
The unknown voice Part 2

"So he managed to survive that,maybe he actually is capable to wild the control our commander's controls over him."

"You're right Master Rie,no one would have ever thought that boy would survive the strongest soldier in the kingdom of Gehenna,the first demon to reach the the second phase of the race the Devil phase."

"Oh yes I'm quite envy of that,that boy has potential"


"Good morning brother Ray,today is the big day we get to meet professor Dominus Thomas"

Yes,that is my sister Claire she is 4 year Olds and all she ever wanted is to meet this professor,to be honest I don't know much about him but what I do know is that he can manipulate people's dreams

Ever since the bear incident I have trained a lot and know I am known as the rejected mage.Yes,that's right,I can't use magic but I have control over my aura,I fight with a spear and my aura can strengthen my weapon and myself so it's not totally useless.

"Welcome everyone I am professor Dominus Thomas and I am here to teach you little ones about my magic and also I am the new Master of the the Army Guild,where we train children from all kinds of ages to become better at what they want to do with their magic abilities"

"From what I am seeing we have some special talents over here,after all there are over 100000 children here from all around the world,we have humans,elves,angels and dwarfs.."

"Now,for the first trick I want to show you guys is something very interesting,but I need 12 volunteers, I want 3 human childs,3 elves,3 angels and 3 dwarfs."

"Wow !!",what is he planning on doing?"Claire,why don't you ask him to pick you?" "Ok,I will".

"Sir please pick me!"wonder if she will get picked.

"Yes you the boy with white hair and the girl next you,come forward.".

"What,he picked me too,well I'll just go he won't harm us"

*Alright we have chosen all 12 children"

"Now I want you guys to sniff this perfume."Is he planning on making us fall asleep,well at least I'll be able to see the difference in our level.

"With this perfume I will enter you minds and I will be able too see your abilities,those that you hate and those that you will have".Oh so that's it,I wonder what kind of ability I will have."Now please sniff this".Time to sleep.

"Now that every contest is asleep I will tell you guys their abilities"

"The 3 dwarfs all have the same common earth control,but they still have potential,they look like the type not to give up"

"As for the elves,the first elf boy has wind magic,the second can control everything from the nature and the last,this girl will be able manipulate water".Now for Angels,hmm,it looks like 2 out of them 3 can use light magic,as for the last one,he can erase abilities temporarily."

"Lastly,the humans,wow we have some beautiful human childs,they have a bright future,the first human is already controlling this ability which is sound and vibration magic,now to the siblings,the girl will end up as a double wielder which pretty rare these days,and now the last contestant he will be ab-"

"Impossible,he is a-." "What's taking so long,just tell us what he will be able to do"

"Certainly,the boy will be able to use fire".I don't know if this is luck or just a coincidence but this boy he is...