
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Chapter Fourty Five: The Devious Plans

The Child had taken Gabriel far away from the Lycans and had managed to do so, undetected until there was nothing that anyone could do. The first part of her mission had been completed. She had taken Gabriel into a small home in a deserted village on the outskirts of the Lycan Kingdom. This village had been forever remembered and honored as everyone who had once lost their lives to a vampire raid. Based on Lycan tradition, noone was allowed to live here, as it was now honored ground. This would be perfect for hiding away from everyone.

" Little Gabriel.." The Child smiled down at him as she placed the prince into a crib. " I do not wish to cause you harm just yet. Instead, I wish to give you a gift " The child raised up her arm and pulled out a small dagger. In one quick motion, blood poor down her arm and after dapping her fingers into the blood, she drew a small symbol onto Gabriels head. The symbol, was of two mountains, and would mark him for life.

" You are now a part of something great Gabriel " The Child cheered as the wound on her arm healed almost instantly. " You are a part of something much bigger than you could ever imagine" The child placed the dagger back within her robes and smiled down at the Prince.

" You are about to change the world in a way that will defy all preconcieved ideas. But we had to save you from that dreadful Victoria. She grows up to be a big problem, trust me " The child assures Gabriel who watches the child with curious eyes.

" I know you must be computer sister who I am but I promise you, it will all make sense in time. But for now, we must gather your mate" Just then, The child turns and looks down to see Gooblin standing to her, holding a small blanket and within the blanket, is the Princess of Witches, Kara.

" Thank you Goob, you are truly the only reliable person here" The Child thanks Gooblin and dismisses him. " Keera has been captured " Gooblin informs.

" I knew she would be, she was never really good at being covert" The child laughs.

" Penny belives Keera works with Kara" Gooblin smiles.

" I know, and its quite funny when you think about it. They believe Kara is the worst possible threat they could have and yet they have no idea what is coming their way" The child laughs again.

" What are you going to do with the babies? " Gooblin asked.

" I am going to do a ceremony. Its a special one that unfortunetly you cant be here to see. Because I have another task for you" The Child reaches on a table and grabs a scroll of paper.

" Take this to Kara, place it somwhere within her belongings. I want her to stumble upon it by accident" The Child explains.

" But what is it? " Gooblin asks.

" That is a secret. But you will see in time " The Child Answered.

" Also, Why is it that you choose to speak correctly with me and broken with others? " The child asked.

" Because its better for others to not know of my true potential " Gooblin smiles and dissapears.

" He is a smart little guy " The Child smiles.

" It is almost time, I almost have everything I need. The only thing Im missing. is the Ancient Tome " The Child stand to her feet and heads back to Gabriels and Karas crib.

" I will be back little ones..please stay here. I cant afford to lose you both. Not when we are so close"