
The Prince of Holy Lightning (A DxD and Slash/Dog Story)

Akeno was not an only child, she had a brother, who she abandoned and who has a Longinus, come find out which one....

bossbovatannin · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

2: The Promised Vengeance

Quick A/N: This Story will take place during SLASH/DØG Volume 1 Part 2 for the opening chapters starting roughly halfway through the chapter, so as to make the whole arc longer and to grow Kazuhiro as a Person and as the chief POV Character. It will also introduce the first member of his future Harem. Now Because I want to use SLASH/DØG. This will also bring Kazu into bed with a certain Silverette and will of course get him into a racially supercharged bed of lovers. If you think Issei had it hard, think again, and just to make the eventual Kokabiel incident more interesting within the first three arcs Kazuhiro will meet certain young Exorcists, one of three, so one per volume.

The Only Exorcists I'm willing to comment on are Sellzen and Siegfried. I figure since Freed was Taught by Cerro, Siegfried had to be taught by Cristaldi or something based on Xenovia's Devil Purger Line in DxD Hero. So the SLASH/DOG portion will be used to introduce three young Exorcists and their mentors and how said mentors shaped them.

Also, I'll be bringing in Characters who weren't originally in early SLASH/DOG and DxD, as part of a Broader expanded Plot. Just a Heads up though, Odin and the Norse, The Kyoto Yokai Faction, and The Hero Faction will all appear and those are just the Factions I'm willing to let you in on right now. I have a good half dozen other Potential Mythologies or Factions within those Six Mythologies. And guess what? Because you guys will see the Norse you can expect trips to Helheim, Asgard, Alfheim, Jötunheim, Muspelheim, Niflheim, Svartalfheim, and let's not forget Vanaheim. But for now that's all I'm willing to say on the matter.

One Last thing, you have until the next Chapter to Cast your votes for Kazuhiro's Second Sacred Gear, and no you cannot just outright pick The Four Horseman Gears, one guy already did that, and I had to delete his vote and throw it in a randomizer, didn't help that the recast vote created a Tie, now I have another one same place as the deleted one that I've had to put in a Randomizer. Any who, if any more Votes are cast like that, I'll toss them into the randomizer before Publishing next Chapter. And If I still have a Tie I'll do a Coin Toss if I have to. Also before I forget, just because you might believe that a Sacred Gear is Plain/Regular, doesn't mean it's bad. Blaze Black Flare is a Pyro Gear with Cursed Flames, but unlike Flame Shake, think of it like Orochimaru's Cursed Seals but in Amaterasu if that helps. Okay one more note and I'm fucking off to write!

The reason I'm taking a page from Cousins playbook by ending a location as DxD / Draconic Deus Universe is because with the introduction of ExE it's an accuracy need. Enjoy!


(Grigori Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Wing, Grigori Headquarters, The Underworld, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


Kazuhiro sat laid back in a hospital bed, a blank look in his eyes. He wasn't broken, but that was scant consolation in the face of everything he'd lost; His mother all but dead, his sister apparently held hostage by the Devils, and the Architect of all his pain still alive. One way or another Suou Himejima would die.

Of course the fact his physiology had been altered weighed heavily on him. For whatever reason his Sacred Gear made him a Quarter-Angel and a Quarter-Human in addition to his Fallen Angel Half. The cacophony of voices manifested every so often, but by focusing on his emotional turmoil he could almost completely drown those voices out...almost.

Kazuhiro hadn't said a word to anybody, not even his father. To a degree he held his Father responsible for it all, but if he was being completely honest he held himself more responsible. It was because of his weakness that his mom was even hurt, it was because of his weakness that Akeno was held hostage and forcibly reincarnated into a Devil by the Devils that held her. If they laid a hand on her he'd burn their cities to Ash.

Kazuhiro felt some hatred, but this was overshadowed by his determination to get stronger. He never again wanted to feel so helpless and weak.....


(Baraqiel POV)


Baraqiel was worried, Kazuhiro hadn't uttered a single word since the incident. Baraqiel was never good at showing emotion, Kazuhiro was the opposite. Kazu was reckless, stubborn, slightly sadistic and deeply in love with Akeno.

Baraqiel and Shuri had seen the signs of the love between the twins long ago, if it weren't for the fact that Fallen Angels and Devils didn't see incest as a sin he'd have stamped out these feelings long ago. Spanking Akeno started childish, before her Fallen Blood started giving her arousal from it. Akeno inherited her mother's Domination Fetish and his own Submission Fetish, but Kazuhiro showed signs of Pure Domination, he refused to submit to anything, and Akeno showed signs of being submissive to him insofar as their kisses, touches, etc were concerned. That being said, every other emotion revolved around Akeno leading Kazuhiro around.

However, when it came to Akeno's safety, Kazuhiro would react violently if it was threatened. Despite being only Nine, he was mature enough to understand his feelings, Akeno not so much. So the fact that she was now a Devil in service to the House of Gremory meant that Kazuhiro was likely stewing in his anger at her perceived captivity and without Akeno to soothe his temper he wouldn't be able to see past her loss. Baraqiel had to fix this....


(Kazuhiro Himejima POV)


Sneaking out of his room proved Childs play, a kiss on Aunt Penemue's cheek proved enough of a motivator to let him slip away otherwise unnoticed for an hour or two. Kazuhiro was walking through Grigori Headquarters, looking for something to do, specifically something to get stronger.

Eventually he found his way to the Training Room where he saw a small girl maybe half a head shorter than him with White Dragon Wings of an armored nature, Her distinctive silver hair caught his eye as did her Wings.

He'd overheard snippets that the Vanishing White Dragon Empress was present within Grigori. A lot of stuff ended up said rather than unsaid when people assumed that their patient was essentially mute and broken. This was an invaluable opportunity to begin training. Kazuhiro would never again cower, he would never again cry out for help knowing it wouldn't come, from now on until he had Akeno back he'd rely on his own power, and his power alone, not his father's, not the Grigori's, his own.

And defeating the White Dragon Empress would go a long way towards that goal.

"You want to train with me? No else will, they're afraid of my power." The Silverette offers.

Offering a simple nod, Kazuhiro summons his Spear, and the overwhelming voices quiet, but are still heard deep within his mind even quieted as they somewhat are. He clumsily or rather holds it unsteadily. The Spear resisting his attempts to hold it steady, fighting him at every turn.

His Frustration begins to give way to anger, and slowly the Spear begins to settle, it's not tamed so to speak, but it is more compliant if that makes sense.

The Spear swallow his other emotions feeding off of his anger and Frustration until that's the only emotion left fueling his Power. As He pushes forward to attack he feels an ethereal yet tender caress across his body, guiding his movements. He notices that the Aura in the Spear reacts to his Sparring Partner's Power, like although it wants her blood, it has pity for her as well.

It would be unfair to say that the Spear itself is Bloodthirsty, just a lot of the Voices he's able to hear because of the Spear. When he holds it in his hands, the voices are louder but more focused, when he summons its Strong Holy Aura or its Ethereal Form

Kazuhiro turned his attention from the Spear to his opponent, thus far she had managed to avoid his attacks, whether it was through luck or precision she was able to do this he did not know. But for every ounce of his frustration that grew with each dodge, his power grew, even as his Movements grew increasingly more erratic and tired.

''Enough!'' Kazuhiro breaks off his attack at his Father's voice.

''Since your obviously feeling better it's a good time for you to go on a mission. Come Boy.'' Says Baraqiel.


Kazuhiro stood in a room with Baraqiel, Shemhazai, Azazel and Satanael.

''You'll be heading to Ryoukuu Town With Me, we've gotten some disturbing reports about Rogue Sacred Gears consuming their wielders. We'll be working with Grauzauberer on this, so for the most part it'll be you and another Magician Youngster going out and about while I hammer out some details with Mephisto and my Contacts.'' Says Satanael.

Nodding his head, resigned to see through the mission, but still unwilling to speak, Satanael flashes a Grin before flashing a Magic Circle underneath Kazuhiro sending him to Grauzauberer.

Catching a casually tossed File, seconds before he fell through Kazuhiro decides to try not land flat on his Arse...


(Mephisto Pheles Office, Upper Ring, Grauzauberer Headquarters, Scottish Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


(Mephisto Pheles POV)


Satanael had always been an asshole, not like Kokabiel or those Satan Blood War Whores, no no no Satanael was more of a good-natured asshole.

The kid he sent came falling feet first through a Magic Circle. Typically such kids would land flat on their arses, but this one didn't, heck he didn't even speak a single word, just handed him a Sealed File marked with Satanael's Grigori Magic Circle Stamp before leaning on the side of a nearby bookshelf.

Inside was the boys Dossier, he was Baraqiel's son. And a Longinus Wielder. But his Longinus apparently corrupted his Hybrid physiology in order to accommodate him better. Mephisto saw the report of the Himejima Massacre, and connected it to Baraqiel and His Wife. Yet based upon the Grief in his eyes, it seemed the Himejima Clan was the aggressors in this particular incident.

Strangely this Boy felt Angelic, Fallen, and Human. But this was unimportant, Natsume Sent word, meaning Mephisto was able to deploy Lavinia and the Boy now, all he needed was Lavinia to be present.


(Lavinia Reni POV)


Pops called her in and she entered promptly. She noticed a young boy about her age or so, and saw how his eyes brightened at her. And for whatever reason her Doll Appeared, embracing the boy into her very large and very firm bust. What in Pops now former home was going on.....?