
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Chapter Fifty Five: The Purification

Lysette had been carrying Ally for miles, saying nothing, not being quite sure what she could even say in response to all that Ally had said. It was almost as though that Ally planned on doing a complete cleansing of the Lycan Kingdom and that was something that could prove to be a bigger issue down the line for the royal family. " Should I even take her back? " Lysette questioned in her mind. If she did bring her back, and things went badly..could Lysette even protect her people. And if not, would she be to blame for all that happened.

" Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you" Ally Reassured Lysette, almost as though she could read the old wolf's mind.

" I never said that you would. But I am concerned about your plans for our people.." Lysette admitted.

" I don't know why. I know that you want things to improve for our people and for the underworld. And the things that I want to do are going to definitely help with that. I just need to make changes. If these changes don't happen, our people will suffocate under our own traditions and we will forever be weak. Which from what I've seen, Is exactly what we are.." Ally made a valid point but Lysette still questioned the methods.

" Wait..." Ally clicked her heels into Lysettes ribs which caused Lysette to slow down from her fast pace.

" I think we need to take a detour..I'm sensing something wrong " Ally explained which Lysette was surprised by. " I'm not sensing anything.." Lysette pointed out but Ally shook her head. " No, we need to move now..before its too late " Ally directed Lysette north from their current location and much like before, Ally did not clarify as to where they were going or why they were going there. The sheer fact that Ally had any understanding of the Underworlds landscape was also surprising to Lysette.

" I can't explain it really..but there is something wrong.." Ally explained.

" Wrong with who..where? " Lysette was quickly beginning to feel less and less competent at being the Protector for Ally. It seemed as though she was more than fine at handling things herself. " I don't understand how you've changed so much in such a short time" Lysette pointed out as she ran through the wild lands.

" It's the ancient magic, that's the best way that I can explain it. The ancient magic is the key to everything. It might be tainted and it might not be exactly what everyone thinks it is, but it's still crucial and after talking with our friends..I've realized alot of things about myself and what needs to be done. I think I have a better understanding of the world and how it works now too..I still need your guidance Lysette..I just..I also know what I have to do" Ally answered which did not reassure Lysette in the slightest.

" Yeah? Well I think there is alot more to the Underworld than you would think. It's never going to be easy to understand and just when you think that you do..it changes " Lysette was trying to impose her wisdom upon Ally who seemed not at all impressed.

" I know..but it still has its own patterns" Ally answered. " And besides, all worlds flow in their own way But they still have laws they have to be. And right now, the World is in danger"