
The Prince of the Mino Kingdom

Roy_1181 · Andere
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1 Chs

!Chapter! •One•

Hello,My name is Mino Yasushi, english writing is Yasushi Mino, I live in a world where there are Knights, Mages, Kings and Queens.. I have both the skills to be a Knight or a Mage..But I'm a prince which I didn't know about till I was 13.I've been known in the Mino Kingdom as the lost prince...I've grown up with a maid as a mother,But I didn't know that either.

My 'mother's' name is Yoshida Suzume, English writing for the name is Suzume Yoshida, Her name means sparrow..! While my name means calm and quiet.. I guess it makes sense my 'mother' said I didn't cry much when I was born.. I've grown up in a village of the south border of the Horie Kingdom. The Horie Kingdom has a prince whose name I've come to find out is Horie Satoru or once again in English it's Satoru Horie.

I honestly, Kind of might like the prince… Although at the time I thought I wouldn't be enough for the prince because I didn't know that I was a prince. When I turned 13 I finally found out I was the prince of the Mino Kingdom, Mind you I'm 17 now, I found this out when the knights of my kingdom came to the village I lived in..They took one look at me and asked my 'Mother' if "I was the one?" She immediately replied with a vigorous head nod and a barely audible yes from moving her head so fast.I didn't know WHAT was going on so I asked..

"Mother..?What does he mean by 'the one'," I had asked in a confused voice.My mother had just told me to look at the Knights kingdom badge and so I did..What I saw was that he was from the Mino Kingdom..I still didn't understand and I think my 'mother' saw my confusion and politely asked the Knight to explain it to me with a look to the eye..

"Well,You are the lost prince of the Mino Kingdom." The Knight had explained…I hadn't really understood what he meant so I just asked him..

"What about Mother..?Is she the Queen..No offense but she doesn't look Queen material...But she's still super pretty..!" I had asked/said in a soft tone of voice..

"Aww,Thank you sweetie..! But you're right I'm not the queen,But I am her most trusted Maid/Mage..!" My mother had answered while cooing about how cute I was.

We both then looked at the Knight,Practically asking what we were going to do now..He shook his head in amusement and told us that we could get into the Carriage to head to the Kingdom and then once they show me around the castle then to meet my Betrothed but I honestly don't want a betrothed I want to get to know my betrothed first!

Oh well..I guess I could get to know my betrothed since I'm supposed to be getting married to him/her at 15...Wait- 15!?..Oh goodness…That's only 2 years...

We just got to the castle as I got out of my thoughts,As soon as we got out of the carriage the Knight started showing me around as my moth- Suzume went to find the King and Queen to inform them to let my betrothed know he/she can start heading over…

I just got done with the tour and I started heading towards the throne room,But as I got there I noticed that there were more people here...I don't think I'm very comfortable with this many people...I just decided to enter after I knocked on the door of the room..I heard a barely audible 'come in' from behind the door.. So I entered the room and to my surprise the Prince of the Horie Kingdom was there.!?. I guess this is not my lucky day.!

"Hm..I wonder what he's doing here..?"

Well,Anyways after I stopped being dramatic in my head I guess I had apparently subconsciously asked what he was doing here...Yeah that was a super bad idea...I guess I did because I was brought out of my thoughts by a shadow looming over me..

"Do you have a problem with me being here..?!" Prince Satoru asked me in an angry tone,I just looked up at him unfazed and that seemed to scare him a bit...

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean anything by what I had said...It just came out..I would just like to know what it is that you need?" I had answered almost immediately while shaking my head a bit.

"Is that so...Well shouldn't I be here to finally meet my betrothed?.." He said in confidence that I didn't know he had...I though he was just like an angry boy...


He's my betrothed!?

I guess he could see the confusion in my face because he immediately softened his expression and turned to what I would guess are my actual Mother and Father..

"I see...He didn't know who his betrothed was...Well!That's perfectly fine cause now I'm going to get to know him..!Tata!" He says then he grabs my arm and drags me out of the throne room.

"Huh..?" Is all I could muster.