
The prince's one and only

Savannah's always been the second best at everything she has tried compared to her sister Isabella. Now she is ridden with a responsibility one that she never thought would come knocking on her door, she must step up to marry Prince Sebastien. The only problem is that Prince Sebastien is known to be the heartless and cruel prince there is, but there is no way to get out of it as it is an arranged wedding. Savannah tries to balance her new life alongside To be king Sebastien. The struggles that she faces and goes through teach her so many things about life and along the way light is shed on some things. It seems as though things are not what they seem to be. What she thought she once knew might not be it after all.

sandyreads_111 · Geschichte
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12 Chs

You are perfect

On days like these Savannah, would get up and sit by her window. Watching her older sister in jealousy as she flirted with the handsome prince that she has had a crush on for a while now. She watches them with eyes full of rage as they laugh about something, they look happy. Even though she should be happy for her sister, she can help but feel nothing but the opposite.

Ever since she could remember she always dreamed about the moment she would get married to him Prince Isaac. Now all that was taken away as it was announced that her sister was going to marry him.

When she heard the news she was devastated and crushed and as much as she begged her sister not to marry him. She refused, yes she refused, told her downright that the prince and her were in love. That he came to her confessing his undying love for her and that it would be impossible because she had to find a husband. A good one and she wasn't willing to let Isaac get away like that. He was the one every girl dreamed of marrying.

Perfect wasn't a word fit enough to describe him, he looked handsome and yet had a very kind heart, and that was very hard to come by.

She begged her sister practically on her knees crying tears as she asked her not to marry the one she loved. Things weren't always like this for them they were both so close. Inseparable if one might say, they always would go on walks around the palace together and it was a blast. They would sing songs and dance together, promising each other to never become distant.

It's what time does to people, it makes them grow distant. As soon as they turned 13 her sister became prettier. Her skin pale and soft, she barely had any scars or pimples. By then she started having the body full-grown woman. Her breasts seemed to be growing every day her body had an hourglass shape to it. Soon everyone was so enticed by her, everything she said or did was different. Even their parents loved her more. They didn't say it but it was always lingering in the air.

It was in the way they talked to her, paid attention to her all the time. Simply ignoring her, it was as if she ceased to exist and from that day her life started changing. It seemed like with time and all her sister grew more beautiful while she on the other hand barely even started puberty.

For one she was short and wasn't as slim as her sister. She had longer hair than her but Isabella made short hair look so good that short hair started being what was considered beautiful. , She had acne scars on her face, and whatever she seemed to do she just couldn't top her sister.

And on top of that, she had to find a husband otherwise, her father was going to pick one for her and she knew that it couldn't be anything good. Her father was going to find someone who was going to be nothing like what she wanted. She wanted to find a nice boy, who was kind and caring and she most of the princes had a reputation of being spoiled and bratty. And that was her worst fear being stuck in a loveless marriage with a man whom she didn't love and who was a monster.

, although they were twins they looked nothing alike people would say. Everywhere they went she would always get compliments. 'What a beautiful daughter you have' your majesty. Everyone would say and it hurt her that she knew that they were talking about her sister and not her. They both had long red hair and they both inherited their mother's striking deep blue eyes and yet they looked the complete opposite of each other.

Savannah was short and a bit skinnier than her sister while she was tall and seemed to grow each and every year. She wondered all these years why everyone preferred her sister over her and still up to this day she didn't understand. Perhaps it was the way her features were plump and delicate that made her look innocent yet womanly.

Perhaps it was the way her sister spoke with an elegant and soft tone like a delicate rose amidst grass or maybe it was how she moved and walked like a queen ready to take on any challenge that she faced.

She is snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. 'Come in 'she says fixing herself up and pretending to be reading the book next to her. 'Your father and I have to talk to you right now ' her mother says to the girl. 'What is it about' she asked softly hoping to get a little bit out of what they will be discussing with her. 'Just don't be late' the mother sings as she exits the girl's room. Right there she is left to think of what is going on, she doesn't understand what could be so urgent. Not that her parents are ever as kind to her but she could tell by the tone her mother used that it was something of importance.

, Still, she shrugged it off, unable to keep her eyes off them. Sometimes she wished she was an only child, that she'd be the one to finally have the spotlight. She would get all attention that her sister was getting. Standing up from the chair by the window side, she goes to the jewelry box, opening it up she picks out a necklace.

One that reminds her of all the days that she has spent here, she knows that very soon she will have to find a husband and get married and she is worried that things might not go as smoothly as it is for her sister.

She takes the emerald pendant and wears it on her neck, smiling to herself. Maybe if she could just be more beautiful life would be simpler for her. She thinks to herself. Standing in front of the mirror she looks at her face, all she sees are acne scars and she doesn't like it. All she sees are her dis proportioned features, her eyes too small for her face her mouth too big. It all looks wrong she thinks as she inspects her face.

Just started this book and I am excited to be writting this one.Hope you enjoy and if you like this one check out my other books here:

The boy who sat next to me-https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-boy-who-sat-next-to-me_222786249065457

Flawlessly Devilish-https://www.webnovel.com/book/flawlessly-devilish_23125340806301005

Saved By You. -https://www.webnovel.com/book/saved-by-you._23291299106950805

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Love Cassandra

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