
Costly Tantrums

The soldier straightened, and his eyes focused briefly on the General's own before looking away,

"The esteemed Rune Battleship General, this is the 657,653rd time she has sent an urgent query to our office in the last hour alone, and we have reached the limit of our Rune Orb if we don't reply to her soon, it will begin to hamper our ability to coordinate the messages entering into the field Sir. She is sending heavy data streams with each message Sir… trillions of bytes per packet for 30 million packets per message, this is clogging the processing capabilities of our Rune Orb to near zero"

"Oh, is that so…" the General turned back to her reports, "Ignore the Rune Ship, I will assign another Rune Orb to your department from other sections that have lesser use of it, will that be all Lieutenant?"