
The Proud Lion

The Proud Lion, The Prideful One, The Vampire of Vampires, all titles I've gained over my long life on this earth, and yet till this day my favourite title will always simply be 'Big Brother'. It's who I was before my first death and it's who I stayed even after my rebirth. I've been given a chance that not many get, go start anew, to rise to the top, I vowed to myself that in this life I would protect my family, even from their own annoying selves, The world will know the name Frey Mikaelson, let them hear me roar. MC died along side his only family, his little sister, given another chance in a world he's somewhat familiar with, reborn in the world’s most dysfunctional family. He'll rise to the top of the food chain and protect his new family, it doesn't matter who stands in his way, innocent man, women, and elderly, he'll kill anyone who stands in his families names, and anyone who's got a problem can fuck off, after all the lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd

DaculeDNamikaze365 · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

“She died of Plague”

Frey POV

"MOMMY, MAMA, MOOMMM, MOOOMMMYYY!!!!" A little girl's screeching is the first thing I hear upon regaining consciousness. I open my eyes and see a dark cloaked woman walking away with a screaming blonde-haired little girl, a brown-haired little boy crying next to me, and a weeping young blond woman holding my hand.

'What the fuck is going on, this situation, it seems awfully familiar, this has to be when Dahlia takes Freya away, shit looks like I won't be able to do anything to help her, I'll just have to wait for the party in New Orleans to get her away from Dahlia.' I think to myself.

Sniff, Sniff" Frey, Finn, my sons. Can you ever forgive this foolish mother of yours, in my selfish need to want more and more children I gave up my beautiful Freya, my little ray of light?" She said to us crying.

'Frey? Is that my new name? Interesting, I'm definitely older than Finn, and from my name, I can assume I'm Freya's younger twin since she was taken by Dahlia and not me.' I think to myself before responding. "I can't forgive you for this mamma, Freya was our best friend and you gave her up without a fight, but I can learn to not hate you for your decision, but promise me you will be a good and caring mother from now on, promise me you will treat all my future siblings with nothing but love and care," I say to her in the most childlike tone I can portray. 'I'd rather she not come back in a thousand years to try and kill me, it'll be especially bad since I forgot how it is exactly she linked the siblings in the show, maybe playing on her maternal instincts right now and asking her to be a better mother will change that, I hope.'

Sniff, Sniff "Frey, my beautiful ray of sunshine, you always we're a peculiar child, barely ever speaking, only ever observing, when did you become so well-spoken? It gladdens me to know you were always this capable but it saddens me that this side of you was only brought forth due to this unfortunate situation. I promise you, my sons, I will never lose any of you again, you are all that matters to me in the world I would fight the devil himself for you, never forget that, I swear to you Frey, not only will I be a better mother to you and your siblings but I will also get Freya back from that vile witch one day." She swears to us.

~ Time Skip ~ Four Months Later

"Now, one last time boys what is it you will tell your father when he returns today?" asked Esther.

"Sister Freya passed away of plague." I and Finn said simultaneously.

It had been four months since my awakening into this world, in that time I had been formulating a plan on how to grow in strength, I would first wait for Mikael to return from the raids, and ask him to start training me in combat, I would also ask Esther to teach me magic every day after training, I wanted to become proficient enough in magic where she would ask me to help her with the vampire created creation spell, I planned to tweak the spell and give myself some boosts.

I needed to be stronger than Mikael when he first turned, he was strong enough to hold his own and walk away from fighting Klaus, Marcel, Hailey, Davina, Kol, and Cami, I need strength superior to that.

"There's your father now boys, come along boys." Said Esther grabbing both our hands and dragging us to greet Mikael.

"Hahaha, there's my beautiful wife, and my brave warrior sons. Come closer I've brought gifts from the raid." He said ushering us closer.

"The raid seems to have been successful husband." Said Esther.

"It was glorious, I haven't been on a raid like this I quite a while, now back to the gifts, for Finn I've brought back precious historical tomes stolen from an Irish King, and for you Frey, though you were always quiet about it I always saw your eyes looking over at my axe so I had one crafted for you, it's a little large for you right now but you'll grow into it." He seemed like such a kind and caring father here, this really goes to show how much Freya meant to him, though doesn't him any less of a shit, I mean seriously he only raised Freya for like 5 years yet still she held his heart, but he tries to kill the kids he's raised for their whole life.

"Where's Freya, I assume she's still inside the house making me a floral wreath, though usually, she's finished the time I return, I assume my little shield maiden is putting in extra effort on this one." Michael said with a smile.

Esther's jaw shook slightly, I could see her hands trembling and it seems Mikael noticed it too.

"Esther what's wrong, where's Freya?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I, I'm so sorry." was all she managed to spit out.

"Enough with your games Esther, why are you apologizing, if this is some type of jest then I am not amused. I will only ask once more, WHERE IS FREYA?!!" is yelled out.

"Children head back into the house, your father and I need some privacy." Esther told us.

'Well you don't need to tell me twice I wasn't about to stay here and possibly face Mikaels' wrath, he has a bad habit of beating his children when he loses control.' I grab Finn's hand and quickly drag him back to the House.

"It's okay little brother, I know you've been sad since Freya was taken but I promise you one thing, we will see her again one day, I promise you that." I reassure him before stepping into the house.

~ Time Skip ~ 1 Month Later

This has been a shitty month, since finding out about Freya's 'death' Mikael has done a complete 180 and has turned into a milder version of his show counterpart, I can only assume that Klaus is the trigger that finally turns him into the hateful Destroyer.

After being told that it was a plague that took Freya, Mikael asked Esther to consult her friend and mentor Ayana Bennett to find a land where everyone was healthy and safe, he feared that the plague would take another of his family. That showed that he still cared about his family he was just shitty about it.

Ayana had found a land in the new world, filled with magic and life, I knew this land was Mystic Falls. We were waiting on the birth of Elijah before being able to travel, Mikael and Ester didn't want to risk anything when it came to their children.

In the last month waiting for Elijah's birth I had been constantly asking Mikael to train me, but he has gone into a state of depression, constantly drinking and having random bouts of anger, just last week he slapped me so hard across the face he almost broke my nose, after that, I conceded to leave him alone until he gets over Freya.

"Frey, Finn come! Your mother and I wish to introduce you to someone." Yelled Mikael's voice from inside the house.

We had been waiting patiently outside the house while my mother was in labour. We quickly scurried inside the house and into our parent's bedroom to see Mikael standing next to the bed holding a little bundle in his arm, and Esther laying exhausted being tended to by Ayana.

"My sons I'd like to introduce your new brother Elijah." He said coming down to a knee and showing him to us.

I have to say baby Elijah's a fucking cutie, crazy how he ends up being probably the most monstrous of the siblings. 'How this little baby turns into the monster behind the red door, I'll never know.' I think to myself.

"Frey as my firstborn son it is now your duty to protect your younger siblings, and you can only do that with strength, I have thought about your request to train you in the area of combat, and I think it's about time you start, you are already 5 years old, though most start a few years after this I think you're smart enough to start early, but I'll tell you this my training will not be light, so be prepared, we will begin once we arrive in our new home in the new world." Said Mikael.

'Great, everything's going according to plan, now I just need to to survive what I can only assume is Mikael's torturous training.'

Sorry, I took so long to update I was having migraines but I'll try to be more consistent now. Leave some feedback on the chapter, what did you like what did you hate, what could be improved.

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