
The Promises and Lies

A mishap causes Reyi Yan and her childhood sweetheart to grow apart, and despite that, she will not marry anyone other than him. Reyi has been wanting to meet him for a long time, and she hopes he will keep his promises. If he ever comes back, are they going back to how they used to? The Promises and Lies by TheFunnyPrincess 《风趣公主》

TheFunnyPrincess · Urban
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The Man On The Bus

Today is my 26th birthday, there's a huge smile on my lips. I just can't put it away.

Of course, I should be happy but it doesn't mean that I am truly happy and content. Years have already passed but there's still a missing piece inside of me. I am still missing one person.

"It's good that you like the surprise that we made for you," my best friend, Miao, said happily.

I hugged her tight. "I really love it! Thank you so much!"

Miao conspired with my mom and dad to surprise me and I really didn't expect that. I almost even forgot that today is my birthday. Simply put, I'm too occupied with my work.

I was working in a company named Sheng Company as a product manager. I put a lot of effort into this company to reach this position. I have been working here since I got fired from my first company that I applied into. And that was already three years ago.

"You should blow your candle now!" Miao exclaimed. She took the cake she had prepared and lit it. By the way, she's the one who made this cake personally so I am really happy for the efforts that she made today.

She placed the cake on the table right in front of me.

I am still wearing a smile. My family and friends are there around me, waiting for me to blow the candle. "Make a wish, Reyi," my mother said.

I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and finally making a wish.

The never-changing wish.

What I wished for when I was only nine years old is still my wish today. And that's the missing piece that I am talking about. I won't stop wishing until it truly comes true.

"What did you wish for?" my friend asked. She was ecstatic. I didn't respond immediately, so she answered his own question. "Oh, I think I already know! I'll just make you a wish: I hope you are happy every day!"

I thanked her and chuckled softly. My birthday celebrations continued. There were no visitors, just the two of us and my parents.

My mother, who was sitting next to me, began to bring up something while we were eating.

"Reyi, is he still the reason why you're not dating anyone?" she asked, causing my smile to disappear from my lips. "You are my only child. I am also getting older. I want to see my grandchildren before I die. You're in the right age, so why not try to get to know some men out there?"

I looked directly at Mama. "Mom, don't say that. Your life will be long."

"Hmp. We don't know, death doesn't choose anyone. Maybe tomorrow, I am not around anymore," she said, holding my hand. "Reyi, we just want to see you settling down. Also, I wanted to see the guy that you'll be marrying. If it's good for you or not. "

"Ai-ya, Ma! Don't be anxious about my marriage! We'll get there soon."

Mama and I simply kept talking about something else, which was good since I was feeling uncomfortable when they were talking about my marriage, especially my mother, who was being impatient once again.

I promised myself that I would wait for him so that he could fulfill his promise to me. The promise he made to me was something I wished he would do and he would come back sooner.

His name is Caiden Jian. I have always called him Denden since when we were kids. I miss him everyday.

And I'm always keeping his promises in my heart.

But now, he's nowhere to find. For the past 18 years, I don't know where he is or what he is doing.

Is he also thrilled to see me again? Is he missing me, or is he thinking about me right now? Or did he completely forget about me?

I keep asking this, but I am aware that Caiden himself is the only one who can provide an answer.

That's why I'll just wait for his return.

The celebration was over by dawn. Miao and I are packing our things because we are about to leave while my parents are already asleep in their room. My parents are aware that we will return to our apartment at this time before they go to sleep. We will return to our apartment after spending my birthday night at my parents' house.

"When are you going to stop thinking about Caiden?" Miao suddenly asked.

"I won't," I simply said. "In this lifetime, I won't be in love with anyone else except for him."

"You are really obsessed with him. What will you do if he doesn't care for you anymore?"

"It won't happen," I answered her with confidence. She just rolled my eyes on me.

As soon as we were done packing, we left. Miao owns a car and is a good driver. Unlike me, who's afraid to learn how to drive a car. My trip with Miao was not that long. Since there is no traffic, our trip will only take thirty to forty minutes. It is currently four in the morning.

"You liked the surprise I made, didn't you? Of course you do!"

I laughed and said, "The question you ask is for you to answer, right? "

"Of course. We've been friends since high school so, of course, I know you well!"

Her full name is Miao Chen. I met her in high school.

I was that kind of student who always wanted to be alone and didn't want to socialize. I had hurt Miao's feelings many times before we became true friends.

It's because I always ignore her and keep putting a wall in front of us.

I didn't sleep the whole trip, Miao and I kept chatting until we arrived at the apartment.

"I hope that you will find your real happiness in this 26th year of yours. Good night!" Miao told me before we went to our own room to rest.

We've been living together for three years. Actually, we must have been living together after college graduation but she chose to live with her ex-boyfriend before. They have been in a relationship since first year college but after living together for a few months, they broke up. Miao was very hurt and it took a long time before she was able to move on.

It's good that my cheerful Miao is back.

I just took a nap and already got myself ready for my work. When I left the apartment, Miao was still asleep so I just let her , besides, we have a different job. I worked at the office and she's a baker.

I went to the nearby bus stop. This is what I always ride to the company when Miao isn't there to drive me.

"Dongfeng! You've gone too far!"

I immediately looked when the girl next to me suddenly screamed. She was talking with someone over the phone and she looked really mad.

Dongfeng? That brat.

What trouble did he make now? I shook my head.

"Do I look like a toy to you? You've been fooling me for a very long time. You've used me repeatedly, and then you are just going to leave me."

I took out my phone and plugged in my earphones. While I waited for the bus, I only listened to music. I don't want to hear what this woman has to say.

I hopped on the bus the moment it arrived. I never arrived late to work. I took the seat next to a man whose face was covered up by a black cap. He appeared to be dozing off.

I won't mind. I've sat next to a man who was sleeping a number of times before.

After the bus had only been moving for a minute. I saw, in my peripheral vision, that the person next to me was receiving a call from someone. Before answering the call, he made his seat more comfortable.

My back stiffened. Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of a coincidence?

I did nothing more than lower the volume of the music I had been listening to on my phone. Because if I don't, I won't be able to hear him because of how loud my music is. I don't tend to listen in on other people's conversations, but I accidentally notice the name of the caller. I found it very familiar. I had a lot of goosebumps as well.

My hero…

That was the name.

"Hello. What do you want from me?... Maybe she'll answer it the way you wanted it to be answered…. I'm currently on the bus... I'll talk to you later... Stop thinking too much. Bye."

And with that, the call ended. And I suddenly recall some words of someone I know.

I was dumbfounded.

"He always protects me, always plays with me and loves me, he always defends me to dad, he always takes all the blame that was meant for me, that's why I always call him my hero," Caiden explained.

Is my wish being heard now?

I don't know how long I was stunned. I didn't dare to look at the man beside me. My hands are also starting to shake. I felt like I couldn't think well.

What's happening to me? Is he the man that I have been waiting for eighteen years?

My attention was drawn to the outside of the bus because it had stopped and I realized that it's the next bus stop. It's not my stop so heave a deep sigh but my eyes suddenly widened when this guy stood up.

He's getting off the bus!

I began to feel anxious. I can't let him go without making things clear! He got off the bus, and so I am.

I have this hunch that he's Caiden. Right now, I am wishing that I wasn't wrong.

I didn't get any signs about Caiden for a very long time—just now! Perhaps this is the sign I have been looking for.

Until we finally got off, I didn't do anything but stare at his back. I decided to follow him. He didn't turn around, so I assumed he would never notice me.

My heart was beating too fast. I'd be so happy if he and Caiden are the same person because his body grew so wonderfully. I can tell by glancing at his back that he has a lot of muscles. And he's around 18 centimeters taller than me.

I just kept following him. I don't care if there's someone waiting for me from the office. I never arrived late or took unapproved leave but this time, I need to make a move.

It's now or never.

I will deeply regret letting him get off the bus alone.

Caiden, I hope that it's really you.

I noticed that we were going to a restaurant. I know that restaurant. I've been there before, Miao took me there to eat when we both have free hours.

I stopped making a step because I saw that he stopped walking.

That's when I realized my earphones were still in my ears, I yanked them out firmly and threw them into my bag.

Did he notice me? It can't be. I am walking far from him. The important thing is that I can still see him.

I detected that he was about to turn around before he could get too close to that restaurant.

My instinct worked immediately. I turned around and began walking away.

I felt like he was looking at me as I walked away.

"Miss! Wait!" Upon hearing his voice, I immediately stopped. He was running in my direction when I turned around once again. My eyes widened.

I looked around me because I don't want to assume that I am the one that he's calling.

Definitely me. There's no one behind me.

"This thing fell from you." He extended his hand and I saw one of my earrings in his palm. Using my two hands, I touched my lobules to check if one of the earrings I was wearing was really missing, and one of them was really missing. Maybe it fell out after I took off my earphones earlier.

"T-Thank you," I stuttered. I took it from him with trembling hands while staring him down. Now, I can see it clearly and my heart is racing quicker than earlier.

While looking at him, it seems like we've known each other for so many years. His eyes…

Caiden owned that monolid type brown eyes. I want to cry.

He didn't look away, he's also fighting the stare that I am giving to him until he spoke that made my eye blink a few times.

"Why are you following me?"

I gulped. So, he knew?


There's no need for me to lie.

"I was t-thinking you were an old friend of mine I hadn't seen in several years," I said honestly. He was just giving me a blank look.

"I don't think so. I haven't seen you before," sagot niya kaagad sa akin. Wala man lang ka-emosyon-emosyon na sabi niya.

"May I know your name? P-Perhaps?"

I was expecting him to speak the name I was hoping to hear.

"Sure," he said. "My name is Wenduo."

When I heard his name, it was as if something had pinched my heart.

Wenduo… not Caiden.

Instead of waiting for my response, he turned around and started to walk away from me. While staring at his back, my eyes welled up with tears.

"Caiden, where exactly are you now?" The question that I have been asking since the day that he left.