
The Proud Lion

The Proud Lion, The Prideful One, The Vampire of Vampires, all titles I've gained over my long life on this earth, and yet till this day my favourite title will always simply be 'Big Brother'. It's who I was before my first death and it's who I stayed even after my rebirth. I've been given a chance that not many get, go start anew, to rise to the top, I vowed to myself that in this life I would protect my family, even from their own annoying selves, The world will know the name Frey Mikaelson, let them hear me roar. MC died along side his only family, his little sister, given another chance in a world he's somewhat familiar with, reborn in the world’s most dysfunctional family. He'll rise to the top of the food chain and protect his new family, it doesn't matter who stands in his way, innocent man, women, and elderly, he'll kill anyone who stands in his families names, and anyone who's got a problem can fuck off, after all the lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep. Discord Link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd

DaculeDNamikaze365 · Bücher und Literatur
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‘I would have much preferred Truck-Kun’

I don't own any TVD Verse characters, or characters from others mediums that appear in this story, I only own my OC Frey.


The day of my death started like any other, I woke up and drove my little sister to school, today was her first day of freshman year and she was the most excited I'd seen her in a while. She'd been going on all summer long about how she'd be the first female freshman at her school to make the senior varsity basketball team like I did when I was her age, 'I wanna be just like you big brother' she would tell me. It made me feel like I'd done right by her as I'd succeeded as not only a big brother but also her parent.

You see our real parents died when I was 19, my sister was only 6 at the time and I was forced to drop out of college and get a job in construction to support us. Since she barely remembers our parents I'm the only parental figure she's even really known. It's always been just the 2 of us, and I've always done my best to support her in any way I can.

Today was supposed to be a normal day, I'd drop her off at school then head off to work, I'd then come to pick her up after her tryouts.

"Hey, bro when are you finally gonna finish watching TVD and the Originals with me, you promised you'd give it another try if I made the first cut" my sister Jane asked me on our way to have some celebratory pizza for her making the first cut.

"Haven't I already watched enough, I think 5 seasons of TVD and 2 Seasons of the Originals is more than enough, besides like I told you I can't watch a show that makes so little sense, like seriously a baby vampire and a newbie hunter killing one of the first Vampires ever created is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever seen, though The Originals was much better it was kinda annoying how the only focus was on Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. I would've liked them to give a little more focus on Kol, Finn, and Freya and delve into Mikael and Esther's character a little deeper, though I got a say Dahlia was a badass fucking villain, so damn intimidating." I say to her.

"Okay, I admit TVD has some problems and inconsistencies but I promise you finishing the show is worth it and if you can't then at the very least watch season 6 just for Kai alone, he's one of the best antagonists in the show, up there with Klaus. Also, I'd watch season 3 of the originals, it's definitely the peak of the series. " She says to me a look of pleading in her eyes.

I look into her eyes and instantly cave in. " Fine, I'll keep watching it with you but I am definitely not watching Legacies, just from the trailer alone I can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it as much, though I am curious as to how Klaus is dead on that show."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou, I promise you won't regret it!!" she yells happily.

I know what you might be thinking, why is she so excited over something so trivial as watching a couple of vampire shows. To us, these weren't just regular vampire shows, they were something that connected us. It started when my sister was 13, she had found the show on Netflix and instantly fell in love with the show and characters, she eventually roped me into watching a couple of episodes and it eventually became a sort of tradition for us, since I was always so busy with work and trying to get my college degree, I rarely had time to spend quality time with Jane, the weekly late-night watch throughs became our thing. We'd spend time theorizing future seasons, shitting on our least favourite character Matt 'useless' Donavan, and she even got me into shipping characters together. These shows meant a lot to her so of course I wasn't gonna disagree.

We continue driving towards the pizza stop, with Jane constantly harping on about how hot Kai is when suddenly the weirdest thing happens, A giant building-sized pacifier falls from the sky killing my sister and me.

- Scene Switch: In an endless white void.

"Jane!!!!" I wake up yelling. I look around noticing where I am. 'Where am I, am I dead? That would explain the endless hit void.' I think to myself. 'Wait if I'm dead then what happened to Jane, I don't see her anywhere around me, that must mean she's alive, that has to be it' I think to myself, praying that my sister's still alive back on earth.

"I'm sorry to tell you but you are a sadly mistaken child." Said a calm a powerful voice behind me. I turn around and see a man made of what I can only assume is light standing before me. "Are you God?" I asked my voice wavering slightly.

"Yes I am the entity you would call God, and as to where you are and your sister's condition, I am partly to blame." He says with a slight hint of remorse in his voice. "You see my son was playing with his favourite moon when he accidentally destroyed, frustrated at losing his favourite toy he threw a tantrum and chucked his pacifier away, and it ended up killing both you and your sister."

"Are you fucking shiting me?!!! You mean to tell me we were killed over your dumbass son's fucking temper tantrum!! My sister was 15! 15 goddamit!! She had her whole fucking life ahead of her, and you're telling me it was cut short because of a fucking baby?!!" I yell out, anger and contempt seeping through my voice.

"Though I am sorry for the circumstances, do remember who you're talking to, and who's son you just insulted, I am a God do not forget, I could simply end your measly existence right now if I willed it so. The only reason I'm even deigning you my presence is that in her last moments even knowing she would die she prayed to any good out there that they save you and only you, she said her life didn't matter as long as you lived. There's nothing I value more than family loyalty, so seeing her willing to die if it meant you would live moved me." He said with a tinge of admiration on his tone.

"I then brought her here to offer her what I'm about to give to you, but when she learned that you would not be able to join her so she made a deal with me." he said.

"What kinda A deal, and what were you gonna offer her?" I ask.

"I offered her something I've only offered a few lucky thousand humans throughout history, the chance to start anew, to be reborn in a new world of her choice." He explained.

"She was initially extremely excited, she immediately started rambling about how she'd love to be reborn in the vampire diaries world and about how much fun the both of you would have together. But sadly I had to tell her that my offer was only directed to her and no one else as I couldn't have 2 people with meta-knowledge of the world at the same time. I told her that if she didn't wish to be reborn then you could both be brought to heaven and rejoin your parents, but she refused, she said it wasn't fair to you, that your life was cut so short, that you'd died before severe having the chance to live your life due, she said that she'd burdened you long enough and that you deserved to live not just for her but for yourself also."

Hearing him say this broke my heart, did she really think that if herself, that she was a burden. I have never once and never will think of her in this way. I loved her, she was my little sister.

"What deal did she make with you exactly because if it involves her giving up her chance at a new life and giving it to me instead then you can you can take it back, she deserves this and I'm not going to take it away from her." I state firmly.

"What loyalty and love you both gave for each other his admirable, worry not your sister managed to find a way to convince me to let you both reincarnate. Instead of her being reborn alone with all her memories of the TVD world she has agreed to let you be the only one with their memories intact, she was then reborn as Jane of the house Volturi daughter of count Aro Volturi, she wanted to be reborn as someone you could recognize and find easily so she chose Jane from twilight as a template, and though she won't remember you in this life when the 2 of you meet she will feel a connection towards you and feel the need to trust you more." He explained.

"But why would she want me to be the one to remember, I've only watched 5 seasons of TVD and 2 from the Originals, I barely even paid attention to season 4 and 5, wouldn't it have been more beneficial for us if she was the one to remember?" I ask.

"I also told her that but she simply said that it made more sense for you to remember since you were the big brother." He said with a smile on his face.

"Of course she did. Fine, I guess I understand so what now am I gonna be reborn into her new family, or another one, is there something specific you want me to do, or do you just want us to live normal lives."

"What I want from you is simple, a form of entertainment and you can't do that being reborn as a no-name nobleman, from a random family, so you will be reborn into my favourite part of this world, the Mikaelson family, one of the most dysfunctional families of all time, I think this family suits you very well, you're all about family loyalty they're all about family loyalty, you'll fit right in." he said with a smile.

"The Mikaelsons huh? Well, I guess that's cool, if I'm gonna live in this vampire-infested world what better place to start in than at the source. It beats being reborn into any of the mystic falls families, imagine how trash it would've been to be a Donavan, I'd literally kill myself at that point. Also, am I gonna be reborn as one of the siblings or am I gonna be a new sibling, and how am I gonna find Jane, what era is she even going to be born in."

"Well, to answer your first question, I'm not gonna tell you it'd ruin the surprise, as for your second question your sister will be reborn sometime after you and your siblings are turned into vampires, so you can go find her anytime after that." He says. "Also I tweaked a few things about the vampires and werewolves of this world with your sister's suggestion to make them more interesting, like seriously the wolves and vampires were so underwhelming in this show compared to witches so I decided to give them a little boost.

"What kinda a boosts, and is it only regular vampires or original ones too?" I ask.

"Nononono, I can't tell you that, it'd ruin the surprise, you'll just have to wait and see, now off you go, have a fun adventure, and make sure to entertain me." He says before snapping his fingers.

My body suddenly starts to dissipate into little balls of light. 'Now that I think about it this whole situation is like a typical Isekai light novel, except instead of Truck-kun me and my sister got Pacifier-kun. I can't lie, reincarnation by pacifier is unique, but still I would have much preferred Truck-kun if I'm being honest.' I think to myself before the last of my body turns into balls of light and I fade into unconsciousness.

I would highly recommend reading the second Auxiliary chapter titled ‘Differences between my Vamps/Wolfs and the show Vamps/Wolfs’ of you want to understand what changes I made with them. Other than that pls leave feedback about what you liked/didn’t like or what I can improve. Also I don't have a set schedule for this I'm mostly focusing on my Percy Jackson fanfic so I'll most likely only update this like 3 times a week at most.

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