
There’s Something on Your Teeth

Zhao Li Xin wrapped his hand on Lory's shoulder "Something bothering you…"

Lory eyes remain on the carved on the door "The letter said about a meteor that weakens the beast, I think the meteor is trinity fragments, my fragments….." Lory leans her head on his shoulder "That beast was hurt because of my fragments, he might hate me, but I need to go inside to get the remaining fragments" Lory grumble to herself, she doesn't know what should she do.

What if she accidentally released the angry first kind?

This world will fall in chaos like her world, she can't responsible for the calamity befall to this world but with Lazarus lurking and waiting in the dark, what choice does she have?

"What should I do?" she looks at Zhao Li Xin as she feel lost for what decision she should take.