
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Chapter Thirty: The Wants Of the Master

Raven knew she needed to meet with Shawn as soon as possibly. Lucky, she knew where he was, she knew that he had been with Penny at a camp and was supposed to be training her. Raven appeared at the camp only to find that the only one within the camp was Keera.

" Raven? " Keera questioned, surprised to see Penny's mother.

" There is no time to explain. I need to know where Shawn is.." Raven looked panicked so Keera could sense the urgency.

" While the ground started shaking so he ran off to find out what was causing that. And then not too long after that penny ended up running off because we have a mission we need to complete" Keera explained.

" Dammit " Raven stomped on the ground.

" What is the problem? " Keera Wasn't sure whether she would be able to help or not but she would at least do her best.

" Kara is alive. The Kara that exisisted from the last Reset is alive. And she is in the Underworld and she wants to bring Harm to Penny. But now that they are both split up..it's gonna be harder to find them " Raven began pacing back and forth trying to calm her nerves.

" Okay, so how about you go find Shawn and I will go find Penny. I'll keep her safe, and you bring Shawn with you to find us. I promise you that I will make sure that nothing happens to her whilst you find her father" Keera assures.

" That might be the only plan we can actually go with. I'll try to renew night with you guys as soon as possible. And if you should encounter Kara, whatever you do, do not fight her and do not let Penny fight her. I know this is going to sound cruel, But my daughter is nowhere near ready to fight someone like Kara. She might not have been the savior that was foretold of in prophecy, but she is extremely strong and naturally gifted" And with that, Raven dissapeared.

" Well this just got alot more complicated" Keera sighed.

" Master thinks the plan is well" A voice calls out from behind a tree.

" Gooblin..why are you here? " Keera turns to the location of the voice.

" Master wanted me to keep an eye on you. To make sure that you are not going to mess up plans" Gooblin replied as he walked around the rather large tree he was hiding behind.

" I know what i'm doing. If she could have a little faith in me..that would be nice" Keera sighed.

" It is not about faith. Master wants things done a special way. You know " Gooblin replied.

" Well if the damn Master wants things done a special way, then she should do the damn crap herself" and with that, Keera storms off.

" Master knows about your plans Keera. You cannot keep her to yourself"

" I Don't want her to myself. I am just fulfilling my debt, that is all" Keera screamed back to Gooblin who smiled in a friendly, rather oblivious manner.

" Master thinks that you've grown too attached. Master thinks that you are going to turn and be on the saviors side. Master thinks- " Gooblin found himself interupted by another shout " I don't care what Master thinks" and Keera continued walking.

Let's ask that have been placed beforehand was one that seemed all too simple. Though, In reality, There are many games that were being played from several different sides. And Gooblin himself, knew that the Master had played the game enough times to know how to win.