
The prince I should hate

Luke is only the vagabond son of the Earl of Athea, who wants to prevent the marriage of his elder sister to Prince Artanis. But something unexpected happens. He takes her place, as the prince’s groom, making a blood contract. Even if there is hatred in this relationship, it may be the only thing that will remain in your world amid so many secrets, lies and discoveries. After all, it seems that Luke doesn’t know everyone around him as he imagined. Is the prince really your greatest enemy? Warning: Contains anorexia, physical and mental warning and low self-esteem.

mirasan · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 - Chaos and Order - Part 2

Samira seemed like someone calm and quiet. She walked after Luke with total care. 

"Here, sir." - She pointed to an ornate wooden door, opening it for the young man to enter. 

Upon entering, he was welcomed by several people dressed elegantly. Two men and two women with the symbol of the royal palace embroidered on their clothes. 

"Welcome, sir". - Everyone bowed elegantly and in seconds, Luke was already on a high platform, being dressed. 

He didn't even have time to hesitate. Luke hoped that they wouldn't see his bones showing. And from the looks of it, they didn't. After all, it was not the job of the palace staff to observe such details.

And finally, he was dressed. Quickly, pins had been placed to make adjustments. Luke was thinner and slender than his sister. 

The groom was surprised, the dress was really beautiful. White, the first smooth layer with V-neck, and lace it covering like a cape. He could feel every stitch against his skin and didn't believe it when he saw himself in the mirror.

But of course another unbelievable fact happened that day. The door was opened suddenly and a white cat ran in. The employees were elated with fear that the feline decided to play with the dress. However, the strangest occurred next.

A little girl followed the pussy right away. She was supposed to be around 6 years old, wearing a light blue dress with ruffles and white shoes. The child picked up the kitten and then bowed down before Luke, making his blond hair dangle in front while slightly lifting the skirt of the dress, as was customary for ladies.


"Pleasure sir, Luke Willians; future Luke of Athea. My name is Athanasia, Princess of Athea and I ask you to allow me the honor of being taught by your highness. Be my piano mentor, please. I know you'll be busy with your royal duties and my brother, the high mage and future king. However, I ask that if it is my honor, I may share some of your skills with me. I've never met a more skilled pianist." 

"Hmm... How? You want to be my student?" - That's all I could say after the unusual speech.

Luke was amazed. He had never really seen the princess and now in an instant, she wanted to be his student? 

The young man had never been encouraged and praised for his musical abilities, only by Aretha as one would expect. And a child had seen such a quality in him. How could he deny it?

"Of course, if there is time and it does not hinder the royal duties, I would be honored to teach you. I may be a bit strict, but I will try to guide you in the best way, Miss Athanasia." 

The girl stood up smiling, to the relief of the kitten who was almost being crushed. Luke noted that she possessed heterochromia, a green eye and a blue one, just like the cat in her lap. She looked so cute that the young man did not resist and bent down slightly, stroking his blonde hair. 

Athanasia smiled happily.

"Thank you, master. Thank you so much!" 

The princess thanked and ran out, stroking the cat.

"Come on, Chaos. We can't get in the way anymore."

Luke was surprised by the cat's name being "Chaos", it seemed that the whole family had something with that theme.

When the child left, all the staff looked at Luke in awe.

"You're usually very strict and temperamental, sir. Rarely would she let someone stroke her head. Many find the young lady more difficult than the prince." 

Luke laughed. Was it really? That cute little girl, worse than her wretched brother?



On the other side of the door, Samira laughed softly at her colleague, Cole. The other gentleman wore the same clothes as her, her hair was green and her eyes brown.

"Did the lady pass you back again?" - The pink-haired commented.

"She is very fast." - Replied in a sigh.- "She and Chaos." 

When Athanasia left, she was soon reprimanded.

"Your Highness, please don't run out of the halls. You may fall and get hurt. Besides, you shouldn't interrupt the groom's appointments." 

"I am perfectly fine, Mr. Haen, I have successfully accomplished my goal."

"Be a good girl and obey the adults, Athi." - Artanis scolded her.

"If I didn't take the chance, you would totally take his time and only the gods know when there would be another opportunity." 

Artanis smiled, trying not to laugh. Her sister could be very stubborn when she wanted to.

"And was he handsome?" - Asked curious, would like to know the appearance of his groom through the sincerely girl.

The girl smiled widely.

"Of course. And it's too much for you. Treat him well, he looks like a glass vase about to break. Be careful with my master." 

Artanis frowned. A glass vase she said? She made a point of writing this information down in her mind to pay more attention later. 

However, soon his gaze was directed to the hair of his little sister. 

"Who messed up your hair?" 

"I came running here and also, the master stroked my hair. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to study for the future." 

She put Chaos down and walked off elegantly with Cole on her tail.


She put Chaos down and walked off elegantly with Cole on her tail. 


 Artanis watched her leave while thinking about what Luke had to do differently for Athanasia to allow that act. Her younger sister has always been someone too smart for age, thinking herself more mature than everyone else. But her future husband had something that broke her barriers. He smiled, things started to change. That boy might not be as easy as I thought.