
The princess and the hidden world

The story revolves around a handsome boy whose life gonna take a 180 degree turn after he met his destiny a girl named Sara who seems wierd, her eyes were empty but full of secrets. is Sam is only a normal person, why does all of a sudden weird thing start happening in his life?? let's join sam to this fantasy land.

Anu_minmin_9827 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Turning

The class started, first class and that of literature, worst way to start the day,

Well students as I have the told you today we will start our lecture with a small test. The teacher smiled.

How could she smile when the whole class is wooing and when did she informed us for a test? , I don't remember. But with no choice we have to give the test. I was about to start writing when teacher asked me for my book. What? why? like i am not one of those students who cheats sitting just infront of the teacher.

She asked me to hand her the book, then went behind and gave it to someone I didn't bother to look at. I know that book eventually will be returned to me who will steal a literature book.

Somehow the class ended, everyone start leaving the class Robbin tapped on my shoulder

Hey sleepyhead your favorite lecture has ended do we go for the PT class or you want to give another test.

Favorite subject my foot I shrugged and we both exit the classroom when I realised someone has not returned my book.

I went back in that classroom i need my book for the next class no matter I like it or not.

As i entered my class my heart skipped a beat, looking at me with a big doe eye the new girl was caming closer to me. I was standing there as if my legs has got cemented in the ground. My inner voice is screaming at me to run away. Why? why? She is just a girl, it's not like I have never talked to a girl before but then why i fells this way with her.

She came close enough and opened her mouth and said something that surely I didn't heard. She looked at me with confused eyes then tapped on my shoulder with a smile.

Are you okay? Do you know whose book is this? Teacher has given it to me but I forget to ask her whose book is this.

What should i say?? I literally wanted to run away from that site. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I really wanted to kill myself for this behavior I knew my voice is not going to come out of my mouth so tried hand gestures.

I told her through sign that the book is mine. She look surprised and confused at same moment.

Oh its your book, thank you for help. She smiled and went away.

My leg felt so weak to uphold my body so I sat down on ground. My heart was pumping so hard that i can hear every single beat. Its too hard to process what just happen. In my entire school days this never happened before. I never felt so nervous even in front of the most beautiful girls then why her? Oh god its too much to process.

What are you doing sitting on the ground. Robbin screamed. You know that bad tempered PT teacher will punish us. You want to die. Come on stand up.

We reached the ground at right time.

Whats wrong with you today you are acting weird since morning. Your parent again giving you hard time. He asked concerned.

NO its nothing like that, leave all this, you tell me have you talked to that new girl yet? I asked

I dont know if its only my imagination or his expression actually changed. Its more serious, more darker. Something I have never witnessed till date.

Why would I talk to her?

Well cause you are the one who love to talk to new people and I thought if she is sitting just behind you, you must have had tried to start a conversation. I explained myself.

It's like he felt relived his expression get back normal,

Oh you know I don't find her attractive enough to start a conversation, you know only lucky girls can get my attention. He laughed and started running on the tract.

Something is wierd, well i left the thought and started running with him. We reached half the tract when I saw her, well her name is Sara the new girl. She was looking at me as if she was doing a research on me her piercing eyes made me shiver.

Of cource iam a handsome guy, every girls dream

Boy its normal for a girl to look at me this way. No big deal.

Every thing is going fine when a stabbing pain started in my heart. Its increasing. Unbearable, suddenly my vision got blurred and i fainted.