
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Geschichte
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38 Chs

Chapter 24

Queen Mahama became furious as Crown Prince Ali entered her chamber.

"Why will you ask the Coachman to return the carriage I asked him to prepare?"

"Mother don't you think you are overreacting and behaving a bit to harsh, What proof do you have that Princess Alesa from Acan is a witch, You need to calm down mother, I have never thought of Acan kingdom practicing witch craft and sorcery," Prince Ali spoked as he gently walked up to his mother, he held her hands, "Mother I know you are still hurt about father's dismiss, but you still have me here with you and together with Ella, I can assure you nothing will happen to any of us."

"How sure are you Ali? Is just so obvious and suspicious that, that girl is a witch, don't tell me you have falling in love with her Ali, she really needs to leave this palace before I start having nightmares," Queen Mahama spoked, thugging her son's shirt, Prince Ali sighed.

He could understand his mother's brokenness but he wouldn't blame it on Alesa yet, not until he confirms her true identity. She had also defile him in the most ruthless way, against his people belief, a whole him, Crown Prince Ali having coitus with a strange girl he just meet, he wouldn't dare to tell his mother about it, as it was totally against their custom for a prince to have an affair with a woman whom he wasn't married or betrothed to, it was more like a taboo and a forbidden sacrilege, he sighed.

"Mother, I think is best we treat her as a guest for now, we wouldn't want to offend her father and the people of Acan, it will be rude of us, I have told my assistant to prepare the letter and send it to Acan kingdom to inform their king that his daughter visited us and after that we will send her back to them," Crown Prince Ali said.

"Hmph!* Queen Mahama sighed, no matter how she tried to explain her worry to her son, her son doesn't want to believe her, she even felt Ali cared more for the princess compared to how he cared for her, she calmed and allow him go. She thought it best to wait for the confirmation if truly the said girl was a Princess, but that doesn't mean she will be nice to her, she had her own plans too, Kande isn't a Kingdom for witches nor wizard, anyone found or caught doing some sort of magic is severally punished or killed, they forbid anyone from marrying any stranger from Jalin, more reason they had the borders and customs guards there to monitor any new immigrants. Queen Mahama sighed as she thought of how to deal with the new princess.


Princess Alesa was still in the room she had been giving before, she did not know if Queen Mahama will finally allow her to stay in their Palace. In as much as she wanted to bond with Prince Ali, she also saw it as an impossible mission as Kande wasn't like Acan. She was a guest and a stranger to them, and a stranger isn't allowed to go up to the third floor that the Royal family stays, she sighed.

Falling back to sleep, Princess Alesa fell into a deep sleep, there she dreamt of being thrown into the dungeon even as she cried and pleaded for mercy. The people around her kept chanting, "Kill her, Kill her!" She turned around and saw Queen Mahama, as she passed her a deadly glare, Princess Alesa shifted backward in fear and when she look up again, she saw Crown Prince Fedina walking up to her as bright light shined into the dungeon, he gave her his hand to help pull her out, but as she was about to place her hand on his and held his hand, she woke up.

Panting and breathing heavily she had sweat cover up all over her body, she sat up immediately on the bed and cuddle up into a heap, she heard sound of plate in the room startling her as she almost screamed, turning to look at what it was, she saw the Royal physician of Kande Palace, Albert as he stood at the edge, mixing another herb, he turned and saw sweat cover up all over her body.

"How are you feeling Princess?," Albert asked as he approached her, he saw she was sweating in the cold weather and he offered her a cup to drink it content. Princess Alesa hands shook as she stretched to collect the cup from him.

"You are having a nightmare Princess, Let me know if you feel somehow after taking the herb," He said As he was about walking away.

Princess Alesa shook as she lifted the cup up to her lips, she drank the medicine he had given her, even though she was visibly shaken and just frightened now from her sleep, she didn't want to believe Albert would harm her, he had shown her kindness but she feared Queen Mahama and she swallowed hard, knowing Queen Mahama hated her. Although princess Alesa was used to people hating on her, most of them was because they were jealous of her magnificent beauty and she did not think Queen Mahama was jealous of her too.

Princess Alesa has always been indoors when she was still in Acan, right from her childhood, she hardly showed up on any event or royal ball. She knew many would talk about her, but it was best to her if they did not confirm what they were gossiping about. Few minutes later she felt calmed and soothing.

Princess Alesa stood up to go to the kitchen to ask for food, but the palace chief maid, stopped her, "Where do you think you are going too?" Questioned the Kande palace chief maid. She didn't recognize the beautiful woman to be a maid in the palace, so she had to ask, as she had been working for years in the Palace and was familiar with all the maids, so who was this pretty woman.

"My lady, Queen Mahama request for their dinner to be serve," A palace maid bowed her head as she deliver the message, to the Chief Palace maid name Alora. "Fine, I will ask the cook to serve it now, wait to assist me," Then Alora turn to look at the beautiful woman, "What do you want here?," She questioned rudely at Alesa.

"Hmm, I didn't seem to see Tacha and Chika since I came back today and I was directed here, Am hungry," Princess Alesa said as her stomach grumble loudly.

"Hmph.." The Chief maid hummed as she cast her a deadly glare, before she stood up and went to serve Queen Mahama orders.

Coming out from the kitchen she asked Princess Alesa to wait, as she sent some maid to go upstairs and deliver the food to the Royal family.

"You can not eat here, and besides who are you?," Alora pass a deadly gaze to Alesa and she stiffened, understanding the young woman was only doing her job.

"Am Princess Alesa from Acan kingdom," Princess Alesa introduce herself to Alora the chief maid.

"You are Princess," The Chief maid scoffed, "How silly of you to think you can deceive me, by sneaking yourself into the palace in disguise as a maid, Or if truly you are a princess then why are you putting on Kande Palace maids custom?," Alora asked as she turned wanting to leave the Princess and lock the kitchen as the cook had already retired to their quarters.