
The Prince of Demonia : A hero who only care for female cries for help

People of Varania know a Legend. A legend about Heroes whos Identity was never known. About heroes who are so strong that they never failed to save the one who needed them. But they only answer for A woman cries for help Doesn't matter what you are, if you are a female, they will help you. This is a legend of the famously known organization named Herngard. Heroes that will only help a female being.

shenoko21 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

One being that change it all

After 5 years of being tortured the scientist never came back, and he is left in a cage that is full of dead goblins.

the cage was dark and tight, and it stinks really bad because he got nowhere to throw his feces and urine, and the rotten goblins are making it worse.

and when the corpses are gone and decayed, he thought he will die of hunger but his body is weird, it regenerates and produce their cell out of nowhere and kept him alive.

He tried to rip apart his own arms and legs with his own jaws but he always lost his consciousness before even managing to rip apart his own internal organs, and when he woke up, everything is as good as normal.

until one day he heard a noise coming from the door where the scientist usually enters the cage storage to take him to the research lab.

He screamed "grraaaa... Aaaaaaaa"

the noise got bigger and clearer, it is a footstep and it gets closer to the door.

He screamed, again and again, making so much noise so that the noise knew that he is alive, he jumps around as if he were exited to meet the scientists who have tortured him for years again.

he felt something new, something that is not a pain, something that make his will to live stronger.

he laughed for the first time in 10 years of his life.

"grahahahah, ahahahhaha" he laugh with a strange tone, it sounded like a rat can speak, it is very squeaky and high pitched.

by that time, the cage bars was already destroyed due the corrotion.

so he went around the cage storage that his cage was hold inside and scream and laugh freely.

and then , the noise that were coming stopped.

as the noise stopped he stopped running and screaming, He felt something else, he felt scared. He is worried that the source of that noice will never take him from his boring days.

"aaaaaaa I..... He.... re..." he tried to squeak his voice.

his voice doesn;t sounds the same like the scientists that he know, he sounds like a different being from them.

he is waiting for the noise to respond and then he heard a knocking from the outside the door.

He rushed to the door and knock back.

"knock knock" the door sounded.

"step away from the door" A tone of voice that he never remembered scream from the other side of the door.

he don't understand what it means, He never heard elves language before.

then there is a slamming nose on the door, it gets bigger and bigger over time, and he naturally stepped away from the door.

he screamed with the human language "yeeeeeees, yeeeeees" while jumping around like a monkey.

and then the door broke open bringing light to his eyes that were able to see in the dark.

The light blinded him he can't see the creature who is entering the room.

someone outside the room screamed in elven language "be careful Lia"

And then as the light fade,he can slowly see that the one who broke the door was not the scientist.

The scientist always wear a suit that only shows their eyes and their voice were mumbled.

as he slowly regains his vision he saw in front of his eyes a creature that he had never seen before.

It has white skin,unlike his green skin it looked so smooth and soft.

her hair is unlike his short white hair, her hair looked so smooth, it has a yellowish color, a new color to his eyes.

she has a tall body and wears an armor protecting her torso and her thighs.

her eyes are blue and don't have a cat pupil like him.

but her ears are the same as his.

he looked at her face, her face looked scared and sad at the same time, she smiled at him.

He is surprised and frozen not knowing what to do.

"A half-goblin, for goodness sake what have they done here, She said as she looked to the people outside.

"you are safe now little one" said her.

she covered his mouth and nose with a mask that she took from her pouch on her thighs.

her hands reached for his had and petted him, he still sands frozen because he never understands other things other than pain.

the creature grabs his hand and took him outside, at that time he thought that he was going to the lab for another test, but instead of going to the room, they take them to a place he never knew.

he is scared and resisted her hand.

"there... there..." he said with his squeaky voice while pointing at the test room.

she looked at him and move her head to the right and then to he left.

"no" she said with the human language.

"there... there....." he insisted and grab her hand dragging her to the room.

"no... no..." she said

"Lia be careful" said the people behind her.

he managed to drag her to the test room and then she fell to the ground.

"awh...stop it!" said her with an annoyed voice.

he then opened the lab door attracting everyone's attention.

he entered the room and realize that the bed where he usually tied onto is no more to be found.

He is surprised and fell down to his knees.

"what on Varania is this" said LIa when she entered the room.

the room is filled with documents and tools for biological research.

she then took one of the documents there and read it.

"subject 09, The half-goblin soldier project"

she then looked at the details of the documents, she then realizes what was this little half-goblin wanted her to do, she can't hold her tears when she realized what that little half-goblin had gone through over his life.

her body is shaking due to her mind imagining the pain.

she then reached for the little goblin who was sitting on his knees behind her.

she kneeled down and looked into his face gently, smiling at him and petting his head slowly hugging him close in her arms.

the little goblins felt warm, and save, and for the first time, he cried with a reason other than pain.

he never understands what it is but he liked it.

"Lia that thing is dirty what are you doing?" said the person who followed her inside.

Lia doesn't stop hugging that little goblin, she said "you.... safe... now" said her to the half-goblin.

and then they stood on their feet, Lia took the goblin's hands and took it outside.

his pupil turns like a cat pupil when he saw the sunlight for the first time.

in front of his eyes he saw a wide grass field and a blue sky up above, with creatures in the sky flying freely.

he took his first breath and it smelt different, it smelled nice and refreshing.

for the first time in 10 years of his life, he saw the outside world, he is confused and was bombarded with a strange feeling that he never felt before, but he is free now.

Lia looked at the little half-goblin face and smile and they continue their journey.