

As a pair of cold lips crashed into hers, Bai Yu Yan eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected him to be so sneaky as to trick her into this.

The muscle in her belly clenched with excitement looking at the molten lava in his eyes. However, her subconsciousness tapped on her shoulder, reminding her of the recurring dream like an omen for the future. What if it was her that would be buried six feet under that grave? Would she regret this all?

She felt like a moth drawing near to the flame that can burn her into ashes. If she chose him, there was no going back whether he becomes her poison or salvation.

(A/N: They make out in this part and details are available only on Patreon under the chapter titled 'Foreign Feelings')

"What are you doing? S_stop it...we can't do this right now," said Bai Yu Yan with difficulty. With Lu Tong Xiao's hot body so close to hers and his hands wandering around her chest, she was having a hard time speaking clearly.

Wherever his hands touched, she felt scalded, causing her breathing to become ragged.

The top part of Bai Yu Yan's hanfu was slightly loosened, giving good access for his lips to trace inside. However, Lu Tong Xiao treated her body like a delectable dessert, taking one bite at a time.

He knew his own body well and he should not go any further but his lips would not listen to his mind. He just couldn't separate them from her soft fragrant body.

Just as his lips inched below her cleavage, the door was suddenly pushed open from outside with a loud noise. Following that, a loud voice shouted, "What is going on here?"

Bai Yu Yan felt a bolt of lightning strike her from above, making her freeze in her position. Even after living in the two timelines, this was the first time she was getting so intimate with someone. Not knowing how to react, the first thought that crossed her head was that she was found having an affair. She could not even raise her head and look at the person at the door due to nervousness and embarrassment.

As she lay there slowly realising that Lu Tong Xiao was her own husband, the man's first reaction was to cover her with his own body and tie the band on her hanfu. His hands swiftly moved and even though he fumbled with it, he finally managed to make an ugly looking bow.

Immediately after her clothes were arranged, Bai Yu Yan left the man alone and jumped down the bed as if she was sitting in a hot pan. Speechless, Lu Tong Xiao looked at his heartless wife with eyes filled with grievance.

"Look what is happening here. I rushed here thinking my son was fighting against King Yama and here he is having a different battle with his wife. Heh, it seems you are well and still have a lot of energy. Old Lu, let's go back to see the mountains," complained Old Madame Lu, turning to look at her husband.

Seeing his delicate wife's wronged appearance, Master Lu immediately felt an ache in his heart. He rushed to hold his wife's hand while patting on her back.

Bai Yu Yan felt even more embarrassed knowing it was her in-laws who caught them red-handed. Flushed, she threw a sharp glare to Lu Tong Xiao who was still calmly leaning against the bed before bowing her head towards the two elders in greeting.

"Father, Mother!"

In the large but simple chamber, Bai Yu Yan was almost five feet apart from Lu Tong Xiao's bed. She awkwardly stood there fiddling with her fingers with lowered head.

"No need to be so polite, Yu Yan. We are only just the family here. What are you being so formal for?" smiled Old Madame Lu looking at her daughter-in-law who was obediently standing on the side. Seeing with her own eyes that her son was well, her hands finally stopped shivering.

The Lu couple was outside the bustling capital to spend their leisure time in a quiet nature. It was a rare time for Master Lu to not be buried in work in the palace. Who knew they would hear the news about Lu Tong Xiao being stabbed in the south border. Old Madame Lu had nearly fainted knowing that her son was at death's door. The two left everything behind and rushed back home in panic.

Fortunately, they received a letter from Lu manor reporting about Lu Tong Xiao's condition. Only after knowing that the situation was at the control and he would recover soon, the couple could finally calm down. Otherwise, Old Madame Lu did not know how they would have reached home.

Old Madame Lu looked at the dainty girl who was so shy that she still couldn't raise her head. She knew that the letter was sent by this girl. At first, her heart was swayed by the rumour outside and thought Bai Yu Yan was nothing but an immature girl with a pretty face who could never match her son. She had even thought of finding a well-bred lady from the noble house to her son as a concubine. But looking at everything, she knew in her heart that Bai Yu Yan was a good match for her son and the Lu manor. The more she knew this girl, the more she found her lovely to the eyes.

She then turned to look at her own son who was sitting with a dark face as if a fishbone was stuck in his throat. Knowing what he was doing earlier, Old Madame Lu could quite well guess the reason.

She strode towards the bed with an angry face while scolding, "You stinky boy, you are a big man already and you still don't know how to take care of yourself. Do you know that your Father and I nearly had a heart attack when we heard about this accident? Do you still have a conscience ruining your old parent's travel?" Her red painted nails were pointed at her son with accusation.

Lu Tong Xiao looked at his mother with a speechless face. Wasn't he supposed to be cared for in this situation? He remembered how his Mother used to cry and feed him rare herbs and tonics ever if there so much as a small cut on his finger. So he couldn't immediately adjust to this sudden change in attitude.

What he didn't know was that Old Madame Lu had put her heart to rest after knowing that her daughter-in-law could take care of him well. Even more, after today, seeing how he was sticking to her.

Moreover, she was not unaware of how Lu Tong Xiao looked at Bai Yu Yan. If this continues, then she wouldn't have to wait long before she could hold her grandchild.

Old Madame Lu wasn't a fool to ruin that. She knew she could entrust her son to Bai Yu Yan from now on.

"Furen, calm your anger. There is no need to worry, I will take you out to play again," Master Lu coaxed his wife with patience. His furrowed brows had finally relaxed seeing his son in a good condition.

It seems he has to have a good chat with the Emperor so that Lu Tong Xiao would not be sent outside the kingdom frequently. No matter how capable his son is, Master Lu couldn't afford risking his life.

However, this matter has made his heart strangely unsettled. After working as the Prime Minister for most of his life, he could sense this incident was not so simple.

"Old Lu, how many times have you said that and cancelled the plan at the last moment? You know you will forget everything as soon as you start working," Old Madame Lu rolled her eyes at her husband. She knew him better than himself.

Master Lu was a workaholic man who could not sleep before he finished his work for the day. And to her dismay, her son had inherited exact same trait from his father.

Feeling his wife's nudge, Master Lu came back to his senses. He immediately composed his expression and said, "Yes, yes, this husband will take leave from the palace and take you out to see the mountains next time."

In the lively room, Bai Yu Yan quietly stood at the side as she looked at everyone's interaction. Unlike the lighthearted attitude, she could see the distress in the elders' eyes. Especially Old Madame Lu, whose eyes looked red and tired, seemingly from loss of sleep and crying on their way back.

Lu Tong Xiao sat with his usual calm expression. But there was warmth in his eyes.

Despite the situation, her mind was unusually calm at this moment. The haze clouding her eyes suddenly cleared.

Maybe, she had been too selfish to only think about herself. These people in the room were not just some characters from the story that she could disregard.

This was her family. And also her home.