
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Chapter Thirty One: The Protector Follows

Though it has been rather difficult to track Penny's location, Ember had manages to keep up with her but only just barely. Penny moved fast, much faster than she use too and Ember was rather impressed with the improvement. Penny had been making her way to several small villages but finding nothing all that special, and would then move on to the next village.

She was searching for something, though Ember could not be sure of what that would be.

Ember also took delight in the fact that Keera had split off from Penny. This comforted Ember significantly more, knowing that there was a chance that Ember could watch her and not have to worry about Keera's interferences.

" I freaking hate her " Ember said to herself as she watched Penny stroll through a small village, looking for something. Though Ember would love to go down to the village and speak with Penny, she knew that it would not be a good idea. It would only cause issues, which is the conclusion that she had always come to in the end.

Still though, Watching Penny and seeing that she was safe did make Ember happy. And though, Ember did miss her time with Aurora, she missed Penny far greater. In fact, Nothing would ever be able to take her place. And perhaps that is what bothered Ember the most about Keera. That Penny could replace her so quickly with this random girl that she barley knew. Though, to hear Keera tell it..she never was replaced. This seemed untrue to Ember.

Penny continued making her way through villages, spending almost a full day going to around 4 villages. It was almost as though she was conducting some sort of an inspection. She would move on to the next greet everyone kindly and then would move on to the next.

" You should go talk with her" Ember heard a voice inside of her head. " Aurora..is that you? " Ember was surprised to hear Auroras voice in her own head but, Aurora was very gifted with Magic so it was also highly possible that Ember wasn't losing her mind.

" Yes it's me. I've been working on something new and I wanted to see if it would actually work and unfortunately for you, You're the test subject. But I have been hearing your thoughts and I think that you should go talk to her" Aurora suggested.

" But you said to give it time? " Ember pointed out. " Well I didn't say go down there and confess your undying love for her" Aurora giggled.

" I just think you should go down and talk to her " Aurora was trying to be supportive again, which Ember Appreciated.

" I don't think I should. She seems very busy and I think I would end up being more of a distraction than anything else. I'm just going to let her do what she needs to do. However she ends up in trouble than I will intervene." Ember tried to stand firm in her words but she found it difficult.

" Okay, Do what you feel is best but I don't think it would hurt to at least talk to her just a little bit. I mean it to variables try to smooth over some troubled waters here" Aurora continued and Ember continued to politely decline.

" No I'm good" Ember deflected.

" Look, I know you are scared but you need to approach her. She is your friend at the end of the day no matter what. You should approach her and expect her to be welcoming to you on some small level because i'm going to highly doubt that she actually hates you. You're a close friend no matter what the history is.." Aurora continued.

" I know that you're trying to help but I promise you that it's going to end badly. I need to stay here and keep my distance for the time being. When the time is right, I will most definitely approach her but until then i'm gonna stay right here, and out of her way" Ember tried to end the conversation there but she knew Aurora was persistent.

" Also, don't you have a child to look after? " Ember pointed out, hoping that it would distract Aurora.

" Kara is fine, she is well taken care of" Aurora assured. " Look, I'll leave your head for the time being. But I just want you to think on what I said" and with that Aurora was gone.

" Think on it? I'll think on it but i'm definitely not doing it" Ember rolled her eyes.