
Chapter 2

My eyes slowly opened and I glanced up at the ceiling, my vision all blurry.

After blinking a couple of times, my vision adjusted and I could see properly.

I sat up and leant against the headboard and glanced around the room.

I was laying in a small double bed, there is a wardrobe and chest of draws on the opposite side of the room.

A work desk and chair was by the bed and a small tv was sitting on the wall.

The walls and carpet were cream.

The apartment looked basic.

I looked over at the clock sitting on a 1 draw bedside table.


I should start getting ready.

I scrambled out from under the covers and pulled my suitcase out from under the bed.

I grabbed a towel and my shower kit and then made my way to the bathroom.

After having a relaxing hot shower, I blow dried and straightened my hair before applying a little makeup.

A little foundation,some winged eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick.

I then walked over to my bed and sat down.

I pulled out all my clothes to find something to wear.

I decided on a black slim fitted dress and a pair of black medium height heels.

It was now ten to seven.

I grabbed my black sparkly clutch bag and put my money and house keys into the bag before heading out the door.

I noticed lots of people were all dressed up and making their way in the same direction.

"Hayley said to just follow everyone else..." I thought as I followed the crowd of people through the town.

After a couple of minutes of walking in the distance I noticed large greenery, with tall trees and large bushes.

A couple of people were sitting at a barbeque cooking and serving food.

Another was handing out drinks.

There was music and lots of chatter and laughing.

I made my through the crowds of people and searched around for Hayley.

By the drinks table a girl with long curly black hair turned around.

"Hayley!" I called as I squeezed through a large group of people and made my way towards her.

"Chloe! You made It!" Hayley grinned and pulled me into a hug.

"This really is pretty." I said gawking around as the fairy lights turned on.

They were wrapped around trees and bushes, even the benches and seats.

"The Prince pays for it all. It's to celebrate the start of summer." Hayley explained. "Here have a drink." Hayley then handed me a plastic red cup.

I took a sip and coughed.

"It's harsh." I replied as I felt my throat burning up.

"Well Yes, it's alcohol. There's soda too if you want that instead." Hayley responded as she drank from her cup and swallowed it down easy.

"I haven't drank before, so I'm not used to it." I explained.

Hayley glanced up at me.

"Why not?"

"Because I was always studying for exams." I explained.

"Fair enough. Oh look!" Hayley said pointing towards a group of people.

A girl with platinum blonde hair and piercing green eyes , followed by a blonde haired boy and a red haired boy.

"Chloe, meet Jessica, Aaron (red hair) and Nathan (blonde hair). Everyone this is my new friend Chloe." Hayley introduced.

We all said hi to each other but got interrupted.

"Can I have everyone's attention please!" Came a loud male voice.

Everyone went silent and turned to where the voice was coming from.

"On behalf of the Prince, I just want to say thank you all for attending, as you know every year we open the palace gardens to all visitors, this will be open in two days for the entire summer. I would also like to inform that we have some new jobs that will be available within the next few days. We will be placing posters around the town for all new jobs available. One last thing, at the end of summer there will be a summer ball in the palace, tickets will be out sooner to the date and everyone is invited. That is all, thank you and enjoy the party." The man said before walking away from the central park.

The man was in a red smart uniform.

The townspeople all cheered and raised their cups.

"The Prince really cares about the town huh?" I asked glancing to Hayley.

Hayley nodded.

"Yeah, he will become King in a few months." Hayley explained.

"Do you think the Prince will be at the summer ball!?" Jessica asked with a day dream look in her eyes.

"Maybe this year, he didn't attend last year." Hayley replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Ohh I hope he does, he's so dreamy!" Jessica dreamed fluttering her eyes.

"She does this every year, it's annoying." Nathan said with an annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes.

"Chloe, you should definitely try some of the cake, one of the bakers in town baked it at home, she does it every year because it's so popular!" Hayley said pointing at a middle aged woman sitting on a stool behind a long white table.

"Get some cake and meet me back here." Hayley said as she pushed me in the direction of the woman.

I made my way over and looked at all the different cakes.

There was chocolate cakes, cakes with strawberries on and different coloured icing.

There was a range of cakes to choose from.

"Hi, I'm Maria." Came a voice from in front of me.

The middle aged woman was now standing in front of me.

"I'm Chloe, the cakes look lovely, it's hard to choose." I said licking my lips as my eyes hovered over all the cakes.

Maria chuckled.

"You must be new here." Maria stated.

"Yeah, I arrived a few hours ago." I explained making eye contact.

Maria had short brown hair and calming brown eyes.

"Well welcome to the white city. Here since you're new." Maria said as she handed me a red napkin and a piece of chocolate cake. "It's the most popular cake of the town."

I opened up my clutch bag to pull my purse out but Maria stopped me.

"It's free, just to say welcome to the city." Maria smiled.

"Oh well thank you."I replied as I took the cake out of Maria's hands.

"Your welcome." Maria smiled as she walked away from me to serve another customer.

As I started walking away my eyes didn't want to look away from the cake.

It looked so tasty.

It was a chocolate sponge with swirly chocolate icing and a smooth chocolate filling.

Perfect for some one with a sweet tooth, like me.

As I stared at the cake I felt my body hit something hard causing the cake to squash against my dress.

As I looked up in surprise and shock my eyes fell on dark, brown eyes. The look from his eyes froze my body.

I couldn't move. His eyes were mesmerising.

His eyes stared into my sea blue eyes and for a moment it almost took my breath away.

His short spiky jet black hair moved in the wind, his lips were parted as his eyes looked surprised.

"I'm so sorry!" The stranger said, his eyes not leaving mine.

He was wearing black pants and a black hoodie. "I wasn't looking, here let me help you."

The stranger then pulled a napkin out of his pocket and started wiping my dress.

"No, no it's fine it was my fault,I wasn't looking where I was going." I replied as I grabbed another napkin off the table next to me and also started wiping my dress.

The stranger looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

"Who is he? He's cute." I thought.

"Are you ok? Your cheeks are going red..." The stranger asked as his hand touched my cheek.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry, I got cake on you two..." I replied as I dropped my head slightly and started wiping the strangers jumper.

As the stranger went to open his mouth, a female voice came out instead of his.

"Chloe!? Where are you!?"

It was Hayleys voice.

"Shit,I need to go." That stranger responded as he turned on his heel and walked away from me, leaving me alone.

Who was that guy?

"Chloe! There you are! I've been looking for you... what's That?"Hayley approached me and pointed at my stomach.

"Oh erm, I dropped some cake on my dress that's all, I was about to come and find you." I responded as I looked in the direction where the mysterious stranger just walked, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Bludy hell Chloe, come I'll help you clean up." Hayley said as she linked arms with me and started walking towards Jessica, Nathan and Aaron. "So did you get to talk to anyone?"

I glanced over my shoulder to see if the stranger was now in sight, but I couldn't see him.

"Well I met Maria, she seemed lovely." I explained. "That's pretty much it."

"You'll eventually meet everyone, they're so nice!" Hayley responded as we got to Jessica.

"What happened to your dress!?" Jessica asked rushing up to me.

"Chloe had a cake accident." Hayley explained.

"Oh dear, well a pretty girl like you can't be walking around with cake all over herself!" Jessica replied frowning as she licked her napkin and started wiping my dress. "Don't worry you'll be find in no time!"

As Hayley and Jessica started wiping my dress down I couldn't help but look for the guy I just met, I couldn't see see him anymore so he must have just left the party.

What I was confused about was he had his hood up like he was hiding...