
The Proud Lion

The Proud Lion, The Prideful One, The Vampire of Vampires, all titles I've gained over my long life on this earth, and yet till this day my favourite title will always simply be 'Big Brother'. It's who I was before my first death and it's who I stayed even after my rebirth. I've been given a chance that not many get, go start anew, to rise to the top, I vowed to myself that in this life I would protect my family, even from their own annoying selves, The world will know the name Frey Mikaelson, let them hear me roar. MC died along side his only family, his little sister, given another chance in a world he's somewhat familiar with, reborn in the world’s most dysfunctional family. He'll rise to the top of the food chain and protect his new family, it doesn't matter who stands in his way, innocent man, women, and elderly, he'll kill anyone who stands in his families names, and anyone who's got a problem can fuck off, after all the lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd

DaculeDNamikaze365 · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Differences between my Vamps/Wolves and the Show Vamps/Wolves

Vampires :

Regular Vampires

-Same abilities as in the show


-Same abilities as in the show

Original Vampires

-Same abilities as in the show

-Animal Control( They Can control dozens of animals at once)

-Shapeshifting(doesn't work on witches, or on vamps and wolves who already know their scent)

-Illusion Casting(through eye to eye contact, doesn't work on experienced witches)

-Telepathy(can communicate telepathically without physical contact)

- Fog manipulation

Enhanced Original Vampire

-same abilities as an original except on an higher level

Upgraded Original Vampire

-same abilities as an original except slightly stronger

-Lethal Wolf bit(can kill originals)

Prodigal Vampires

-non-original Vampires who can use 1 or 2 original abilities after drinking high amounts of blood only at a weaker level(this is my way of explaining why Damon could control the fog and the crow in episode 1)

-Only a handful of Vampires are in this class

Werewolves :

Regular Wolfs

-Same abilities as in show

-Can transform into a half human/half Wolf form at will(bite is not lethal in this form, as strong as a newborn vampire in this form)

-Full Wolf transformation (involuntary full moon transformation,lethal bite to vampires, as strong as a century old vampires)

Alpha Werewolf

-Same abilities as regular wolfs

-can shift into full Wolf form at will(They have a non lethal bite that weakens vampires when turning on non full moon days)

-Alpha Voice(Can force non alpha wolves to fully transform on non full moon day though they feel a faction of the pain of every person they force to turn)

I did a little research on the vampire diaries novels and found the vampires and werewolves in the books way more capable, I felt the show had downplayed these two species greatly and made witches the uncontested top of the food chain. It kinda annoyed me when Klaus and Elijah would get stopped by no name witches so I decided to give the vamps and wolfs a boost.