoire, though she never allowed me near the darker and more powerful spells, whatever I learned I would then teach to Kol, the only one of my siblings with a talent for magic.

Speaking of Kol, I had grown to really love and care for my siblings over the years, they now held the same place in my heart that Jane did. From diligent and dutiful Finn who hated chaos, but would always find himself join in our fun, then there was strong and patient Elijah who went out of his way for every one of his siblings, Nik was an adventurous and curious child always looking for an escape from Mikael's hatred, he would eventually find that escape in his art. Then there was Kol and Rebekah who would always latch themselves onto me, Kol for want to learn more magic and Rebekah wanting to be like her big brother, she would even ask me to secretly give her sword lessons, saying she wanted to be a shield-maiden. Then there was little baby Henrik, an adorable little 2-year-old toddler, it made me sad that he'd have to die for us to become immortal so I had been trying to figure out ways to bring him back to life after his death.

"Can you at least promise to bring us back son souvenirs?" Asked Rebekah.

"I promise your Bekah, I'm going to bring back the most amazing presents to you, how does a royal gown and jewelry sound? I'll even make sure to get it from a real princess." I tell her.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, I love you so much!!!" she says while bringing me into a bone-crushing hug.

"What about you Kol, want something? How about a dark magical artifact, like a dagger that lets you read thoughts or a sword that cuts you internally, doesn't that sound amazing? I ask him.

"That does sound incredibly fun, but no hugs for me all your getting is a thank you." He says smiling. "By the way Elija wanted me to tell you that Nik's barricaded himself in his room and refuses to come out."

Sigh " This is my fault, I knew I should've talked to all of you about my departure sooner instead of just springing it on you guys yesterday at dinner, tell Elijah not to worry I'll talk to him." I say to Kol.

I felt terrible about having to leave Nik behind, He always looked up to me and Elijah, matter of fact I'm the one who introduced him to painting, I knew that if I left he'd feel I abandoned him, it would be especially bad seeing as how I was the only one that kept Mikael's abuse from ever getting physical, I know that me leaving will basically be like inviting Mikael to abuse him, and I knew Esther would do nothing in her blind Stockholm Syndrome love for Mikael.

I finish setting up my travelling pack, filling it with enough food for at least 3 months and filling another pack with extra clothing, I take my favourite axe, the same one Mikael had gifted me as a child, and put it beside my bags before making my way out and towards Nik's room.

Knock "Nik?!! Nike! Come on Nik answer me, I'll be leaving in a few hours and I'd hate to miss out on having one last adventure with my little brother, I was thinking of taking you and the others Kol to this cave I system I found deep in the forest in werewolf territory, it's hidden behind a bunch of foliage, maybe there's some treasure inside, sounds interesting doesn't it." I tell him.

The door opens to show a young blond 11-year-old boy with blue tear-stained eyes dimples. "Promise me that you'll come back please." He pleaded before bringing me into a hug.

"I promise you Nikky I'll be back it may take a few years but I'll be back, and then maybe I can take you with me on my next trip, how does China sound, I've heard it's a country filled with amazing art." I tell him with a smile.

He looks up at me before punching me in the stomach. "I've told you a million times don't call me Nikky, it sounds too feminine, call me Klaus that sounds like a warrior's name." he says proudly while puffing out his chest.

"Alright oh so great warrior, I shall now henceforth address you as only Klaus, now come on let's go get the rest of hour siblings, and bring little Henri with you too." I say to him before making my way out.

~ Time Skip ~ 30 Minutes Later

"Come on Rebekah your dragging behind, this is why I told you to wear trousers instead of that dress!" I yell at Rebekah who's dragging behind us a couple of yards away from the rest of us.

"You know why I can't wear trousers big brother, I couldn't possibly walk in front of all the village boys dressed like that, no one would ever want to marry me."

"You're too young to already be thinking of marriage, besides how many times have I told you, you're not marrying any man not able to defeat every single male member of this family in single combat."

"But that's impossible!! You and father are the best warriors in the village, with a task like that I'll never be married!!" She yelled while the rest of my brothers stood giggling at her misfortune.

"Well, I guess my adorable little sister will have to remain without a husband for the remainder of her life. How tragic, though I doubt any of our brothers have a problem with that, isn't that right boys?" I ask them.

"I see no issue here." "No problem here." "You've got my support big brother." "Good no man will ever be good enough for our sister anyways." "Marriage? Never heard of it, can you eat it? Is that why you're so obsessed with it Bex? You have been getting fat lately." My brothers all answer.

"Argh!! I hate you guys!!!" She yelled before running ahead of us.

"Where the hell are you going, you don't even know the direction of the cave?!!" I asked her.

"I'll find the stupid cave myself!!" She yelled back before storming away.

"How long do you guys think before she gets lost starts crying and starts calling for us?" I ask my brothers.

"5 minutes." They all day simultaneously.

"Hahaha, so little faith you guys have for Bekah. Hey Finn, hand over Henrik and follow behind her but don't let her see you." I tell him.

I grab Henrik from Finn and sit down on a nearby log and start playing with him while we wait for them.

~ Time Skip ~ 20 Minutes Later

"I don't want to hear anything out of you idiots, I did not get lost I just didn't want to leave you guys lagging." Says a frustrated Rebekah.

"Hey we didn't say anything, we believe you, you're a strong and capable young girl who definitely did not get lost." I tell her trying not to laugh.

"Oh looks like we're here, and it only took an extra 20 minutes, 8 minutes to find the girl that definitely did not get lost and 12 minutes to walk here." I say to my siblings.

"Hmmph this cave better have a treasure inside of it, if we did all this walking just for a cave I'm going to stab you, big brother." Rebekah tells me.

"What a rude little girl you are, how many times have I told you that stabbing people is rude, you should always go for the decapitation instead." I tell her. "Now follow closely this entrance can be a little slippery so hold on to Henri carefully Finn."

We look around the cave as we walk, the cave itself isn't anything impressive, but that's not why I brought them here, this is the same cave that Klaus and Rebekah will write their names on in the future, I brought them here so we could do that but this time with the whole family as a last bonding moment before I leave.

We explored the cave for a while, Rebekah constantly complaining about the dirt staining her dress, Kol and Finn arguing back and forth non stop about whether or not Finn is a bore, and Nik and Elijah talking to each other about how great of warriors they'd be in the future. We travel a little farther before stopping in front of the area where future Klaus and Bekah would write theirs and Elijah's names.

"All right, I think this is a good spot to stop at, the reason I brought you guys here was that I wanted to do one last thing together as siblings before leaving, so I thought why not write our names and family tree on this wall, this way people will always know that this is where the children of Esther once lived, even a thousand years from now, here let me start." I say. I make my way to the cave wall, take out my chisel and write 3 names at the top, Mikael on the far right, Esther beside it on the left connected by a bold line and Dahlia a little further on the left connected to Esther with a dotted line. I draw a straight horizontal line below these names and connect it with our parent's names, at the far left I write Freya and connect it to Dahlia's name with a dotted line, my siblings already knew the truth about Freya but had sworn to never to Mikael knowing his reaction would be disastrous. I continued by writing my name beside Freya's and then handed the chisel to Finn.

"Now I want all of you to write your names in order, and someone write Henrik's name too." I tell them.

It took a few minutes but eventually, they l finish and I gotta say it looks good. "I want you guys to look at this, it is a symbol of our bond as a family, I may be leaving but my name on that wall shows that I will always be connected to you guys, no matter the distance. We are a family, we don't things such as distance separate us, we remain together, always and forever." I say to them.

They look at me, some like Rebekah, Kol and Nik with tears in their eyes before rushing at me and crushing me into a hug.

"We understand big brother, we'll miss you but we know you're not truly gone you're always with us." Says a sniffling Klaus.

"Come on guys enough with the tears, it's my last day before leaving I want us to have fun, cheer up, I got it. The last one back home has to give up his meal tonight!" I say before running away.

"I hardly think that's fair brother, I'm holding a child!!" Finn yells behind me.

"🎵Not my problem!!" I say in a singing tone reminiscent of Marcel in season one of the Originals.

'Man I'm gonna miss this, these simple moments, but if I want to alter the vampire spell and make myself stronger I need to go out and find the ingredients, from what little I know of Legacies, the world apparently used to be filled with mythological creatures before a mud monster erased them all from existence, I need to find at least one of these creatures and use its attributes to boost myself, imagine if I had a dragons ability to breathe fire and fly while being a vampire. But nows not the time for that, gotta win the race now I can focus of magic monsters later.' I think to myself.

"Looks like I'll be the only one eating tonight, with how slow you guys are moving you won't make it back home till Rebekah's imaginary future wedding!!" I tell back at them laughing before speeding up and leaving them in my dust.


A.N : I really enjoyed writing the sibling dynamics between the characters, I try to make their lines as true to their characters as possible, I wrote them how I believed they would be as children. Leave some feedback about what you guys thought of he chapter, and what your hoping to see in the future. Also plz leave some reviews on the story thank u.

Current ages of characters :

Mikael - 43

Dahlia - 40

Esther - 36

Freya - 18

Frey - 18

Finn - 17

Elijah - 13

Klaus - 11

Kol - 8

Rebekah - 7

Henrik - 2