
Great Rewards.... Great Costs

Like a fever leaving his mind in a daze Rowan hastily drew the book to his side. His hands shook a little and he did not even care at this time if his actions may implicate Andar. He brought both of his arms forward and seized the book.

As he touched it, he quickly realized that with even a dozen consciousness pillars it would take too long for him to collect the entire knowledge in time, and in a decisive move that he did not care if he regretted in the future he used his entire consciousness pillars to connect with this book and began downloading all the information.

He felt a snap inside his Main Body back in Erohim Palace but he ignored it all, everything was focused on gaining this information. He felt all the activity back in his Main body grinding to a halt as everything that was 'Rowan' descended on this place to feast on this absolute delicacy before him.