
The Prince Returns From The Abyss

In a world where creatures can breathe fire and fly, the impossible seems possible. Ray Edith, the prince of Kingdom Edith, the one who will succeed the throne, is pushed to battle by his father, the King, to prove his worth after nasty rumors about the Prince spread across the kingdom. Ray is pushed off a cliff by one of his brother's goons and plummets down the darkness that surrounded the ground. Instead of dying, his soul traveled to the abyss, where he is attacked right off the bat. The abyss is filled with strong monsters, will Ray prove his worth and rise to the position of the prince? Or will he always be remembered as the useless prince who died a pathetic death...

SmallPots · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Insanity [Short Chapter]

1-- recap

MC is pushed off a cliff by one of his brothers goons, and awakes in the Abyss.

MC barley escapes by men eating rats, finds a cave with a goblin inhabiting it, and he kills the goblin.

-- MC Pov

It's been nearly a week since I've been here, food is scarce and I have to steal pray and occasionally find them myself, the awful taste of rats and goblins were the only thing keeping me alive.

The only weapon I have is from the makeshift dagger that one goblin had, which greatly increased my chances of survival. In an attempt to get to a higher spot in the food-chain, I started training, I got a heavy rock and curled it until my arms were in agony.

This was a regular training method for knights, but the next day, I couldn't extend my arms more than 90 degrees without experiencing excruciating pain.

In a place like this, an injury that severe might as well be suicide, I have learned my lesson that day, and I had also learned a new trick. Just like wild animals, they kill, capture, and eat with their teeth, the strength of the jaw is not to be underestimated.

I figured out, I could bite the neck of a goblin to instantly kill it, although it leaves a lot of weak-spots for me, I have eventually found my way around it after observing the goblins boons and flaws.

Goblins have short arms, they couldn't touch their back if their life depended on it. By targeting the back of their neck, any weapons or forms of combat they might have, become automatically useless.

With this, I am fed another day, and weirdly enough, none of these monsters had caused me any problems, I had my worries as if they were edible or not but they seem to be very nutritious.

1 weeks later, my arms have fully healed, and I had learned from my mistake, and instead decided to keep a small yet consistent work out plan.

1 year later...

I am slowly going insane, I write lines on the cave-wall with my prey's blood to tell how much time has passed, I have gotten stronger, faster, and more fierce.

2 years later...

I have reached adult-hood, I am 18 years old, and I have built a strong physique. I've learned many valuable skills such as, skinning, using my environment, and strong mobility.

To escape from predators and to catch my prey, I had to be faster and more agile than they are in this rocky terrain. My feet got countless cuts and wounds, but oddly enough they have never been infected.

A lot of strange things like that happen here, with these strange monsters, I have a belief, a thought, that this place might be hell.

10 years later...

Oddly enough, I do not age, and I've adapted to this unfamiliar place. I hunt stronger prey now, from ogres to orcs, I've found ways to kill them, eat them, and survive.

After a while, I've become a known predator to goblins and rats, as if instinct, they run away at even the whiff at me, making it incredibly hard to get food.

My only choice was to go after the stronger ones, I aid myself with new weapons I had made, by taking apart the hard-black ground, I had sharpened it, molded it, and made a blade with it. With this blade I had wrapped countless hides around the beginning of it, making somewhat of a weapon.

*Inhale, exhale*

As I'm getting ready to feast on my new prey, the griffin, quietly and stealthily I approach it from behind.

I send out a war-cry as I stick my blade into the back of it's head, instantly killing it.

30 years later...

I am slowly forgetting my native language, to stop this, I had made a little friend to talk to, a baby Cerberus I had found hiding in a cave, if I were to say the highest and lowest of the food chain it would be something like this:


Dragons, Cerberus, Giants, Hounds, Shadow-Stalkers, ...


Orcs, Griffins, Ogres, Lizard-men, ...


Slimes, Goblins, Demon Rats, ...

These are just the ones I've seen here, encountering a monster at the top of the food-chain is incredibly rare, unlike what you might think this place is extremely spacious.

-- 100 years later

My fuel for revenge has withered down to it's last light, it's been so long the people I want revenge on are already gone, I start to lose hope in this desolate place, I have trained, and honed my skills, and eventually took over the food chain.

I've experienced death, and I have faced death, at some point, I was at the top of the food chain.

My pet Cerberus had died, he wandered off in places he shouldn't...

I think I have truly, gone insane...

+- "You have cleared the requirements, congratulations, child formed by the abyss, you will be returning! -+