
Creator (2)

Rowan watched the golden beasts leave, the whispering babies still clinged to their eyes, it would only dissipate an hour from now, and with the speed of the beast, he expected it would be far away by then.

He commanded Suriel to follow it. He had bigger fishes to fry, these include all the Ability Runes he presently had, and his plans to devour the Continent. The timetable for that had just shifted forward, and he gave the order and his Ouroboros Serpents shrank themselves to tiny feet long shapes and began moving towards the third continent.

It was time to see how much of his Ability Runes was left to him, and to see if like Flesh Light, they had also been corrupted.

It was with tense expectations that Rowan activated Bone Fire. He let his purple black Aether stream into the Ability Rune and became surprised at what happened next.