
The Princess is A Mad Dog

Kallia, the head of one of the well-known mafia gangs "Macross Lily" was killed at the hands of the person she trusted the most, when she thought that her life was over, she found herself waking up in the body of a weak Crown Princess of the holy kingdom of Mahalingga., Princess Amelia.

Laz_Bee · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Awakening : Mana Overflow

Everyone was stunned to see the two bodies lying helpless in front of the emperor's throne. They had never witnessed anything like this before, let alone in an open court. The Empire's knight entered the court hall, Every each captains of the elite team guarded the safety of the nobles and their leaders stood guard to protect the emperor and his offspring.

The guests of the congregation stood watching the sparks of magic that came out of my body after throwing away the guards who had bravely disarmed me in an impolite way. They were curious about how a powerless princess like Amelia who had not even been able to use any magic in her entire life could suddenly use a forceful magic and get rid of 2 big men so easily. I, who was already overcome by anger stared at the emperor with hatred.

"Just because I am helpless in your eyes, you were so easily took everything away from my life"

"I came here sacrificing many things, carrying love in my heart in hopes of being a part of this family"

"I never expected the love that I held dearly to be reciprocated in the same way.." Cessare shuddered a little hearing every word that came out of my mouth.

"I fell in love with someone who I thought had a noble heart, was brave and loved protecting the weak, but in reality he is just a two-faced coward who can't even respect a woman's feelings" Cessare then frowned and looked at me in confusion. . There were too many differences between Amelia, who was in the middle of the court hall, and Amelia, who he had always known. Even though since Amelia entered the Gerantine Empire, Cessare was never willing to meet her, he always got information about Amelia's every move and action during her stay in the kingdom.

Ignoring the whereabouts of his fiancé all this time was for her to give up quickly, but Amelia endured even 2 years staying in Gerantine in order to catch Cessare's heart that he had never even tried to open to that poor princess.

"I've always heard how gentle and honorable this imperial family is that I thought I'd be accepted with open arms and welcomed warmly with pride."

"I left my kingdom, I let go of all the status that I bear and even willing to be cut off by those who I thought loved me sincerely"

"Not here not in my own family, my existence is like trash.." I felt the rush of all the frustration that enveloped Amelia since she realized how insincere people around her had been. But not a single tear came out of my eyes.

Sympathizing or feeling sorry for Amelia means nothing to me. Whatever happens to someone is also because they are not sensitive to the actions and decisions they make. If anyone should be blamed it is Amelia herself. Just like me, who was not aware of the circumstances around me, so that the little brother I loved dare to betray me. Amelia did not realize how her actions, indifference and even arrogance had put her in long agony.

"Amelia, you and I really are not that different. I will not repeat our mistakes"

"Forgiving and giving people second chance is a way to learn to be a better person"

"But you need to state their mistake so they could fix it to the better"

"Ha- hahahahah!!! HAHAHAHA!!" My laughter echoed through the court hall. People thought I had gone mad after hearing the sentence handed down to me. What they didn't expect even more was that Amelia is now in prime condition filled with beads of magic energy that seemed to overflow. Myer paid close attention to my state at that time. Beads of cold sweat began to fall on his forehead. Cessare looked at me the same way.

Then, suddenly several templars, holy knights and magicians from the Magic Tower entered and surrounded me. I looked at them with a smile. Then my gaze turned to the 3 people who were on the witness stand. Freya's friends who often insult Amelia and bully her at tea parties. Like watering her with tea or giving her dirty snacks. Seeing those who are currently looking at me, full of fear.

"But it seems that even in this life I can't help but get my hands dirty in blood." I took a deep breath. Reaching out my hand, closing my eyes, realizing that with the power that Amelia has I can do whatever I want. It's different from the past me who only depended on my physical strength. Thanks to the large flow of magical energy in Amelia's body, I managed to strengthen her body. It's not that difficult for me to use magic as if it's a natural thing for me to do. Many imaginations of how to use magic itself appeared in my brain.

My body began to slowly float, the magic bits that came out of my body were getting more and more and changing the color, covering my whole body like a blanket, slowly, my hair radiated light. Those present at the trial began to feel a heavy energy overwhelm them, to the point that some of those who were not used to dealing with the powerful flow of "mana" fell to the floor. The walls in the court hall slowly changed, everything changed according to what I imagined, becoming a courtroom that I had watched in the Greek Gods and Goddesses series. The emperor sat on his throne. Cessare's eyes flashed with excitement as he saw the weak Amelia he knew was slowly transforming into a figure that looked like a goddess.



I opened my eyes and threw bits of magical energy all over the room. The templars, holy knights and wizards were stunned and started to prepare in case I was going to attack at any moment. Myer sat up with his eyes wide open. He who had always thought that his older sister was incapable of anything, now, in front of him displayed her true ability.

"No, how come? This, this.. She managed to awaken her powers?" Myer felt a strong blow in his heart that all this time he did not believe that Amelia had something to be proud of in accordance with the status that the divine temples in Mahalingga had previously given her.

Meanwhile, the man who was staring at me at the start of the trial walked forward. He smiled broadly as if he already knew that he would witness this in this trial.

"CAN'T SHE, SHE CAN'T USE ANY MAGIC, RIGHT?!" The Emperor looked panicked.

"KYAAAA!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE" Freya sat in her chair scared, she grabbed Vicent's arm who was still standing with a gaze that had never left me.

The Emperor, who looked panicked, ordered his soldiers to attack me.



"IT SEEMS THAT THIS OLD MAN STILL NOT AWARE OF HIS SITUATION" I grinned a little. Myer stepped before the emperor.

"Your Majesty, please do not provoke her further!! Th-this, this is different from what you imagined. It would be very dangerous even for this empire, I believe right now the people outside are also feeling the pressure of the magical energy that my sister's releasing.

"Just give me a chance to talk to her.." The Emperor gritted his teeth.

"You'd better manage to talk to her, otherwise she will have to be eliminated immediately. Her existence is dangerous for my empire!"

Myer just nodded and walked towards the center. He whispered softly to the templars and wizards to get ready to start the sealing magic.

"Sister, talk to me.. Please listen to me.." I looked at Myer.

"Do you want the whole world to be your enemy? The ones in this court come from various kingdoms, if they don't return safely, you will become a villain in the eyes of the whole world"

"Think about the innocent people out there, your power is hurting them. Especially those who don't have magic ability"

"I beg you to stop all this... I will talk to the emperor so that your sentence is commuted..." I still heard Myer speak, but what he said, my mind not able to digest it well. I laughed too.

"How can you think of helping others out of harm's way when you don't even care about my life or death, Myer.." Myer frowned and looked at Amelia sadly.

"You've misunderstood me, sis. Never once did I not think about you"

"You're the one who never even once asked for help from us. Weren't you also the one who rejected every letter sent from Mahalingga to you?"

This is something new for me. In Amelia's memory I don't find anyone giving me a letter. I chuckled and looked at Freya sharply, she shuddered with fear.


"You want me to just believe you? Myer, 2 years. And in those 2 years not even one of you has shown up to visit me here. But you actually appeared on the day when I became a spectacle like today"

"You can't even do anything to stop them from stripping your sister of her pride"

"Myer, I'm not even considered worth more than trash and treated like an animal"

"And you're just silent.." I narrowed my eyes.

Cessar walked up to Myer.

"It seems you have failed to persuade her, Prince Myer .." Myer looked down languidly.

"Do it, now.." He then ordered the templars and wizards to cast sealing magic on me. But there was no magic reaction whatsoever that came out of the spells they cast.

"Pftt- HAHAHAHHA" I looked at the templars and wizards in amusement. The emperor looked trembling.

"Oh my, why can't anyone understand"

"This is my courtroom, neither of you can do anything without my permission"

"WELL THEN, LET'S START OUR SECOND TRIAL!" My voice echoed through the now changed courtroom.